Release of Tongue Tie with a soft tissue laser

Release of Tongue Tie with a soft tissue laser

It is very common to be born with restricted tongue movement. This is called “Tongue –Tie”

Tongue –Tie is normally resolved in the first couple of weeks of life. However if it is missed it is usual to wait until the child is about 12 at least to resolve the tongue-tie.

This is because, an infant is very small and a small snip with a sissors while sore for a moment will deal with the restriction. As the child gets older the tongue and mouth get bigger and a bigger incision is needed to free the tongue. However the child is less likely to tolerate treatment and sit still. Therfore to release a tongue tie in a 4 or 6 year old would probably involve a general anaesthetic. An anaesthetic is a far bigger and riskier procedure than a tongue tie release. For this reason by allowing the child to mature a small simple 5 minute procedure under local anaesthetic with or without sedation will allow the tongue tie to be released with the minimal of fuss.

The introduction of a soft tissue laser has made the release of a tongue tie an even simpler procedure, ften carried out with topical anaesthetic only. There is no bleeding, minimal or no post operative pain, no swelling, no sutures and a rapid recovery.

The easi lase is one such laser. The size of a pen, you simply touch the tissue you wish to remove and it evaporates. This has thankfully replaced the traditional method involving a scalpad, stitches, bleeding and often considerable post op swelling.


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