Applying Digital Technology for Early Diagnosis and …

National Institute on Aging Workshop onApplying Digital Technology for Early Diagnosis and Monitoring of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related DementiasWorkshop SummaryPrepared bySigma Health Consulting LLCContents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1. Workshop Welcome, Format, and Goals PAGEREF _Toc8331143 \h 32. Overview of the State of Digital Technology Development PAGEREF _Toc8331144 \h 33. Accelerating Discovery of Digital Biomarkers of Alzheimer’s Disease PAGEREF _Toc8331145 \h 44. Session 1: Use of Sensor Technology to Monitor Mobility Activity PAGEREF _Toc8331146 \h 44.1 Novel Measures of Physical Activity for Physical and Cognitive Health PAGEREF _Toc8331147 \h 54.2 Physical Activity Patterns and Cognition Among Older Adults PAGEREF _Toc8331148 \h 54.3 Wearable Technology to Monitor Mobility in People with Cognitive Impairment PAGEREF _Toc8331149 \h 64.4 Toward Early Detection in Alzheimer’s Disease (from onset to late stages) PAGEREF _Toc8331150 \h 65. Session 2: Monitoring Physiological, Psychological and Behavior Changes PAGEREF _Toc8331151 \h 75.1 Real-World Driving Sensing in Aging and Neurodegenerative Impairments PAGEREF _Toc8331152 \h 75.2 Improving Cognitive Performance in the Moment by Unobtrusively Regulating Emotions PAGEREF _Toc8331153 \h 75.3 Bio-Integrated, Wireless Sensors for Advanced Measurements and Closed-Loop Biofeedback PAGEREF _Toc8331154 \h 85.4 Predicting Mild Cognitive Impairment with Memory-Related Brain Potentials PAGEREF _Toc8331155 \h 85.5 In-Home Sleep-Wake Monitoring in Older Adults (With and Without Cognitive Impairment) PAGEREF _Toc8331156 \h 95.6 Improving Cognitive Assessment of Alzheimer’s Disease With Automatic Speech Recognition PAGEREF _Toc8331157 \h 96. Session 3: Application in Clinical Research - New Clinical Endpoints PAGEREF _Toc8331158 \h 106.1 Applying Digital Technology for Early Detection, Diagnosis and Monitoring of AD/ADRD PAGEREF _Toc8331159 \h 106.2 Managing Neurovascular Risk Factors to Decrease Burden of Dementia in Aging PAGEREF _Toc8331160 \h 106.3 Real-Time Online Assessment and Mobility Monitoring (ROAMM) PAGEREF _Toc8331161 \h 116.4 Use of iPad and Digital Technology in Clinical Research PAGEREF _Toc8331162 \h 116.5 The Lure of Digital Biomarkers: Observations and Lessons from Real-World Evidence PAGEREF _Toc8331163 \h 127. Session 4: Innovative Data Analysis PAGEREF _Toc8331164 \h 127.1 Inadvertent Interfaces: Technology Informing What We Think We Already Know PAGEREF _Toc8331165 \h 127.2 Big Data Approaches for Alzheimer’s Disease PAGEREF _Toc8331166 \h 137.3 Machine Learning and Data Mining PAGEREF _Toc8331167 \h 137.4 Collecting and Analyzing Smartphone Raw (Passive) Data PAGEREF _Toc8331168 \h 137.5 New Analytical Frameworks Using Digital Biomarkers PAGEREF _Toc8331169 \h 148. Discussion Regarding Next Steps PAGEREF _Toc8331170 \h 14The National Institute on Aging (NIA) held a workshop April 25-26, 2019, on Applying Digital Technology for Early Diagnosis and Monitoring of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias. The day and a half of meetings, held in Bethesda, MD, brought together three dozen participants from academic research and medical centers, industry, and the federal government, including several divisions of the NIA.The workshop emerged from increasing evidence indicating that years before patients are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and AD-related dementias (AD/ADRD), they may experience changes in cognitive, behavioral, sensory, and motor functions that signal gradual onset of the disease. Combining computational capabilities with a variety of technologies holds promise for detection and monitoring of subtle yet pertinent changes through ‘digital biomarkers.’ Innovative approaches using these methods could lead to earlier diagnosis and intervention, more personalized therapies, and improved outcomes. 1. Workshop Welcome, Format, and GoalsThe workshop organizers from NIA, Yuan Luo, Ph.D., Lyndon Joseph, Ph.D., and Dana Plude, Ph.D., welcomed the participants. Dr. Luo, a Program Director in the Dementias of Aging Branch of NIA’s Division of Neuroscience, said the workshop would help the National Institutes of Health (NIH) fulfill its mission under the National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease, initiated in 2012 as a coordinated effort to accelerate research and provide better care and services for millions of affected individuals and their families. It aligns with the recommendations from the 2018 AD research summit, and the AD research implementation milestones on enabling technologies and improving AD monitoring. The aim of the workshop, she said, was to help NIH and its research partners figure out where there are existing gaps of knowledge, identify barriers to progress, and determine what the priorities should be going forward. The workshop presentations began with a conceptual overview of the topic followed by presentations from academic and industry leaders on developments in their respective fields. The presentations were divided into four areas of focus: 1) the use of sensor technology to monitor mobility; 2) monitoring of physiological, psychological, and behavior changes; 3) applications in clinical trials; and, 4) innovative data analysis. 