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Get the GoofThis is lesson?six?in a series of?six?lessons focused around developing a mathematical community at the beginning of the school year. The goal is to promote the idea that it is okay to make mistakes in math as long as we try to figure out the mistake and fix it. NC Mathematics Standards:Extend and recognize patterns in the counting sequence. NC.1.NBT.1 Count to 150, starting at any number less than 150. Represent and solve problems. NC.1.OA.1 Represent and solve addition and subtraction word problems, within 20, with unknowns, by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem, when solving: ? Add to/Take from-Change Unknown ? Put together/Take Apart-Addend Unknown ? Compare-Difference UnknownStandards for Mathematical Practice:Make sense and persevere while solving problems in mathematics. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 4. Model with mathematics.Student Outcomes: I can work with classmates to choose a strategy to solving a math problem.I can persevere while solving a math problem. I can identify and correct errors in counting. Math Language:Join, Part, Total Materials: Copy of Get the Goof activity sheet, Multi-link cubes, Two-color countersAdvance Preparation: Gather materials. Launch:Introducing Get the GoofAsk: What is a mistake?Have students share their ideas about what a mistake is.Say: I want you to identify the mistake in the list of numbers.Display Mistake number 1. Ask: Can you identify the mistake?Ask: Can you correct it? If time permits you can also have students work on Mistake 2 and 3 or save them for another time. Explore:Get the Goof ActivityGive the students the activity sheet, “Get the Goof.” Tell students that they are going to work with partners (or groups of 3) to identify the counting errors that they see. Since this lesson was written for the beginning of the first grade, all of the numbers are within 20, which was the range of numbers students worked with in Kindergarten. ObservationQuestions to AskStudents struggle identifying the error in the list of numbers.When you count on from the first number do you say every number on the list? Do you notice something different when you count out loud?Students do not know how to correct the list.When you count on from the first number what is the order of the next few numbers? Can you write them down?Discuss:Bring the class back together to discuss the activity. Facilitate using the questions below. Sample QuestionsPossible ResponsesWhat was the goof for this list?Answers will vary based on the list. How did you know how to correct the list? I counted out loud in my head from the first number.I counted out loud in my head from 1. For a few of the examples, feel free to use a ten frame or double ten frame and counters or cubes to help students visualize the number.While the Twenty Board could be used as a visual, providing students with all of the numbers reduces the rigor of the activity, so this is not advised. Conclude the discussion by saying: What did we have to do today?Say: In math it is okay if we make mistakes. The big idea is that if we make a mistake we work hard to figure out the mistake and fix it.Additional Activities: Consider having students complete these activities as centers. Yellow and Red Birds (follow up) Students choose (or are given) a number between 5 and 10. They then explore the possible combinations of that number. Teachers may want to do this in a teacher-facilitated small group. Toss the CountersStudents choose (or are given) between 5 and 10 red and yellow counters. They repeatedly drop them and record the number of red and yellow counters each turn in their mathematics journal or on paper. For example, if a student drops 7 counters they could have: TotalRedYellow752761725707 Number PictureStudents choose (or are given) between 5 and 10 multi-link (pop) cubes. They arrange them in a picture on paper. All of the cubes should be connected and share at least 1 side with other cubes. The students should draw a picture of their cubes. Then the student should draw a circle around part of the picture and another circle around the other part of the picture. The student should then count the number of cubes in each group. Hiding Cubes Students work in pairs. Students choose (or are given) between 5 and 10 pop cubes. They make them into one connected line and ask their partner to close their eyes. They break off some cubes and hide them. Their partner then opens their eyes and has to determine how many cubes are hidden. Evaluation of Student Understanding:Informal Evaluation: During the Explore activity and/or centers activity, question and make observations about students’ strategies and look for evidence that students understand or are struggling with concepts. Formal Evaluation The work from the Explore task could be used as a formal evaluation. Meeting the Needs of the Range of Learners:Interventions: Use only numbers less than 10 for the Get the Goof activity. Provide students with ten frames or double ten frames and counters so they can represent the numbers and have support as they determine the proper counting sequence. Extensions: Add rigor to the opening task by having students find counting patterns within 30 or 40. Remember, though, students have not seen written numerals past 20 in Kindergarten. Possible Misconceptions/Suggestions:Possible Errorsand MisconceptionsSuggestionsStudents struggle identifying the error in the list of numbers.When you count on from the first number do you say every number on the list? Do you notice something different when you count out loud?Students do not know how to correct the list.When you count on from the first number what is the order of the next few numbers? Can you write them down?Special Notes: This is the sixth lesson in a series of six lessons focused on building classroom community.The opening activity, analyzing the mistakes, can be used as a routine at other times during the year. The Additional Activities can be used as centers at other times during the year. Mistake 1 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24Mistake 210, 11, 13, 14, 15 Mistake 337, 38, 39, 40, 42 Get the Goof Goofy list of numbers Correct list of numbers3, 4, 5, 6, 813, 14, 15, 17, 188, 9, 11, 12, 1310, 11, 13, 14, 158, 9, 12, 1315, 16, 19, 207, 8, 11, 12 Pick one of the goofy lists above. Write a sentence explaining why the list is goofy. The list is goofy because ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Explain how you corrected the list. I corrected the list by __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Ten Frames ................

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