with Nelson Searcy

© Nelson Searcy

About Nelson Searcy

Lead Pastor, The Journey Church of the City, New York, NY

Nelson Searcy is the founder and lead pastor of The Journey Church of the City, an innovative, multicultural church located in New York City. Founded in 2002, The Journey is a multi-site church with locations across the metro New York City, The Journey continues to grow and innovate and serve the people of NYC.

An experienced strategist, coach and speaker, Searcy serves as a regular consultant to churches across America.  He is the author of dozens of articles and training resources on leadership, evangelism, church planting, and church growth. In addition, he is an author of many Christian books on church leadership and numerous resources for pastors and other church leaders. He is also the founder of Church Leader Insights, an organization that provides training and resources for pastors.



Nelson Searcy, Lead Pastor, The Journey Church

Church Leaders:


Thank you for being here today!

Why this webinar? We are losing the battle in America! The population is growing much faster than our churches.

• Over 50% of the churches in America have less than 100 people!

• Over 80% of the churches in America have less than 250 people!

“The Lord isn’t really moving slow about His promise to return as some people think. No, He is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to perish. So He is giving more time for everyone to repent.”

-- 3 Peter 3:9


65 125 250 500


Decision #1: _________ wants my church to grow.

Decision #2: _________ want my church to grow.


The WRONG question:

How do I ________________________________________to grow?

The RIGHT question:

What _______________________________________ from growing?


Anything that is keeping my church from reaching its




The Breaking Growth Barriers Workshop – Live Recording

with Nelson Searcy (5 hours for Download or 5 CD’s with complete resource CD)

Available at:


• The Worship Planning System

(See The Worship Planning Seminar)

• The Evangelism System

(See The Evangelism Seminar)

• The Assimilation System

(See The Assimilation Seminar)

• The Small Groups System

(See The Activate Seminar)

• The Ministry System

(See The Ministry Seminar)

• The Stewardship System

(See The Stewardship Seminar)

• The Leadership System

(See Leadership Skills for a Growing Church)

• The Strategy System

(See The Strategy Seminar)

For more information on all 8 Church Systems, download

Nelson’s FREE E-Book, “Healthy Systems, Healthy Church” at:


GROWTH BARRIER #1:_________________________________________________

# of People in the room in my largest service: _________________________

What is my current seating capacity in that same service? _______________________

Barrier Principle: Once a room is ___________________________its full!

• A full service for me is (seating x 70%) = _____________________

When a room is full, people stop:

• inviting friends

• talking to guests

• attending regularly

Breaking Questions:

What if twice as many people showed up on Sunday?

What would we have to do to accommodate twice as many people?

Related Issues:

Recommended Resources:

Breaking the 65, 125, 250 or 500 Barrier (Downloads or CDs) by Nelson Searcy

Starting A Second Service (Download or CD) by Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas

Breaking Growth Barriers Complete Workshop (Download or CDs) by Nelson Searcy

Ignite: Sparking Immediate Growth in My Church (Book) by Nelson Searcy

GROWTH BARRIER #2:_________________________________________________

Self Development: Leadership Ability + Spiritual Maturity

Ken Blanchard states that a leader should develop their:

Heart ( Spiritual Maturity

Habits ( Personal Growth (i.e., Time management)

Hands ( Key Skills

Head ( Education / Intelligence

When a pastor isn’t growing:

• the church stops growing

• the sermons are stale

• the passion for ministry wanes

Breaking Questions:

What is my intentional plan for personal growth?

• Books

• Audio Recordings

• Seminars / Conferences

• Coaching Networks


God make me into the person I need to be to lead the church at twice its size!

Recommended Resources:

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (Book) by John Maxwell

Leading At A Higher Level (Book) by Ken Blanchard

Leadership Skills for Growing Church (Download or CDs) by Nelson Searcy

The Willow Creek Leadership Summit (August)

Tele-Coaching Network for Senior Pastors with Nelson Searcy

- More Info at telecoaching





Self Development


General Action Steps:


Nelson Searcy Senior Pastor Tele-Coaching Network 2012-2013


Apply THIS WEEK to Save $600.00 and Receive the

Growth Barriers Workshop ($499.95 Value) Absolutely FREE!

The Senior Pastor Tele-Coaching Network is a relationship-based coaching network for pastors seeking to break the 125, 250, 500, 750 & 1000 attendance barriers. The heart of the Network is found in a group of senior pastors meeting together monthly for training, coaching and networking. Space is LIMITED and, unfortunately, we cannot accept everyone who applies.

