Avoiding weak and extreme synonyms

Avoiding weak and extreme synonyms

When paraphrasing, it is important to avoid changing the meaning of a word. This can happen by choosing a completely wrong synonym, but it can also happen by:

? choosing a synonym that has a similar meaning, but a meaning that is too extreme, or

? choosing a synonyms that has a similar meaning, but is weaker than the original word

To avoid this, it is helpful to think of a few possible synonyms first, and then consider them from least powerful to most powerful.

Look at this sentence:

Original Sentence: Many people feel that traditional managerial characteristics are changing.

Two ideas we could possibly emphasize are many and are changing.

To emphasize many, we could consider its synonyms and choose one that is neither weaker nor too extreme:



too extreme

too extreme


some / several / many / numerous / countless / innumerable

less powerful

more powerful

The result is:

PARAPHRASE A: It is felt by numerous individuals that the old definition of what makes a good manager is undergoing change.

To emphasize change, we could consider its synonyms and choose a synonym that is neither weaker nor too extreme:

too extreme

too extreme


change / transformation / reinvention / revolution

less powerful

more powerful

The result is:

PARAPHRASE B: It is felt by many individuals that the old definition of what makes a good manager is undergoing transformation.

Source of thesaurus entries: Manser, M & Betsis, A 2015. Global ELT Dictionary of Synonyms. Global ELT.

Exercise A. Read the original sentence and the two paraphrases. Then decide which paraphrase has changed the meaning of the original sentence by using a synonym that is too extreme. The first one is done for you.

1. Original sentence: Compared to their neighbors, the Jones family is well off.

PARAPHRASE A: The Joneses can be characterized as more prosperous than the other people in their neighborhood.

PARAPHRASE B: The Joneses can be characterized as loaded in

comparison with the other people in their neighborhood. too extreme

well off fairly rich, or having many advantages, compared to other people

prosperous doing well in life or business and having or earning lots of money

loaded very rich

2. Original sentence: In every classroom, it is important for teachers and students to respect each other.

PARAPHRASE A: That teachers and students should have a mutual reverence for one another is essential in all schools.

PARAPHRASE B: That teachers and students should have a mutual regard for one another is essential in all schools.

respect a feeling that something or someone is good or valuable and ought to be treated with care and paid attention to

regard a feeling of respect and admiration for someone or something

reverence a sense of great respect for God, a great person, or something important

3. Original sentence: Most people in Melbourne have melancholy feelings throughout the winter.

PARAPHRASE A: In winter, a large number of Melbournians feel depressed.

PARAPHRASE B: In winter, a large number of Melbournians feel unhappy.

melancholy feeling, showing, or causing a usually mild degree of sadness

unhappy in a sad state of mind, usually over a long period

depressed suffering from a mental condition that makes you feel hopeless and unable to react normally to people and events

4. Original sentence: Many students are tired early in the morning, so classes should not begin before 9:30am.

PARAPHRASE A: It is advisable not to teach before 9:30am as a large number of students are sleepy in the earlier part of the morning.

PARAPHRASE B: It is advisable not to teach before 9:30am as a large number of students are exhausted in the earlier part of the morning.

tired needing to rest or sleep

sleepy tired and ready for sleep comatose deeply unconscious

5. Original sentence: Surveys state that women are rated as showing more kindness than men.

PARAPHRASE A: Females demonstrate more compassion than men do, according to public opinion research.

PARAPHRASE B: Females demonstrate more pity than men do, according to public opinion research.

kindness the quality of being gentle and helpful to others

compassion sympathy and understanding

pity a feeling, or showing, of kindness to someone who is suffering

6. Original sentence: Researchers have noted that males are rated as being more straightforward than females in their speech.

PARAPHRASE A: According to academic research, when speaking, men tend to be more frank than women.

PARAPHRASE B: According to academic research, when speaking, men tend to be blunter than women.

straightforward direct and without being evasive

frank speaking openly and honestly

blunt honest and open, almost to the point of rudeness

7. Original sentence: Women are also reported to be more patient than men.

PARAPHRASE A: Being more tolerant than males characterizes females, as well.

PARAPHRASE B: Being longer-suffering than males characterizes females, as well.

patient not getting angry or restless if someone behaves in a way that causes you trouble or inconvenience

tolerant accepting that other people are different or behave in different ways to you and not trying to change them

long-suffering experiencing trouble or inconvenience over a long period of time and being forbearing about it

8. Original sentence: When making decisions, it is believed that women are very careful.

PARAPHRASE A: Being quite wary when considering their options is a feminine trait.

PARAPHRASE B: Being quite prudent when considering their options is a feminine trait.

careful taking sensible precautious and not taking risks

wary careful and suspicious

prudent wise and careful

9. Original sentence: Men are widely perceived as enthusiastic about their own ideas.

PARAPHRASE A: Being zealous about one's own vision is a masculine trait, according to popular belief.

PARAPHRASE B: Being avid about one's own vision is a masculine trait, according to popular belief.

enthusiastic having or showing a great interest in something and very positive feelings about it

zealous strongly committed to a particular cause or religion

avid very enthusiastically involved in an activity

10. Original sentence: Men's behavior at office parties, according to British researchers, is generally more impolite than women's.

PARAPHRASE A: A team of academics from the UK has found that men are more likely to be ill-mannered than women at company functions.

PARAPHRASE B: A team of academics from the UK has found that men are more likely to be insulting than women at company functions.

impolite not conforming to the usual standards in society for how you should behave towards other people

ill-mannered very impolite or badly behaved

insulting making someone feel that you think they are bad, ugly, worthless, etc.

ANSWERS to Exercise A ? The following paraphrases change the meaning by using a synonym that is too extreme: 2. A / 3. A / 4. B / 5. B / 6. B / 7. B / 8. A / 9. A / 10. B

Source of thesaurus entries: Manser, M & Betsis, A 2015. Global ELT Dictionary of Synonyms. Global ELT.

Exercise B.

(1) First, decide if the meaning of each synonym is OK, too extreme, or weaker than the original word. (Use the entries from a student's thesaurus to help you decide. )

(2) Then, complete the paraphrase with an appropriate word. Do not choose a word that is too extreme or weaker than the original word.

The first one is done for you.

1. Original sentence: Finding the right word in a thesaurus is a major problem for students.

problem something that needs to be solved or put right in order to enable you to do something effectively

predicament a situation which is difficult to deal with

plight a state in which you are in danger, suffer hardship, or have a serious problem


too extreme

PARAPHRASE: For learners, correct thesaurus use is a real predicament.

2. Original sentence: The country has a great desert in its center.

great large in degree or intensity

vast extremely large, especially in extent

big above the average in size or amount

PARAPHRASE: In the country's interior lies a _______________ desert.

3. Original sentence: Studying for IELTS is quite exacting.

exacting requiring a lot of effort and care

gruelling putting a very great strain on your physical or mental strength

demanding requiring a lot of effort over a long time

PARAPHRASE: IELTS preparation can be characterized as __________________.


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