Toastmasters District 77

Name: _________________________ Date:_______________________My role as Grammarian/Ah-Counter is to introduce the word of the day and encourage its use by speakers, evaluators, and Table Topics participants. I will note who uses the WOD (or derivative of it) correctly or incorrectly. I will listen to word usage and note any awkward, misuse, or spectacular use of the English language.I will also note words and sounds used as a crutch or pause fillers such as ‘and’, ‘well’, ‘but’, ‘ah’, ‘um’, and ‘er’ by anyone who speaks during the meeting. I will give my report at the end of the meeting.Word of the Day is as follows (WOD): ________________________________Definition: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Sample Sentence: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Name# of WODsMisuse of English LanguageAh/um/erAnd/soWell/butYou know / okayRepeatsSoundsOtherExampleIIII“This is, This is”Tongue clickSpeakers:ToastmasterSpeaker #1Speaker #2Speaker #3TopicsMasterTable Topics:Speaker #1Speaker #2Speaker #3Speaker #4Speaker #5Evaluators:Evaluator #1Evaluator #2Evaluator #3Timer ................

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