Macmillan Readers

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Mark Twain

WordPagePhonetic SpellingPart Of SpeechMed Star RatingDefinitionSample SentenceTranslationExercisesaisle40/aɪl/noun [count]a passage between rows of seats, for example, in a churchThe bride and groom walked up the aisle smiling.1–5) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below.

aisle / barn / barrow / bat / beetle

1) He fell asleep on a pile of hay in the ____________.

2) The ____________ was blocked because there were so many people.

3) A tiny black ____________ was crawling down the path.

4) I saw a ____________ flying in the sky.

5) The ____________ was full of dead leaves.barn18/bɑːn/noun [count]a large farm building used for keeping animals, crops or machinesThey played hide-and-seek in the barn.barrow26/ˈbærəʊ/noun [count]a large, open container with a wheel at the front and handles at the backHe was pushing a barrow along the path.


52/bæt/noun [count]an animal that flies at night and looks like a mouse with large wingsA big bat flies around here at night.beetle14/ˈbiːt(ə)l/noun [count]an insect with a smooth, hard backShe keeps a beetle in a matchbox.behaved

to behave9/bɪˈheɪvd/verb2to be polite and not cause troubleThe children have behaved well today.6–10) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below.

behaved / blood / bored / boring / camp

1) He hates school – he thinks it’s ____________ .

2) You ____________ really badly. I’m disappointed in you.

3) Where shall we make our ____________ ?

4) What’s wrong? Are you ____________ ?

5) ____________ was coming from the wound.blood32/blʌd/noun [uncount]3the red liquid that is inside your bodyI can’t stand the sight of blood.bored14/bɔːd/adjective2feeling impatient and annoyed because nothing is interestingLet’s do something! I’m bored.boring39/ˈbɔːrɪŋ/adjective2not interestingIf there’s nothing to do, the summer holidays can be boring.camp37/kæmp/noun [count]1a place where people stay in tentsThe boys made a camp on the island.

candle50/ˈkænd(ə)l/noun [count]a stick of wax with string in it that you burn to give lightIt’s dark. Let’s light a candle.

11–15) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below.

candle / cave / civil war / clever / coffin

1) She cried as she stood by her mother’s ____________.

2) ____________ has destroyed the country.

3) The ____________ was dark and damp.

4) If you look in the cupboard, there’s a box of matches and a ____________ .

5) He’s a ____________ boy and has just gone to university.cave

45/keɪv/noun [count]a large hole in the side of a hill or under the groundWe enjoyed exploring the cave.civil war

5/ˌsɪv(ə)l ˈwɔː/noun [count]a war between different groups of people in the same countryHas there ever been a civil war in your country?clever17/ˈklevə/adjective2good at learning or understanding thingsShe was very clever and everyone admired her.


26/ˈkɒfɪn/noun [count]a box in which a dead person is buriedHis body lay peacefully inside the coffin.courtroom41/ˈkɔːtˌruːm/noun [count]a room where legal cases are judgedSilence in the courtroom, please!16–20) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below.

courtroom / cures / dangerous / door-handle / drowned

1) The ____________ came off when I tried to turn it!

2) The ____________ was very full for the trial.

3) Rugby can be a ____________ sport.

4) He fell into the river and ____________ .

5) This drug ____________ lots of illnesses.cures

to cure19/kjʊəz/verbto stop someone from suffering from an illnessSleep often cures a headache.

dangerous46/ˈdeɪnʤ(ə)rəs/adjective3likely to cause harm or damagePlaying with fire is dangerous.door-handle13/ˈdɔːˌhænd(ə)l/noun [count]a handle on a door that you turn in order to open itShe cautiously put her hand on the door-handle.drowned

to drown38/draʊnd/verb1to sink under water and dieMany people drowned in the strong current.drunk

25/drʌŋk/adjective1unable to control your behaviour because you have drunk too much alcoholMy father used to come home drunk.

21–25) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below.

drunk / enjoyed / fence / forgotten / frightened

1) The ball went over the ____________ .

2) We ____________ the party – it was great fun!

3) Are you ____________ of the dark?

4) He fell off his bicycle, ____________ .

5) Sorry, I’ve ____________ your name.enjoyed

to enjoy

14/ɪnˈʤɔɪd/verb3to get pleasure from somethingMost people who saw the movie enjoyed it.fence8/fens/noun [count]1an upright structure made of wood or metal that surrounds an area of landA fence separated the two gardens.forgotten

to forget30/fəˈgɒt(ə)n/verb3to be unable to remember somethingOn no! I’ve forgotten my umbrella.frightened24/ˈfraɪt(ə)nd/adjective1feeling or showing fearWhat’s the matter? You look frightened.frightening50/ˈfraɪt(ə)nɪŋ/adjective1making you feel afraid, nervous or worriedAt first, I thought school was a bit frightening.26–30) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below.

frightening / funeral / get engaged / get married / ghosts

1) Nowadays, a lot of people don’t ____________ in church.

