Add any new funding thru Extension or elsewhere


Katherine Fennelly



4/99-present Professor of Public Affairs

Humphrey School of Public Affairs

Adjunct Professor of Public Health

School of Public Health

University of Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN 55455

Graduate faculty appointments in Public Policy, Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy, Urban and Regional Planning, and Public Affairs. Population Studies; Faculty advisor in Population, Human Rights and Family Policy. Affiliate faculty in Public Health Practice. Research and teaching on public policy related to the integration of immigrants and refugees in the U.S., and the preparedness of communities and public institutions to adapt to demographic change. Extensive outreach with schools, community groups and public officials at local and national levels on immigrant integration and comprehensive immigration reform.

1/96 - 3/99 Dean and Director

University of Minnesota Extension Service

240 Coffey Hall, 1420 Eckles Avenue

University of Minnesota

St. Paul, MN 55108

Director of one of the premier extension organizations in the country, with over 1,000 faculty and staff, and $60,000,000 annual budget. Initiated emphases on accountability and impact evaluation, resource development, and helping the University of Minnesota work with more diverse populations and communities.

6/92 - 12/96 Professor and Head

Department of Agricultural and Extension Education

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Leadership of a diverse department of 25 faculty and professional staff involved in research, agricultural extension, youth development, and international development programs. Senior Faculty Associate in the Population Research Institute and Demography Program. Chair of the Coordinating Council responsible for establishing policy for 117,000 youth in the Penn State Youth Development Program. Research on racism and discrimination faced by Latino youth in Pennsylvania, and on the nutritional consequences of adolescent pregnancy in Santiago, Chile.

8/88 - 6/92 Associate Professor of Health Education

Department of Health Education

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA

Grant supported research on: 1) the impact of participation in voluntary youth organizations upon American youth; 2) the health status of Mexican migrant farm workers in Pennsylvania; and 3) adolescent childbearing among Hispanics in the United States and in Latin America. Undergraduate and graduate courses on program design and evaluation. Senior faculty Associate, Population Research Issues Center; Faculty Affiliate, Women's Studies. Associate Editor, Demography.

6/87 - 8/88 Associate Professor of Clinical Public Health

1/80 - 6/87 Assistant Professor of Clinical Public Health

Columbia University, New York, New York

Grant supported research on adolescent childbearing and community programs for high-risk youth. Coordination of a liaison between US. and Dominican Republic Schools of Public Health. Evaluation consultant to numerous agencies in the US. and Latin America. Courses on population and social science research methods for public health and medical students; doctoral advisement of Public Health graduate students.

7/75 - 12/79 Senior Staff Associate

7/73 - 6/75 Program Coordinator

International Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction

Columbia University, New York, New York

Design of the Women's Reproductive Health Care Program at Presbyterian Hospital, and a model for increased emphasis on primary care in teaching hospitals. Supervision of family planning clinic services. Research on methods of fertility control.

11/71 - 5/73 Field Representative in Quito, Ecuador

CARE, Inc.

660 First Ave.

New York, New York

First female overseas Field Representative employed by CARE, Inc. Formulation, and evaluation of family planning and nutrition programs in Ecuador in conjunction with Ministries of Social Welfare, Health, and Education, and NGOs.


1/80 Ph.D.; Adult Education, Teachers College, Columbia University

Thesis: High School Completion after Childbearing

6/75 M.S.; Health Education (Population Concentration), Joint Program: Teachers College and Columbia University School of Public Health

6/73 M.A.; Health Education, Teachers College, Columbia University

6/69 B.A.; Political Science, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York

6/68 Certificate of Studies in Philosophy, University of Madrid, Spain


Princeton University Visiting Senior Research Scholar

Princeton University, fall semester, 2008

University of Minnesota Nominated for the Distinguished Women Scholars Award, 2008 and 2009

University of Minnesota Awarded the 2006-2007 Fesler-Lampert Chair in Urban and Regional Affairs for a study of study on support groups in suburban and rural Minnesota that help to integrate immigrants into local communities.

University of Malmö, Sweden Willy Brandt Professor of International Migration and Ethnic Relations, 2003

Scholar in Residence Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, October 14-November 11, 2003

Public Strategies Group Recognition as one of 18 “public servants who has led their organization toward dramatically improved services to citizens.” May, 2002

Fellow CIC Academic Leadership Program

Pi Lambda Theta National Academic Honorary for Women in Education


Bilingual Spanish/English

Interpreter Skills Training updated 6/09

Elementary Persian (Farsi)

Reading comprehension of Portuguese, Italian and French

GRANTS (Principal Investigator)

2012-2013 Grant-in-Aid, Co-PI with Kathryn Pearson, University of Minnesota. “The Effects of Partisan Polarization on Immigration Policymaking in the U.S. Congress

