P r e s t w i c k H o u s e Activity Pack

Prestwick House

Activity Pack

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

by Mark Twain

Copyright ? 2003 by Prestwick House, Inc., P.O. Box 658, Clayton, DE 19938. 1-800-932-4593. Permission to use this unit for classroom use is extended to purchaser for his or her personal use. This material, in whole or part, may not be copied for resale.

ISBN-13 978-1-58049-633-9

Item No. 200476 Written by Stacey Pusey

Student's Page

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Name: ________________________________

Whole Book Activities



Objectives: Recognizing how character traits are revealed. Understanding character growth.


The author describes the characters' physical or emotional traits with words that convey their personalities. Make a chart as you read the book and record the characters' names, what they look like, what type of personality they have, and what that indicates to you. If the character is described more than once, record that and indicate what is new or changed about his or her personality.

We have done one for you.

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Reproducible Student Worksheet

Student's Page

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Name: ________________________________

Chapters I ? III


Narration and Research

Objective: Understanding the relationship between the author and the reader.


The novel begins in the middle of the action with Aunt Polly looking for Tom. Other characters enter the book, but are not necessarily introduced formally to the reader. Describe how this sets the tone for the whole book and the relationship between the narrator and the reader. How does the narrator view his audience? What is your reaction to the narrator? Support your opinion.

The narrator puts nothing into historical or geographical context, but just assumes the reader will understand story and the characters. Write a brief background piece that would help someone understand the story better from the beginning.

The background should include answers to the following questions.

? Where does the story take place? ? What is the time period? ? Who is the protagonist (main character)? How old is he? What type of person is he? ? Who are the main people in his life, and what is his relationship with them? ? What is the central conflict?

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Reproducible Student Worksheet

Student's Page

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Name: ________________________________

Chapters IV ? VIII


Characterization I

Objective: Understanding Tom Sawyer


Draw a picture of Tom in his regular clothes and one in his Sunday clothes. Comment on how the different sets of clothes do or do not reflect his personality.


"The neat roundabout" is a stiff, formal shirt compared to Tom's easygoing, free-spirited personality.

The narrator describes two images of Tom: the one is the image Tom publicly projects, the other is his inner nature. Using the following chart, compare the two different Toms.

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Reproducible Student Worksheet

Student's Page

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Name: ________________________________

Chapters IV ? VIII



Objective: Understanding plot


Comic artists must take grand ideas and action and distill them down to their essential elements. Choose one of the scenes below and draw a comic strip that conveys its key actions and emotions.

? Tom winning the Bible in Sunday school ? The pinchbug incident at church ? Tom's attempt to stay home from school ? Tom and Becky's brief courtship

Superstition plays a large role in the novel, often advancing and influencing the action. Write examples of superstition from these chapters and what effect they have on the characters. Then, list superstitions from current times and how they affect you and your actions.

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Reproducible Student Worksheet


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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