A; ab + ablative (also used as prefix with verbs),from ...

GCSE Latin: A402 Foundation vocabulary

• this document has been created verbatim from the OCR online materials for Latin

• the list comprises 352 words

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a; ab + ablative (also used as

prefix with verbs) from; away from; by (preposition)

ac; atque (indeclinable) and (conjunction)

accido accidere accidi happen (verb 3)

accipio accipere accepi acceptus accept; take in; receive (verb 3)

ad + accusative (also used as

prefix with verbs) to; towards; at (preposition)

adeo (indeclinable) so much; so greatly (adverb)

advenio advenire adveni arrive (verb 4)

aedifico aedificare

aedificavi aedificatus build (verb 1)

ago agere egi actus do; act; drive (verb 3)

alius alia aliud other; another;

else (pronoun/adjective)

alter altera alterum the other; another; the second

of two (pronoun/adjective)

ambulo ambulare ambulavi walk (verb 1)

amicus amici m friend (noun 2)

amo amare amavi amatus love; like (verb 1)

amor amoris m love (noun 3)

ancilla ancillae f slave-girl; slave-woman (noun 1)

animus animi m spirit; soul; mind (noun 2)

annus anni m year (noun 2)

appropinquo appropinquare

appropinquavi + dative approach; come near to (verb 1)

aqua aquae f water (noun 1)

arma armorum n plural arms; weapons (noun 2 plural)

ars artis f art; skill (noun 3)

ascendo ascendere

ascendi ascensus climb (verb 3)

audax audacis bold; daring (adjective)

audio audire audivi auditus hear; listen to (verb 4)

auxilium auxilii n help (noun 2)

bellum belli n war (noun 2)

bellum gero gerere gessi gestus wage war (verb 3)

bene (indeclinable) well (adverb)

bibo bibere bibi drink (verb 3)

bonus bona bonum good (adjective)

caelum caeli n sky; heaven (noun 2)

canis canis m and f dog (noun 3)

capio capere cepi captus take; catch; capture (verb 3)

caput capitis n head (noun 3)

castra castrorum n plural camp (noun 2)

celer celeris celere quick; fast (adjective)

cena cenae f dinner; meal (noun 1)

ceteri ceterae cetera the rest; the others (adjective)

cibus cibi m food (noun 2)

circum + accusative around (preposition)

civis civis m and f citizen (noun 3)

clamo clamare clamavi clamatus shout (verb 1)

clamor clamoris m shout; shouting; noise (noun 3)

cognosco cognoscere

cognovi cognitus get to know; find out (verb 3)

consilium consilii n plan; idea; advice (noun 2)

conspicio conspicere

conspexi conspectus catch sight of; notice (verb 3)

constituo constituere

constitui constitutus decide (verb 3)

consul consulis m consul (noun 3)

consumo consumere

consumpsi consumptus eat (verb 3)

contra + accusative against (preposition)

convenio convenire conveni come together; gather; meet (verb 4)

corpus corporis n body (noun 3)

cras (indeclinable) tomorrow (adverb)

credo credere

credidi creditus + dative believe; trust (verb 3)

crudelis crudele cruel (adjective)

cum + ablative with (preposition)

cum (indeclinable) when; since (conjunction)

cupio cupere cupivi cupitus want; desire (verb 3)

cur? (indeclinable) why? (adverb)

cura curae f care; worry (noun 1)

curro currere cucurri cursus run (verb 3)

custodio custodire

custodivi custoditus guard (verb 4)

custos custodis m and f guard (noun 3)

de + ablative from; down from; about (preposition)

dea deae f goddess (noun 1)

debeo debere debui debitus owe; ought; should; must (verb 2)

defendo defendere

defendi defensus defend (verb 3)

deinde (indeclinable) then (adverb)

deleo delere delevi deletus destroy (verb 2)

descendo descendere

descendi descensus go down; come down (verb 3)

deus dei m god (noun 2)

dico dicere dixi dictus say (verb 3)

dies diei m day (noun 5)

difficilis difficile difficult (adjective)

discedo discedere discessi depart; leave (verb 3)

diu (indeclinable) for a long time (adverb)

do dare dedi datus give (verb 1)

doceo docere docui doctus teach (verb 2)

domina dominae f mistress (noun 1)

dominus domini m master (noun 2)

domus domus f (domi = at home) home (noun 4)