2010-2011 Office of Equity and Diversity, “Preparing Culturally Competent Professionals to Work in Diverse Communities.” Fennelly (Principal Investigator). Co-investigators: Stauffer, William (Medical School), Jones-Webb, Rhonda (School of Public Health)

2010 Northwest Area Foundation. Dissemination of Report on the Economic Impacts of Immigration in Minnesota

2009-2010 Presidential Authority Grant for Research on New Immigrant Destinations, Russell Sage Foundation

2009 Minnesota Chamber of Commerce. Study of the Economic Impacts of Immigrants

2007-2008 Core PI (with Douglas Massey, Marta Tienda, Michael Jones-Correa and Gordon Hanson) of a pilot study for “New Immigrant Destinations” project, Russell Sage and MacArthur Foundations.

7/07-6/08 Grant-in-Aid, University of Minnesota. Study of Attitudes toward Immigrants on the Part of Adolescents in 28 Countries: Analysis of Data from the IEA Civic Education Study (co-investigator: Prof. Judith Torney-Purta, U Maryland)

1/07-6/07 Otto Bremer Foundation: “Promoting Networking among Diversity Coalitions in Non-Metro Minnesota Communities”

8/04-7/05 University of Minnesota Medical School grant to prepare a rotation in Immigrant Health for 3rd/4th year medical students

7/04-8/04 Minnesota Population Center grant for development of a course on Immigration and Public Policy

9/02-8/03 Bremer Foundation, Rice County Family Service Collaborative and Faribault School District: “Development and Dissemination of a Regional Model for Diversity Training in Rural Communities”

1/02-8/02 President’s Multicultural Award for Continued Research on Immigrants in Rural Minnesota (with Helga Leitner). Second award

4/01-5/02 Russell Sage Foundation. Immigrants in Small Town, Rural America: Immigrant-Host Relations and Identities in a Changing Environment (with Helga Leitner).

1/02-8/02 Second Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Grant for Curriculum Innovation: Distance Education Course on Immigrant Health Issues.

11/00-6/02 Grant-in-Aid, University of Minnesota. “Immigrants and Sustainable Communities in Rural Minnesota.” (with Helga Leitner)

January, 2002 Curriculum Transformation and Disabilities (CTAD), University of Minnesota

11/00-12/00 Southeast Initiative Fund. Needs Assessment of Immigrants in Faribault, Minnesota.

4/01-8/01 President’s Multicultural Research Award for Research on Immigrants in Rural Minnesota (first award)

10/00-6/01 First Technology Enhanced Learning Grant for Curriculum Innovation: Distance Education Course on Immigrant Health Issues.

1/00-8/00 Bush Foundation Diversity Funds for Research and Teaching on Rural Immigration

9/00-6/01 Center for Urban and Regional Affairs. Funds for Research on

Diversity in Rural Communities

9/99-5/00 Several internal grants for development of a course on Immigrants in Minnesota and publication of related policy recommendations in Just in Time Research volume

1/96-4/99 Administrative responsibility for $10,000,000 in external grants from federal, state and private sources for state-wide Extension programs on nutrition, agriculture, youth development, community development, diversity, and environmental issues

1/96-4/99 On-going relationships with federal U.S.D.A., Minnesota State Legislature and county governments for the continuation of $60,000,000 in funding for state-wide Extension programs

9/94-8/95 Pennsylvania Department of Education: Video on Latinos in the Eastern United States

1/93-7/94 Co-Principal Investigator: Carnegie Corporation: Collaborative Community Intervention Strategies for Adolescents

7/92-6/93 Pennsylvania Department of Health: Migrant Farm Worker Perspectives on Health, Health Services, and AIDS

7/92-6/93 Pennsylvania Department of Health: Development of AIDS Prevention Curriculum for the Children of Migrant Farm workers

5/91-8/92 Kellogg Foundation and National 4-H Council: Analysis of the Impact of Voluntary Organizations upon American Youth

1/92-12/93 Mellon Foundation PRI: Collaboration with John Beard and Mary Frances Picciano, Nutrition Faculty, on the Health Consequences of Early Childbearing In Latin America.

8/91-9/91 Pennsylvania State Department of Education: Identification of Health and Social Services for Migrant Workers

8/91-9/91 Pennsylvania State Department of Health: Need for Health Services among Migrant Workers in Reading, Pennsylvania

1/91-3/91 Survey of the Health Abuses of Political Asylum Seekers

in the United States (with Lawyer's Committee for Human Rights)

5/88-8/89 Ford Foundation: Comparisons of Hispanic adolescent childbearing in Puerto Rico, New York and the Dominican Republic

1/87-12/87 Carnegie Corporation: Dissemination of research findings on Hispanic adolescent childbearing

1/85-12/86 Carnegie Corporation: A state-of-the-art report

concerning the fertility-related behavior of Hispanic adolescents in the US.