2. Overview of the State of Digital Technology Development Wendy Nilsen, Ph.D., a Program Director from the National Science Foundation, said in her opening talk that the wide prevalence of technology will hugely reshape the world of heath care in the years ahead. Surveys have shown that 46% of people 65 years old or older now have a smartphone, so the boom in technology use isn’t limited to younger populations. People leave “digital traces” everywhere, and as technology shrinks, it becomes even more ubiquitous. Billions of mobile devices, sensors, and uses of social networks offer unprecedented opportunities in health science. Collecting enormous amounts of data in real time will aid research and patient care, and will help answer important questions about how we decline with age. “Smart” homes are becoming popular, and there’s talk of building “smart” cities. Similarly, we can expect a “smart” health-care system of steady connectivity, communication, and monitoring. Such a system could be powerful as the elderly population continues to grow and more people age in place, Dr. Nilsen noted. The Alzheimer’s field requires a “continuum of digital tools” for measurement, diagnosis, and treatment, she said, but tech tools are only useful when designed right. One challenge is figuring out how to design for systems that may not be around in five years. Access and equity are factors, as not all Americans are “plugged in.” Dr. Nilsen outlined a long list of characteristics she said that must be taken into account in building new tools and approaches that can benefit patients, doctors, caregivers, and others in the health-care community. The factors include a) human-computer interaction (user-centered design); b) real-time information and flexibility in delivery; c) centralization of communication and devices (with digital devices serving as a “health hub”); and d) software that allows adaptation for personalized use. People already use smartphones in highly individualized ways, she noted, with different combinations of apps, for example. Customization should be a goal from the start of technology development, she said. “Let’s build for the future, not for what we know.”Alzheimer’s is a health problem of great complexity, Dr. Nilsen said, but some who develop technology may not know, understand or appreciate the nuances of AD/ADRD. Tackling the disease will require breaking out of “knowledge silos” in the sciences to build bridges of communication between behavioral, biomedical, computing, information, and engineering disciplines, in interaction with patients, providers, and health-care systems. An issue of concern she raised is how to validate the effectiveness of new tools and approaches against current “gold standards” in the field. One participant commented later, at the end of Dr. Nilsen’s talk, that a lot of good technology is available for various kinds of measurement, but there’s a need to know, first, what to measure; to figure that out, it’s necessary to know what technologies are available and how to deploy them. Dr. Nilsen agreed it was a “circular problem,” one that will require “doing the messy work” of discovery before conducting clinical trials. “Gold standards are not gold anymore” and must be constantly redefined, she said.She also touched on the challenge of how to reconcile data collection with individual privacy, especially in real-time situations; an issue that was raised repeatedly in later workshop discussions. Some participants noted that while many people are wary about the sharing of personal information, patients often indicate a willingness to allow their medical data to be used, with certain limitations, for research purposes if they believe it will contribute to a broader social good. The group agreed with Dr. Nilsen that resolving issues of data collection and information exchange is an overriding problem that will require a great deal of thought and guidance. 3. Accelerating Discovery of Digital Biomarkers of Alzheimer’s Disease Rhoda Au, Ph.D., a Professor of Anatomy & Neurobiology, Neurology and Epidemiology in Boston University Schools of Medicine & Public Health, opened her presentation by calling for a wholesale shift in thinking and strategy to tackle the problem of Alzheimer’s. A specialist in neuropsychology, she said the merging of research and technology offers the path toward innovative science in the AD/ADRD field. The medical community operates today, she said, by collecting many kinds of information to figure out what’s the best treatment for a given patient at a given time; and cognition is viewed in relation to stages of AD/ADRD. She proposed moving to a new model that focuses on increasing brain health across the spectrum, with the ultimate goal of AD prevention. Dr. Au said studies have indicated that delaying the onset of symptoms by five years could reduce AD incidence by 50 percent. “I believe if you can detect disease much earlier on in the insidious onset process, you can avoid disease altogether,” she declared. Technology is needed across the range of disease, as instruments for diagnosis, prediction, and prognosis, Dr. Au noted. Digital biomarkers