donum doni n gift; present (noun 2)

dormio dormire dormivi sleep (verb 4)

duco ducere duxi ductus lead; take (verb 3)

dux ducis m leader (noun 3)

e; ex + ablative (also used as

prefix with verbs) from; out of; out (preposition)

ecce! (indeclinable) look! (adverb)

effugio effugere effugi escape (verb 3)

ego mei I; me (pronoun)

emo emere emi emptus buy (verb 3)

eo ire i(v)i go (verb irregular)

epistula epistulae f letter (noun 1)

equus equi m horse (noun 2)

et (indeclinable) and (conjunction)

etiam (indeclinable) also; even (adverb)

exspecto exspectare

exspectavi exspectatus wait for (verb 1)

facilis facile easy (adjective)

facio facere feci factus make; do (verb 3)

femina feminae f woman (noun 1)

fero ferre tuli latus bring; carry; bear (verb irregular)

ferox ferocis fierce; ferocious (adjective)

festino festinare festinavi hurry (verb 1)

fidelis fidele faithful; loyal (adjective)

filia filiae f daughter (noun 1)

filius filii m son (noun 2)

flumen fluminis n river (noun 3)

fortis forte brave (adjective)

forum fori n forum; market place (noun 2)

frater fratris m brother (noun 3)

fugio fugere fugi run away; flee (verb 3)

gladius gladii m sword (noun 2)

gravis grave heavy; serious (adjective)

habeo habere habui habitus have (verb 2)

habito habitare

habitavi habitatus live (verb 1)

heri (indeclinable) yesterday (adverb)

hic haec hoc this; he; she; it (pronoun)

hic (indeclinable) here (adverb)

hodie (indeclinable) today (adverb)

homo hominis m man; human being (noun 3)

hora horae f hour (noun 1)

hortus horti m garden (noun 2)

hostis hostis m enemy (noun 3)

iam (indeclinable) now; already (adverb)

ianua ianuae f door (noun 1)

ibi (indeclinable) there (adverb)

igitur (indeclinable) therefore; and so (adverb)

ille illa illud that; he; she; it (pronoun)

imperator imperatoris m emperor; general; leader (noun 3)

in + ablative (also used as

prefix with verbs) in; on (preposition)

in + accusative (also used as

prefix with verbs) into; onto (preposition)

ingens ingentis huge (adjective)

inquit he/she says; he/she said (verb irregular)

insula insulae f island; block of flats (noun 1)

intellego intellegere

intellexi intellectus understand; realise (verb 3)

inter + accusative among; between (preposition)

interea (indeclinable) meanwhile (adverb)

interficio interficere

interfeci interfectus kill (verb 3)

intro intrare intravi intratus enter (verb 1)

invenio invenire

inveni inventus find (verb 4)

invito invitare invitavi invitatus invite (verb 1)

ipse ipsa ipsum himself; herself; itself; themselves (pronoun)

ira irae f anger (noun 1)

iratus irata iratum angry (adjective)

is ea id this; that; he; she; it; them (pronoun)

ita (indeclinable) in this way; to such an extent; so (adverb)

itaque (indeclinable) and so; therefore (adverb)

iter itineris n journey (noun 3)

iubeo iubere iussi iussus order (verb 2)

iuvenis iuvenis m young man (noun 3)

laboro laborare laboravi work (verb 1)

lacrimo lacrimare lacrimavi weep; cry (verb 1)

laetus laeta laetum happy (adjective)

laudo laudare laudavi laudatus praise (verb 1)

lego legere legi lectus read; choose (verb 3)

lentus lenta lentum slow (adjective)

leo leonis m lion (noun 3)

liber libri m book (noun 2)

liberi liberorum m plural children (noun 2)

libero liberare liberavi liberatus set free (verb 1)

libertus liberti m freedman; ex-slave (noun 2)

locus loci m place (noun 2)

longus longa longum long (adjective)

magnopere (indeclinable) greatly (adverb)

magnus magna magnum big; large; great (adjective)

malus mala malum evil; bad (adjective)

maneo manere mansi remain; stay (verb 2)

manus manus f hand; group of people (noun 4)

mare maris n sea (noun 3)

mater matris f mother (noun 3)

maxime (indeclinable) very greatly (adverb)

medius media medium middle (adjective)

mercator mercatoris m merchant (noun 3)

meus mea meum my (pronoun)