1/86-12/86 Community Service Society: Analysis of data regarding barriers to the use of prenatal care

7/82-6/84 William T. Grant Foundation: Study of barriers to birth control among Black and Latino teens

1980-1988 Secured renewal of various core grants from Mellon Foundation, Ford Foundation, Department of Health and Human Services and USAID in collaboration with colleagues at the Columbia School of Public Health


Chicago Council on Global Affairs - Member of Midwest Coalition on Immigration and the Region's Future convened by Chet Culver (former Governor, Iowa), Richard M. Daley (former Mayor of Chicago), Doris Meissner, (former Commissioner, INS), and others.

Advisory Committee, Immigration Policy Center, Washington, DC, 2005-present

Member, Scholars’ Strategy Network (Theda Skocpol, Harvard University)

Member, Advisory Board, CAPI-USA (refugee-serving organization). 2011-present.

Volunteer consultant to Sheriff Matt Bostrom, 2011-present. Consultations on conditions of immigrant detention in the Ramsey County Detention Center. Training for jail personnel.

Member, Inter-faith Immigration Coalition of Minnesota, 2011-present.

Member, National Detention Watch Network, 2011-present.

Member, Advisory Council, Heartland Democracy, 2009-present.

Member, Faculty and Student Advisory Council of the Immigration History Research Center (IHRC), 2009-present.

Member, “Welcoming America” project (with Mexican Consulate and Advocates for Human Rights), 2011-present.

Member, Advisory Panel, National Evaluation Advisory Group, Blue Cross/Blue Shield Foundation, 2010.

Member, Advisory Board of HACER (Hispanic Research and Advocacy)


National Immigration Study Committee, League of Women Voters of the U.S.,


Advisory Board, Minnesota Population Center, 2005-2008.

Research liaison, North Central Regional Center for Rural Development (NCRCRD) at Iowa State University, 2003-2008.

Member, Strategic Planning Study Commission, Minneapolis Television Network. 2008.

Member, Advisory Committee, Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees: report on “Expanding Immigrant and Refugee Funding in Minnesota: What Foundations and Nonprofits Can Do,” 2005-2007.

Member, Advisory Committee, Masters Degree in Community Development, North Central Regional Center for Rural Development, 2006.

Mentor to McNair Scholars interested in immigration and public policy: summer program for promising students of color, 2006 and 2007.

Advisory Board, local outreach related to The New Americans (series of PBS documentaries on immigrants and refugees) 2003-2006.

Member, Board of Directors of Center for Cross-Cultural Health, 2005-2007.

Member research team on rural poverty, North Central Regional Center for Rural Development, NC-1100, FY2004-2008.

Member, Advisory Council, Center for Victims of Torture Project “New Neighbors/Hidden Scars”, 2003-2004.

Member, Advisory Board of MADAA Board (Minnesota Arab Development and Art Association).

Member, Board of Directors, Women’s Association of Hmong and Lao, 2003.

Member, Steering Committee of Immigrant and Refugee Policy Coalition, 2001-2003.

Steering Committee on Human Rights, European Studies Consortium, University of Minnesota. 2001-2003.

Board member and Chair, Strategic Planning for Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights 1998 to 2002.

Strategic Planning Committee, National Extension Organization (ECOP), ‘97-‘99.

American Council on Education Department Leadership Program, June, 1995.

Associate Editor, Demography, 1991-1993.


Manuscript Reviewer for : Max-Planck-Institute for Demographic Research, Sage Publications, Social Science Quarterly, Studies in Family Planning, Social Forces, Rural Sociology, Minority Voices, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Demography, Family Planning Perspectives, American Journal of Public Health, The Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, Journal of Adolescent Health, Journal of Immigrant Health and Sociological Focus, Action Research Journal.

Grant Proposal Reviewer for: the National Institutes of Health, the Carnegie Corporation, the W. T. Grant Foundation, the National Institute of Education, the March of Dimes, the Population Crisis Committee, the International Planned Parenthood Federation, and the National Research Council, Intellectual Exchange Program at the Center for Global Partnership (CGP) and the Japan Foundation, Center for Rural Policy and Development.

