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In Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck brings the reader into his world and his reasons for leaving conventional society in the opening pages of the novel. Huck explains what happened after he and his friend, Tom Sawyer, found a large sum of money:

The Widow Douglas, she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me; but it was rough being in the house all the time, considering how dismal regular and decent the widow was in all her ways; and so when I couldn’t stand it no longer, I lit out. (Twain 4)

Two chapters later, Huck outlines three specific limitations to his self-discovery…

2+ works by same author

Presentation of opinion

Early in Augustine’s life, he rejects Biblical scripture on the basis that it was “something neither open to the proud nor laid bare to mere children” (Confessions 40). In actuality, he stood too proud to look past the “lowly text” as a beginner and deemed it unworthy compared with the eloquence of Cicero.


The United States Department of Education has defined these schools as “autonomous public school that are granted some freedom from district and state regulations, allowing them to use innovative methods for teaching, spending, and hiring” (1). Within this definition, each charter school has its own unique mission statement and design.

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Director Chiffner clearly expounds his school’s goals: “City on a Hill is dedicated to rekindling the passion for democracy, the commitment to public service, the respect for hard work, and the hunger for learning in urban youth” (qtd. in Smith 55). Aside from ideological goals, charter schools of this type also strive to use other forms of learning…


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Another viable argument against charter schools is that they do not offer equitable services following…Results from studies on for-profit charter schools provide the main support behind these claims. For-profit character schools are labeled as such because for-profit corporations manage these schools and provide start-up fees and other support not otherwise given through the government, and in turn they receive millions in tax-free funds (Dykgraff & Lewis). In Furtwengler’s study of eleven Michigan for-profit charter schools, the majority of cuts in spending on corporations’ schools negative affect areas of transportation, socioeconomic considerations and special education (540). Corporations diminish services in these areas in order to increase their profit by receiving the full stipend amount for services that they do not provide at all or only in part.


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