The Coaching Network will follow the outline of the 9 Growth Barriers and 8 Growth Systems as taught in the workshops led by Nelson Searcy and will be customized according to the specific needs of those accepted.

Nelson Searcy will lead the Tele-Coaching Network. Nelson is the Founding and Lead Pastor of The Journey Church, a multi-site, multicultural church that he started in 2002. With locations in Manhattan, Queens, San Francisco and Boca Raton, FL, over 1,000 people have been baptized! He is the author of 9 books and over 60 church growth resources, and has coached over 1,100 pastors since 2004. His coaching networks fill up fast and often have long waiting lists. Prior to coming to NYC, he was the founding director of The Purpose Driven Network at Saddleback Church with Rick Warren.

What You Receive

• Monthly hands-on coaching from Nelson Searcy.

• A proven coaching process that leads to growth and health.

• Over $1687 in FREE resources from Church Leader Insights PLUS special discounts on any new resources.

• Unlimited email access to Nelson Searcy and the CLI team.

• A monthly coaching environment where everyone is focused on a Kingdom agenda.

• MP3s of each session for your review. NOTE: Even if you miss the exact date, you can listen to the network at your leisure.

• FREE attendance at all live or web CLI training events during your network.

• Private “call-in” times with Nelson Searcy to have your specific questions answered in more detail.

• A private day-long meeting with Nelson Searcy, exclusively for tele-coaching participants (location to be determined).

• The chance to grow and take your church to the next level.

• Plus much, much more!

Learn more or Apply Online:

Apply THIS WEEK to Save $600.00 and Receive the

Growth Barriers Workshop ($499.95 Value) Absolutely FREE!

GROWTH BARRIER #3:_________________________________________________

Sharing: Reaching new people

How many salvation commitments do we have on an average week? ____________

Barrier Principle: Every person challenged to share with _________________________

• Teach on relational evangelism.

• Use an Influence Card or Impact Card.


An aggressive goal: 20% of weekly attenders doing some type of sharing!

Breaking Questions:

When was the last time you asked someone publicly or privately to commit their lives to Christ?

What would it look like on Sunday if every person in your church invited 3 friends?

Recommended Resources:

Fusion: From First Time Guests to Fully Engaged Members by Nelson Searcy

The Assimilation Seminar (3 CD set) by Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas

Ignite: Sparking Immediate Growth in My Church (Book) by Nelson Searcy

The Evangelism Seminar (3 CD set) by Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas

Reaching Your Community through Servant Evangelism (CD) by Nelson Searcy

Simply Strategic Stuff / Simply Strategic Growth (Books) by Stevens and Morgan

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing (Book) by Trout and Reis






• Select the greatest barrier and work on it first.

• Develop a team to break each barrier.

• Don’t get overwhelmed – trust God!


Decision #1: Decide to break the next growth barrier within

__________________ months.

Decision #2: Decide to make ___________________________ week!

What are my next steps after today’s workshop?

When will I re-evaluate? One month, 90 days, 6 months, one year?

How will I hold myself accountable to follow-up on what I learned today?


(Jesus) “Do you think the work of harvesting will not begin until the summer ends four months from now? Look around you! Vast fields are ripening all around us and are ready now for the harvest.  The harvesters are paid good wages, and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life. What joy awaits both the planter and the harvester alike!"

-- John 4:35-37




AUGUST 2012 - JULY 2013

Early Bird

Coaching Application

(July 31st deadline for special rate and bonuses)

Complete this application online

in less than 4 minutes!


Here’s What Some of the Over 1,000 Senior Pastors

Nelson Searcy’s Coaching Alumni Have Had To Say:

“I'm part of a church plant, and we've grown in twelve months from my wife and I to about 200 people attending every week. If you’re wondering whether you should do this, stop thinking about it and just do it! It’s going to impact your community and impact your church. Without any reservation or hesitation I can say, ‘Do it now!’”

-Jonathan Bilima, Relevant Church, Riverside, CA

“I have been challenged to go beyond what I ever thought possible for me and my church. And not just challenged, but trained as well. Nelson Searcy has provided practical teaching, examples, tools, principles … everything I need to excel in the areas of stewardship, small groups, evangelism, assimilation and many other areas of church life. I'm looking forward to a second round.”