are a powerful tool in this arsenal of technologies, as the FDA has recognized in its Digital Health Innovation Action Plan. Instead of targeting “AD precision medicine” as the desired outcome, she said, the field should focus more broadly on achieving “precision brain health.” She proposed creation of a “brain health monitoring platform,” with data collected, integrated, and analyzed across clinics, mobile devices, and home settings to provide a coherent picture of brain health. Dr. Au said the long-running Framingham Heart Study (FHS) offers a good context in which to frame a new approach to tackling Alzheimer’s. The study, underway since 1948, has extensive data on cognitive aging, and Dr. Au herself has been closely involved in FHS for many years. The study began at a time when death rates for cardiovascular disease (CVD) were increasing steadily but little was known about the general causes of heart disease and stroke. The objective of FHS was to identify common factors that contribute to CVD by following its development over a long period of time in a large group of participants who had not yet developed overt symptoms of the disease or suffered a heart attack or stroke. The base data consists of information on conditions like vascular function, diabetes, and stroke as they relate to CVD. Various “digital layers” added over the years, such as digital drawing tests and recordings of changes in voice patterns, have provided a variety of markers for cognitive impairment. By combining information from biomarkers, analytics, and novel phenotypes, Dr. Au said, FHS is moving toward precision medicine. As such, it offers a model for approaches to combat AD/ADRD. She said the Framingham project offers a number of lessons to keep in mind when building data platforms that could aid monitoring, research, and treatment of AD/ADRD. The issues include a) security and confidentiality; b) being flexible and agnostic about the kinds of devices and applications to employ; c) balance of criteria (such as ease of use and expense); d) the need for a strong data infrastructure and back-up expertise; e) easy sharing of data; f) value proposition for everyone at the table; and g) scalability. NIH could accelerate progress in the field by supporting digital biomarker development and data translation, she said. NIH investments could be leveraged through AD research centers and across NIH cohorts centered on other diseases that add a brain aging component, similar to how FHS did. This effort would require building an “ecosystem of partners” that include tech companies, pharmaceutical companies, academic centers, and foreign countries. Open science data remains a challenge, she acknowledged, as does the complexity of AD, which will require recurrent measurement to identify patterns that aid understanding. Reframing the approach to AD/ADRD, she argued, will lead to new treatments, novel market opportunities, lower costs, and improved patient outcomes through earlier intervention.4. Session 1: Use of Sensor Technology to Monitor Mobility Activity 4.1 Novel Measures of Physical Activity for Physical and Cognitive Health Jennifer Schrack, Ph.D., M.S., an Associate Professor of Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health, described studies using data from wearable sensor technologies and a novel methodology to investigate patterns of physical activity for what they might reveal about cognitive health. Accelerometer devices (worn at hip, chest, or wrist) provide highly precise measures of physical activity and movement around the clock, in daily-life settings. In the past, studies using accelerometer data have focused largely on total volume and intensity of physical activity. But the approach has limitations, Dr. Schrack noted, because people who are older and sicker are generally not as active as they age; thus, other aspects of physical activity may reveal more about health in relation to aging. Using data from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA) and other sources, she and her colleagues are quantifying and analyzing physical activity on the basis of three measures: total volume of activity, diurnal patterns of activity, and what they call activity fragmentation (bouts of active versus sedentary behavior). They developed a probability index of how likely a person was to go from being active to sedentary (level of fragmentation), then looked at the scores in relation to a number of functional outcomes in BLSA. They found that people who were more fragmented performed more poorly in a number of tests of physical function, and that higher fragmentation was associated with greater risk of mortality. The researchers are analyzing the data in combination with cognitive testing and brain data such as PET images of beta amyloid and grey matter. Dr. Schrack said the approach has a lot of promise for looking at patterns of earlier and perhaps more sensitive markers of physical and cognitive decline. 