2) Being ill on your own can be ____________ .

3) Do you believe in ____________ ?

4) She’s been with her boyfriend a long time and would like to ____________ .

5) Over 200 people attended the ____________ .funeral40/ˈfjuːnrəl/noun [count]1a ceremony that takes place after someone dies in which their body is buried or crematedWhat time is the funeral?get engaged22/ˌget ɪnˈgeɪʤd/phraseto officially agree to marryWhen are you two going to get engaged?get married22/ˌget ˈmærid/phraseto marryAfter their engagement, they will get married. ghost19/gəʊst/noun [count]the spirit of a dead person that someone believes they can seeSometimes I imagine I see a ghost in the night!gold coins47/ˌgəʊld ˈkɔɪnz/noun [count]round pieces of gold used as moneyThey found a sack of gold coins from Roman times.31–35) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below.

gold coins / goldminer / grabbed / graveyard / gun

1) There was a pile of ____________ hidden behind the books.

2) She ____________ the keys and walked off.

3) You need a license to own a ____________.

4) What was life like as a ____________?

5) In the ____________ everything was silent.goldminerA Note About the Author

p5/ˈgəʊldˌmaɪnə/noun [count]someone who digs for gold in the groundMark Twain worked as a goldminer in Nevada and California.grabbed

to grab8/græbd/verb1to take hold of something suddenlyThe man grabbed her handbag and ran.graveyard19/ˈgreɪvˌjɑːd/noun [count]an area of land around a church where dead people are buriedThe graveyard is at the edge of town.gun60/gʌn/noun [count]3

a weapon that shoots bulletsPut that gun down!


to hang31/hæŋd/verb3

to kill someone by putting a rope around their neck and letting them dropThey hanged her for the murder.36–40) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below.

hanged / haunted / howling / hurt / hymn

1) What’s that ____________ noise?

2) You will be ____________ for your crimes.

3) Some people deliberately ____________ animals.

4) The house is old and could be ____________ .

5) Do you have a favourite ____________ ?haunted45/ˈhɔːntɪd/adjectivelived in or visited by the spirit of a dead personThe castle is supposed to be haunted.howling

to howl24/ˈhaʊlɪŋ/

verbto make a long, loud soundWe could hear wolves howling in the mountains.hurt62/hɜːt/adjectiveinjuredIs he hurt badly?hymn14/hɪm/noun [count]1a religious song that Christians sing in churchesThey sang a hymn in church.jail31/ʤeɪl/noun [count]1a prisonShe spent three years in jail.41–45) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below.

jail / judge / kite / lawyer / lost

1) She’s a ____________ working for a firm in Manhattan.

2) The ____________ wore a wig and a red gown.

3) The ____________ flew high up into the air.

4) What’s wrong? Are you ____________?

5) He was sent to ____________ for his crime.judge21/ʤʌʤ/noun [count]2someone whose job is to make decisions in a court of lawThe judge said the woman was guilty.


12/kaɪt/noun [count]a toy with a long string that flies in the airThey were flying a kite on the beach.

lawyer4/ˈlɔːjə/noun [count]2someone whose job is to provide legal advice and servicesHow long does it take to qualify as a lawyer?lost53/lɒst/adjective1if you are lost, you do not know where you areI realized we were lost and felt frightened.match50/ˈmæʧ/noun [count]3a small stick that produces a flame when it is rubbed against a surfaceCan you give me the match, please?46–50) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below.

match / minister / murdered / narrow / obey

1) A stream is a sort of ____________ river.

2) She found a ____________ and lit the lamp.

3) What’s the name of the new ____________?

4) Children must ____________ at all times.

5) Have they found the person who ____________ her?minister

14/ˈmɪnɪstə/noun [count]2a priest in some Protestant churchesThe wedding ceremony was conducted by the minister.murdered

to murder31/ˈmɜːdəd/verb1to kill someone deliberatelyHe murdered his wife and three children.narrow51/ˈnærəʊ/adjective3if something is narrow, there is only a short distance from one side of it to anotherJust here, the pavement is really narrow.

obey9/əˈbeɪ/verb1to do what a person or law says you must doYou must always obey your teacher.owl

24/aʊl/noun [count]a large bird with a big head and eyes that hunts at nightAn owl was hooting in the distance.51–55) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below.

owl / paint / picnic / pirates / play tricks on (sb)

1) The boys enjoyed dressing up as ____________.

