At e Commons on Marice - The Goodman Group

April 2014

at The Commons on Marice



Hello Residents, Family and Friends,

I trust your year is off to a good start! Over the last year, we have had four meetings in the evenings for the "Family Council." For those who are not familiar with this, I would like to re-introduce this meeting. The Family Council is made up of family members of those who live at The Commons and our meetings are generally held the third Thursday of every other month at 6:30 p.m. in the Club Room. Our next meeting will be held on April 17. The rest of the meetings for 2014 are June 19, Aug. 21 and Oct. 16. There will be no meeting scheduled in December. So far, this group has been a dedicated small group of individuals, but we would love to have you there! If you can make this meeting, RSVP to Mary Yaeger at (651) 688-9999.

I also want to congratulate Sarah Matthews on her promotion to Life Enrichment Director at The Commons on Marice. Sarah has been the Pearl Garden Coordinator at The Commons and we are so excited to see her transition to this new position. Congratulations Sarah!

Thank you to all the residents, staff members, family and friends for your trust and compassion. We are lucky to have you in our lives.

With Regards,

Mary Yaeger, NHA, Executive Director

Welcome Home

The Commons on Marice residents are invited to attend our Welcome Party every month. We take this time to socialize and welcome new neighbors who have moved into The Commons. Join us on Tuesday, April 22, at 3 p.m. in the Clubroom, as we will be welcoming Harry and Dorothy H.!

Our Talk. Our Walk. Every Day!

Our Service Approach

Step 2 ? Fulfillment and Anticipation of Resident and Guest Desires

During Platinum Service training, we learned that customer loyalty is achieved when an organization focuses on providing personalized service to its customers. This is the heart of our Service Approach to residents and guests.

Some techniques we use to meet residents' unique and personal requirements include engaging and adjusting to their pace, fulfilling expected and expressed wishes, anticipating any unexpressed wishes, and asking if any other assistance is desired. We are able to deliver this service by being proactive, using the resident or guest's name, and remembering their preferences. Our goal is to go over and above the "ordinary" service that might be expected.

"To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity." --Douglas Adams

News From the Chaplain

God sent his Son, they called him Jesus,

Because He lives all fear is gone;

He came to love, heal and forgive;

Because I know he holds the future

He lived and died to buy my pardon,

And life is worth the living just because He lives.

An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives.

-- Wm. and Gloria Gaither

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,

April captures the continuing journey of Christ to the cross, his triumphant entrance into Jerusalem, the gruesome scenes of Jesus' trial and crucifixion, and the glory of his resurrection. There is no Easter without the cross. Because of the cross, we are forgiven. We have eternal hope and can face with confidence our own life journey. Knowing that as God's people, created out of divine love and made heirs to the kingdom through the blood of Christ, we have victory over the grave and the presence of the Holy Spirit to guide us through this life into the next. This is our peace, our hope -- this is God's greatest promise for each of us.

Please keep in mind the following list of faith opportunities we have this month as we continue the journey of Lent to Easter:

4 and 11 at 6:30 p.m. -- Lenten vespers worship services continue in the Atrium.

7 -- "Son of God" -- afternoon movie outing for residents. This film depicts the life story of Jesus from his humble birth through his ministry, crucifixion and resurrection.

12 -- Community Worship -- 10:45 a.m. -- telling of the passion story of Christ marking the beginning of Holy Week.

16 -- Passover Seder Meal from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. in the Activity Center. The Seder is a Jewish ritual performed by a community or by multiple generations of a family, involving a retelling of the story of the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt. This story is in the book of Exodus (Shemot) in the Hebrew Bible. The Seder itself is based on the Biblical verse commanding Jews to retell the story of the Exodus from Egypt: "You shall tell your child on that day, saying, 'It is because of what the LORD did for me when I came out of Egypt.'" (Exodus 13:8) Come and experience the Seder meal together!

