CRM Extensions - NWTRI

Custom Actions Syntax and Supported Options

 Last Updated: October 26, 2011


Document Index

|Getting Started |

|  |Introduction |Introduces the concept of Custom Actions |

|  |Locations |Covers where the Custom Actions are used (launched from) and where they are defined in the CRM options |

|  |Toolbars |Option overview of the CRM Extensions Toolbars option (Once used you’d never give them up!). |

|  |Getting Started |How to get started setting up your own Custom Actions and ideas for advanced uses |

|  |Syntax defined |Defines the parts of Custom Actions: |

| | |Action |

| | |Parameters |

| | |Options |

|Reference for Constructing Custom Actions |

|  |Actions defined |The Actions define the major classes of Custom Actions. 35+ Actions with an additional 25 specific to the View Action. |

|  |Parameters defined |More than 45 Parameters for the various Actions. |

|  |Options defined |Sixteen different Options are available to further control the new item once the Custom Action has created it (e.g. AutoSend |

| | |and/or No Display). |

|  |Templates defined |The most robust aspect of advanced Custom Actions get their own section (e.g. set any field of your new item to any value |

| | |while the item is being created to minimize data entry and setup for the end-user). Includes support for 24 Outlook functions |

| | |(e.g. Save, CopyToFolder, Print, etc.) |

|Appendices |

|  |A - Examples |An organized set of examples to get you started building your own. Send in your special custom actions so we can add them to |

| | |this list (support@). |

|  |B - Translation to other |Each of the Custom Action Actions, Parameters and Options may be translated to other “Roman” type languages (with character |

| |languages |sets similar to English). Also support translating of other interface elements |

|  |C - Reference Index |List of custom action Actions, Parameters and Options with links to where they are defined in this document |

| |(Quick lookup links) |Use this section as your source for quickly accessing reference information for Actions, Parameters, Options and Templates |


Last Updated October 26, 2011 2:19 PM

Compatible with CRM Extensions version





Customized CRM functionality available throughout the CRM system

Custom Actions are a very significant component in the CRM Extensions overall functionality.  Custom Actions allow each CRM customer to define Actions within the CRM system that are specific to their organization's functional requirements.  The basic TeamScope CRM system provides the functionality to create Journals, Tasks, Appointments, Projects and Opportunities in their most basic form and configuration.  Custom Actions, on the other hand, allow the user to create and customize all of these and additional items so that the user experience is simplified, streamlined and more efficient. Conceptually, custom actions are much like an Excel or Word macro which greatly extends and automates the functionality of the underlying application. The goal of these custom actions is to reduce to one-click the user's required action to accomplish a given function and to provide access to these functions from all of the various places the user will be throughout their use of the CRM system.


Hundreds of Custom Actions and Templates

There are well over 100 different Custom Actions that could be configured out of the standard Custom Action "Action" and "Parameter" options.  With the addition of "Templates" the number is basically limitless to the point where with Templates and the "Create" Action you could create a whole string of items (Email, Task, Meeting, etc) all filled out specifically for the given activity and have that whole set of items created with just one click.  The time savings and simplicity of these Custom Actions takes the CRM experience to a whole new level.


Toolbars Option Available to Turbo Charge User Experience of CRM - One-click access to any custom action right from the main Outlook window

Many of us spend much of workday with the main Outlook window working with email in our Inbox. You can now have one-click access to create any CRM item or view any CRM data for the CRM Active Contact/Company. This feature also extends to the emails you are currently working with! Two additional toolbars are available for your main Outlook window: one for buttons that launch any custom action for the Active Contact/Company, and the second to launch any custom action for the currently selected items in your current Outlook folder. This means you have one-click access to launch custom actions, from the simplest to the most complex, that do exactly what you want. Highlight an email from your prospect and one-click to view the Opportunity, one-click to view all activities anyone on the team have had with the prospect, one-click to reply to the email (and the reply email will be recorded in Email History when you send it).


Further, if you would like to override any of the TeamScope CRM toolbar buttons (or add your own), you now can with the Toolbars option. Two buttons most frequently add to the TSCRM toolbar are one to launch the Extensions Data Views window for the Active Contact/Company and the second to “Forward” the selected email to the Active Contact/Company.


