

Questions & Vocabulary


soothing – calming, comforting (adj.)

EX: A bubble bath was very soothing after a long day of stress.

discard – throw out (v.)

EX: She discarded the paper in the recycling.

scald – to burn with hot liquid or steam (v.)

EX: I screamed when the kettle's steam scalded me.

nauseate – to make feel sick (v.)

EX: His ride on the roller coaster nauseated him so badly he vomited.

tremble – to shake with fear or excitement (v.)

EX: When he heard the footsteps in the dark basement, he couldn't stop trembling.

genuine – true, sincere (adj.)

EX: Dilshad is nice both to your face and behind your back. What a genuine person!

endure – to suffer patiently (v.)

EX: Leslie had to endure terrible leg pains as she neared the face's finish.

snare – to trap (v.)

EX: When I tried to explain how I crashed the car, my mother snared me in a lie.

hypocrite – a person who pretends to be good when he/she is not (n.)

EX: That hypocrite always tells us to work hard, but I always see him napping at work!

smirk – to smile in a smug, self-satisfied way (v.)

EX: They said I would fail, so I smirked when I won the whole competition.

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hoarse – sounding rough or harsh usually from a sore throat or shouting (adj.)

EX: The crowd cheered themselves hoarse when their team won.

repulsive – disgusting (adj.)

EX: My sister finds my mayonnaise, chocolate, liver sandwich terribly repulsive.

conspicuous – easy to notice, drawing attention (adj.)

EX: The hunters caught the vampire due to his conspicuous fangs and love of bats.

conceited – stuck up, too proud of yourself (adj.)

EX: The rich heir was so conceited he refused to wear any clothes under $1000 a piece.

consolation – something comforting after a loss or disappointment

EX: His friends took him out to dinner as consolation for losing the competition.

falter – to start to lose strength or momentum (v.)

EX: Leslie started to falter at the end of the race, but she kept pushing forward and won!

contempt – hatred, the feeling that something is worthless (n.)

EX: She has nothing but contempt for bullies!

ominous – giving the feeling that something bad will happen (adj.)

EX: The movie's ominous music warned the audience that the characters were in trouble.

scowl – angry or bad-tempered expression (n.)

EX: He scowled when he realized he fell for her mean prank.

regal – king or queen-like (adj.)

EX: The students bowed before their wise and regal teacher.

foe – enemy (n.)

EX: We must defeat our foes!

sacred – special because it is connected with God (adj.)

EX: The Quran (or Koran) is the sacred book in the Islamic religion.

hostile – unfriendly (adj.)

EX: Grandma gets a little hostile when you don't clean up after yourself.

anxiety – worry, stress (n.)

EX: I had no anxiety during the test because I studied for two hours!

reluctant – unwilling (adj.)

EX: Jacques was reluctant to go into the dark cave without a flashlight.

garish – showy in an ugly way (adj.)

EX: His bright purple pants with the gold flowers and pink polka dots was ugly and garish.

mournful – sad because of a loss (adj.)

EX: We were all mournful when our pet fish died.

emerge – to appear or arise (v.)

EX: The fire emerged from the volcano in a huge blast.

vanquish – to defeat (v.)

EX: We vanquished the other team 89-42!

scrawny – unattractively skinny (adj.)

EX: Never drinking milk or exercising led to him being terribly scrawny.


1) DIARY & ILLUSTRATIONS: Pretend you are Jess or Leslie. Describe a day in Terabithia in your diary.

- Describe what wild, fantastical adventures you had. (1 pg) = 30 points

- Discuss your FEELINGS and what you LEARNED. = 30 points

- Illustrate your adventures in detail. (1 pg) = 40 points

= 100 pts total

2) SCRIPT: A script is a set of dialogue (and a few instructions) between characters. For example:

Anna: (wiping away a tear) I was afraid you'd left us.

Sarah: (kneeling down) I would never leave you, dear.

Anna: But you always talked about Maine! About the sea and the seals. There's no sea here.

Sarah: There's something much more important here.


Jess imagines that he is talking to Leslie after she has died (pg 107 & 113).

Write a script (at least TWO pages) where they discuss the following topics.

a. Jess's guilt = 30 points

b. THEIR beliefs about the afterlife/heaven (NOT your beliefs) = 30 points

c. how Jess should continue and go about his life and Terabithia after Leslie's death = 30 points

(punctuation and grammar) = 10 points

= 100 pts total


1) TEXT: Why does Jess like May Belle? (pg 2) Describe in detail using your own words.

2) TEXT: Name all five children in the Aarons family. (pg 1-2)

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3) INFERENCE: It is never said who Miss Bessie is. Who is she? How do you know? Give at least 2 pieces of evidence explaining. (pg 2-3)



4) INFERENCE: Consider their wrestling. What does this say about the relationship between Jess and his father? (pg 5-6)

5) INFERENCE: Consider how Jess' father reacted when his son said he wanted to be an artist. What do you think is important to him? Why do you think he treats Jess the way he does? (pg 14)

6) COMPARE/CONTRAST: Contrast Mr. Aarons and Ms. Edmunds' actions and personalities in detail. (pg 14-17)

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7) TEXT: How is Ms. Edmunds different from all the other teachers? Why does Jess like her so much? And why do some people not like her? (pg 14-17) ANSWER ALL PARTS.