17 -- Maundy Thursday Worship at 6:30 p.m. in the Atrium

18 -- Good Friday Worship at 2:30 p.m. in the Atrium

19 -- Easter Vigil to Easter Worship at 10:45 a.m. in the Atrium

24 -- Quiet Time with God resumes at 6:30 p.m. in the Fireside Lounge

26 -- Loving Service at 3 p.m. in the Activity Center

Ongoing faith-building activities at The Commons are as follows:

? Tuesday Catholic Services in the AC 6:30 p.m. -- Prayer Service with Holy Communion on first and third Tuesdays 10 a.m. -- Mass on second and fourth Tuesdays

? Wednesday Bible Study weekly at 1:30 p.m. in the PR

? Thursday Prayer Team -- first and third Thursdays of the month at 2:30 p.m. in the PR

? Quiet Time with God -- 6:30 p.m. in the FSL

? Saturday Men's Bible Study weekly at 9:15 a.m. in the PR

? Community Worship -- 10:45 a.m. in the A

Kitchen Chatter

Easter Brunch

Please join us for a special Easter celebration on Sunday, April 20, from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. in the atrium.

No charge for residents. Guests $14. Children $7.

Menu ? Hand-carved pit


blintz with berry sauce

? Seasonal vegetables

? Bacon and sausage links

? Belgian waffles ? Scrambled eggs ? Cheesy hash

brown potatoes ? Cream cheese

? Fresh seasonal fruit

? Croissants

? Variety of pastries

Reservations not needed.

Breakfast closes at 9 a.m. Dining room reopens for dinner at 4 p.m.

Greetings From Marketing

Just a reminder that The Commons on Marice offers notary services to our residents and their families. Please contact Mollie Lund or Kezia Wicklander at the front desk if you would like to utilize this complimentary service.

Remember, good friends make good neighbors! Please see anyone in the marketing department for more information!

Happy Spring to everyone!

-- Mollie, Jill and Kezia

Marketing Department

Any Way You Slice It

Do you know anyone who doesn't like pizza? One type of this hugely popular food is celebrated on April 5, which is National Deep Dish Pizza Day. A thick, chewy crust marks this variety, which is often called Chicago-style pizza. Many other places have their own signature style, and where you grew up can have a big influence on the kind of pizza you prefer. Regional favorites include:

California style -- The Golden State takes a unique approach to pizza by opting for nontraditional toppings such as peanut or barbecue sauces, bean sprouts, chicken, and shredded carrots on a thin crust.

New Haven style -- Plenty of pizza connoisseurs in Connecticut go for their local specialty, sometimes called apizza. The pies are topped with garlic and hard cheeses, with mozzarella considered an additional topping. This variety has a "scorched" crisp crust.

New York style -- Thank New York's Italian immigrants from Naples for bringing this style to the U.S. Hallmarks include a generous size, tomato sauce, lots of cheese, and a hand-tossed, flexible crust that allows the large slices to be folded in half for eating.

Hawaiian pizza -- Despite the name, it neither originated in Hawaii, nor is it particularly popular there. But this well-known variety featuring ham and pineapple is still a favorite in many parts of the West.

Resident Birthdays

Mary R., 1st

Will B., 16th

Clayton H., 5th

Delbert A., 18th

Kitty Z., 6th

Bob N., 22nd

Helen H., 11th

Myra K., 29th

Florence S., 12th

Dolores R., 30th

APRIL 2014









Activity Center, AC Atrium, A Clubroom, CR Courtyard, CTYD Fireside Lounge, FSL Garden, G Library, L

Lobby, LOB Patio, P Poker Room, PR Second Floor Lounge, 2nd Third Floor Lounge, 3rd Van Transportation, Van Wellness Center, WC

April fools' Day


9:30 Fit to Be Strong, AC 9:15

10:15 Fit to Be Strong:


Seated, AC


1:00 Mac Phail Hour, A


2:30 Recipe Exchange, AC 2:00

6:30 St. John Neumann


Comm. Service, A


10:30 1:00 2:00

3:00 6:30



Coffee Break, CR


Bingo, CR


St. James Lutheran 2:00

Service, FSL


Piano With Shre, A 5:00

Evening Movie, FSL 6:30


Stretch and Flex, AC Reading Buddies, L Claim Your Prize, CR Fit to Stretch, AC Monday Malts, CR Penny Poker, L History Player Program, AC