Each of the Toolbar buttons will have a button face (picture) that depicts the Action it will perform. You may also add your own text labels for each button and your own tooltip to pop up a little help window for the user when they hover their mouse over the button. Intuitive… quick… easy… functions that do exactly what you want! Always accessible from the main Outlook window, one-click to get what you want – that is what the Toolbars option is all about!


Contact your TSCRM reseller for more details about how to access this valuable feature.


Examples of Functionality Supported with Custom Actions

• Create any of the CRM forms just as they would be created through the basic TSCRM functionality available everywhere and for the selected folder item!

• Create any of the CRM forms with any of the fields already filled in.

• Use templates to preload the “Notes” field with structured questions so users have structured assistance when qualifying leads, taking orders, etc. Journal (T: Lead Qualification Template)

• Create a predetermined set of CRM forms with any fields filled in for the user with one-click (any number of Email, Deferred Email, Tasks, Meetings, Opportunities). Some call this workflow, others call it an activity series, we call it convenient!

• View all contacts at the company of the selected email in a window so the user can select one or more contacts to view and work with.

• View a list of Email History for the Active Contact/Company or for the contact of the selected email.

• View a list of any of the CRM item types (Journal, Appointments, Tasks, Email History, Opportunities, Projects, Workflow).

• View the Extensions Data Views window for the Contact/Company of the item you are working with.

• Launch the Outlook phone auto-dialer for the Active Contact/Company or for the contact of the selected email and automatically create a Journal item to record your notes from the phone call.

• Make a copy of a contact for another contact at the same company and just fill in the differences.

• Execute any web URL or any other application outside of CRM to provide users with access to other system information right from within Outlook.

• Transfer CRM data to Word or Excel templates for formal documents or further data manipulation.

• Launch desktop searches for CRM and related data (e.g. MS Windows Desktop Search, Lookout, etc.).

• Create TeamWork workflow items that are fully integrated into CRM.

• Update CRM data based on filters or selected items.


User-Friendly Naming

Since the more complex custom actions may visually look a bit technical to the typical CRM end user there is a function which allows the CRM Admin to give the custom action a user-friendly name. When the user executes that custom action, the system will translate the user-friendly name into the actual custom action syntax as described below. The field replace {{FieldName}} functionality is supported during this translation process to make this translation function even more powerful.


Custom Actions Set Up by Users or Administrators

Typically, it will be the CRM Administrator that will collect CRM user requirements and then create Custom Actions for the CRM user with assistance from this manual or consulting services. Users are able and encouraged to create their own custom actions, however, custom actions are most often created by the CRM Administrators. CRM Extensions support staff are available on a consulting basis to assist with the design and creation of Custom Actions.


Professional Services Available to Assist You

Custom Actions and this document have been designed to empower the CRM user to create their own custom actions to simplify and streamline the use of CRM for their specific usage requirements. Some users enjoy the empowerment of knowing how to construct their custom actions and others would prefer to have assistance with the design or set up of their custom actions. Consulting services are available through Northwest Technology Resources, Inc. to assist you with everything from getting started to working with you from start to finish.

If you would like training and/or consulting services on the use or set up of these functions please contact sales@ (425) 640-5064

About this Document

This document is intended to be a reference more than a training manual. It is, however, organized to first give the reader a good overview of Custom Actions, where the user accesses them within the CRM system, how the CRM Administrator sets them up and the syntax for building them. The second section is the primary reference source for Custom Action Actions, Parameters, Options and T: Templates and should be used by the CRM Administrator to determine how to construct the custom action to deliver the functionality the CRM user is requesting. In practice the user will find Appendix C very valuable with its alphabetical list of each Action, Parameter, Option and T: Template with quick links to where each entry is defined. Examples have been liberally provided throughout this document to provide specific syntax for common custom actions and to provide ideas to get the reader thinking about what is possible with the more advanced capabilities of Custom Actions.



