Ohio Library Council

Ohio Library Council

Board of Directors[pic]

Item No.: 5.J.2. Meeting Date: Nov. 15, 2019

Subject: Education and Events Report Submitted by: Lori Hensley

[pic]Report for Information[pic]

Professional Development Committee (PDC)

The PDC staffed a table in the OLC Connects! area at the 2019 Convention and Expo where they proudly shared the updated Ohio Public Library Core Competencies. They also promoted OLC’s certification programs and explained how programs can be submitted to the OLC for consideration. They also hosted the Certification Luncheon with guest speaker Charis Waibel, Head of Wardrobe Design for Kings Island Amusements in Cincinnati. She discussed the detailed research that is conducted for the development of period costumes and set designs. She indicated that the library is often times a resource for the research.

Several members of the PDC met with the incoming members of the PDC for orientation on Oct. 10. One third of the committee members fulfill their terms at the end of 2019 so the new members needed to be given instructions as to their role – especially as they would be attending the Leadership Conference.

The PDC met at the OLC Leadership Conference. They met with the divisions and committees for which they serve as liaisons. The results of programming from the Convention and Expo have been added to the history database that the PDC continues to maintain. The PDC’s next meeting is confirmed for Feb. 11.

On-Demand Education Committee (ODEC)

The committee met on Sept. 4 to strategize their work at the Leadership Conference where they worked with divisions and committees on their three primary goals.

1) A mentoring program will be established and closely monitored by the ODEC

2) “Top Hits List” – Invite presenters from some of the most popular and highly-rated programming from the previous year to do a webinar of the program. This programming will then be promoted as on-demand education on the OLC website.

3) Curated lists of on-demand programming submitted by divisions and committees.

2021 OLC Convention and Expo – Toledo

Contracts have been signed.

2019 OLC Convention and Expo – Theme: Sharing Our Stories

Duke Energy Convention Center and Downtown Hyatt Cincinnati – September 25-27, 2019

Convention and Expo Chair: Patty Marsh, Akron-Summit County Public Library

Program Committee Chair: Trinity Lescallett, Tiffin-Seneca Public Library

Local Arrangements Committee Chair: Kathy Bach, Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County

Expo Committee Chair: Steve Moser, Dayton Metro Library

Registrations: 651

Exhibits: 79 booths; 160 Exhibitor Representatives

Hotel Room nights: 722 (555 at the Hyatt & 167 at the Hilton)

Sponsorships: $26,500

Advertisement Sales: $3,250

From the great keynotes, to the overall sentiment that the convention programming was the best it has ever been, to the new look in the Expo hall and the great evening events that the Local Arrangements Committee planned for us, this convention was truly a great success!

A wrap-up meeting was held on Oct. 15. Evaluations from attendees (for the overall event, general sessions, breakout sessions, and LIBChats, and exhibitors) were positive overall. There was good conversation on what worked, what didn’t and how some areas can improve.

2019 OLC Stand Alone Conferences

Library Safety and Security Conference (November 6, 2019 - DoubleTree, Independence)

Chair: Jeff Sabo, Head of Security, Toledo Lucas County Public Library

Final registration was 103 and there were great reviews on the evaluations.

2019 OLC Leadership Conference – October 30 - Crowne Plaza North Columbus

Final registration was 152. Divisions and committees met to plan for 2020. This includes the launch of the call for programs for the 2020 Convention & Expo, discussions related to the 2020 standalone conferences, and ideas for webinars, workshops and other types of events needed.

2020 OLC Convention and Expo – Theme: Developing Greatness

The Greater Columbus Convention Center and Downtown Hilton Columbus-October 28-30, 2020

Convention and Expo Chair: Trinity Lescallett, Tiffin-Seneca Public

LibraryProgram Chair: Kim DeNero-Ackroyd, Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library

Local Arrangements Chair: Erica Cherup, Columbus Metropolitan Library

Expo Chair: Rebecca Wilden, Bucyrus Public Library

An orientation meeting with the 2020 Chairs and Assistant Chairs was held on Oct. 15. Program, Expo and LA Committees have been fully appointed.

• Local Arrangements and Expo Committees

The LA and Expo Committees will meet together throughout 2020 beginning on January 8, 2020. The January meeting will be held at the Columbus Hilton Downtown. We will be touring both the Hilton and the Greater Columbus Convention Center.

• Program Committee

The first Program Committee Meeting will be held on November 14. This is essentially an orientation meeting for the committee. We will review the theme; get updates from the Chairs regarding Leadership Conference, and review evaluations from 2019. They will discuss keynote speakers, educational tracks and subcommittee assignments.

2020 Convention and Expo Program Committee Assistant Chair

The Appointments Committee of the Board met via conference call on Oct. 8, 2019 to discuss the position of 2020 Convention and Expo Program Committee Assistant Chair. A report from the Appointments Committee will be discussed at the November 15 board meeting.

2020 OLC Stand Alone Conferences

Members of the PDC and the OLC staff met with the Chairs on October 9. At this orientation meeting, the planning process was reviewed including timelines, workflow and resources. Chairs began populating their committees immediately. The Chairs attended the 2019 OLC Leadership Conference on Oct. 30 where they began discussions with OLC divisions and committees.

• Service for All Conference (May 2020; Central Ohio)

Chair: Drew Wichterman, Adult Services Librarian, Tipp City Public Library

The first meeting of the full committee has been set for December 5, 2019.

• June 2020 - Multiple Literacies Conference (June 2020; Southwest Ohio)

Chair: Chris May, Director, Mansfield-Richland County Public Library

The first meeting of the full committee has been set for January 22, 2020.

• August 2020 – Innovation Conference (August 2020; Northwest Ohio)

Chair: Jeff Yahraus, Director, Williams County Public Library

Educational Events – Status Report

(Final registration includes speakers)

|Event |Date |Registration |Location/Comments |

|Ballot Workshop #2 |Nov. 21* |23 – Current |OLC; *New Date |

|OLC Safety and Security Conference |Nov 6 |103 - Final |Double Tree by Hilton Hotel Cleveland |

|Right Click 2019 |Nov 22 |59 - Current |Quest Conference Center |

| | | |Sponsored by Information and Technology |

| | | |Division |

|When Leveling Helps, When It Doesn’t, and How|Dec. 4 |10 – Current |Webinar: Sponsor – Children’s Services |

|Libraries Can Make the Best of It | | |Division |

Activities since September Report

Sept. 13 OLC Board Meeting – OLC

Sept. 18 2019 Safety and Security Conference –Conference Call with Chair

Sept. 24-27 2019 OLC Convention and Expo – Cincinnati, Ohio

Oct. 8 Appointments Committee of the OLC Board – Conference Call

Oct. 9 2020 Stand Alone Conferences – Chair’s Orientation Meeting – OLC

Oct. 10 PDC – New Member Orientation Meeting – OLC

Oct. 15 2019 Convention and Expo – Wrap-up Meeting – OLC

Oct. 15 2020 Convention and Expo – Chair’s Orientation Meeting – OLC

Oct. 25 On Demand Education Committee – Conference Call with Chair

Oct. 30 2019 OLC Leadership Conference – Crowne Plaza Columbus North

Nov. 6 2019 OLC Safety and Security Conference – DoubleTree Hotel, Independence, OH


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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