miles militis m soldier (noun 3)

minime (indeclinable) very little; least; no (adverb)

miser misera miserum miserable; wretched; sad (adjective)

mitto mittere misi missus send (verb 3)

modus modi m manner; way; kind (noun 2)

moneo monere monui monitus warn; advise (verb 2)

mons montis m mountain (noun 3)

mors mortis f death (noun 3)

mox (indeclinable) soon (adverb)

multus multa multum much; many (adjective)

murus muri m wall (noun 2)

nam (indeclinable) for (conjunction)

narro narrare narravi narratus tell; relate (verb 1)

nauta nautae m sailor (noun 1)

navigo navigare navigavi sail (verb 1)

navis navis f ship (noun 3)

-ne (indeclinable) (introduces question) (particle)

nec; neque (indeclinable) and not; nor; neither (conjunction)

neco necare necavi necatus kill (verb 1)

nemo neminis no one; nobody (noun irregular)

nescio nescire nescivi not know (verb 4)

nihil (indeclinable) nothing (noun irregular)

nolo nolle nolui not want; refuse (verb irregular)

nomen nominis n name (noun 3)

non (indeclinable) not (adverb)

nonne … ? (indeclinable) surely … ? (adverb)

nos nostrum we; us (pronoun)

noster nostra nostrum our (pronoun)

novus nova novum new (adjective)

nox noctis f night (noun 3)

nullus nulla nullum not any; no (adjective)

num (indeclinable) whether (particle)

num … ? (indeclinable) surely … not? (particle)

numquam (indeclinable) never (adverb)

nunc (indeclinable) now (adverb)

nuntio nuntiare

nuntiavi nuntiatus announce (verb 1)

nuntius nuntii m messenger; message; news (noun 2)

olim (indeclinable) once; some time ago (adverb)

omnis omne all; every (adjective)

oppugno oppugnare

oppugnavi oppugnatus attack (verb 1)

ostendo ostendere

ostendi ostentus show (verb 3)

paene (indeclinable) almost; nearly (adverb)

paro parare paravi paratus prepare (verb 1)

pars partis f part (noun 3)

parvus parva parvum small (adjective)

pater patris m father (noun 3)

patria patriae f country; homeland (noun 1)

pauci paucae pauca few; a few (adjective plural)

pax pacis f peace (noun 3)

pecunia pecuniae f money (noun 1)

per + accusative through; along (preposition)

pereo perire perii die; perish (verb irregular)

periculum periculi n danger (noun 2)

persuadeo persuadere

persuasi + dative persuade (verb 2)

perterritus perterrita

perterritum terrified (adjective)

peto petere petivi petitus make for; seek; beg/ask for (verb 3)

pono ponere posui positus put; place; put up (verb 3)

porta portae f gate (noun 1)

porto portare portavi portatus carry (verb 1)

possum posse potui can; be able (verb irregular)

post + accusative after; behind (preposition)

postquam (indeclinable) after; when (conjunction)

primus prima primum first (adjective)

pro + ablative in front of; for; in return for (preposition)

procedo procedere processi advance; proceed (verb 3)

promitto promittere

promisi promissus promise (verb 3)

prope + accusative near (preposition)

puella puellae f girl (noun 1)

puer pueri m boy (noun 2)

pugno pugnare pugnavi fight (verb 1)

pulcher pulchra pulchrum beautiful; handsome (adjective)

punio punire punivi punitus punish (verb 4)

quaero quaerere

quaesivi quaesitus search for; look for; ask (verb 3)

qualis? quale what sort of? (adjective)

quam (indeclinable) than (adverb)

quam? quam! (indeclinable) how … ? how … ! (adverb)

quamquam (indeclinable) although (conjunction)

quantus? quanta? quantum? how big? how much? (adjective)

-que (indeclinable) and (conjunction)

qui quae quod who; which (pronoun)

quis? quid? who? what? (pronoun)

quo? (indeclinable) to where? (adverb)

quod (indeclinable) because (conjunction)

quomodo? (indeclinable) how? (adverb)

quoque (indeclinable) also; too (conjunction)

quot? (indeclinable) how many? (adjective)

re- (prefix used with verbs) - back (prefix)

redeo redire redii go back; come back; return (verb irregular)

regina reginae f queen (noun 1)

relinquo relinquere

reliqui relictus leave; leave behind (verb 3)

res rei f thing; matter; event (noun 5)

resisto resistere

restiti + dative resist (verb 3)

respondeo respondere

respondi responsus reply (verb 2)

rex regis m king (noun 3)

rideo ridere risi laugh; smile (verb 2)

rogo rogare rogavi rogatus ask; ask for (verb 1)

