Pearland Independent School District

Name: ____________________________________Period: ______Plant System Interaction ScenariosInstructions: Describe how plant systems interact in each scenario using words. Use your knowledge of plant anatomy to think through your answer. Write out what is happening in each scenario using the appropriate terms (i.e. leaf, stem, flower, reproductive system, shoot system, vascular system, roots, root system, xylem, phloem, hormone, glucose etc.). Explain what process is being turned on or off.Scenario Example:When a plant is grown in a location where the water source is far away, the plant will often bend its roots toward the water source. The roots detect the water which stimulates the production of a hormone that will elongate the roots to the needed water source.Answer:The plant senses that there is a low availability of water, which make the stomata close, and transpiration stops. The roots then produce a hormone which travels through the xylem to elongate the tip of the root towards the water.What two systems are interacting in this scenario? Transport and ResponseScenario 1It hasn’t rained in several days and you have forgotten to water your fern. The roots sense a lack of water and produce the hormone abscisic acid. Abscisic acid triggers the guard cells to shrink. When the guard cells shrink, the stomatal pore closes, and water loss decreases which inhibits the reproductive ability of the flower.Written Answer to Scenario 1: What two systems are interacting in this scenario? _____________ and _____________Scenario 2Copper is a mineral that can be found in soil. Copper is important for reproductive growth in plants and plays an indirect role in chlorophyll production. Which statement correctly describes the interaction that occurs between the root and the shoot systems of plants to allow photosynthesis and reproduction to occur?Written Answer to Scenario 2: What two systems are interacting in this scenario? ______________ and _____________Scenario 3: When a plant is grown in a location where sunlight only comes from one direction, the plant will often bend towards the light. Leaves detect sunlight and create a hormone in response to the light. The roots receive this chemical message from the leaves and create a second hormone, auxin, in response. Auxin stimulates cells on the shady side of the stem to elongate, bending the plant towards the sunlight.Written Answer to Scenario 3: What two systems are interacting in this scenario? ______________ and _____________Scenario 4: When a vining plant comes into contact with a wooden trellis or fence, the plant stem bends around the object. This same response is seen in bean plants which will wind around wooden fences. These two plants trigger a hormone called auxin as the plant winds around an object. The auxin travels from the roots to the stems. Written Answer to Scenario 4:What two systems are interacting in this scenario? _____________ and _____________Scenario 5: When temperatures remain warm for multiple days, a fruit plant’s shoot system will respond by creating the hormone ethylene. Ethylene stimulates the ripening of fruit. Written Answer to Scenario 5:What two systems are interacting in this scenario? _____________ and _____________Scenario 6: Carrot plants do not produce flowers for two years, during the first two years the carrot plant will develop the taproot (carrot) and shoot system using available nutrients and water. When the temperature is warmer than usual, the weather tricks the carrot plant into prematurely using energy to develop flowers. As a result, a hormone stunts the growth of the carrot taproot causing the plant to become inedible. Written Answer to Scenario 6:What two systems are interacting in this scenario? _____________ and _____________Scenario 7: The Yucca plant produces abscisic acid during times of drought to conserve energy by keeping its flowers in a dormant state. As a large amount of rain falls, the roots sense the water and take in as much water as possible. The abundance amount of water activates the reproductive ability of the dormant flower. The plant uses available sugar, water, and minerals to grow a flower. Written Answer to Scenario 7:What two systems are interacting in this scenario? _____________ and _____________Scenario 8: It has rained for several days. A tomato plant root system senses the large amount of water and produces the hormone abscisic acid, which triggers the guard cells to swell. When the guard cells swell, the stomatal pore opens, and water loss increases. Using stored glucose and newly absorbed water, reproduction of flowers begins and tomatoes begin to grow.Written Answer to Scenario 8:What two systems are interacting in this scenario? ____________ and __________Scenario 9: A field of corn is planted. Plant growth is activated by available nutrients, water, and hormones. The root system elongates downward though the soil because of gravity, while the shoot system grows upwards away from the soil. Written Answer to Scenario 9:What two systems are interacting in this scenario? ____________ and __________ ................

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