Buckstone Primary School Weekly Plan

|Week beginning 11th January 2021 |

|Welcome to Home Learning! |

|Here you will find your learning for the week. For TOPIC please see separate sheet saved on Teams. Topic learning should be worked on alongside the learning within this document. Please complete as much |

|or as little as you find manageable. Use your jotter, paper, or a computer/tablet. If you have any questions, then do not hesitate to ask your teacher via Teams or by e-mailing via the Buck Admin e-mail |

|address. |

| |Numeracy |Literacy |Other |

|Monday |Co-ordinates – | |Month of Outdoors – |

| | |Story – read for approx. half an hour. This should be a book/magazine, Newspaper |See the green table at the bottom of this document. Choose a task from Monday’s|

| |Read through the Co-ordinates explanation PowerPoint explaining how |of your own choosing (NOT your Literature Circles book). |selection. |

| |to plot co-ordinate points on a grid. | | |

| |THEN |Spelling – instructions at the bottom of the spelling sheet provided. Once you |Riddle – |

| |Choose either the *, ** or *** worksheet from the document titled |have a list of 10 words you need to work on, have a go at 3 activities from the | |

| |co-ordinate polygons differentiated worksheet. |Spelling Menu. Remember that not all spelling words need to be massive to make |How many months of the year have 28 days? |

| | |them tricky. It could be a word that you don’t often use or don’t know the | |

| |CHALLENGE |meaning of. |Answer: All of them! Every month has *at least* 28 days. |

| |Missing co-ordinates red challenge worksheet |These words will be revision for some of you. Remember that you may need to look |(take the black highlighting off the above text to reveal the answer) |

| | |for words with the same pattern in the dictionary to create a spelling list of 10| |

| |Extension – |words for the week. |JOE WICKS 9am |

| |Using the blank quadrants co-ordinate sheet, plot 10 small | |Join Joe Wicks for a live work out session |

| |images/symbols in 10 different squares and then write the | | |

| |co-ordinates of each image. Draw the images underneath and write the | |Newsround |

| |co-ordinate next to it. You can create your own co-ordinates grid if | | |

| |you would like. | | |

| | | | |

| |REMEMBER – | | |

| |‘along the corridor and up the stairs’ | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Tuesday | | |Month of Outdoors – |

| |Multiplication – |Story – read for approx. half an hour. This should be a book/magazine, Newspaper |See the green table at the bottom of this document. Choose a task from |

| | |of your own choosing (NOT your Literature Circles book). |Tuesday’s selection. |

| |Watch the following 2 instruction videos on how to use this written | | |

| |method of multiplication. There is also a PowerPoint explaining the |Writing |Riddle – |

| |lattice method (saved in Files too) Take some time to practise the |This task will be set as an assignment on Teams and I will be looking for each | |

| |method you prefer. |person to ‘hand in’ this task by the end of the week. |If you don’t keep me, I’ll break. What am I? |

| | |I have written you a letter to introduce myself as your new teacher. I would like| |

| | (Part one) |you to read it and write me a letter in reply. More details about what to include|Answer: A promise. |

| | |will be on the assignment in Teams which will be assigned at 9am on Tuesday |(take the black highlighting off the above text to reveal the answer) |

| | (Part two) |morning. | |

| | | | |

| |You (and someone at home) may wish to refer to the document that is |Make sure you have the following non-negotiables in your writing – |Newsround |

| |titled Written methods for the multiplication of whole numbers GUIDE |Accurate punctuation | |

| |also. This explains different methods which can be used. |Paragraphs | |

| | |Joined handwriting (you can type it if you prefer) | |

| |Now practise your multiplication skills using one or more of the |ALL sentences must make sense | |

| |documents (saved in Files) titled Multiplication GREEN, AMBER or RED | | |

| |option. | | |

| | | | |

| |Extension – have a go at How to multiply Ancient Egyptian Style. Does| | |

| |it work? Let me know on Teams channel Sharing Our Learning. | | |

|Wednesday |Co-ordinates – | |Spelling - |

| | |Story – read for approx. half an hour. This should be a book/magazine, Newspaper | |

| |Today we will mainly look at plotting points on a four quadrant |of your own choosing (NOT your Literature Circles book). |Using your spelling words, create a word search. A blank template is saved in |

| |co-ordinates grid and how we can reflect, rotate or translate a shape|Literature Circles – Begin your Literature Circle reading. Complete week one’s |the Literacy folder for you. Alternatively, you could draw your own grid if you|

| |on a grid. |reading between now and next Wednesday (week 1 task will be completed next |would rather not print. |

| |Work your way through the PowerPoint saved as Position and movement |Wednesday) | |

| |co-ordinates and make sure you understand how shapes can move around |BEFORE you begin reading, look at the front cover and predict what the story will|Riddle – |

| |a grid before attempting the challenge cards file named Four quadrant|be about. Write a prediction of what you think will be happening in the plot. | |

| |challenge cards. |What characters do you think will be in this book? |What 2 things can you never eat for breakfast? |

| |If you find this a bit tricky and need to practise with a simpler | | |

| |co-ordinates grid, then have a go at the Co-ordinates worksheet GREEN| |Answer: Lunch and dinner. |

| |option. | |(take the black highlighting off the above text to reveal the answer) |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |JOE WICKS 9am |

| | | |Join Joe Wicks for a live work out session |

| | | | |

| | | |Newsround |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Thursday |Maths Mystery Challenges – | |Spelling - |

| | |Story – read for approx. half an hour. This should be a book/magazine, Newspaper | |

| |Today’s Numeracy will challenge your number skills as well as your |of your own choosing (NOT your Literature Circles book). |Write a dictionary definition for each of your spelling words. As well as the |

| |problem solving. If you like you can work on this with someone online|Grammar – Homophones! Their, There and They’re |dictionary definition – write each word in a sentence to show how it would be |

| |(either by potentially calling on Teams or chatting within the chat |Have a look at the PowerPoint (saved in the Literacy Folder) and complete the |used. |

| |room channel) |worksheet (also saved). Copy out each sentence correctly in your jotters. | |

| | | |Art Attack – |

| |There are two options . . . | | |

| | | | |

| |The Mystery of the Missing Glue Sticks GREEN option | | |

| |OR | |Enjoy this episode of Art Attack – is there anything you would try from it? |

| |The Mystery of the Cinema Suspects RED option | | |

| | | |Newsround |

| | | | |

|Friday |Numeracy – |Story – read for approx. half an hour. This should be a book/magazine, Newspaper | |

| | |of your own choosing (NOT your Literature Circles book). | |

| |Tackle the Daily Rigour worksheet. As with the Maths Mystery |Literature Circles – | |

| |challenge you can work with someone else on this or independently is |Remember to continue reading the pages for week 1 – do not go ahead of each | |

| |fine also. |scheduled week please. | |

| | | | |

| |Here is a link to the solutions |Reflective Friday – | |

| | |Complete the Reflective Friday document for this week. It would be wonderful if | |

| | |you could share these in the Sharing the Learning channel on Teams. Either take a| |

| | |photo or upload the document to a chat. | |

| | |JOE WICKS 9am | |

| | |Join Joe Wicks for a live work out session | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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