Story of the World Volume 3 Lesson Plans

[Pages:8]Story of the World Volume 3 Lesson Plans

These plans look a bit different than the ones I created for SOTW 1 and SOTW 2. This is because I have become a bit freer with my plans . I now prefer to have weekly goals instead of daily ones planned out for the year and this is reflected in how I laid out these plans. Also I have not scheduled copywork as I will have my daughter writing all her own narrations this year.

I used the following books for our history studies... 1. Story of the World: Volume 3, Early Modern Times 2. D'Aulaire's Pochohantus 3. Landmark's Landing of the Pilgrims 4. Peter the Great by Diane Stanley 5. Boston Tea Party 6. Winter at Valley Forge 7. A More Perfect Union 8. American Adventures, part 1 9. The Louisiana Purchase 10. Lewis & Clark (from The World Greatest Explorers) 11. Usborne's Who Were the North American Indians 12. Only the Names Remain 13. Susanna of the Alamo 14. California Gold Rush

I used the following readers... 1. Don Quixote (abridged version) 2. Pochohantus & the Strangers 3. Adventures of Tom Sawyer (abridged version) 4. A Lion to Guard Us 5. Mary of Plymouth (free at google books) 6. Chinese Myths and Fables (selected ones) 7. The Bears on Hemlock Mountain 8. The Three Musketeers (abridged version) 9. Marie Curie's Search for Radium (part of Elemental Science's plans) 10. Jane Austen 11. The Story of Daniel Boone 12. Phoebe the Spy 13. Mr. Revere and I 14. Abigail Adams: A Girl... 15. Ben & Me 16. Meet George Washington 17. The Cabin faced West 18. James Cook: the Pacific Coast and beyond 19. Robert Fulton 20. Confucius and the Golden Rule 21. Napoleon 22. Oliver Twist (abridged version) 23. Naya Nuki 24. Louis Pastuer's Fight against Microbes (part of Elemental Science's plans) 25. Sojourner Truth: The Path of Glory 26. The Courage of Sarah Noble

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27. Sitting Bull: Great Sioux Chief 28. By the Great Horn Spoon 29. Secret Valley I used the following read-alouds (generally read a chapter a day)... 1. The School Story 2. Squanto, A Warrior's Tale 3. The Witch at Blackbird Pond 4. Farmer Boy 5. The Jungle Book 6. Toliver's Secret 7. Johnny Tremain 8. Carry on Mr. Bowditch 9. Stowaway 10. The Year of the Panda 11. The Hunchback of Notre Dame (abridged) 12. Sign of the Beaver 13. Strawberry Girl 14. Swift Rivers 15. Calico Bush 16. The Ballad of Lucy Whipple The activities are all in the SOTW 3 Activity Guide. The timeline figures came from this yahoo group: , all the additional timeline pictures came from .

You can find the plans for the state study for free at my blog (elementalscience.) or at our yahoo group () My hope is that you will find something useful from these plans. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at info@. Blessings, Paige

All Rights Reserved, P. Hudson 2010

Week 1-6

History Reading

History Activity

Timeline Figures

Week 1

SOTW 3: Ch. 1 & 2

Week 2

SOTW 3: Ch. 3 & D'Aulaire's Pochohantus

Mary Stuart Needlework


William the Orange, Mary

Queen of Scots

Make Parkin Cakes

James I

Week 3

SOTW 3: Ch. 4 & 5

Play Inuit Games

Henry Hudson, Hideyoshi, Leyashu

Week 4

SOTW 3: Ch. 6

Make your Own

Mayflower Compact

Week 5

Week 6

Landmarks: Landmarks:

Landing of the Landing of the



Make Indian Pudding

Dye your own shirt (using

instructions below)

Landing of the Mayflower


*see below


*see below


Don Quixote (abridged)

Pochohantus and the Strangers

Adventures of Adventures of

Tom Sawyer Tom Sawyer



A Lion to Guard Us

Mary of Plymouth

Read Aloud

State Study

School Story Maine

School Story

New Hampshire

School Story Vermont

Squanto: A Squanto: A Warrior's Tale Warrior's Tale



The Witch at Blackbird Pond


Squanto 1580-1622

Plymouth 1620

Dye your own Shirt Directions:

Colonists gathered plants to make dye to color their clothing. Walnut shells were used fir brown, berries for blue or red, poplar leaves for yellow and flowers for yellow or blue. Onion skins were used to create a soft shade of yellow. To dye a shirt you will need: yellow-brown papery outer layers from 6 onions (ask the grocery store for some when the bins are cleaned-he'll probably give you some) , large pot, water, slotted spoon, measuring spoons, white all cotton t-shirt or socks. Put onion skins in the pot and cover with water. Heat to a boil and simmer 20 minutes. Scoop out the onion skins. Heat the water again and drop the T-shirt or socks into the hot dye bath. To set the dye so it won't wash out, add 2 tbsp. of white vinegar to the dye bath. Turn off the heat and let the shirt soak in the dye for about an hour. Wring the clothing out and put it in a sink or pan of cool water to rinse. Wring out the clothing and let dry. The color will depend on how many skins were used and how diluted the dye was.