Book reviewer for Russell Sage Press, Palgrave Macmillan, Oxford University Press


Developing an interdisciplinary undergraduate honors course on immigration with Prof. Erika Lee, Dept. of History (to be taught 2012)

Developing a graduate course on Intercultural Competence

Qualitative Research Methods, Humphrey Institute, U of M

Immigration through Film, Humphrey Institute, U of M

Seminar on Refugee Resettlement, Humphrey Institute, U of M

Immigration and Social Justice: Humphrey Institute, U of M

Immigration and the Media: Humphrey Institute, U of M

Immigration and Public Policy: Humphrey and MN. Population Center, U of M

Immigrant Health Issues: Humphrey Institute & School of Public Health, U of M

Topics in Immigrant Health: U of M Medical School Rotation

Cross Cultural Communication Workshop: Humphrey Institute, U of M

Social Policy Topics: Immigrants in Minnesota: Humphrey Institute, U of M

Leadership for the Common Good: core course in Executive Masters in Public

Affairs, Humphrey Institute, U of M

Needs Assessment of Community Programs :Penn State University

Evaluation of Community Health Programs: Penn State University

Evaluation of Health Promotion Programs: Penn State University

Measurement Issues in Public Health Research: Columbia University

Seminars on Program Evaluation: Penn State and Columbia University

Practical Skills in Social Science Research: Penn State and Columbia University

Sections of an International Training Course in Family Planning and Primary Health Care: Columbia University

Introduction to Population: Columbia University

Social Determinants of Fertility: Columbia University

Food and Population Growth (for Introductory Ag Courses): Penn State


Performance Review Board, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Washington, D.C. (2004 and 2005)

Member of an advisory team to Adolfo Rodriguez Saa, Governor of the province of San Luis, Argentina (“Reinventing Government” project with the Public Strategies Group), 2001-2002

Member of an advisory team working with Sila Calderon, Governor of Puerto Rico (“Reinventing Government” project with the Public Strategies Group), 2000-2001

Numerous trips to Latin America to work on maternal-child health and family planning program evaluations while working at IPPF and Columbia University Center for Population and Family Health. These included projects in Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Chile and Colombia.


Chin, Jacob, Katherine Fennelly, Charles Miles, and Jose Pacas. 2011. “Policy Brief: Protecting the Civil Rights of Detained Immigrants in Minnesota,” CURA Reporter 1(2).

Alexio, Marina, Jacob Chin, Allison Shurilla and Katherine Fennelly. 2011. “Analysis of Policies toward Applications from Undocumented Students” Journal of Law and Inequality 30(1). (At the request of the editor of The CURA Reporter, a revised version of this paper was published there as a Policy Brief, summer of 2011.)

Fennelly, Katherine. 2010. “Attorneys’ Perspectives on the Rights of Detained Immigrants in Minnesota.” CURA Reporter. Spring Issue; Reprinted by the Human Rights Working Group Clearinghouse . Related blog printed in "Immigration Impact" of the Immigration Policy Center in Washington, D.C. light-on-detainee-rights-violations-in-minnesota/

Hatch, P. and K. Fennelly. 2010. “Unauthorized Immigrants: The Case for Earned Immigration,” in Gale, Cengage Learning. At Issue: What Rights Should Illegal Immigrants Have?, Vol. 2.

Ilias, Shayerah, Katherine Fennelly and Christopher Federico. 2008. “American Attitudes toward Guestworkers.” International Migration Review 42(4)(winter).

Fennelly, Katherine and Christopher Federico. 2008. “Rural Residence as a Determinant of Attitudes Toward US Immigration Policy.” International Migration 46(1): 151-190.

Hatch, P. and Katherine Fennelly. 2008. “The Case for a Path to Earned Legalization,” National Voter, June.

Downs-Schwei, Tamar and Katherine Fennelly. 2007. “Diversity Coalitions in Rural Communities.” CURA Reporter, Winter.

Fennelly, Katherine. 2007. “US Immigration, A Historical Perspective,” National Voter, February.

Fennelly, Katherine. 2006. “Listening to the Experts: Provider Recommendations on the Health Needs of Immigrants and Refugees.” Journal of Cultural Diversity 13(4)(winter): 190-201.

Shandy, Dianna and Katherine Fennelly. 2006. “A Comparison of the Integration Experiences of Two African Immigrant Populations in a Rural Community.” Social Thought 25(1). (Reprinted in the Religion in Contemporary Africa Series, edited by Gerrie ter Haar and James Cox, Africa World Press, Trenton, 2010; and African Christian Presence in the West New Immigrant Congregations and Transnational Networks in North America and Europe, 2011, edited by Frieder Ludwig and J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu. Africa World Press.

Fennelly, Katherine and Nicole Palasz. 2003. “English Language Proficiency of Immigrants and Refugees in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area.” International Migration 41(5): 93-125.

McHale, Susan et al. 1996. “Community-based interventions for young adolescents. ” Journal of Research on Adolescence 6: 73-88.

Robinovich, Jorge, Katherine Fennelly, Domingo Pinero, and John Beard. 1994. “Efectos de la edad materna en el estado de salud del neonato: Evidencia Chilena.” Revista Chilena de Obstetricia y Ginecologia 59(4): 293-300.