2) An ____________ sat on one of the tree branches.

3) You shouldn’t ____________ old people.

4) Let’s ____________ the fence.

5) It’s a lovely day for a ____________ .paint9/peɪnt/verb2to put paint onto something in order to change its colourThey decided to paint the outside of the house.picnic45/ˈpɪknɪk/noun [count]

a meal that you eat outsideLet’s go for a picnic by the stream.pirates36/ˈpaɪrəts/noun [count]someone who steals things from shipsPirates attacked and captured the tricks on somebody8/ˌpleɪ ˈtrɪks ɒn sʌmbədi/phraseto do something that is a joke or slightly unfair in order to amuse yourselfDon’t play tricks on your little brother!plead guilty42/ˌpliːd ˈgɪlti/phraseto say in a court of law that you are guilty of a crimeThe defendant must either plead guilty or not guilty.56–60) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below.

plead guilty / prayers / printer / promise / punish

1) Let us remember those who have lost their lives in our ____________ .

2) If you ____________, they may reduce your sentence.

3) You mustn’t ____________ children too much.

4) A ____________ is for ever!

5) The book contained several mistakes made by the ____________ .prayers14/preəz/noun [count]1something that you say when you speak to GodPrayers were said in church for the dead man and his family.printerA Note About the Author

p4/ˈprɪntə/noun [count]1a business that prints books, magazines, etc.I had some special invitations made by a printer.

promise32/ˈprɒmɪs/noun [count]2something that you say you will definitely doThey made a promise to each other.

punish9/ˈpʌnɪʃ/verb1to make someone suffer because they have done something wrongThe teacher will punish anyone who arrives late.

revenge48/rɪˈvenʤ/noun [uncount]something that you do to hurt or punish someone because they have done something badIt’s understandable to want revenge on someone who has hurt you.61–65) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below.

revenge / reward / sail / sheriff / shovel

1) She dug hole in the garden with a ____________ .

2) On the horizon, the boat’s ____________ was visible.

3) Who’s the ____________ of this town?

4) The man claimed his ____________ at the police station.

5) She put poison in his tea as ____________ .reward62/rɪˈwɔːd/noun [count]1something good that you receive because of something that you have doneThere will be a £5,000 reward for anyone who can give us useful information.sail36/seɪl/noun [count]a large piece of cloth fixed to the top of a boatThe sail was blowing in the wind.

sheriff31/ˈʃerɪf/noun [count]in the past, the most senior law officer in a US townLet’s go and see the sheriff and see what he thinks.shovel26/ˈʃʌv(ə)l/noun [count]a tool used for lifting and moving soil or snowThey cleared a path through the snow using a shovel.snoring

to snore24/ˈsnɔːrɪŋ/verbto make a loud noise while you sleepI can’t sleep if you’re snoring all night!66–70) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below.

snoring / steamboat / stole / swear / tent

1) The ____________ was really difficult to put up.

2) Passengers on the ____________ waved to people on the shore.

3) Thieves ____________ his wallet.

4) The dog was ____________ gently in front of the fire.

5) You must ____________ not to tell anybody.steamboat10/ˈstiːmˌbəʊt/noun [count]a large boat that moves by steam powerA steamboat came slowly up the river.stole

to steal9/stəʊl/verb2to take something that belongs to someone else without permissionApparently, he stole some money from the office.swear31/sweə/verb1to make a sincere promiseI swear never to leave you.

tent36/tent/noun [count]a structure made of cloth and supported by poles that you can sleep in outsideWe put up a tent in the middle of the field.trial41/ˈtraɪəl/noun [count]2a process in which a case is examined in a court of lawThe trial will take place in the town courtroom.71–76) Choose the correct words and fill the gaps in the sentences below.

trial / twice / upstairs / wart / witness / worry

1) Relax! You ____________ too much!

2) I phoned you ____________ yesterday, but you weren’t in.

3) My office is ____________ .

4) How do you get rid of a ____________?

5) She was a ____________ at the trial.

6) The ____________ is expected to take over a week.twice13/twaɪs/adverb3

two timesShe’s already failed her driving test twice.upstairs46/ʌpˈsteəz/adverb1on the upper level of a houseThey’re still upstairs asleep.wart19/wɔːt/noun [count]a small hard lump that grows on your skinHe had a wart on his hand.witness42/ˈwɪtnəs/noun [count]1someone who sees a crime or accident happenWould the first witness come forward, please?worry33/ˈwʌri/verb3to feel nervous or upset because you keep thinking about something unpleasantPlease, try not to worry.

Wordlist definitions adapted from the Macmillan Essential Dictionary © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2003


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