4.2 Physical Activity Patterns and Cognition Among Older Adults Eric Shiroma, Sc.D., M.Ed., of the NIA, described strategies for going from the use of simple metrics to multiple metrics in research on diseases like AD/ADRD, and how multi-dimensional approaches can reveal patterns that may offer new insights on cognition in the elderly. He offered physical activity and aging as a case study. Because physical activity affects so many aspects of aging, a huge amount of rich, objective data has been collected, from simple metrics to high-dimensional data. Though much of the data in the past has come from accelerometers, this is now being combined with information from other sources, such as brain imaging, genomics, electronic medical records, and GPS. The challenges in moving from a single metric of interest to multi-dimensional approaches include developing and determining the metrics of importance, and figuring out how to do the analyses. To begin, the scientists look for clustering patterns across types of activity, to create a profile based on behaviors. They then use a variety of analytical techniques to look for correlations between factors as well as patterns in various activities, such as how long people sit during the day (divided into blocks of time). In one exercise study to compare the effects of different patterns of activity in relation to public-health recommendations, the scientists found that “weekend warriors” who are vigorously active in bursts enjoy mortality benefits similar to those of people who exercise for the same total time but more frequently. Dr. Shiroma said his group is starting to use similar approaches to look at patterns of activity in relation to cognition and AD/ADRD. Because the data in studies like these is cross-sectional, the researchers are also beginning to analyze changes over time, in behavioral and metabolic effects as well as cumulative and correlated effects. Design and analyses remains a major challenge, and new analytical models are needed. Dr. Shiroma closed by noting that high-dimensional data is not just physical activity, but also encompasses important health factors like sleep, nutrition, body composition, markers of aging, and environmental influences. 4.3 Wearable Technology to Monitor Mobility in People with Cognitive Impairment Fay Horak, Ph.D., P.T., of Oregon Health & Science University, described her work using sensor systems to study walking and balance in people with neurological disorders like Parkinson’s. The wearable wireless devices include Opal and SmartSox, which she helped develop for the small company APDM Wearable Technologies. Because they’re synchronized to acquire data from multi-body functions, the new technologies allow accurate measures of the quality of walking, as indicated by characteristics such as shuffling, turning, step length and time, and gait quality. How a person walks changes with cognition, so looking at changes in the quality of someone’s walk might offer signs of early cognitive decline, Dr. Horak said. Studies have shown that gait speed may be a useful predictor of dementia, she noted, but other research indicates that things like turning ability and variability of stride might be better measures in assessing risk of falls. The gait-cognition relationship is complex, and different kinds of dementia affect different parts of the brain, so much remains unclear about the interactions between cognitive impairment and the many functions that contribute to gait quality and balance control. Dr. Horak said she and her colleagues are finding different relationships for various kinds of dementia. In Parkinson’s disease, cognitive decline starts with executive function, which is related to the speed of walking; people with memory problems tend to have more visual-spatial difficulties, which affects balance and postural sway. The findings, she said, suggest that objective measures may need to be specific for the type of dementia the researchers are looking for, and that more comprehensive measures are required. Her studies also indicated that turning ability should be monitored more closely in the elderly because of its major impact on disability, falls, and reduced quality of life in the elderly and in patients with neurological diseases. Among the questions Dr. Horak said need to be addressed to better understand mobility in cognitive impairment: a) do specific domains of balance and gait relate to specific domains of cognition; b) can quantification of balance and gait improve ability to differentiate different types of dementia; c) can balance and gait help predict the onset of dementia/mild cognitive impairment (MCI); d) to what extent are balance problems due to cognitive problems; and e) does cognitive training improve mobility.4.4 Toward Early Detection in Alzheimer’s Disease (from onset to late stages) Bijan Najafi, Ph.D., M.Sc., of Baylor College of Medicine, stressed the importance of understanding the full trajectory of AD/ADRD. Technology, he noted, offers unprecedented opportunities to monitor the disease across its progression to aid detection and effective treatment. It’s well known that early diagnosis can help slow decline through interventions, limit harmful consequences to patients, determine needed services, and support families in the care process. But 50% of people with dementia are not diagnosed in primary care, and most cases are not diagnosed until late stage. There are already many metrics that can serve as useful digital biomarkers for dementia, he noted, such as measures of