Landale, Nancy, and Katherine Fennelly. 1992. “Informal unions among mainland Puerto Ricans: Cohabitation or an alternative to marriage?” Journal of Marriage and the Family 54(2).

Fennelly, Katherine, Gretchen Cornwell, and Lynn Casper. 1992. “A comparison of the fertility of young women in the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and Puerto Rican women in the continental United States.” Family Planning Perspectives, Vol. 24, May.

Kalmuss, Debra, and Katherine Fennelly. 1990. “Barriers to prenatal care among poor women in New York City.” Family Planning Perspectives, Sept/Oct.

Fennelly, Katherine, Vasantha Kandiah, and Vilma Ortiz. 1989. “The cross-cultural study of fertility among Hispanic adolescents in the Americas.” Studies in Family Planning 20(2): 96-101.

Fennelly, Katherine, Pearila B. Namerow, and Susan G. Philliber. 1988. “The fertility-related attitudes of Mexican-Americans.” Border Health Journal of the Pan American Health Organization IV(3): 17-29.

Ortiz, Vilma, and Katherine Fennelly. 1988. “Early childbearing and employment among young Mexican origin, black and white women.” Social Science Quarterly 69(4): 987-995.

Fennelly Darabi, Katherine, and Marisol Asencio. 1987. “Sexual activity and childbearing among young U.S. Hispanics.” SIECUS Report.

Fennelly Darabi, Katherine, and Vilma Ortiz. 1987. “Childbearing among young Latino women in the United States.” American Journal of Public Health 77(1): 25-28.

Fennelly Darabi, Katherine, Joy Dryfoos, and Dana Schwartz. 1986. “Hispanic adolescent fertility.” Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 8(2): 157-71.

Schwartz, Dana, and Katherine Fennelly Darabi. 1986. “Motivations for adolescents' first visits to a family planning clinic.” Adolescence 21(83): 535-546.

Fennelly Darabi, Katherine, Pearila B. Namerow, Susan G. Philliber, and Phyllis Varga. 1984. “The effect of maternal age on the well-being of children.” Journal of Marriage and the Family 46(4): 933-936.

Fennelly Darabi, Katherine, Judith Jones, Phyllis Varga, and Marilyn House. 1982. “Evaluation of sex education outreach.” Adolescence 17(65): 57-64.

Fennelly Darabi, Katherine. 1982. “A closer look at schooling after the first birth.” Journal of School Health 52(3): 168-172.

Fennelly Darabi, Katherine, Susan Philliber, and Allan Rosenfield. “A perspective on adolescent fertility in developing countries.” Studies in Family Planning 10(10): 300-303.

Fennelly Darabi, Katherine, and Ralph Richart. 1977. “Collaborative study of hysteroscopic sterilization procedures: Preliminary Report.” Obstetrics and Gynecology 49(1): 48-54.

Hsu, C., Alex Ferenzy, Ralph Richart, and Katherine Fennelly Darabi. 1976. “Endometrial morphology with copper-bearing intrauterine devices.” Contraception 14(3): 243.

Fennelly Darabi, Katherine. 1976. “Education and Fertility in Iran.” Community Development Journal 11(2): 141.


Fennelly, Katherine and Donna Gabaccia. (forthcoming, 2012).

|“Immigration Policy in Times of War: Where Have We been? Where are We Headed?” in: Michael LeMay (ed.), volume 3 , |

|Immigration and Superpower Status , Perspectives on Immigration History and Issues, 1945-2010. New York: Praeger: |


Fennelly, Katherine. 2011. “Attitudes toward Immigrants in the US: Framing and Political Polarization.” Chapter 14 in: Vedran Dzihic and T. T. Schmidinger (Eds.), Looming Shadows: Migration and Integration at a Time of Upheaval. European and American Perspectives. Washington, D.C.: Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University. Pp 259-272.

Fennelly, Katherine. 2011. “African Americans and Immigration,” In Arnold, Kathleen (Ed.), Anti-Immigration in the United States: A Historical Encyclopedia. Silver Springs, Maryland.

Fennelly, Katherine. 2011. “Attitudes of African Americans toward Immigrants,” In Arnold, Kathleen (Ed.), The Closed Border. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO Press.

Fennelly, Katherine. 2010. “Aims and Responsibilities of Universities in Solving Problems Related to Global Migration.” In A. Akdemit, Proceedings of the World Universities Congress, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey, October.

Shandy, Dianna and Katherine Fennelly. 2009. “A Comparison of the Integration Experiences of Two African Immigrant Populations in a Rural Community.” The African Christian Presence in the West. Trenton: African World Press. Burgess, R.