- Ted Harvey, Somerset Hills Baptist Church, Basking Ridge, NJ

“In the first three months of Nelson Searcy’s Senior Pastor Tele-coaching Network, we've: Registered 150 first-time guests, Seen 82 (55%) of those first-time guests RETURN A SECOND TIME, Registered 57 first-time givers, who've contributed $5,558!

By the way, these amazing results are in spite of the fact that I feel I'm having trouble

keeping up with the network. It's like drinking water from a fire hydrant, but it's good!”

- Steve Sawyer, Senior Pastor, Harvest Cathedral, Macon, GA

“If you are serious about leadership and serious about your church growing, you cannot miss this opportunity.” – Marty Martin, NorthStar Church, Panama City, FL

“Our church had gone nowhere in years, lacking the systems to get from point A to

point B. Since I joined Nelson Searcy’s Coaching Network, our church has been totally

transformed and we have strategies and systems in place. Our attendance has doubled,

our finances have grown and people are excited about what is going on. It has brought

a tremendous clarity to my leadership, and people can see where we are going. I would

highly recommend giving yourself a year of supercharged growth.”

- Devon Davoux, Cornerstone Church, Vermillion, SD

“Just a quick word of big thanks to you for your influence and coaching in this past year. I have learned a ton, and plan to learn more as I consistently review.... like "drinking from a fire hydrant" I pastor a mid size Southern Baptist church in a traditional area of the Bible belt, so as the saying goes... "it takes a while to turn an aircraft carrier". We are making progressively incremental changes and adjustments.”

- Paul Rummage, Bartlesville Southern Baptist Church, Bartlesville, OK

“Our church has survived! We were a church in ‘crisis-mode’- now we are a church with momentum. We have grown numerically, financially AND evangelistically and spiritually.” – Jamey Stuart, Believers Church, Chesapeake, VA

“I can't begin to tell you what a difference the network has made in my ministry. I had been faithfully meeting with my staff for years prior to the network. We were totally committed to growth but seemed to be at a loss as far as identifying some of the snags in our ministry. Through the network, not only have we been able to identify the areas our ministry was stalling in but we have also been given clear and - effective solutions to see our ministry begin to grow again.”

- Mark Cullum, Capitol Foursquare Church, Sacramento, CA

“Go for it! Every pastor needs a network.

This is far more valuable than any conference you can attend.”

– Vic Simpson, Emmanuel Church (SBC), Huntingtown, VA

“I can't tell you how much our tele-coaching times have meant to me and the church. We had just planted a church from our congregation. Both of the churches are doing well and the transition was very good but it really brought a toll on the church as we lost a little of our vision and momentum. We began to plateau. I struggled to get us re-focused and then I found Church Leader Insights. For the first time in a long time I'm hearing our leaders say things like "How does what we are doing fit into evangelism or our vision?" We aren't "there" yet. Matter of fact, we have a long way to go but I'm seeing us finally make the turn that we were having difficulty making the last couple of years. We are finally moving forward once again. I could not have continued doing ministry by "marching in place" so you have helped save my ministry here at Heartland Church. I am excited about the church and our future and the church is experiencing excitement and momentum once again! Thanks, Nelson, and CLI. I've gained far more than I expected. I'm looking forward to being a lifelong partner in ministry.”

- Gary Garrett, Heartland Church of the Nazarene, Fulton, MO

“The month we started our first coaching lesson we averaged for the month 280, this month we averaged 360, and that does not include Easter Sunday in which we had 480. I have been to great meetings where I was motivated to come home and grow our people and our church,. This network, for me feels like I am learning how to be a quarterback on a Super Bowl team, not from a loud emotional, motivated coach, but from a successful NFL quarterback.”

- Ed Trinkle, Life Church, Aston, PA

“I joined this network for clarity, fresh ideas and encouragement, and it has exceeded

my expectations. Over the past month we have seen 23 people saved, two renewals,

three baptisms, three new families join and we are going multi-site in June. All this

from a town of 7,200 people and a location one mile from Main Street. Praise the Lord!”

- Ken Tesch, Pastor, Creekside Chapel, Allegany, NY

“Please join this network! The reasons you might not want to are exactly the reasons you need to.”

- Charles Nestor, Calvary Chapel South Orlando, Orlando, FL

Pastors in 48 states (plus Canada, Mexico, Africa and the Bahamas), 40 denominations and

attendance from 35 to 7,500 have all participated in and benefited from being in a

Coaching Network with Nelson Searcy. You can too!