motor abnormality and frailty. Yet most measures provide only a snapshot of the disease. He described work he’s done for 15 years to capture and analyze continuous data about daily physical activity as a foundation for studying AD/ADRD progression. In the monitoring platform he uses, subjects wear a small pendant-like tag sensor that’s linked with Bluetooth technology, mobile devices, cloud storage, and a data-analysis system accessed by research or clinical staff. The sensors capture a lot of data on sitting, standing, lying, sleeping, and other daily activities. The next logical step, he said, is to link information about physical activity with data on instrumental activities of daily living--such as routine household chores—with digital social interactions. Sensors could be embedded in household objects to facilitate tracking. With NIA grant support, Dr. Najafi and his colleagues are now working to develop a platform for coordinated monitoring and management of AD/ADRD that would benefit patients, doctors, and caregivers. 5. Session 2: Monitoring Physiological, Psychological and Behavior Changes5.1 Real-World Driving Sensing in Aging and Neurodegenerative Impairments Matthew Rizzo, M.D., and Jennifer Merickel, Ph.D., of the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s Mind & Brain Labs, combine techniques from cognitive science, medicine, transportation research, and big-data analytics to study real-world behavior and performance in aging and disease. They reported on a project using vehicle sensor data to investigate patterns of real-world driver behavior that link to the driver’s own age-related cognitive, perceptual, and motor declines in older drivers at risk for MCI. The goal is to develop empirically-based criteria to: a) screen, identify, and advise drivers with functional impairments; b) track and predict disease in the real world for rural and urban populations; and c) inform intervention techniques to preserve drivers’ safety, mobility, and quality of life. Because drivers behave differently in controlled settings, studies of real-world behavior provide a valuable source of information on how aging and disease affect real-world behavior, safety, health, and quality of life. Analyses combine data from laboratory and health assessments, wearable sensors, and in-vehicle sensors. The researchers measured in-vehicle behavior through a number of instrumentation packages: video, to record forward roadway movement and in-cabin actions; GPS sensors, for location and speed; OBD (on-board diagnostic) sensors, for speed, throttle, and RPM; and IMU sensors, combining accelerometer and gyroscope. These strategies permit the collection of rich and nuanced data across diverse geographic environments and, to date, the team has collected over 600,000 miles of real-world driving data in at-risk patient populations. From this massive dataset, the research team is collaborating with computer scientists, engineers, and transportation researchers at Iowa State University to drill down on how disease, physiology, and driver health impact driver safety behavior in-context of the environment and the driver’s own real-time state. To accomplish this, the team applies a strategic and comprehensive data analytic framework that combines methods from computer vision, machine learning, and statistics. Dr. Rizzo said there are gaps and new directions in this field related to a) shared data repositories and analytic tools and strategies; b) security issues; c) extraction and contextualization of meaningful performance, behavior metrics, and outcomes: d) automated technologies; e) medical applications; and f) systemic and institutional support.5.2 Improving Cognitive Performance in the Moment by Unobtrusively Regulating Emotions Tanzeem Choudhury, Ph.D., of Cornell University’s People-Aware Computing Lab, spoke on the use of data from mobile sensing systems for interventions to improve people’s well-being and quality of life. She discussed, in particular, studies in her lab to investigate ways that technologies might be used unobtrusively to regulate emotions. Many change-behavior technologies, Dr. Choudhury explained, expect too much from people; they feel overwhelmed and lose interest in complying with regimens needed to achieve their goals. But mobile systems that monitor behavior continuously “in the wild” offer huge opportunities to intervene with recommendations—such as specific suggestions for physical activities—that are uniquely adapted to individuals, based on their typical learning routines and patterns of behavior. The approach has major advantages in that people feel a sense of self-efficacy, knowing that the suggested behaviors are both achievable and manageable, because they’ve done similar things before. Dr. Choudhury said the next step is to ask whether technologies can be designed that don’t require a conscious awareness of users to be effective in nudging people toward more healthy behaviors. In someone struggling with depression, for example, normal factors of motivation for exercising (challenge, determination, achievement) are absent. The researchers are studying whether it’s possible to compensate for that by regulating emotions; for example, by leveraging body signals from heart-rate