Fennelly, Katherine and Myron Orfield. 2008. Ch. 9: “Impediments to Integration of Immigrants: A Case Study in Minnesota.” In A. Singer, C. Brettell and S. Hardwick, (Eds.), America’s Twenty-First Century Immigrant Gateways: Immigrant Incorporation in Suburbia. Washington, DC: Brookings Institute Press, pp. 200-224.

Fennelly, Katherine. 2008. “Prejudice toward Immigrants in the Midwest.” In Douglas S. Massey (Ed.), Chapter 6: New Faces in New Places: The Changing Geography of American Immigration. New York: Russell Sage Press.

Fennelly, Katherine. 2008. “Local responses to immigrants in the in the Midwestern United States,” In Bo Petersson, (Ed.), Whose house is this? Majority cultures and the politics of ethnic difference. Palgrave Macmillan Press.

Fennelly, Katherine. 2007. “The Healthy Migrant Phenomenon,” In Patricia Frye Walker and Elizabeth Day, (Eds.), Immigrant Medicine: A Comprehensive Reference for the Care of Refugees and Immigrants. New York: Elsevier Press.

Fennelly, Katherine. 2007. “The Healthy Migrant Effect.” Minnesota Medicine, March.

Fennelly, Katherine. 2006. “State and Local Policy Response to Immigration in Minnesota.” In Greg Anrig, Jr., and Tova Andrea Wang, (Eds.), Immigration's New Frontiers: Experiences from the Emerging Gateway States. New York: The Century Foundation Press.

Fennelly, Katherine. 2006. “Latinos, Asians and Africans in the Northstar State: New Immigrant Communities in Minnesota.” In Elzbieta M. Gozdziak and Susan F. Martin, (Eds.), Beyond the Gateway: Immigrants in a Changing America: Migration and Refugee Studies Series. Lexington Books.

Fennelly, Katherine, Ed. 2000. “Policy Recommendations for Communities with New Immigrants.” In Just in Time Research, University of Minnesota.

Fennelly, Katherine, Patty Mulkeen, and Carina Giusti. 1998. “Coping with racism and discrimination: The experience of young Latino adolescents.” In McCubbin et al., (Eds.), Resiliency in Ethnic Minority Families. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, Wisconsin.

Perez, Miguel, and Katherine Fennelly. 1995. “Risk factors for HIV and AIDS among Latino farm workers in Pennsylvania.” In SI Mishra, (Ed.), Future HIV Policy and Practice for Latino Farm Workers; also printed in SI Mishra, RF Conner, JR Magana (Eds.), 1996. AIDS Crossing Borders: The Spread of HIV Among Migrant Latinos. Westview Press.

Fennelly, Katherine. 1994. “Barriers to birth control use among Hispanic teenagers.” Barbara Bair and Susan Cayleff, (Eds.), Wings of Gauze: Minority Women and Health, pp. 300-311, Wayne State University Press.

Landale, Nancy, and Katherine Fennelly. 1993. “Marriage and cohabitation among Puerto Rican women in the continental United States.” Proceedings of the IUSSP Conference on the Peopling of the Americas.

Fennelly, Katherine. 1992. Sexual activity and childbearing among Hispanic adolescents in the United States. In Richard Lerner et al. (Eds.), Early Adolescence: Perspectives on Research, Policy and Intervention. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Erlbaum Press.

Fennelly, Katherine. 1988. El Embarazo Precoz: Childbearing among Hispanic Teenagers in the U.S. Columbia University.

Caro, Frank G., E. Marshall, A. B. Carter, Debra Kalmuss, Katherine Fennelly, and Iris Lopez. 1988. “Barriers to Prenatal Care: An examination of use of prenatal care among low-income women in New York City.” The Community Service Society of New York. pp. 122.

Fennelly Darabi, Katherine. 1987. Childbearing among Hispanics in the United States. New York: Greenwood Press.

Fennelly Darabi, Katherine. 1986. Sexually transmitted diseases. “The Adult Choice: Mutual Respect,” “Making Decisions,” “Controlling Birth Rates," “Methods of Birth Control,” “Growing Up,” Health Issues (Accompaniment to Macmillan Life Science Text). New York: Macmillan Press.

Namerow, Pearila, Susan Philliber, and Katherine Fennelly Darabi. 1982. “Adolescent fertility.” In John Ross (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Population. New York: The Free Press.

Fennelly Darabi, Katherine, Susan Philliber, and Pearila Namerow. 1982. “Sex education.” In John Ross (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Population. New York: The Free Press.

Fennelly Darabi, Katherine, Elizabeth Graham, and Susan Philliber. 1982. “The second time around: Birth spacing among teenage Mothers.” In Irving R. Stuart and Carol F. Wells (Eds.), Pregnancy in Adolescence. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.