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Week 7-12

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

History Reading

SOTW 3: Ch. 7 & 8

SOTW 3: Ch. 9 & 10

SOTW 3: Ch. 11 & 12

SOTW 3: Ch. 13 & 14

SOTW 3: Ch. 15

SOTW 3: Ch. 16, 17

History Activity

Timeline Figures


Read Aloud State Study

Traditional West African Stamp Pattern

& Persian Writing

Thirty Years War Game, Make Swedish Apple Cake

Peter Stuyvesant, Queen Nzinga, Murad IV

30 Years War, Lemitsu

Mary of Plymouth

Chinese Myths and Fables

The Witch at Blackbird Pond

The Witch at Blackbird Pond

Rhode Island Connecticut

Make a Peacock Throne

Aurangzeb, Taj Mahal, Great Fire in

London The Bears of

Hemlock Mountain

Farmer Boy


Game: Who is the man in the Iron Mask &

Color a Prussian Flag

Writing Project: The Liberty Bell

Puzzle Project: Crop Rotation

Louis XIV, Frederick I of


William Penn

Isaac Newton, Peter the Great

The Three Musketeers

Farmer Boy

New York

The Three Musketeers

Farmer Boy

New Jersey

Marie Curie

The Jungle Book X

Great Fire in London 1666

All Rights Reserved, P. Hudson 2010

Week 13-18

History Reading

History Activity

Timeline Figures

Week 13

Peter the Great & SOTW

3: Ch. 18

Week 14

SOTW 3: Ch.19 & 20

Turkish War Camp

Make sundial & drink yak butter tea

Ahmet III

Siraj ud ? Daulah, Chi-eng lung

Week 15

SOTW 3: Ch. 21 & 22

Name that war Game

George Washington, Daniel Boone

Week 16

Week 17

Week 18

Boston Tea Party

Winter at Valley Forge

SOTW 3: Ch. 23 & A More Perfect Union

Make an American Flag

Boston Tea Party

Work on memorizing the Declaration of Independence

Revolutionary War, Paul Revere

Three Branches of Government


US Constitution, Abigail Adams


Read Aloud State Study

Marie Curie & Stone Fox

The Jungle Book

Jane Austen

The Jungle Book



The Story of Daniel Boone

Toliver's Secret


Phoebe the Spy

Johnny Tremain


Mr. Revere & I Abigail Adams

Johnny Tremain


Johnny Tremain


Daniel Boone 1734-1820

Boston Tea Party December 16, 1773

Revolutionary War 1775-1783

Paul Revere 1735-1818

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US Constitution September 17, 1787

Abigail Adams 1744-1818

Week 19-24

History Reading

History Activity

Week 19

Week 20

Week 21

Week 22

Week 23

Week 24

American Adventures,

part 1

American Adventures,

part 1

American Adventures,

part 1

President's President's President's Memory Cards Memory Cards Memory Cards

SOTW 3: 24 & 25

Make Message sticks, play storm the Bastille

SOTW 3: 26 & 27

Be the next Czar game, write your own


SOTW 3: 28 & first half

of 29

Make a vase from the

Chi'en-lung Period, conquer the world game

Timeline Figures


Benjamin Franklin


Captain Cook, the storming of the Bastille

Catherine the Great

Napoleon Bonaparte


Read Aloud State Study

Meet George Washington

Johnny Tremain


Ben and Me

Carry On Mr. Bowditch x

The Cabin Faced West

Carry On Mr. Bowditch


James Cook: The Pacific Coast and



Robert Fulton Stowaway

Confucius and the Golden Rule

The Year of the Panda

West Virginia Kentucky


Ben Franklin 1706-1790

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Week 25-30

History Reading

History Activity

Week 25

SOTW 3: second half of 29, The

Louisiana Purchase

Conquer the World Game

Week 26

SOTW 3: 30 & 31

Color the Haitian Flag,

William Wordsworth memory project

Week 27

SOTW 3: 32, Lewis & Clark (Greatest Explorers)

Lewis & Clarks duds,

Jefferson's secret code

Week 28

Lewis & Clark (Greatest

Explorers) & SOTW 3: 33

Memorize the Star Spangled Banner & Know

your knots

Week 29

SOTW 3: 34 & 35

Battle for South America &

Independence Day Pi?ata

Week 30

SOTW 3: 36 & 37

Early American Quilting Project

Timeline Figures

The Louisiana Purchase

The Industrial Revolution

Lewis & Clark Expedition, Tecumseh


Battle of Waterloo, Simon Bolivar

British Abolition Act,

Shaka Zulu


Read Aloud State Study


Oliver Twist

The Hunchback of Notre Dame

The Hunchback of Notre Dame


North Carolina

Naya Nuki

Sign of the Beaver x

Naya Nuki

Sign of the Beaver

Louis Pasteur's Fight Against


Sojourner Truth: The Path of Glory

Strawberry Girl

Strawberry Girl

South Carolina Florida


Louisiana Purchase 1804

Tecumseh 1768-1813

Sacajawea 1788-1812

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Week 31-36

History Reading

Week 31

SOTW 3: Ch. 38 & Who Were the Native Americans

Week 32

Only the Names Remain

History Activity

Core Knowledge Native American Art Unit

Week 33

SOTW 3: Ch. 39 & 40

Week 34

Susanna of the Alamo & SOTW

3: Ch. 41

Week 35

SOTW 3: Ch. 42

Week 36

California Gold Rush

Bribe: the game, Alamo

flip book

Maori Sweet Potato Garden

Gold Strike

Live in a Mining Camp

First Opium

Timeline Figures

The Great Trek


War, The Mexican

Treaty of Waitangi

California Gold Rush


American War


Read Aloud State Study

Sarah Plain and Tall

The Courage of Sarah Noble

Sitting Bull

Swift Rivers Swift Rivers Calico Bush




Sitting Bull Calico Bush Mississippi

By the Great Horn Spoon

The Secret Valley

The Ballad of The Ballad of Lucy Whipple Lucy Whipple



All Rights Reserved, P. Hudson 2010


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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