Every effort has been made to have the contents of this document accurately reflect the CRM Extensions Custom Actions features, functions, capabilities and examples. The reader, however, must understand and accept that the final authority remains the software code as delivered and not this document. If discrepancies are found then Northwest Technology Resources, Inc. (DBA for SWDittmar, LLC), at its sole discretion, may update the software, this document or both as time permits, to resolve these discrepancies.


We hope that you find this document useful. Please send feedback to info@.


top Reference Index





Where to Find Custom Actions

Users Launch Custom Actions From These CRM and Outlook Locations

Custom Actions may be launched by the user from most locations within Outlook and the CRM environments.

• On the main Outlook window under the CRM menu, select either:

|Selected Folder item(s) |[pic] |

|Active Contact/Company | |

|  | |

• Toolbars (an Extensions option) supporting up to 35 buttons on a bar (more detail in the next section)

o By adding buttons to the TeamScope CRM bar (view example)

o By displaying an additional toolbar with buttons that operate for:

▪ The Active Contact/Company (view example)

▪ The Selected folder item(s) (view example)

• On each CRM Extensions form


This function appears the same on all forms in the following locations:

o Company and Contact forms on the main tab

o All other child forms on the CRM Functions tab

• On each of the Data Views in the Functions droplist to launch a custom action for the selected items in the Data Views grid.

• For post processing an External Function Link.

This is typically used when an External Function created an Excel or Word file that you would like attached to an Email so that the new Excel document may be easily sent to internal or external recipients. Since it is a custom action that is creating the email it is quite easy to standardize the text contents of the email so the user has no additional steps except to send the email… unless the custom action has the AutoSend option and then it becomes a one-click operation to have the Excel or Word document created and emailed to a set of recipients.

top Reference Index



CRM Administrators Setup Custom Actions within the CRM Options

Custom Actions are set up within the CRM Options in potentially four different locations in the CRM Options Manager

(go to the CRM Toolbar droplist ( “Options”)

• On the *Ext Forms tab


• On the *Ext Toolbars tab


• On the *Ext General tab with the Data Views Functions FormName options. These options specify the contents of the “Functions” droplist located in the upper right corner of each of the Data Views tabs and the Data Views form. This makes these custom actions available for your users to use with any of the items they select in the Data Views grid (e.g. creating a Task, Appointment, Journal, Opportunity, Project, etc).

• External Functions Links options located on *Ext Forms, *Ext Projects and *Ext Workflow options tabs.

top Reference Index



User-friendly Naming

Custom Actions may be given “user-friendly” names and these names may be used within any or all of the locations (described above) where custom actions are specified in the CRM Options. If users will see the custom action, then you may want to provide a user-friendly name so that the function of the custom action is clear to the user at first glance. These translations are done within the “CRM Extensions Config” item within the “[Custom Action Names]” section (more detailed documentation here). Each option key (the part to the left of the “=” sign) is the user-friendly custom action name and the Value (the part to the right of the “=” sign) is the formal custom action with its proper syntax as described below. The Value portion may have {{FieldName}} type values to make this translation process even more dynamic and context-sensitive for the user.

top Reference Index





Toolbars Option

The CRM Extensions Toolbars option is available for purchase from your CRM Extensions reseller and was developed by Northwest Technology Resources, Inc. This option provides the capability to add additional buttons and Toolbars to the main Outlook window. Any of your custom actions may be assigned to these buttons to provide the user one-click access to powerful functionality conveniently located right on the main Outlook window.

Here is an overview of the Toolbars option:

• The Toolbars option is conceptually like building an Excel macro and assigning the macro to an Excel toolbar button.  With this Extensions Toolbars option you can now assign any Extensions Custom Action (ie the macro) to these Toolbar option buttons on the main Outlook window.

• Provides one-click access to any of the CRM features and functions (using Custom Actions right from the main Outlook window).

• Provides for the customization of any of the CRM toolbar action buttons using the Custom Actions described above.

