Script for Grammarian and Wordmaster - Waikiki Toastmasters

Script for Grammarian and Wordmaster

Mr. Toastmaster, my dear fellow Toastmasters, and guests, I'm very pleased to be the grammarian and wordmaster for this meeting. Let me explain my roles. My role as a grammarian is to pay attention to the good use of English and provide suggestions for improvements. At the end of the meeting, I give you my report on any missuses of language as well as any outstanding uses. Now, let me introduce the word of the day. Referring to the theme of the meeting the word of the day is:

Here is the definition:

Each speaker is encouraged to use the word of the day at least once. Speaker who doesn't use the word, will contribute 25 cents to our club funds. I'll be counting how many you use the word of the day, and provide my report at the end of the meeting.

NAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.








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