Orthodontics for Adults

Orthodontics for AdultsKids want to show off their braces and their colors! Adults, however, have a much different sentiment regarding orthodontic treatment. With fear that they are receiving treatment too late in life or that their smile will look unappealing to others, adults can feel very self-conscious about the decision to undergo treatment. This can cause many people to simply refuse the assistance they need to make their confidence soar and to receive the radiant smile they deserve.Thankfully, new technology has developed over recent years and adult orthodontics is no longer the field it once was. Receiving treatment is now more economical and aesthetic than ever before! With options like lingual braces that sit behind your teeth, damon braces that are self-ligating for fewer trips to the dentist, and Invisalign to make you feel and look like you’re not wearing anything at all, receiving the care you need is no longer a difficult decision. Your personal choice can be made with the confidence that your treatment will not hinder your daily life and self-esteem.New orthodontic methods allow for:More esthetic optionsComfortable and gentler movements better suited for adult bonesFaster treatment timesFewer appointmentsMany adults feel that if they receive treatment, they will be one of the few adults to do so. After all, braces are for children, right? Wrong! The truth is that adult orthodontics is one of the fastest growing areas of dentistry. More people than ever are chasing straighter, whiter teeth much later in life than ever before due to dramatic changes in the field.It’s never too late to look and feel your best. Call First Impression Orthodontics to schedule an appointment today and see which options are right for you.Orthodontics for AdultsLingual BracesThe term “invisible braces” usually means braces that are clear, however there is an entirely different form of “invisible” that has been created with the latest technology. These “invisible” braces are actually not invisible at all, but made of metal and have silver color brackets like ordinary braces. The difference is that they go on the back of the teeth instead of the front, making it nearly impossible for anyone to see them when looking at someone who is wearing them. Imagine your teeth getting straighter before your very eyes, but not seeing the mechanism behind it! (Use some photos from HERE) braces are called lingual braces because they go on the back of the teeth near the tongue. Lingual braces are custom made to fit each patient by an orthodontist with specialized skills in their design and placement.All braces take some time to get used to, but lingual braces generally take more time. The closeness to the tongue can make eating, swallowing and speaking difficult at first. Also, the overall treatment time or the time you have to wear the braces is generally longer with lingual braces than it is with traditional braces.Regular dental checkups while wearing your braces is very important with our lingual braces candidates to make sure a happy, healthy smile is being maintained.The advantage to lingual braces is that they are the most invisible braces on the market today. For teenagers and adults, braces are often avoided because of the way they look. For many adults the stigma of braces being “for kids” often causes them to choose to live with crooked teeth instead, but Lingual braces can remove this dilemma entirely. Lingual braces makes it possible to obtain a straighter, beautiful smile and maintain your magnetic confidence.If you would like to learn more about lingual braces or see if you are a candidate for this option, call us to schedule an appointment today!Orthodontics for AdultsDamon Braces for AdultsDamon ClearDamon MetalIf you are planning to get your teeth straightened, you’ve made a big decision- and the right one! Straight teeth are not only physically healthier, they also improve your self-esteem to help create a positive self image to benefit emotional health. Today there are many options for straightening teeth, and one of the most exciting is a type of braces that combines the effectiveness of traditional metal braces with faster treatment time, more comfort and easier cleaning. These are Damon braces, and they make orthodontic treatment with braces a better experience than ever before.What sets Damon braces apart from ordinary metal or clear braces is that Damon braces are self-ligating. The word “ligate” means to tie. Ordinary braces rely on the use of elastics to attach the wire to the brackets. The brackets of Damon braces do the ligating themselves; they close around the wire to keep it in place. Damon’s slide mechanism moves teeth more quickly than traditional braces, so treatment time is usually shorter.Damon braces are so well designed that they require fewer trips to the dentist for adjustments, and for many patients they are more comfortable than traditional braces. One of the most difficult aspects of wearing braces can be cleaning your teeth with them on, but because Damon braces have no elastics, cleaning is easier. There is less chance of food and bacteria getting trapped in Damon braces. Better oral health while wearing braces means less chance of discoloration from trapped food or tooth decay that can lead to white spots on the teeth when the braces come off.With no elastics or ties, Damon braces are less bulky than regular braces, and less noticeable on your teeth. Standard Damon braces are a silver metal color, but Damon Clear braces are also available for those who want an "invisible" option.Damon Clear and regular Damon metal braces are real braces. Some popular “invisible braces” are actually clear aligners or trays that work very differently than braces. Aligners have limitations on how they can move teeth and correct malocclusion. Damon braces can move teeth in any way that regular braces can; the difference is the smaller brackets and the lack of elastics or other ties.If you’ve made the decision to get straight teeth and a beautiful smile, you have many options. Call us to set up an appointment to talk about Damon braces and other treatments that can give you straight and healthy teeth.Damon and self-ligating braces are designed to be discreet, comfortable, and easy to keep clean. Without the elastic ties, which attract and collect plaque, these braces make dental hygiene easy during treatment.Call us today to schedule an appointment and see if damon braces are right for you!Orthodontics for AdultsAccelerated OrthodonticsGet your beautiful smile even faster than before!You want to improve the look of your smile, but maybe don’t want to spend years working on it. New studies have shown positive results with two new “fast track” orthodontic products: Propel and Acceledent. Research proves that using Propel or Acceldent for your orthodontic treatment can speed up tooth movement and reduce treatment time by 30-40% without compromising biologic health or results.Propel is performed by the orthodontist during certain stages of orthodontic treatment to speed up or assist in difficult and slow tooth movement. PROPEL? works with the your own biology to stimulate the bone surrounding your teeth, helping the teeth to move faster and more predictably into their ideal position so we can reveal your new smile faster and in fewer visits to our office.For more information, see this video here:?AcceleDent Aura is a light and comfortable appliance that is used 20 minutes per day as a complement to orthodontics. The exclusive SoftPulse Technology’s? precisely-calibrated micropulses gently accelerate the movement of your teeth as they’re guided by your orthodontics. When used in conjunction with orthodontics, AcceleDent Aura has been clinically proven to move teeth up to 50% faster.For more information, take a look at this video:?With these acceleration options, you can increase the speed of treatment without sacrificing aesthetics. They can be used for adolescents, teens, and adults, and it is completely safe for patients of all ages!Both are fast, safe, and reliable. Cleared by the United States Food and Drug Administration, they are only available by from an orthodontist. For more information on our Accelerated Orthodontics options, please give us a call or schedule an appointment today.Orthodontics for AdultsSurgical OrthodonticsSurgical orthodontics, or orthognathic surgery, is a type of orthodontic treatment that combines orthodontic tooth movement and surgical jaw movements. Since moving the jaw also means moving the teeth, this process not only involves an oral surgeon, but an effective orthodontist as well.Orthognathic surgery is an effective method to resolve significant bite, jaw, and facial aesthetic problems due to abnormal growth patterns that normal orthodontics cannot fix alone. It is usually performed once the jaws have fully matured and helps the patient to chew, speak, and breathe as well as improve facial appearances. It is important that all growth be completed once jaw surgery is performed, however pre-surgery tooth movements may be performed one to two years prior to this treatment.For more information on surgical orthodontics or to discuss this topic in greater detail, contact our office today to schedule an appointment. ................

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