Infant, Toddler & Twos Weekly Planning Form

Infant, Toddler & Twos Weekly Planning Form

Week: ____August __________________ Classroom: ____Infants______________________ Theme: ____Beach/Ocean___________________







Shaker Sand Art

Body Paint the Ocean

Hand Print Fish

Coffee Filter Jellyfish Explore Salt Dough


Explore Sea Shells

Splash in Water

Pick Up Goldfish

Beach Towels, Blue Jello Sensory Bag Sunglasses, and Beach



Beach Ball Play

Pretend to Swim in the Ocean

Make Fish Faces

Catch Bubbles

Row, Row, Row Your Boat


Disney Babies Have a Practice Baby Sign for

Beach Party


"Slippery Fish"

Practice Baby Sign for Baby Donald's Day at


the Beach

Outdoor Experiences

Sand Play

Stroller Walk

Explore Sitting on the Grass

Sprinkler Play

Stroller Walk

Changes to the environment:

Add Beach/Ocean Books

Add Beach/Ocean Sensory Bottles

Create a Blue Ocean to "Swim In" on the Floor

Display Beach/Ocean Pictures

Add Fish Window Clings to Mirror

Add Sun Hats for Dress Up

Week: _____August_______________

Playing With Toys

Beach Balls Sunglasses & Sun Hats Beach/Ocean Books Beach/Ocean Sensory Bottles

Infant, Toddler & Twos Weekly Planning Form

Classroom: _____Infants_______________ Imitating and Pretending

Theme: ____Beach/Ocean__________________ Enjoying Stories and Books

Pretending to Swim Make Fish Faces

Row, Row, Row Your Boat Beach Towel & Sunglasses

Disney Babies have a Beach Party Baby Donald's Day at the Beach

"Slippery Fish"

Music and Movement (daily)

Beach Ball Play Pretend to Swim in the Ocean

Make Fish Faces Catch Bubbles Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Exploring the Senses (daily)

Explore Salt Dough Splash in Water

Blue Jello Sensory Bag Catch Bubbles Sand Play

Creating with Art (1x week infants, 3x week toddlers, daily twos)

Shaker Sand Art Body Paint in Ocean

Hand Print Fish Coffee Filter Jelly Fish

Tasting and Preparing Food (once a week)

Pick up Goldfish

The Natural World (2x week)

Explore Sea Shells Explore Sitting on the Grass

Reflecting on the Week:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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