9:30 10:00 10:15

1:30 3:30

6:30 7:00

Fit to Be Strong, AC


Catholic Mass, A Fit to Be Strong: Seated, AC Choir Practice, AC

9:15 10:30 1:30

Resident Council Meeting, AC Melodies and Musings, AC DARTS Caregiver

2:00 5:00 6:30

Support Group, FSL

2 9:30

Fit to Pedal, AC


Casino Outing, Van

Coffee Chat, L Bible Study, PR Light & Easy, AC Penny Poker, L

12:30 1:00 2:30 3:00

Bingo, CR 6:30

Fit to Pedal, AC

9 9:30

Coffee Chat, L


Bible Study, PR Light & Easy, AC Penny Poker, L Bingo, CR

12:30 1:00 3:00 6:30

Fit to Be Strong, AC Fit to Be Strong: Seated, AC Manicures, CR Card Making, CR Prayer Team, PR Twin Talegate Happy Hour, A Lenten Service, A

3 9:15

9:30 10:45


2:00 2:30 6:30 6:30

Fit to Be


Strong, AC

Fit to Be Strong:

Seated, AC

Manicures, CR

Card Making, CR

Happy Hour, A

Lenten Service, A

9:15 9:30 10:45 11:00

2:00 2:00 2:30 6:30 6:30

Fit to Pedal, AC Scrabble, CR

4 9:15


Bingo, CR


Blood Pressure

Checks, AC


Light & Easy Exercise, AC 2:00

Spelling Bee, CR


Evening Movie, FSL

500 Club, PR


Fit to Pedal, AC


Scrabble, CR

Bingo, CR

Lunch Outing:

West Wind, Van

Light & Easy Exercise, AC

Mobile Eyes, L

Ice Cream Social, CR

Evening Movie, FSL

500 Club, PR

9:15 9:30 10:45

1:00 2:00 3:00


Men's Bible Study, L 5

Rosary, FSL Community Worship Service, A Bridge, PR Fit to Stretch, AC Root Beer Float Social, CR Cribbage/500 Club, PR

Men's Bible Study, L 12

Rosary, FSL Community Worship Service, A Bridge, PR Fit to Stretch, AC Spring Craft: Flower Garland, AC Cribbage/500 Club, PR

Palm Sunday


10:30 1:00 2:00

3:00 6:30

Coffee Break, CR Bingo, CR St. James Lutheran Service, FSL Meterzkey Duo, A Evening Movie, FSL

Passover begins at sunset

14 9:30

9:15 Stretch and Flex, AC

10:30 Reading Buddies, L


12:00 Claim Your Prize, CR

2:00 2:45 5:00 6:00

Fit to Stretch, AC Monday Malts, CR Penny Poker, L Armchair Traveler:

1:30 3:00 6:30

Jerusalem, AC

Fit to Be


Strong, AC

Fit to Be Strong:

Seated, AC

Choir Practice, AC

Vintage Hat Show, A

St. John Neumann

Comm. Service, A

9:15 10:30 11:00 1:30 2:00 5:00 6:30




10:30 Coffee Break, CR

1:00 2:00

3:00 6:30

Bingo, CR St. James Lutheran Service, FSL Karaoke, FSL Evening Movie, FSL

10:30 12:00 2:00 2:45 5:00


Stretch and Flex, AC Reading Buddies, L Claim Your Prize, CR Fit to Stretch, AC Monday Malts, CR Penny Poker, L

Earth day

9:30 Fit to Be Strong, AC 10:00 Catholic Mass, A 10:15 Fit to Be Strong:

22 9:15

10:30 1:30

Seated, AC


1:30 Choir Practice, AC 2:30 Outing to EVHS:


Bravo 2014, Van 3:00 Welcome Party, CR


6:30 Melodies and Musings, AC 6:30

10:30 1:00 2:00 3:00



27 9:15

Break, CR Bingo, CR St. James Lutheran Service, FSL Entertainment:Spirit of Nature, A Evening Movie, FSL