Philliber, Susan, Katherine Fennelly Darabi, and Elizabeth Graham. 1981. “Coping with adolescent parenthood.” In Paul Ahmed (Ed.), Pregnancy, Childbirth and Parenthood. New York: Elsevier-North Holland.

Fennelly Darabi, Katherine, Krishna Roy, and Ralph Richart. 1978. “Collaborative study on hysteroscopic sterilization procedures: Final Report.” In Sciarra, et al. (Eds), Risks, Benefits and Controversies in Fertility Control. New York: Harper Row.

Richart, Ralph, and Katherine Fennelly Darabi. 1977. “Female sterilization.” In R. Greep and M. Koblinsky (Eds.), Frontiers in Reproduction and Fertility Control: A Review of the Reproductive Sciences and Contraceptive Development. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Richart, Ralph, Katherine Fennelly Darabi, and Robert Neuwirth. 1975. “Female sterilization: An overview.” In Robert S. Neuwirth, Hysteroscopy. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Company.

Ferin, M., Frank Halberg, Ralph Richart, and Raymond Vande Wiele, (Eds.). 1973. Katherine Fennelly Darabi (Asst. Ed.). Biorhythms and human reproduction. New York: Wiley.


Pearson, Kathryn, Katherine Fennelly and Silvana Hackett. 2012. “The U.S. Congressional Immigration Agenda: Partisan Politics, Policy Stalemate, and Symbolism” .

Barber, Carolyn, Katherine Fennelly and Judith Torney-Purta. 2012. “Nationalism and Support for Immigrant Rights among Adolescents in Twenty-five Countries” (out for review).

M. Bianet Castellanos, M. Bianet, Travis Du Bry, Katherine Fennelly, Lourdes Gutiérrez Nájera and Hinda Seif. 2012. “Ethical Issues in the Conduct of Research with Undocumented Immigrants” (out for review).

Fennelly, Katherine. “What Does the Morality of Americans Have to Do With Immigration in America?” Huffington Post. 1/28/10 MN Daily interview on utilization of health services by immigrants.

Fennelly, Katherine. 2010. Editorial adviser for a report by the Dorsey-Whitney Law Firm to the Urban Institute, Severing a lifeline: “The Neglect of Citizen Children in America's Immigration Enforcement Policy.”

Fennelly, Katherine and A. Huart. 2010. The Economic Impact of Immigrants in Minnesota (first issued in 2009; revised and updated in 2010).

Fennelly, Katherine and Michael Jones-Correa. 2010. Immigration Enforcement and Its Effects on Latino Lives in Two Rural North Carolina Communities.

Fennelly, Katherine. 2010. Nationalism and Adolescents’ Attitudes toward Immigrants’ Rights in Twenty-five Countries.


Fennelly, Katherine. 2011. Producer: documentary on discrimination based upon dress: The Clothes I Wear developed with student co-producers Shurilla, Ahmed and Hough. [The documentary has been accepted for the Sikh Film Festival in LA.]


Fennelly, Katherine, Kathryn Pearson and Silvana Hackett, “Determinants of Congressional Policy-making on Migration in the United States: 1993-2010”, Political Studies Association, Belfast, Northern Ireland, April, 2012.

Fennelly, Katherine. 2011. Panel on “United States of Immigrants” with Linda Chavez and John Keller. YWCA event at Minneapolis Central Library.

Fennelly, Katherine. 2011. Presentation on immigration policy issues for Greater Twin Cities United Way, 9/14/11

Panel on “What Ever Happened to the Public Intellectual,” organized by Tom Sengata. 4/28/11

Panelist at Consulate of Mexico screening of the film, “Welcome to Shelbyville.” June 21, 2011.

Invited by the Mexican Consulate and Mexico’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to help to create a “Welcoming America” Project in Minnesota. Planning session 6/22/11.

Fennelly, Katherine. “Ten Myths about Immigrants,” AAUW, St. Paul 2/15/11.

Fennelly, Katherine. Myths about Immigration, U of M Alumni Assn, St. Cloud, March 10, 2011.

“Organized workshop with Advocates for Human Rights on Creating Welcoming Communities for New Immigrants.” Minneapolis, February 14, 2011.

Women’s Foundation of MN. “Economic Impacts of Immigrants” 4/28/11.

Fennelly, Katherine. “Ten Myths about Immigrants,” The Presbytery of Minnesota, May 18, 2011.

Fennelly, Katherine. “Economic Impacts of Immigration.” Council for Agency Executives of the United Way, St. Paul, MN. 9/14/11.

Panel on Immigration and Social Justice (responding to Linda Chavez). Minneapolis Central Library, October 17.