8) INFERENCE: Why do you think Jess sometimes treats May Belle poorly? (Hint: It's NOT just because he thinks she can be annoying or doesn't listen.) Explain. (pg 19-20)

9) TEXT: Why did Leslie make such a dramatic first impression on the fifth-grade class? How did Leslie seem to feel about her classmates' reaction to her? (pg 24)

10) ***METAPHOR: "They were not supposed to talk during lunch, but it was the first day and even Monster-mouth Myers shot fewer flames on the first day." (pg 29)

What is Mrs. Myers being compared to in this quote? What does this comparison say about her?

11) ***FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE: Write figurative language that describe each character's personality (what they're like, not their looks).

a. Leslie - Simile:

b. Ms. Edmunds - Metaphor:

c. Mr. Aarons – Alliteration (Any letter works.):

12) INFERENCE: What did Jess's smile at Leslie in the music room signify (mean)? Why was this a HUGE step for Jess? (pg 39) Hint: Use context to figure out what a "yellow-bellied sapsucker" acts like.

13) a) TEXT: What things made Leslie and her family seem odd to people in Lark Creek? (41-44)

b) ***CONNECT: Describe a time when you or someone you knew felt odd within your community.

14) TEXT: Why do you think Jess and Leslie each needed a secret place like Terabithia so badly? (pg 49-52)

15) ***CONTEXT: Use context clues to determine the meaning of the underlined word in each of the following sentences. Circle the letter of the answer you choose.

i. When Mrs. Myers' smile shifted suddenly and ominously into a scowl, the class became silent…

a. calmly b. shouted c. dangerously d. sweetly

ii. Once they were settled into Terabithia, Jess and Leslie knew that no enemy, nor any of the foes whom Leslie imagined attacking Terabithia, could ever defeat them.

a. cousins b. lions c. friends d. enemies

16) TEXT: Name TWO reasons why Chapter 5 is called "The Giant Killers." (pg 61)



17) ***EVALUATE: Which kind of punishment do you think is worse ---- to be beaten up or to be shamed and embarrassed in front of your friends? EXPLAIN why. (pg 69-71)

18) ***CONNECT: Illustrate and color BELOW what your personal magical place would look like.

- Who or what would be there?

- How would you keep it secret or safe?

- Label the different parts, locations, or objects so that others can recognize them.

19) ***CONNECT: Have you ever had no money but wanted to give someone you cared about a gift? If yes, what did you do? If not, what would you do and give? Explain WHY you chose it. (Hint: Think of a friend or family member. What could you do for them or give them that is free?) (pg 74-75)

20) INFERENCE: What does Jess's dad's feelings about the racing car set show us about Mr. Aarons? (pg 80) What can we infer about how Mr. Aarons feels about his son? EXPLAIN.

21) INFERENCE: Jess thinks that he could not go Terabithia alone because it "needed Leslie to make the magic. He was afraid he would destroy everything by trying to force the magic on his own, when it was plain that the magic was reluctant to come for him." (pg 83) What does this tell us about how Jess views himself?

22) a) TEXT: How are the Burkes smart in different ways from Jess or his father? (pg 88)

b) ***CONNECT: How are you smart? Name three areas you are particularly talented at.

23) TEXT: What do we learn about Janice Avery that might change our perception of her? (95-97)

24) INFER: Compare how Jess, Leslie, and May Belle all feel about religion. (bottom of pg 83-85)

Jess (107-9):

Leslie (108-9):

May Belle (108-9):

25) AUTHOR'S PURPOSE: What is author Paterson saying about how we should think about and consider religion? Hint: Which character does she agree with on religion? (107-9)

26) FORESHADOWING: What foreshadows Leslie's death by drowning?

a. (pg 109)

b. (pg 114)

27) FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE: Describe the personification on pg 113.

28) INFERENCE: How has Jess' relationship with his dad changed from the beginning? (pg 147-8)

29) MORAL/THEME: What does Jess realize from his scary encounter with May Belle? (pg 154) Think about why Jess has a flashback to that SPECIFIC memory of Leslie.

30) CHARACTER GROWTH: How has Jess grown since the beginning of the book? Think of TWO fears or problems he had at the beginning. Explain how he has changed or improved them.


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31 a) SYMBOLISM: When it says Jess led her across "…the great bridge into Terabithia—which might look to someone with no magic in him like a few planks across a nearly dry gully", what is the author saying about Jess? (pg 163)

b) What does the building of the bridge to Terabithia symbolize to the reader? (Hint: A heart can symbolize love, life, or health. It does NOT symbolize a muscle that pumps blood.)

32) MORAL/THEME: There are several DIFFERENT themes Paterson writes about in this novel. List 3 possible completely different themes.





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