• Toolbar buttons are supported in three areas:

1. Addition of buttons to the main TeamScope CRM (TSCRM) toolbar (view example)

2. A second toolbar to launch Custom Actions for the Active Contact/Company.  Each button launches a specified Custom Action.  Buttons have descriptive button faces and "tooltips" specified by the CRM Admin. (view example)

3. A third toolbar to launch Custom Actions for the item selected in the current folder.  This provides the capability to process Inbox email with one click... or... look up Email History for the contact of the selected email with one click. The CRM Contact that is related (or linked) to the selected folder item is automatically looked up and used for the assigned Custom Action.  Multiple items may be selected and with one click the Custom Action is launched once for each of the selected items. (view example)

• Configuration Profiles are available to support defining different configurations of the all 3 toolbars and the Custom Actions listed on the “CRM”menu. The CRM Administrator may set up as many Configuration Profiles as desired and users may freely switch between different profiles based on their CRM usage level (beginner, intermediate, advanced) and/or based on the user’s specific usage requirements. Configuration Profiles make it simple for the Administrators to set up different configurations of the CRM Toolbars for different users.

• We usually introduce the toolbars after the users have used CRM and the Extensions for while so they first understand the basic concepts and functions of CRM. It is often too much functionality to quickly to attempt to learn from the beginning.  Once users understand CRM and then have access to the Toolbars it is no going back because they have exactly the functions they use most, tailored to their specific needs, right in front of them on the main Outlook window.

• The typical customer implementation of the Toolbars option only has a handful of buttons to launch the custom actions that are most valuable to them for their CRM usage. You may have just a few buttons or up to 35 so that you have the flexibility to support your evolving user usage requirements.

top Reference Index




Getting Started

One of the primary drivers behind the design of any computer interface is to keep the interface as simple and intuitive as possible for intended users. One of the first steps in accomplishing this interface simplicity is to understand the “use cases” of your end-users. CRM systems are designed to empower the type of end-user that affects the revenue side of the business therefore simplicity, intuitiveness and reduced keystrokes hopefully lead directly to increased revenue, which is usually a very high leverage opportunity.

Custom Actions are designed to address this need by dramatically improving the simplicity and efficiency of the CRM interface. A set of Custom Actions may be defined for your primary set of users and specific sets of Custom Actions for specific sets of users resulting in maximizing efficiency and simplicity for all users. Custom Actions are available throughout the CRM interface and Outlook forms, so that users have access to the functionality they need, where they need it.

• On the main Outlook window from the “CRM” menu to launch Custom Actions for both the Active Contact/Company and the selected folder item(s).

• If you have the Extensions Toolbars option then Custom Action buttons may be added to the main CRM Toolbar and 2 additional toolbars may be added to the main Outlook window with up to 35 different buttons on each toolbar. Usually, customs use 5 to 10 per bar, the buttons may have labels and tooltips to improve clarity and intuitiveness.

• On each of the CRM Extensions forms on the “CRM Functions” tab and on the main tabs for Contact and Company forms

• On each Data Views tab and window in the “Functions” droplist

• With the Toolbars option the Data Views window also support a couple of very convenient right-click menus that deliver just the Custom Actions that are needed at the key locations on the Data Views window.

• Within the External Functions to email your Word and Excel documents created with External Functions to anyone.

• See “Where to Find Custom Actions” for additional information on the location of Custom Actions.

Custom Actions are defined in a few different places depending on where the Custom Actions will be used, most all of these locations allow for centrally defined options with individual user override capability.

Steps to design and develop Custom Actions.

1. Read through the first five sections of this document to gain a good overview of the Custom Actions functionality.

2. Review the Reference Index so that you are familiar with each of the Actions and think through which Actions would bring benefit to your CRM users.

3. Collect specific usage and functionality requirements from your CRM users… Both what they need to get their jobs done quicker, more efficiently and effectively and then also where within the CRM interface they need access to these Custom Actions.

4. Select the Actions that support the users functional requirements and then review the parameters and options that would help to refine the Action appropriately.

5. Then consider if T: Template features would further simplify the user’s tasks and reduce data input effort and make data input more consistent.

6. Build the Custom Actions and test them before introducing them to a few “early adopter” type CRM users to review and provide input prior to introducing the Custom Actions to the rest of the team of CRM Users.