10:30 12:00

2:00 2:45 5:00 6:30

Stretch and Flex, AC

28 9:30

Reading Buddies, L Claim Your Prize, CR


Fit to Stretch, AC Monday Malts, CR Penny Poker, L

1:30 3:00

Armchair Traveler Series, AC


Fit to Be


Strong, AC


Fit to Be Strong:


Seated, AC


Choir Practice, AC 2:00

Birthday Party


With Jeff B., A


Rosary, A


Fit to Pedal, AC Coffee Chat, L Passover Seder, A Bible Study, PR Light & Easy, AC Penny Poker, L Bingo, CR

9:30 10:15

12:30 1:00 2:30 3:00


Fit to Pedal, AC 23 9:30

Coffee Chat, L

Bible Study, PR


Light & Easy, AC

Outing to EVHS:


"Tom Sawyer," Van 1:00

Penny Poker, L


Bingo, CR


Fit to Be Strong, AC Fit to Be Strong: Seated, AC Manicures, CR Card Making, CR Prayer Team, PR Happy Hour With Janet Walters, A Maundy Thursday Service, A

17 Good Friday

9:15 Fit to Pedal, AC

18 9:15

9:30 Scrabble, CR 10:45 Bingo, CR 11:00 Lunch Outing: Mama

9:30 10:45

2:00 2:30 6:30

Maria's, Van Light & Easy Exercise, AC Good Friday Service, A Evening Movie, FSL

1:00 2:00 3:00

6:30 500 Club, PR


Fit to Be Strong, AC Fit to Be Strong: Seated, AC

24 9:15

9:30 10:45


Manicures, CR Card Making, CR


Happy Hour, A


Lenten Service, A


Fit to Pedal, AC 25 9:15

Scrabble, CR

Bingo, CR


Light & Easy


Exercise, AC

Ice Cream and


Pie Social, CR


Evening Movie, FSL


500 Club, PR


Men's Bible


Study, L

Rosary, FSL

Community Worship Service, A

Bridge, PR

Fit to Stretch, AC

Cookie Decorating, AC

Cribbage/500 Club, PR

Men's Bible


Study, L

Rosary, FSL

Community Worship Service, A Bridge, PR

Fit to Stretch, AC Loving Service, AC

Cribbage/500 Club, PR


Fit to Pedal, AC Coffee Chat, L Bible Study, PR Light & Easy, AC Penny Poker, L Bingo, CR

Calendar events subject to change.

Notes From Nursing

Springtime Greetings from the Nursing Department

Listed below are a few reminders to ensure help things run smoothly. ? When leaving the building make sure to sign out at the front desk. Upon return to the

building make sure to sign back in. ? If you are receiving nursing services please let a nurse know 24 hours in advance of any

medical appointments you may have so staff are able to get a clinical referral ready for your appointment. When leaving for your appointment, please pick up your clinical referral at the front desk. After the appointment remember to drop the paperwork off at the nursing office. ? If nursing is managing your medications and you will need medications packaged for your leave of absence, please let nursing know 24 hours in advance. ? For the safety of the residents, security alarms are set from 11 p.m.-7 a.m. Please call our main number at (651) 688-9999 before entering or exiting the building during this time frame so staff is aware who is entering/exiting the facility. If you have any questions in regards to this information please feel free to contact me.

Happy Spring, Nicole Tysk

Director of Nursing

Environmental Rundown

As we warm up in April our subject will turn outside to the wildlife that is around the building. Currently we have a strict, no-nest policy in place for birds trying to get free rent here at the Commons and making their homes on the building. It is unsightly to see gaudy nests about and not to mention the droppings left behind. They also destroy the building by burrowing nests into the side of the facility. After putting a feeder out for them it does not take long for the birds to tell all the other small forest animals like mice and squirrels about where the food exists and we try to deter these guys from loitering about the building area. There are plenty of wild birds about to watch as you stroll around the building or sit out by the pond as the spring and summer progress. The geese seasonally stop by to hatch some young along with some ducks and occasionally you might see a muskrat or turtles swimming in the pond. This is why I must ask you to refrain from feeding the birds and anything else that might take to your feeders.

-- Phil, Environmental Service Director


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