Mark Twain’s Adventures of Tom Sawyer: A Discussion Guide

Mark Twain's Adventures of Tom Sawyer: A Discussion Guide

By David Bruce


Copyright 2008 by Bruce D. Bruce

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Cover Illustration: By True Williams

This illustration is the frontispiece to the 1876 first edition of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.


Preface to This Book

The purpose of this book is educational. I have read, studied, and taught Mark Twain's Adventures of Tom Sawyer many times, and I wish to pass on what I have learned to other people who are interested in studying Twain's Adventures of Tom Sawyer. In particular, I think that the readers of this guide to Twain's Adventures of Tom Sawyer will be bright high school seniors and college first-year students, as well as intelligent adults who simply wish to study Twain's Adventures of Tom Sawyer despite not being literature majors.

This book uses a question-and-answer format. It poses, then answers, relevant questions about Twain, background information, and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. This book goes through The Adventures of Tom Sawyer chapter by chapter. I recommend that you read the relevant section of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, then read my comments, then go back and re-read the relevant section of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. However, do what works for you.

Teachers may find this book useful as a discussion guide for the novel. Teachers can have students read chapters from the novel, then teachers can ask students selected questions from this book.

The quotations from the novel come from this source:

Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Berkeley: University of California Press, [1982] c1980. Foreword and notes by John C. Gerber; text established by Paul Baender.

This book will use short quotations from critical works about The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. This use is consistent with fair use:

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Biographical Notes on Mark Twain

? Samuel Langhorne Clemens (later Mark Twain) was born on November 30, 1835, in Florida, Missouri, but grew up in nearby Hannibal (his family moved there in 1839), which became the village (called St. Petersburg) in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Hannibal was located on the Mississippi River and had 2,000 inhabitants.

? Sam was the sixth child of John Marshall Clemens and Jane Lampton.

? Sam's father owned a grocery store.

? Sam's Uncle Quarles had a farm on which slaves worked. Sam sometimes stayed at the farm during summers, and he saw slaves being beaten.

? Hannibal, Missouri, was a slave-holding community. The slaves were mostly household servants.

? When Samuel L. Clemens was 11, his father died. Young Sam dropped out of school, then began work as an apprentice in a printer's shop to help support his family. Then he worked under his older brother, Orion, at the newspaper called the Hannibal Journal.

? In June of 1853, Sam left Hannibal and started traveling, working for a while as a journalist and printer in places such as St. Louis, New York, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, and Iowa, then becoming a riverboat pilot on the Mississippi River. The man who taught him the Mississippi River was Horace Bixby, pilot of the Paul Jones.

? Sam served briefly in the Confederate Army during the Civil War, but deserted and headed West to search for gold (unsuccessfully).

? He became a reporter and humorist for the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, where he adopted the pen name Mark Twain. One story of the name's meaning is that it is the cry given when a river man measures the depth of water in the Mississippi River and finds that it is 12 feet (two fathoms). "Mark Twain" means "Note that there are two fathoms of water." (A fathom is six feet.) Two fathoms of water is enough water for a riverboat not to be in danger of hitting bottom. Sam used the pen name Mark Twain for the first time on February 2, 1863. Another account of the origin of the name is that Sam used to call out "mark twain" when entering a favorite Western saloon. In this case, "mark twain" meant "mark two more drinks on my tab."

? As a reporter, Twain was a social critic. In San Francisco, he wrote about the inhumane treatment of illegal Chinese immigrants and of the poor.

? In 1869, Twain published the book (his 2nd) that was the most popular of all his books during his lifetime: Innocents Abroad. This humorous book tells of his travels to Europe and the Holy Land.

? On February 2, 1870, Sam married Olivia Langdon. Her family was prominent in Elmira, New York. Sam and Olivia soon moved to Hartford, Connecticut.

? Twain's next book was Roughing It, published in 1872. This humorous book told of Sam's experiences prospecting for gold.

? In 1873, Twain published his first novel, The Gilded Age, which was co-written by Charles Dudley Warner, about corruption during the 1800s.

? Twain published The Adventures of Tom Sawyer in 1876.

? Twain published The Prince and the Pauper in 1881.

? Twain published Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in 1885.

? Twain published A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court in 1889.

? Many of Twain's investments failed and he became deep in debt, but he went on long speaking tours and earned the money needed to pay his debts and have some money of his own.

? Although Twain was a humorist, late in life he grew deeply pessimistic and pondered the existence of the nature of God (if God in fact does exist).

? Twain died of angina on April 21, 1910.

