Tom Newby School. Grade 6 English 2016 – Term 2


Tom Newby School. Grade 6 English 2016 ? Term 2


My School Promise

Each day I'll do my best, And I won't do any less. My work will always please me, And I won't accept a mess. I'll colour very carefully, My writing will be neat. And I will not be happy, Until my papers are complete. I'll always do my homework, And try my best on every test. I won't forget my promise, to do my very best

Tom Newby School. Grade 6 English 2016 ? Term 2





THEME 1: Instructional Texts Imperative or Command Verbs Reading a Recipe Activity 1: Writing a Recipe Activity 2: Writing a recipe in sequence Activity 3: Identifying Imperatives or Command Verbs Activity 4: Comprehension - The Wright brothers dream Prefix and Suffix Activity 5: Prefix Activity 6: Suffix Subject and Predicate Activity 7: Subject and Predicate Activity 8: Subject, Verb and Predicate

5 6 7 8 8 8 9-11 12 13 13 14 15 15

THEME 2: What is a Book Review? Genre Book Review ? Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Activity 1 - Write a Book Review Activity 2 - Reading and Understanding a Book Review Examples of other Genres Tenses Activity 3: Past tense Activity 4: Present tense Activity 5: Future tense Activity 6: Short story ? Anansi and the moss-covered rock Verbs Activity 7: Action verbs

16-17 17-18

19 20 20-21 22 23 23 24 24-25 26-28 29 30

THEME 3: Comprehension: The four different meanings of a dream Activity 1: Comprehension questions Journal entry Activity 2: Writing a journal entry Activity 3: My Dreams Figures of Speech Activity 4: Simile Activity 5: Personification Activity 6: Alliteration Activity 7: Assonance Activity 8: Poem ? You can be whatever you want to be Activity 9: Punctuation: Comma

Tom Newby School. Grade 6 English 2016 ? Term 2

31-32 32 33 33 34 35 35 36 37 38

39-40 41


THEME 4: Information Texts Activity 1: Reading an answering an Information Text Activity 2: Information text on Gold Reef City Activity 3: Answering an information text - Poster Adjectives Activity 4: Identifying an Adjective Activity 5: Writing sentences with Adjectives Auxiliary Verbs Activity 6 Tenses of Verbs Activity 7 Present, Past and Future Continuous Tense Activity 8

42-43 43 44

45-46 47 47 48 49 49 50 50 51 51

Tom Newby School. Grade 6 English 2016 ? Term 2



Instructional texts

An instructional text is a non-fiction (factual) text that gives step-by-step instructions on how to make or do something.

It usually follows a specific format. The title tells you how to make/do something, so it will often contain the Word How, e.g. How to make a pizza, How to build a sand castle, etc. The materials needed are then listed under the following headings:

Ingredients/Requirements/What you will need. The instructions are presented in sequence or in numbered steps,

under the heading Method/Instructions. Imperatives (the command form of the verb) are used, for example:

Turn on the oven to 180 ?C, Place the blocks together and glue, etc. Diagrams with labels, pictures or videos are often included to help

the reader visualise what to do or to show the end product.

clear precise logical short factual easy to read easy to follow

Tom Newby School. Grade 6 English 2016 ? Term 2


Imperatives or Command Verbs

these are action verbs that are used in procedures, to instruct someone to do something or to tell someone what to do.

They usually begin a sentence.

Example of sentences with imperatives or command words:

Do not add the egg yolks. Check the oven temperature. Make sure the dough is ready. Don't run! Stop!

Some examples of Instructional texts How to make a chocolate cake How to make a sandwich How to give directions from... How to build a Lego race car

Tom Newby School. Grade 6 English 2016 ? Term 2


You are going to read a recipe on How to make Pancakes. See the format of an instructional text.

How to make Pancakes


1 cup (250g) cake flour a pinch of salt 1/2 cup (125ml) water Golden syrup to drizzle Fresh cream


1. Sift the dry ingredients together. 2. Beat eggs, water and milk together. 3. Pour the egg mixture into the flour mixture and mix thoroughly. 4. Add the oil and mix until smooth and creamy. 5. Leave the mixture to stand for 30 minutes. 6. Heat a non-stick frying pan and cook one pancake at a time. 7. Pour golden syrup over pancakes and add cream.

Makes 10 pancakes

Tom Newby School. Grade 6 English 2016 ? Term 2


Activity 1: Write a short recipe about how to make your favourite dessert. Use only 5 ingredients and 5 steps in your method.

Activity 2: Arranging an Instructional Text in Sequence Rewrite the method of How to make Chocolate Squares, as it is not arranged

in sequence (in order from start to finish).

How to make Chocolate Squares


1 packet Marie biscuits 500g icing sugar 45ml cocoa powder 250g butter 5ml vanilla essence The icing sugar can also be used to sprinkle on top of the squares for an attractive look.


1. Grease a baking tray and press chocolate mixture into it. 2. Break the Marie biscuits into tiny pieces, in a bowl. 3. Break the eggs and stir into the icing sugar mixture. Add the vanilla essence

and broken pieces of biscuit. 4. Leave to set in the fridge. 5. Place the butter in a saucepan and melt over low heat. Add the icing sugar

mixture and mix well. 6. Sift the icing sugar and cocoa powder into the bowl. 7. Add icing sugar to decorate.

Activity 3: Imperatives or Command Verbs Write down all the imperatives or command verbs from the recipe above.

List each Imperative verb on a new line

Tom Newby School. Grade 6 English 2016 ? Term 2


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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