Roma Romae f

(Romae: at/in Rome) Rome (noun 1)

Romanus Romana Romanum Roman (adjective)

sacer sacra sacrum sacred (adjective)

saepe (indeclinable) often (adverb)

saevus saeva saevum savage; cruel (adjective)

saluto salutare

salutavi salutatus greet (verb 1)

salve! salvete! (plural) hello! (verb imperative)

satis (indeclinable) enough (adjective/adverb)

scio scire scivi scitus know (verb 4)

scribo scribere scripsi scriptus write (verb 3)

se sui himself; herself; itself;

themselves (pronoun)

sed (indeclinable) but (conjunction)

sedeo sedere sedi sit (verb 2)

semper (indeclinable) always (adverb)

senator senatoris m senator (noun 3)

senex senis m old man (noun 3)

sentio sentire sensi sensus feel; notice (verb 4)

servo servare servavi servatus save; protect; keep (verb 1)

servus servi m slave (noun 2)

si (indeclinable) if (conjunction)

sic (indeclinable) thus; in this way (adverb)

signum signi n sign; signal; standard (noun 2)

silva silvae f wood (noun 1)

solus sola solum alone; lonely; only; on one's own (adjective)

specto spectare

spectavi spectatus look at; watch (verb 1)

statim (indeclinable) at once; immediately (adverb)

sto stare steti stand (verb 1)

stultus stulta stultum stupid; foolish (adjective)

sub + accusative/ablative under; beneath (preposition)

subito (indeclinable) suddenly (adverb)

sum esse fui be (verb irregular)

summus summa summum highest; greatest; top (of) (adjective)

supero superare

superavi superatus overcome; overpower (verb 1)

surgo surgere surrexi get up; stand up; rise (verb 3)

suus sua suum his; her; its; their (own) (pronoun)

taberna tabernae f shop; inn (noun 1)

taceo tacere tacui tacitus be silent; be quiet (verb 2)

talis tale such (adjective)

tam (indeclinable) so (adverb)

tamen (indeclinable) however (adverb)

tandem (indeclinable) at last; finally (adverb)

tantus tanta tantum so great; such a great (adjective)

templum templi n temple (noun 2)

tempus temporis n time (noun 3)

teneo tenere tenui tentus hold (verb 2)

terra terrae f ground; land; country (noun 1)

terreo terrere terrui territus frighten (verb 2)

timeo timere timui fear; be afraid (verb 2)

tot (indeclinable) so many (adjective)

totus tota totum whole (adjective)

trado tradere tradidi traditus hand over (verb 3)

traho trahere traxi tractus drag (verb 3)

tristis triste sad (adjective)

tu tui you (singular) (pronoun)

tum (indeclinable) then (adverb)

turba turbae f crowd (noun 1)

tuus tua tuum your (singular); yours (pronoun)

ubi (indeclinable) where? where; when (adverb)

umquam (indeclinable) ever (adverb)

urbs urbis f city; town (noun 3)

ut (indeclinable) + subjunctive that; so that; in order that (conjunction)

uxor uxoris f wife (noun 3)

vale! valete! (plural) goodbye; farewell! (verb imperative)

vehementer (indeclinable) violently; loudly (adverb)

vendo vendere

vendidi venditus sell (verb 3 )

venio venire veni come (verb 4)

verbum verbi n word (noun 2)

vester vestra vestrum your (plural); yours (pronoun)

via viae f street; road; way (noun 1)

victoria victoriae f victory (noun 1)

video videre vidi visus see (verb 2)

villa villae f house; country villa (noun 1)

vinco vincere vici victus conquer; win; be victorious (verb 3)

vinum vini n wine (noun 2)

vir viri m man (noun 2)

vita vitae f life (noun 1)

vivo vivere vixi live; be alive (verb 3)

voco vocare vocavi vocatus call (verb 1)

volo velle volui want (verb irregular)

vos vestrum you (plural) (pronoun)

vox vocis f voice; shout (noun 3)

vulnero vulnerare

vulneravi vulneratus wound; injure (verb 1)


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