? In The Mysterious Stranger, Twain wrote, "The Human race in its poverty, has unquestionably one really effective weapon -- laughter. Power, money, persuasion, supplication, persecution -- these can lift at a colossal humbug -- push it a little, weaken it a little, century by century, but only laughter can blow it to rags and atoms at a blast. Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand." Twain often used humor to mock colossal humbugs.

Introduction to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

? Twain published The Adventures of Tom Sawyer in 1876.

? Twain wrote to his publisher about Tom Sawyer: "It is not a boy's book, at all. It will only be read by adults. It is only written for adults." (Later, he agreed with friends that children would read it.)

? Most of the characters in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer are based on real-life people. Tom is a combination of three boys whom Sam knew. Aunt Polly is based in part on Sam's mother. Sid is based in part on Henry, Sam's younger brother. Mary is based on Sam's sister, Pamela. Judge Thatcher is based in part on Sam's father. Injun Joe is based in part on a harmless drunk, not on a murderer. Huck Finn is based in part on Tom Blankenship, the son of the town drunk. Sam's early sweetheart, Laura Hawkins, became the main basis of Becky Thatcher.

? The Adventures of Tom Sawyer accepts slavery as a given and does not deal with racism and slavery. It is much less controversial than Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which does directly deal with racism and slavery.

? The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a nostalgic look at childhood. To a child, growing up may be serious business, but in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer childhood is idyllic.

? The character of Tom Sawyer is realistic, especially when compared to all the good little boys in 19th-century church didactic literature. (Didactic literature is literature that is intended to teach.) However, the plot of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is not realistic. Tom has a series of adventures -- such as finding treasure -- that we can only wish we had.

? The name St. Petersburg means the town of St. Peter. St. Peter holds the keys of Heaven, so St. Petersburg is meant to be heavenly. For the most part, it is, especially for the children (childhood is heavenly, according to the novel), but occasionally it is not. The graveyard is not heavenly, and the schoolmaster has had his hope of becoming a doctor blighted by poverty.

? Why does Tom live with Aunt Polly? Death in childbirth was common back then. Death at an early age was common back then. Chances are, Tom is an orphan. Tom has a halfbrother, Sid, probably because one of his parents died, then the other parent remarried.

? The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is set in the 1840s. It is set when Mark Twain himself was a boy.

? Tom Sawyer is a performer. He greatly desires the attention of the villagers and dreams up escapades to get their attention. Huckleberry Finn does not desire attention.

? Tom Sawyer is literate, reads books, and tries to act according to what is in the books. Tom is romantic. Huckleberry Finn is nearly illiterate, does not read much, and acts according to what will work. Huck Finn is pragmatic.

? In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Twain is subversive, turning these ideas on their heads:

Money: After the whitewashing incident, Tom Sawyer is rich, but any adult looking at his wealth -- such as a dead rat to swing on a string -- would regard the wealth as trash.

Work: Whitewashing a fence may seem to be work, but Tom turns it into play.

Civilization: Adults may consider civilization to be a good thing, but Huck Finn prefers his freedom. The mothers of the village do not want their children to play with Huck Finn, but the children of the village envy Huck his freedom. Huck can swear, smoke, and do as he likes.


? When is the novel set, and where is it set?

The novel is set during the 1840s, and it is set in the small, poverty-stricken village of St. Petersburg, which Mark Twain based on the village in which he grew up: Hannibal, Missouri. Hannibal was an ancient Carthaginian general who was famous for bringing war elephants across the Alps so he could use them to attack the Romans. The Romans were triumphant in this, the Second Punic ("Punic" refers to Carthage) War, and after the Third Punic War they completely destroyed Carthage. Many American cities, towns, and villages are named after ancient historical figures.

? What do we learn from the Preface about the trustworthiness of the characters and events of this novel?

The author of the novel wants us to trust him. He points out that the characters are based on real people, although some of them are based on more than one person. For example, Tom Sawyer himself is based on three real boys.

In addition, the author writes, "MOST of the adventures recorded in this book really occurred; one or two were experiences of my own, the rest those of boys who were schoolmates of mine" (Preface).

Of course, the adventures related in this novel are adventures that most readers wish had happened to them. The boys reading this novel may have dug for buried treasure, as no doubt Mark Twain did when he was a boy. Like Twain, however, the boys reading this novel did not find buried treasure -- except in their imagination, which, after all, is not such a bad place to find it.

The main point of the Preface, however, is that although Tom Sawyer may be a trickster, the author is someone whom you can trust.

? What do we learn about superstitions in the Preface?

We learn that the superstitions written about were all believed in at the time the novel is set:

The odd superstitions touched upon were all prevalent among children and slaves in the West at the period of this story -- that is to say, thirty or forty years ago. (Preface)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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