fluctuations to reduce anxiety in real time. One new study in the lab is looking at how auditory stimulation feedback from a vibro-tactile device might draw on real-life data to improve gait in people with mobility impairment. Dr. Choudhury said the techniques are potentially adaptable to a wide range of modalities.5.3 Bio-Integrated, Wireless Sensors for Advanced Measurements and Closed-Loop Biofeedback Steve Xu, M.D., M.Sc., of Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine and Center for Bio-Integrated Electronics, discussed the group’s development of the ADAM (advanced acoustic mechanic) sensor system for advanced measurements and closed-loop feedback. The center develops various kinds of sensor systems for biomedical applications and is now involved in 30+ active clinical studies. Dr. Xu said a major problem today in digital health-monitoring devices is that people don’t want to wear them because they don’t perceive them as delivering sufficient value (in contrast to something like a pacemaker). ADAM is a wireless, wearable patch placed on the suprasternal notch. The soft, flexible nature of the device allows for comfortable, continuous wear. The device quantifies a wide range of physiological signals that include talk time, swallowing, heart rate, physical activity, and respiration. Dr. Xu describes the suprasternal notch as an “anatomical information superhighway”. The team found that less data was needed to develop robust output if data was captured near the source. Built for cloud analytics and big data, the system uses Bluetooth for continuous streaming, then is stored in a smartphone’s memory and pushed to the cloud. Dr. Xu and his colleagues are conducting studies using ADAM to measure and track novel digital biomarkers for conditions such as aphasia, loneliness (as a measure of social health), sleep quality, and dysphagia. It could be useful for conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s, he noted, in recording measurements such as talk time during the day, an indicator of social interaction. As a sensor for talk time, ADAM bypasses ambient noise complications that microphones face.5.4 Predicting Mild Cognitive Impairment with Memory-Related Brain Potentials Yang Jiang, Ph.D., Head of the University of Kentucky’s (UK) Laboratory of Aging, Brain and Cognition, described her lab’s longitudinal investigation of a novel neurophysiological biomarker that has proven to be useful as a predictor of risk for AD/ADRD-related cognitive decline. She began her talk with an analogy comparing human brain aging to driving; younger people take the expressway, older people take the slower scenic route, and patients with MCI take a detour via the frontal lobe because of road blocks and confusion. Dr. Jiang explained that synaptic, chemical, and microstructural changes occur in the pre-clinical AD brain, and, until now, non-invasive “neuromarkers” for prediction and monitoring have been lacking. However, newly developed methods that integrate electroencephalography (EEG) with memory-based testing show great promise as a non-invasive and reliable predictor of MCI. Drawing on several decades of evidence on monkey single-cell physiology acquired through invasive micro-electrodes, and functional neuroimaging methods, Dr. Jiang and her colleagues developed memory-related electrophysiological measures (brain potentials) that distinguish MCI and normal older adults. In a study of normal older, and MCI groups followed over several years, the researchers from University of Kentucky concluded that memory-related potentials at baseline could serve as a useful marker to predict MCI averaged 5 years before MCI diagnosis. With support from an NIA grant, the lab is currently applying wireless EEG recording in the UK-ADC clinics for the convenience of the older participants. The group hopes to make it available through open source so people could download the software freely. Additionally, the memory-related brain signals are sensitive cognitive outcome measures for various trials or interventions. Dr. Jiang stated that the work would lead to future interventions such as brain training via neurofeedback, with the ultimate goal of early interventions that can slow memory loss and improve cognition.5.5 In-Home Sleep-Wake Monitoring in Older Adults (With and Without Cognitive Impairment) Brendan Lucey, M.D., of Washington University’s School of Medicine, described his research looking at possible markers for early Alzheimer’s in the sleep patterns of older adults. Multiple studies have associated various sleep parameters with AD pathology or future risk of cognitive impairment. Amyloid-β plaques and tau protein tangles have been found to accumulate in the brains of people with AD well before the appearance of clinical symptoms, and the period during which the build-up is occurring offers a window for treatment that may help slow progression of the disease. As part of a larger study at Washington University on healthy aging and senile dementia, Dr. Lucey and his colleagues monitored sleep in several hundred patients 65 or older with normal or mildly impaired cognitive function. Because they were interested in looking at slow-wave activity as a possible marker for AD pathology, they monitored