A Partial List of Nelson Searcy Coaching Alumni

Cody Abercrombie, Oasis Church

Dan Adams, RiverTown Church

Bob Adrian, Liberty Baptist Church

Peter Ahn, Metro Community Church

Moses Akingbade, Church: Redefined

Tom Allen, Crosspoint Church

David Allen, Grace Community Fellowship

Luis Alvarez, Park Slope Christian Tabernacle

Juri Ammari, Metro Alliance Church

Bruce Ammons, Parkway Fellowship

Tom Anders, Church of Christ

Duane Anders, Stillwater united Methodist

David, Anderson, Mountain Creek Community

Kendal Anderson, The Crossing Church

Chuck Angel, Harvest Church

Bob Appleby, Cornerstone Church

Curtis Arne, First Church of the Open Bible

Rodney Arnold, OneLife Church

Michael Arnone, New Beginnings Chapel

Vic Arreola, All Nations SDA Church

Rod Ashley, Snohomish Faith Assembly

Linus Asuquo, Gospel Church

Dorsia Atkinson, LifeSpring Church

Paul Atwater, North River Community Church

Christopher Austin, Champions Community Church

Chris Bailey, The City

Larry Baker, New Hope

Lee Baker, Northstar Church

Gary Baldus, New Walk Church

Brad Ball, North Harrison Church

Baldwin Barnes, City Tabernacle

Matthew Barnett, Solid Rock Community Church

Carl Barnhardt, Emanuel

Mark Barnish, Crossbridge Community Church

Brian Barr, OneLife Church

David Bartley, First Church of the Nazarene

Doug Bartsch, His Place Family Chruch

Tripp Battle, Catalyst Church

Brandon Beals, Canyon Creek Church

Don Beasley, Turning Point

Hunter Beaumont, Fellowship Denver Church

Byron Beck, Fellowship GB Church

Kevin Beehner, Woodhaven

Vaughn Bell, Triumphant Church of God

Gary Bellis, Newport Assembly of God

Fritz Below, Calvary Ridge Church

Rudy Beltran, Destiny Through Christ Church

Bill Bendert, King of Kings Lutheran Church

Neil Bendixen, Canasawacta Valley Free Methodist Church

Gregg Bennett, Journey Church of NE Florida

Donald Benoit, Westgate Chapel

Brandon Berg, Pecksville Assembly of God

Pastor Berryhill, Evangel World Outreach Center

Stephen Betts, First Baptist Church

Jon Beyer, First Lutheran Church

John Beyers, Conyers First United Metodist Church

Jonathan Bilima, Relevant Church

Todd Bishop, The Point Community Church

Gary Black, Clayton Christian Church

John Black, FUMC Rosenberg

Josh Blair, Wadsworth Ave. Baptist Church

Eldon Boldt, Circle Drive Aliance Church

Ben Bond, Clermont First Baptist Church

Jim Bowen, Encounter Community Church

Sheldon Boyd, Cornerstone Community Church

James Bradburn, Rock Creek Church

David Bradford, Celebration Church Alabama

Josh Brainard, Delaware Christian Church

David Brakke, Maltby Christian Assembly

Jason Brinker, First Baptist - JAX

Jimmy Britt, Rocky River Church

Elizabeth Brookens, Brambleton Presbyterian Church

Hank Brooks, Coastal Community Church

Neal Brown, St. Margaret's Episcopal Church

Tim Brown, FBC Clovis

Brad Brucker, Woodhaven Community Church

John Brumfiel, Dixon General Baptist Church

Stephen Brunson, Bethany Community Church

Jay Buchanan, Town N Country Nazarene

Jillane Buck, Heartland Church

Chris Bullock, Fusion Church

Karl Bunjes, Freedom Christian Church

William Burns, Southside Community Church

Kelly Burnside, Gaines Church

Sandi Burroughs, Cross Creek Church

Jeff Butler, New Horizon Church

Tony Byrd, MorningStar Church

Archie Callahan, Harvest Outreach Church

Mike Callahan, True Life Church

Jeff Calloway, Bridge Church at Perry

Joe Calloway, Grace Walk Church

Nathan Camp, Fusion Church

Laura Campbell, The Ridge Fellowship

Kevin Campbell, Elevate Church

Mark Canfield, Pinellas Community Church

Mike Cantrell, Bethel Community Church

Cheri Carbaugh, Titusville Free Methodist Church

James Carmichael, The Grove

Gerald Carnes, Marietta Frist Church of the Nazarene

Trent Carpenter, Cross Community Church

Todd Carpenter, Springwell Church

Stephen Carpenter, South Sound Church