7. If you are adding Custom Action buttons to either of the Toolbars consider adding text labels to the buttons and tooltips that assist the user in understanding the function of the buttons.

8. Once the Custom Actions have been in place for a month or so then re-poll the users for necessary enhancements to the Custom Actions and ideas for additional Custom Action. It is very common that users will come up with many new good ideas for new Custom Actions.

If you have the internal resources and experience to collect user requirements and implement effective Custom Actions this document is designed to support you with the reference materials and examples.

If you would like assistance with any parts of this process your CRM Extensions reseller or NWTRI support personnel. 

top Reference Index




Syntax – How Custom Actions are constructed


General syntax is: 


    Action (Parameters)


Examples: Journal (Phone Call)

Task (Next Action)

Email (Reply to Selected Email)

Record (Selected Email)


Advanced syntax is: 


    Action [(Parameters)] [Options]


Examples: Journal (Phone Call) Copy Notes

Task (Next Action) Link Item

Record (Selected Email) Display




"Action" is the basic Custom Action that is to be performed (ie what type of item is to be created).


"Parameters" are one or more of the many options available for each Custom Action to further tailor the new item based on your needs.


"Options" Generally these are applied after the new Item has been created (ex. AutoSend, No Display, etc.)



1) The [ ] brackets indicate the section of the syntax is optional

2) The term "launch item" refers to the item the custom action was launched from or launched for.  If you launch a custom action from the contact one of the forms (e.g. contact, task, etc) the launch item will be the form. If the custom action is launched from the CRM menu or from a toolbar button for the TSCRM “active contact” then the launch item is the active contact… if launched for the selected folder item then the selected folder item(s) is the launch item(s).  In practice the custom actions work the way you would expect them to so don't get too bogged down in these details, this clarification of "launch item" is mainly to clarify the documentation in the tables below. 

3) When CRM items are created by custom actions the created items are linked to the appropriate company, contact, opportunity, project and parent company.

Here are some examples to clarify what we mean by the launch item.

• If "View (Tasks) is launched from a Contact then you will see a list of tasks linked to the contact

• If "View (Tasks) is launched from a Journal item then you will see the list of tasks that are linked to the contact/company the Journal is linked to

• If "Email" is launched from a Contact then the resulting Email History item will be linked to the contact/company

• If "Email" is launched from a Task then the resulting Email History item will be linked to the contact/company the Task is linked to

• If "Email" is launched from an Opportunity then the resulting Email History item will be linked to the opportunity and also to the contact/company the opportunity is linked to

• If "Email" is launched from a Task that is linked to an Opportunity then the resulting Email History item will be linked to the Opportunity and to the Project/that the opportunity is linked to.

4) Custom Actions and Parameters may be renamed (or translated into a different language) using the Extensions Translation config item. This functionality is explained below in the Translation section of this document.

5) Icons for each Action are automatically assigned (view here).

6) Each of the above syntactical parts of a Custom Action are described below in the remainder of this document.

top Reference Index




Actions for Custom Actions are:


Usage Notes:

• The Action is always the first part of the custom action, always to the left of the first parenthesis (if there is one).

• Each custom action only has one Action.

• Icons for each Action are automatically assigned (view here).

You may override the automatic assignment by adding a prefix of the MS Office icon number and a # sign

The list of MS Office icons and the corresponding numbers is here.

Example: 324#View (Email History) to use the [pic] icon instead of the default of [pic]

• When using custom actions on any of the toolbars you may add a vertical line separator by adding a prefix of | (the vertical bar character)

Examples: |View (Email History)

|324#View (Email History) to have both a vertical separator bar and a custom icon


Syntax: Action (Parameters) Options


Example: Record (Selected Email to Opportunity) Display

This custom action will copy the selected email(s) to the CRM Email History folder and link each Email History item to the selected opportunity and also the contact and company the opportunity is linked to.

• The user will be prompted to select the appropriate Opportunity to record this email to.

• The Email History item will be displayed.



|Action |Description and Usage |

|Appointment or |Create a CRM Appointment that will be linked to the contact/company for which the custom action was launched.  The "Meeting" and "Appointment" Actions do exactly the same function, use whichever is clearer for your users. |

|Meeting |When an Appointment item is created from (or for) an Opportunity, Project or Workflow item then the new Appointment item is linked to the “parent” Opportunity/Project/Workflow as well as the Contact and Company the Opportunity/Project/Workflow is linked to. |

| [pic] |Then the new item can be viewed through the “Data Views” tabs and form as being linked to the parent Opportunity/Project/Workflow and/or the Contact and Company. |

| |click when launching this custom action will instead launch the “View” Action for Appointments and display a list of Appointments that are linked to the linked contact/company. You may then select to view Appointment(s) in the list. There is a search |

| |function [pic] in the list display to assist you in quickly searching for specific text within the list items so you can get quickly to the specific item(s) you want to view. |

| |Examples: |

| |Meeting |

| |Meeting (Next Action) |

| |Meeting (Phone Call) |

| |Meeting (Follow-on) |

| |Meeting (Personal) |

| |Meeting () Attach Link |

| |Meeting (Copy Notes) |

| |Meeting (No Notes) |

| |Meeting (For Project) |

| |Meeting (For Project) HideComplete |

| |Meeting (For Opportunity) |

| |Meeting (For Opportunity) HideComplete |

| |Meeting (For Ticket[SelectCCSServiceArea\Assigned Tickets]) |

| |Meeting (For Ticket[SelectFolder]) |

| |Meeting (For Ticket[TicketFoldersOptionName]) |

| |Appointment (T:Weekly Agenda) |

| |See also Meeting |

| |top Reference Index |

|ConfigData |Reads the entire contents of the specified section in the specified config item.  Each of the entries in the config section are used in the custom action to modify the new item the custom action is creating. |

|[pic] |Typical entries in the section is are formatted as FieldName = Value to support setting the fields in the new item with specific values. There are many other useful functions that are also supported and with these config entries and they are documented in the |

| |section on the "T:" parameter below. |

| |Syntax: ConfigData (Section Name, Config Item Subject) |

| |The default for “Config Item Subject” is “User Config”, so in most cases you will want to specify “CRM Extensions Config” or the subject of another configuration item if you are using a separate one for some of your custom action configuration information. |

| |Examples: |

| |ConfigData (Section Name, CRM Extensions Config) |

| |ConfigData (Workflow Tasks, My Config Item) |

| |top Reference Index |

|ConfigEntry |Reads the contents of a configuration entry/option and is used to set fields in the new item being created by the custom action. Additional and related documentation can be found in the section on the "T:" parameter below. |

|[pic] |Syntax: ConfigEntry (Section Name, Key Name, Config Item Subject) |

| |Default for “Config Item Subject” is “User Config”, so in most cases you will want to specify “CRM Extensions Config” or the subject of another configuration item if you are using a separate one for some of your custom action configuration information. |

| |Examples: |

| |ConfigEntry (Reply Templates, CRM Download Links, User Config) |

| |top Reference Index |

|Company |Create a new CRM Company |

|[pic] |To create a CRM Company with the same Parent Ccompany as the item the action was launched from use the “Same Parent Company” parameter |

| |If “No Links” is not specified then data is automatically copied from the contact of the Item to the new company and the new company gets linked to the “Parent Company” of the item |

| |Note: as of CRM Pro version 5.4.136 this function now also supports T: functions so that you can set the new contact fields as necessary |

| |Examples: |

| |Company () |

| |Company (No Links) |

| |Company (T:TemplateName) |

|Contact |Create a new CRM Contact |

|[pic] |To create a CRM Contact for the same company as the item the action was launched from use the “Same Company” parameter |

| |Note: as of CRM Pro version 5.4.136 this function now also supports T: functions so that you can set the new contact fields as necessary |

| |Examples: |

| |Contact () |

| |Contact (Same Company) |

| |Contact (T:TemplateName |

|Copy |Create a copy of the item, linked contact or linked company. Also may be used to copy emails to the CRM Email History folder and these will be properly linked to the appropriate contact and company. |

|[pic] |The new copy of the item will be automatically displayed. |

| |Warning: Users must not copy any of the CRM items manually within the CRM folders as this will duplicate one of the internal key values that must remain unique for proper linking of items in the CRM system. This is especially critical for “parent” type items |

| |such as Companies, Contacts, Opportunities, Projects and Workflow items. |

| |Examples: |

| |Copy This Item |

| |Copy (This Item) |

| |Copy Linked Contact |

| |Copy (Linked Contact) |

| |Copy Linked Company |

| |Copy (Linked Company) |

| |Copy (Selected Email to Email History) |

| |Copy (Selected Email to Email History) Display |

| |top Reference Index |

|Create |Will launch a set of predefined custom actions. Some think of this as an “Activity Series” or a set of workflow items. Basically this Create Action allows you to chain together as many custom actions as you would like, each one separated by the three |

|[pic] |characters . Each of the custom actions within the chain can be as simple or complex a custom action as you need. For example, when a sale closes you may have 4 actions that should occur: |

| |An Email thanking the customer for their purchase |

| |Create a Task for your order processing department due in 1 workday |

| |Follow-up phone call in 3 workdays using an entry on your calendar at 7am |

| |Reminder email to customer in 5 workdays |

| |All 4 of these items can be create with one custom action using this “Create” Action. |

| |The syntax is really quite simple: |

| |Create (Custom Action1Custom Action2Custom Action3Custom ActionN) |

| |Each custom action within the create Action is to be a complete custom action structured just as if it was a standalone custom action. The special delimiter of is used to separate each of the custom actions. The use of the “T:” templates is often very |

| |useful to automate the most (if not all) data input required for each of the custom actions |

| |Custom actions later in the chain may reference fields of new items created earlier in the string by using the {{ObjectReference.FieldName}} type string. The “ObjectReference” part of this field replace string would be the entire text of the previous custom |

| |action that created the new item that contains the field you want to reference. |

| |Examples: |

| |Create (EmailTaskMeetingDeferred Email (CRMSendDate: {{#Select Date to send deferred email#}}) |

| |Create (Email (C:\Thank you for your order)Task(T:New Order Task)Meeting (T:New Order Meeting)Deferred Email (CRMSendDate: {{DateAdd.w,5,{{Now}}}})) |

| |Assume: |

| |This “Create” custom action will be launched from the Opportunity form “Custom Action” function (on the “CRM Functions” tab) when the sale is closed. Could also be set up to be launched from an Extensions field “Trigger” when the “Op Status” field changes to |

| |a value of “Won”. |

| |The custom action the user will see in the droplist is called “Create new order workflow items”. |

| |The following 3 configuration entries are required: |

| |In the CRM Options Manager on the *Ext Forms tab and “Custom Actions” option add the following entry and move it to the order in the list of custom actions that you would like |

| |“Create new order workflow items” |

| |In the CRM Extensions Config item in the [Custom Action Names] section add a new line with: |

| |Create new order workflow items= Create (Email (C:\Thank you for your order)Task(T:New Order Task)Meeting (T:New Order Meeting)Deferred Email (CRMSendDate: {{DateAdd.w,5,{{Now}}}})) |

| |In the CRM Extensions Config item in the [Custom Action Templates] section add a new lines with: |

| |New Order Task(Subject)=New Order for {{Contact.FullName}} ({{panyName}}) |

| |New Order Task(DueDate)={{DateAdd.w,1,{{Now}}}} |

| |New Order Task(Body)=Please processing the following order:Order Date: {{Now}}Contact: {{Contact.FullName}}Company: {{panyName}}Sales Person: {{Owner}}Product 1: {{Product1}}Qty: {{Qty1}}Product 2: {{Product2}}Qty: |

| |{{Qty2}}Product 3: {{Product3}}Qty: {{Qty3}}Opportunity Name: {{Subject}}Opportunity Link: Outlook:{{EntryID}} |

| |New Order Meeting (Subject)=Order Followup for {{Contact.FullName}} ({{panyName}}) |

| |New Order Meeting (Start)={{DateAdd.w,3,{{Now}}}} 7AM |

| |New Order Meeting (Body)= Please place a follow-up order call today for the following order:Order Date: {{Now}}Contact: {{Contact.FullName}}Company: {{panyName}}Sales Person: {{Owner}}Product 1: {{Product1}}Qty: |

| |{{Qty1}}Product 2: {{Product2}}Qty: {{Qty2}}Product 3: {{Product3}}Qty: {{Qty3}}Opportunity Name: {{Subject}}Opportunity Link: Outlook:{{EntryID}} |

| |top Reference Index |

|Data Views |Will display the CRM Extensions “Data Views” window for a specific item, showing data in the specified folder, with the specified filter. This is a great want to provide one-click access to the Data Views window specifically configured the way your users |

|[pic] |typically like to see it. |

| |Syntax: DataViews (FolderName, FilterBy, ViewName, PickItem, WindowHeight, WindowWidth) |

| |FolderName = Company, Contact, Leads, User, Email History, Email Archive, Deferred Email, Journal, Journal Archive, Calendar, Task, Opportunity, Project, Other Folders |

| |Use "" to autoset this folder option based on the user's current Outlook folder. |

| |If omitted will use option "DataViewFolderformtype” on the *Ext General tab |

| |FilterBy = Parent Company, Company, Contact, Opportunity, Project, User, Owner |

| |Use sFilterBy = "" to set FilterBy=Contact if Active Contact exists or Filterby=Company for Active Company exists |

| |If omitted will use option "DataViewFilterformtype” on the *Ext General tab |

| |ViewName = View to be selected when the Data Views window is displayed |

| |If omitted will use option "DataViewformtypeFolder” on the *Ext General tab |

| |PickItem = Company | Contact | Opportunity | Project | User | |

| |will display a selection window for user to select the item for display in the Data Views window. The PickItem selected item (if selected) will override launch item, if no selection made then the launch item will be used |

| |If omitted the launch item will be used (no picker window is displayed) |

| |If no launch item is available then defaults change to: FilterBy = Owner and PickItem = |

| |WindowHeight = Height Data Views Window will be when first Displayed. If omitted, will be displayed as user's last Height |

| |WindowWidth = Width Data Views Window will be when first Displayed. If omitted, will be displayed as user's last Width |

| | |

| |Notes: |

| |All parameters are optional |

| |When using the Extensions API call to launch this function there is an additional 2 parameters added to the beginning: oItem and oSourceItem |

| |oItem may be the item object as a variant or may be the EntryID of the item to be used (useful for external system integration) |

| |oSourceItem is usually to be the selected item in the Outlook folder, may pass Nothing if there is no SourceItem |

| |Examples: |

| |Data Views (Email History, Company) |

| |Data Views (, ) |

| |Data Views (Email History, Contact, Phone List, PickItem) |

| |Data Views (Task, Project, Simple List, PickItem) |

| |Data Views (Journal, Opportunity, Simple List) |

| |top Reference Index |

|Deferred Email |Will create a CRM email (just like the “Email” Action) that will be created in the Extensions “Deferred Delivery Email” folder (located under the CRM “Users” folder). The deferred email will be held in the CRM system until the specified “CRM Send Date” at |

|[pic] |which time it will be sent either automatically or subject to user control. The emails are managed and sent using the Data Views window. There are options that provide for automatically notifying the user that there are emails that need to be sent or it can |

| |be left completely up to the user. |

| |This “Deferred Email” Action supports all of the options and features of the “Email” Action (using “T:” templates, etc) but also has the additional parameter of “CRMSendDate:” used to specify the Date/Time the email is to be sent. |

| |Related options are: |

| |“Deferred Delivery Email Folder” in section [Extensions Folders] in config item “CRM Extensions Config” is used to control the placement of the deferred email delivery folder. If this option is not specified and a folder named "Deferred Delivery E-mail" is |

| |found under the CRM Users folder then it will be used. If the deferred delivery folder exists then, when Outlook is started, the Extensions will check for items with the “CRM Send Date” ................

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