
Knowledge Questions.Knowledge questions directly refer to our understanding of the world, ourselves and others, in connection with the acquisition, search for, production, shaping and acceptance of knowledge. These questions are intended to open to inquiry and exploration not only problems but also strengths of knowledge. Knowledge Questions are about knowledge. In TOK the kinds of questions are about knowledge in general.It could be the acquisition, production, shaping, classification, status, acceptance or rejection of knowledge.Knowledge questions can be general “What constitutes good evidence?” or specific “How can we distinguish between valid and in valid deductive arguments?”Knowledge questions in the assessments.The heart of the 2 assessments is for students to deal with knowledge questions:Essay—Between 1200 - 1600 words on a topic given where students have to address a knowledge issue.Oral Presentation— Students apply a knowledge issue to their real life experience. It can be from newspapers, experience at part time job etc.In both the essay and oral presentation students should explore and analyse knowledge questions to demonstrate their understanding.So, what is a knowledge question?Not a knowledge question—A statement or a description. A subject specific question.Poor—A closed or narrow question, with “yes/no/maybe” as the answer.Intermediate—A question that is relevant and open ended, Good— Open ended questions that admit more than one possible answer. Explicitly about knowledge in itself and not subject specific claims. Uses TOK vocabulary and concepts.The areas of knowledgeThe ways of knowingLinking questions—belief, certainty, culture, evidence, experience, explanation, interpretation intuition, justification, truth, values.Real life situation.This could be the real-life situationfor the presentation or an examplein the essay:Not a knowledge question.? a statement or a description of a situation? a closed question? a subject-specific topic or question rather than about knowledge in itselfPoor Knowledge question.? a closed question? implicitly about knowledgeIntermediate Knowledge question.? an open-ended question? explicitly about knowledgeGood Knowledge question. ? An open-ended question? Explicitly about knowledge? Couched in terms of TOKvocabulary and concepts1? Precise in terms ofrelationships between theseconceptsTwo examples of Knowledge Questions.Knowledge claim: President Truman dropped the Atomic bomb.Not a knowledge question--PoorIntermediateGoodHow if at all can truth in history be established?War and military.Was dropping the bomb the only option for Truman?How can we determine if war decisions are right?Knowledge claim: Some words in the English language can be used in a sexist way.Not a knowledge question--PoorIntermediateGoodHow do words effect belief and perception?Does sexist language lead to negative attitudes?Fireman and chick are sexist terms.Is thinking/prejudice possible without language? ................

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