Mark Carrara, Highpoint

Nolan Carrier, South Gate Baptist Church

Andrew Casper, South County Church

Paul Castelli, Crosspoint Church

Matt Celoria, The City Church

Jonathan Celoria, Palm Vista Baptist Church

David Chambers, Highland Park Nazarene

Jim Chandler, Crossroads UMC

David Chapman, Lakeview Church

Justin Chapman, Northside Christian Church

Jeff Cheadle, StoneBridge Community Church

Kenneth Chinn, Northside Baptist Church

Phil Chorlian, North Jersey Vineyard Church

Arthur Clark Jr, Agape Family Life Ministries

Thomas Clayton, World Harvest Community Church

Jerry Clonch, Carlisle BIC

Aaron Coe, The Gallery Church

Rodney Coe, FBC Starke

Lance Coffman, Wallula Christian Church

Thomas Colby, Westwood Christian Assembly

Aaron Cole, Life Church

Allan Collister, New Church Berkeley

Mark Conn, First Baptist Church

Jerry Conner, The Bridge

David Cook, Colonial Woods Baptist Church

Clint Cook, Real Life Church

Bob Cook, The Church at Grace Park

Gregory Cooper, First Baptist Church

Lee Cordell, Redeemer Church

Wayne Cordova, Crosspoint Church

Jim Cowart, Harvest Church

Dave Crandall, Sonrise Church

Tom Crawford, Harvest Church

...and many more!

Senior Pastor Tele-Coaching Network 2012-2013

With Nelson Searcy


The Senior Pastor Tele-Coaching Network is a relationship-based coaching network for pastors seeking to break the 125, 250, 500, 1,000 and 2,000 attendance barriers. The heart of the Network is found in a group of senior pastors meeting together monthly for training, coaching and networking.

Space is LIMITED and, unfortunately, we cannot accept everyone who applies.

The Coaching Network will follow the outline of the 9 Growth Barriers and 8 Growth Systems as taught in the workshops led by Nelson Searcy and will be customized according to the specific needs of those accepted.

Nelson Searcy will lead the Tele-Coaching Network. Nelson is the Founding and Lead Pastor of The Journey Church in New York City. Started in 2002, this groundbreaking church sees the majority of its growth coming from new believers and currently meets in several locations in Manhattan and Queens, with additional locations in San Francisco and Boca Raton, FL. Nelson is the author of over 60 church-growth resources, including the books Launch: Starting a New Church From Scratch (also Fundar en Espanol), Fusion: Integrating Newcomers into the Life of Your Church, Activate: An Entirely New Approach to Small Groups and Ignite: How to Spark Immediate Growth in Your Church, Maximize: How to Develop Extravagant Givers in Your Church, The Generosity Ladder, The Next Step to Financial Peace, Engage: A Guide to Creating Life Transforming Worship Services and Revolve: A New Way to See Worship. Nelson is an experienced church planter, coach and church-growth strategist. Before moving to New York, he served as the Director of the Purpose Driven Community at Saddleback Church. He is also the founder of , the Church Leadership Training ministry of Nelson Searcy and The Journey.

What You Receive

• Monthly hands-on coaching from Nelson Searcy.

• A proven coaching process that leads to growth and health.

• Over $1687.00 in FREE resources from Church Leader Insights PLUS special discounts on any new resources.

• Unlimited email access to Nelson Searcy and the CLI team.

• A monthly coaching environment where everyone is focused on a Kingdom agenda.

• MP3s of each session for your review. NOTE: Even if you miss the exact date, you can listen to the network at your leisure.

• FREE attendance at all live or web CLI training events during your network.

• Private “call-in” times with Nelson Searcy to have your specific questions answered in more detail.

• A private day-long meeting with Nelson Searcy, exclusively for tele-coaching participants (location to be determined).