Fennelly, Katherine. “The Clothes I Wear.” Presentation at “One Voice Minnesota Network Convening,” St. Paul. 9/12/11.

Fennelly, Katherine. “Immigration Research Methods and Findings,” St. Olaf College. 2/21/11.

Fennelly, Katherine. Organized Symposium on Constitutional Threats Related to Immmigration, U of M (March 22, 2011 – 3/22/11.

Fennelly, Katherine. “ Foreign-born Physicians as a Resource, Symposium at the Humphrey School, 3/23/11

Fennelly, Katherine. Invited presentation on “Immigration Policies in the United States after 9/11,” School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University D.C. International Symposium. 5/24/11.

Fennelly, Katherine. “Economic Impacts of Immigration” presentation to Social Work graduate students 4/18/11.


1/12/11 Interviewed by POLITICO on Gov. Pawlenty's record on immigration.

1/18/11 Spoke with reporter, Jason DeRusha of WCCO TV about how Somalis first came to be settled in MN.

2/1/11 KFAI interview on MN House bill proposing English as the official state language.

2/8/11 Interview with New York Times Magazine reporter about immigrants in the suburbs.

2/21/11 WCCO-TV interview on the firing of 450 Chipotle workers accused of being in the country without authorization.

2/24/11 Minneapolis Star Tribune interview on proposed English-Only legislation and the determinants of English language proficiency.

4/20/11 MTN (Minnesota Television Network) Program on Immigration.

7/28/11 Interviewed by Anne Bretts, a freelance reporter with an assignment for the Minnesota Law Bulletin on federal proposals to make the E-Verify system mandatory for employers.

10/15/11 Letter to Minneapolis Star Tribune on Crimes Committed by Undocumented Immigrants,

11/27/11 Interviewed by Susie Jones on WCCO Radio – Myths about Immigrants

12/7/11 Minnesota Public Radio interview on immigrant entrepreneurs

1/23/10 Interview with MN Daily reporter about AZ law SB1070.

1/22/10 Interview with Doug Peterson, Minneapolis Star Tribune on Scott County Attorney comments on costs of “illegal immigrants.”

1/23/10 KFAI Radio discussion of comprehensive immigration reform.

3/30/10 Minneapolis Star Tribune interview regarding racial stereotyping at school-sponsored wrestling event in Albertville.

4/5/10 H-Net (Humanities in the Social Sciences Network) article with Alexandra Filandra et al. responding to George Will editorial in the Washington Post.

4/20/10 Interviewed by MinnPost on the new report on immigration from the Fiscal Policy Institute.

4/21/10 “Mid-Morning” Minnesota Public Radio. Interview on High Skilled Workers in Minnesota.  

4/26/10 Fox 9 News on Arizona Immigration bill.

4/27/10 Minnesota Access radio interview.

4/28/10 Interview with Lee Egerstrom for MN 2020 on the Economic Impacts of Immigration.

4/28/10 Interview with Elizabeth Baier, Minnesota Public Radio, Rochester on the Arizona Immigration Law and prospects for legislation in Minnesota.

5/3/10 Minnesota 2020 article on the Fennelly-Huart report on the Economic Impacts of Immigration in Minnesota.

5/5/10 Access Minnesota interview for 40 affiliate radio stations across the US on comprehensive immigration reform.

5/5/10 Interview with MinnPost reporter about immigration issues.

5/10/10 Feature article on the Economic Impacts of Immigrants report in the publication ‘Eventos.’

5/30/10 Interview with Ximena Villalon International News Desk - El Mercurio de Chile on American attitudes toward immigrants. .

6/7/10 BBC News interview (Franz Strasser) about recent immigration patters across the US.

6/18/10 Wall Street Journal interview on Immigrants in Minnesota.

6/21/10 Interview with Franz Strasser, BBC America on Africans in Minnesota.

7/28/10 Christian Science Monitor interview on implementation of the Arizona bill SB 1070.

8/3/10 Minneapolis Star Tribune interview on Governor Pawlenty's statement that Minnesota should adopt an English-only las.

8/5/10 WCCO radio interview on Gov. Pawlenty's comments in support of English-Only legislation in MN.

8/6/10 MN Daily Planet interview on English-Only ordinance in Lino Lakes.

8/17/10 Minnesota Public Radio News, “Myths Hinder Rational Talk about Immigration,”

8/26/10 Interview with reporter Alan Gomez from USA Today about general immigration trends.

9/7/10 Patricia Leigh Brown, New York Times writer about immigrants in the suburbs.

9/14/10 Interview with MinnPost reporter about immigration issues.

12/10/10 Minnesota Public Radio, Mid-Morning Show on federal DREAM Act legislation.

11/18/09 Letter to Minneapolis Star Tribune on ICE Detention Reforms,


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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