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Post #1 (General Audience):

Donate 15 minutes of your time today for the future of education!

Have a voice – participate in Speak Up America Week (December 7-11, 2015)!

Join the conversation about the use of technology for learning through Speak Up, a National Research Project. Since 2003, over 4 million K-12 education stakeholders have participated in the annual online surveys. Data findings are shared each year with federal, state and local policymakers to inform education programs, policies and funding.

By giving 15 minutes of your time to Speak Up America 2015 (speakup), you can make sure your voice is heard loud and clear from classrooms to the halls of Congress, from state capitols to boardrooms.  Ensure that policymakers are making those important program and funding decisions based upon real data from real education stakeholders – you!   

We would like everyone to have a voice in the future of how technology is used in our nation’s schools.  So, please share this link with your friends, students, teachers, parents, administrators, community organizations, members, affiliates or anyone who has a passion for improving education and ask them to take the Speak Up survey TODAY. 

More than 300,000 K-12 students, parents, educators and members of the community have already completed Speak Up surveys, this year, from all across the country.  But now it is your time - Speak Up, America!  Have a voice in the future of digital learning in our nation’s schools by participating in this year’s special Speak Up America campaign.

To “Speak Up,” simply visit speakup2015 to take the survey by Dec. 18th!

Speak Up is a national initiative of Project Tomorrow, the nation's leading educational nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring that today’s students are well prepared to be tomorrow’s innovators, leaders and engaged citizens of the world. To learn more about Speak Up, please visit: speakup

Post #2 (General Audience):

How do you use technology for learning?

Share your perspective in the Speak Up 2015 survey, and help steer the future of education technology.

To achieve real and positive change in the field of education technology, it is crucial that you share your ideas and opinions with policy makers and the broader education community. Make a difference today by expressing your views in the Speak Up 2015 National Research Project.

The survey results, collected by the nonprofit Project Tomorrow, will remain confidential, and a summary of the findings will be shared with national and state policy makers. As a participating school and district, you and your colleagues will receive free online access to your own participant data. This valuable benchmarking resource will be made available to you in February 2016 and will include the national and state data for comparison.

About Speak Up 2015

The Speak Up National Research project annually polls K–12 students, parents and educators about the role of technology in learning and represents the largest collection of authentic, unfiltered stakeholder voices on digital learning. Since 2003, more than 4 million K–12 students, parents, teachers, librarians, principals, technology leaders and district administrators have shared their ideas through Speak Up. Education, business and policy leaders report that they use the data regularly to inform federal, state and local education programs.

Special Promotions & happenings for Speak Up schools and districts! In honor of the outstanding survey period this year, on Monday Dec. 7th Project Tomorrow will kick off “Speak Up America 2015” a weeklong event to celebrate Speak Up participants, past, present and new! During this event there will be a daily release of Speak Up 2015 preliminary data snapshots, recognition of top participants and best of all opportunities to win free conference registrations and multiple chances to receive a classroom or school grant up to $225! Now’s the time to participate, Speak Up closes on December 18th! Learn more here.

Take the survey today, and pass it on!

Post #3 (Targeted at Administrators):

School and District Leaders: Use Speak Up to learn about the unique digital learning aspirations of your students, parents, staff and community members

Sign up to be part of this year’s Speak Up Research Project and start learning about the ideas and views of your stakeholders regarding digital learning, both in school and at home.

Promote the online surveys and then Project Tomorrow will send you in early February an online report that documents your locally collected data plus the national data to use benchmarking or to compare results. How do your students compare to other students within your state or the nation in terms of their interest in mobile, online and digital learning? Are the expectations of your parents aligned with national goals? Are your teachers ready for digital learning today?

Join your colleagues nationwide who are already using Speak Up data to inform school or district plans, policies, purchases and programs around digital learning. There is simply no substitute for understanding the specific aspirations of your own students, parents and staff for improving the use of technology within teaching and learning.

Have your school(s) participate in Speak Up next week for the weeklong “Speak Up America 2015” celebration for opportunities to win free conference registrations and multiple chances to receive a classroom or school grant up to $225!

Get started today by:

• Having your K-12 students complete their grade level and reading level appropriate 20 minute online surveys – either in school or after school

• Facilitate opportunities for your teachers, librarians, technology coordinators and school/district staff to complete their own online surveys

• Share the online survey link with your parents via social media, school websites or newsletters

• Promote participation in the surveys to your wider community – business partners, after school programs, civic leaders, support staff

Speak Up is an initiative of Project Tomorrow, the nation's leading education nonprofit organization focused on empowering students to have a greater voice in their education. To learn more about Speak Up, please visit speakup or contact Jenny Hostert at jhostert@, 949-609-4660 x17.

Post #4 (Targeted at Administrators):

Collect valuable data for your district by participating in Speak Up 2015

Join the conversation about the use of technology for learning through Speak Up, a national research project facilitated by Project Tomorrow ()!  Since 2003, over 4 million K-12 education stakeholders have participated in the annual online surveys, which collects and reports on the views of students, educators, parents, and the local community. As a national nonprofit dedicated to improving learning experiences for students, Project Tomorrow is pleased to leverage their expertise in collecting authentic stakeholder feedback to provide this important free service to your district to assist with your planning needs.

Why should you and your district “Speak Up”?  By encouraging participation in Speak Up you will have the unique opportunity to have your views—as well as the views of your educators, students, their parents and the local community—included in the increasingly important U.S. national and state discussions on digital learning policies, programs, and funding. More importantly, you will receive free online access to your participant results with state and national comparisons to use for your own technology assessment needs, budgeting, planning, or evaluation, beginning February 2016! 

Ready, Set, Speak Up!  All schools are eligible to participate in Speak Up, all you have to do is encourage your students, educators, parents and the local community to go online and take the 20 minute survey at: speakup now through December 18th. As part of a special weeklong event going on the week of December 7th, the ”Speak Up America 2015” campaign will be offering opportunities to win free conference registrations and multiple chances to receive a classroom or school grant up to $225! Now’s the time to participate, Speak Up closes on December 18th!


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