• The chance to grow and take your church to the next level

• Plus much, much more

This network is not for everyone. Only those pastors who are serious about personal and church growth. Therefore, the requirements to participate are high. The requirements are:

1. You must be the Lead or Senior Pastor of a church with a strong commitment to grow and break the next growth barrier.

2. Participate in all 12 tele-coaching sessions on Thursdays from 2:00pm – 3:30pm Eastern Time on the following dates.

August 30, 2012 February 28, 2013

September 20, 2012 March 21, 2013

October 18, 2012 April 18, 2013

November 15, 2012 May 16, 2013

December 13, 2012 June 20, 2013

January 17, 2013 July 18, 2013

Remember, you will receive MP3’s of each coaching session within 24 hours, so even if you must miss one or two sessions you can still stay on track with the network.

3. Be willing to coach/help other Pastors in the future if called upon.

4. Complete the application (pages 7-8) and send it for review to:

FAX: 561-584-5891 Attn: Kimberly Pankey (Note: Only fax pages 7-8)


EMAIL: coaching@

Simply complete this document, save and email as an attachment.

Please call 1-800-264-5129 ext. 2 after faxing or emailing to confirm receipt.

5. Upon acceptance, your credit card will be charged for the first two months. We can no longer accept checks. You will be notified of acceptance by email.

Investment: $297 per month (and there’s ZERO flight, hotel, gas or rental car costs!)

i. Early Bird Rate (before July 31): $297/month

ii. Regular Rate (August 1 and after): $347/month

iii. Returning Coaching Alumni Rate: $247/month

NEW PAYMENT OPTION: Get the 12th Month Free

with the “Single Payment” option – see Page 9 for more.

** SUPER-EARLY BIRD: Apply before July 31 to receive over $645.00 in Bonuses

Note: Most participants have stated that they more than recover their

monthly investment by the fourth session. This network will pay for itself!

Note: Due to the demand of these networks, not everyone who applies will be accepted. For priority consideration, submit your application as thoroughly as possible and submit it as early as possible.




Apply using the NEW Online Application at:


The purpose of this questionnaire is to help us understand your church and to provide the information needed to give you the most value for your time during the Coaching Network. Please print clearly and elaborate as much as possible.

Name: ______________________________________________________________________________


Your title: ____________________________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________

City/State/ZIP: _________________________________________________________________________

Phone (day): __________________________________________________________________________

Cell phone: ___________________________________________________________________________

E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________________

Church website: _______________________________________________________________________

What is your current Sunday/weekend attendance?

Why would you like to be part of this coaching opportunity?

If you were recommended to this network by a coaching alumni or another pastor, please provide their name here:

Other comments:

COMMITMENT (Please check each item and complete)

❑ I am committed to growing as a pastor and participating fully with this coaching opportunity.


• Apply before July 31st: Early Bird rate of $297 per month (plus, receive OVER $646.00 IN BONUS RESOURCES, just for beating the rush!)

• Apply after August 1st: $347 per month

• The NEW Annual Payment Option: Get the 12th month free!

Please select a payment option: ❑ Annual ❑ Quarterly ❑ Every two months ❑ Monthly

❑ If I’m accepted, please charge my credit card for the first two monthly payments.

Card number: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Card type: ❑ Visa ❑ Mastercard ❑ American Express

Expiration date: ______________________ ZIP code of card billing address: ______________________

Name on card: _______________________________________________________________________

You may complete this application and submit it via: Email: Coaching@

Fax: 561.584.5891 Mail: Nelson Searcy, 2901 Clint Moore Rd. #316, Boca Raton, FL 33496

(Please call Kimberly @ 1-800-264-5129 to confirm receipt.)

NOTE: Your application will not be considered until this information is complete. If you prefer to give this information by phone, please call (561) 921-8488 ext 5 after you have submitted your application. Unfortunately, we can no longer accept payment by check.

Here’s everything that you will receive:

• Monthly hands-on coaching from me.

• A proven coaching process that leads to growth and health.

• Over $1,679 in FREE resources from Church Leader Insights, PLUS special discounts on any new resources.

• Unlimited email access to me and my CLI team.

• A monthly coaching environment where everyone is focused on a Kingdom agenda.

• MP3s of each session for your review. NOTE: Even if you miss the exact date, you can listen to the network at your leisure.

• FREE attendance at all half-day live or web CLI training events during your network (up to $2,550 value).

• Private “call-in” times with me to have your specific questions answered in more detail.

• A private day-long meeting with me, exclusively for tele-coaching participants (location to be determined but most likely in Orlando, FL) – a $2,100 value!

• The opportunity to grow and take your church to the next level.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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