sleep stages using a single-channel EEG device worn on the forehead. Supplemental tests were used to adjust for common sleep disorders such as sleep apnea. Data analysis of sleep patterns showed that slow wave activity during non–rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep negatively correlated with tau pathology and Aβ deposition in several brain areas. The results, Dr. Lucey said, suggest that alterations in NREM slow wave activity may be an early indicator of AD pathology, and that non-invasive sleep analysis might be useful for monitoring patients at risk for developing AD. Though the monitoring method doesn’t match the “gold standard” of in-lab sleep analysis, Dr. Lucey said, the approach has the advantages of being done in the home, for multiple nights, and is cost-effective. Future directions, he added, include wider use of ambulatory sleep-wake monitors, though challenges exist in comparing results to “gold standard” methods (e.g., polysomnography), successfully deploying ambulatory sleep-wake monitors in older adults, and in harmonizing results across different studies. Participants commented on the wide potential value of the sleep-monitoring approach, given the prevalence of sleep problems and the known connections between sleep quality and mental function. 5.6 Improving Cognitive Assessment of Alzheimer’s Disease With Automatic Speech Recognition David Woods, Ph.D., of Neurobehavioral Systems, Inc., described his company’s work to develop “gold standard” computerized cognitive tests that could efficiently screen patients at risk of cognitive decline and measure decline over time. Resources for cognitive testing through manual means, he noted, are much too inadequate to meet the demands of a rapidly aging population in which, by 2030, more than 20 million Americans are expected to have cognitive problems related to Alzheimer’s, other dementias, and MCI. Verbal responses are essential in most neuropsychological tests, and have the greatest sensitivity in detecting early cognitive decline. The solution the company is exploring enables verbal test scoring through automatic speech recognition (ASR). Major companies have invested billions of dollars in research on ASR, Dr. Woods noted, because the technique has so many applications, and access to ASR engines is now widespread. ASR offers huge potential benefits for cognitive testing, he explained, because the method allows accurate and objective scoring, immediate digital transcripts suitable for quantitative analysis, and precise word latencies that enables longitudinal testing without ceiling effects. To be sure ASR transcriptions are accurate, the company devised a method called “consensus ASR,” (CASR) which combines transcriptions from multiple ASR systems to increase accuracy beyond that of any single AR engine, and to identify potential transcription errors from conflicting transcriptions from different engines. Even in the complex task of transcribing recordings of discursive speech, one of the most sensitive tests for early signs of cognitive decline, CASR transcription accuracy approached 95%, while transcription errors were flagged for rapid manual correction. In response to a question, Dr. Woods said the company is exploring ways of customizing the ASR engines for language variations. In the end, a bit more manual review of transcriptions might be required for subjects with foreign accents.6. Session 3: Application in Clinical Research - New Clinical Endpoints 6.1 Applying Digital Technology for Early Detection, Diagnosis and Monitoring of AD/ADRD Hank Safferstein, Ph.D., J.D., of Cognition Therapeutics, Inc., described his company’s work to develop novel therapeutics for AD and the role of biomarkers in such efforts. The company’s chief target for therapeutic intervention is synapses. Its therapeutic Elayta? protects synapses by restoring membrane trafficking patterns in neurons back to normal. Three clinical studies are underway in AD patients to investigate mechanism of action and potential cognitive improvements. Focusing on synaptic protection, Dr. Safferstein said, offers hope of discovering treatments that slow or halt disease progression and improve quality of life. The company is working to develop molecular biomarkers that can demonstrate synapses protection, as well as digital markers for behavioral endpoints related to cognition. In Alzheimer’s, Dr. Safferstein said, Aβ oligomers are the root cause of synaptic dysfunction and loss. The company’s therapeutic works to prevent the toxic proteins from binding so synapses can resprout over time. Two big challenges that “bookend” the clinical studies are a high degree of heterogeneity in defined patient populations, and a range of cognitive endpoints that are highly subjective. The company is working to address the challenges through greater rigor in inclusion criteria for trial subjects and in molecular and imaging biomarker work, along with comprehensive analysis of what digital technologies are available for measuring clinically meaningful outcomes. Digital technologies have great promise in drug development, Dr. Safferstein said, because they can offer better measures of selected outcomes and may allow for smaller samples size and shorter trials. