School : Time : School Year : Level : N°

[Pages:4]School : Behir Belahssane

Time : 1H30'

School Year : 2018- 2019

Full name : ??????????????????????Level : 2 A . M.... N? : ?


John : Hi Peter. What?s the matter? You don't look well.

Peter: Yes, I don't feel well. I?ve got an awful pain in my throat.

John: Oh! What did you eat yesterday? Peter: After school I went with my friends and we ate ice-creams. John: It?s sure. Did you take any medicines?

s Peter: No! I didn?t, but mom gave me a hot tisane.

John: If it still hurts, you should see the doctor.

m Adapted from: en.


/e 1 - Read the dialogue and choose the correct letter "a, b, c, or d" :

(03 pts)

m 1- The text is talking about: (....................)

o a- Sports

b- Health problems

2- Peter has got a: (....................)

.c a- Headache b- Cold

3- Yesterday he ate: (....................)

n a- Sandwiches b- fruits

c- Games c- sore throat c- cakes

d- food d- flu d- ice-creams

tio 2 - Read the following statements and put a tick (9) in the right box.

(03 pts)

a 1- Peter feels well. c 2- He went to the cafeteria with his friends. u 3- He had an ice-cream there.

4- He took medicines.

d 5- Her mother took his temperatures. -e 6- Peter has got a common illness.

True False Not mentioned

3 ? Match each word with its synonym.

( 02 pts )

cy- matter

- awful

n - pain e - medicines

- ache - drugs - problem - terrible



1- Correct the underlined mistakes.

(02 pts)

peter should takes care of her health ? .....................................................................................

2- Complete the following sentences with: (must ? mustn't ? should)

(03 pts)

s Mr Smith has got diabetes, he ....................... have sugar. He ....................... practise

sports and he ....................... see his doctor regularly.

m 3- Classify these illnesses

(03 pts)

a ( headache ? heart disease ? toothache ? diabetes ? AIDS ? stomach-ache)

x Common illnesses /e Serious illnesses


o Re-order the following words to get a coherent sentence.

(04 pts)

.c 1- drink / Peter / . / cold / shouldn't / water 1) ....................................................................................................................................

n 2- stay / . / bed / He / in / should 2) ....................................................................................................................................

tio 3- to / mustn't / . / He / school / go 3) .................................................................................................................................... 4- give / hot tisane / . / His mother / must / him

a 4) .....................................................................................................................................

cy-educ ________ en20

Good Luck


School : Behir Belahssane

Time : 1H30'

School Year : 2018- 2019

Full name : ??????????????????????Level : 2 A . M.... N? : ?


John : Hi Peter. What?s the matter? You don't look well.

Peter: Yes, I don't feel well. I?ve got an awful pain in my throat.

John: Oh! What did you eat yesterday? Peter: After school I went with my friends and we ate ice-creams. John: It?s sure. Did you take any medicines?

s Peter: No! I didn?t, but mom gave me a hot tisane.

John: If it still hurts, you should see the doctor.

m Adapted from: en.


/e 1 - Read the dialogue and choose the correct letter "a, b, c, or d" :

(03 pts)

m 1- The text is talking about: (?E?)

o b- Sports

b- Health problems

2- Peter has got a: (?F?)

.c b- Headache b- Cold

3- Yesterday he ate: (?G?)

n b- Sandwiches b- fruits

c- Games c- sore throat c- cakes

d- food d- flu d- ice-creams

tio 2 - Read the following statements and put a tick (9) in the right box.

(03 pts)

a 1- Peter feels well. c 2- He went to the cafeteria with his friends. u 3- He had an ice-cream there.

4- He took medicines.

d 5- Her mother took his temperatures. -e 6- Peter has got a common illness.

True 3 3

False 3


Not mentioned 3


3 ? Match each word with its synonym.

( 02 pts )

cy- matter

- awful

n - pain e - medicines

- ache - drugs - problem - terrible



1- Correct the underlined mistakes.

(02 pts)

peter should takes care of her health ? Peter should take care of his health.

2- Complete the following sentences with: (must ? mustn't ? should)

(03 pts)

s Mr Smith has got diabetes, he mustn't have sugar. He must practise sports and he should

see his doctor regularly.

m 3- Classify these illnesses

(03 pts)

a ( headache ? heart disease ? toothache ? diabetes ? AIDS ? stomach-ache)

x Common illnesses /e Serious illnesses

headache ? toothache ? stomach-ache heart disease ? diabetes ? AIDS

m :ULWWHQ ([SUHVVLRQ o Re-order the following words to get a coherent sentence. .c 1- drink / Peter / . / cold / shouldn't / water

1) Peter shouldn't drink cold water.

n 2- stay / . / bed / He / in / should 2) He should stay in his bed.

tio 3- to / mustn't / . / He / school / go 3) He mustn't go to school. 4- give / hot tisane / . / His mother / must / him

a 4) His mother must give him hot tisane.

(04 pts)

cy-educ ________ en20

Good Luck



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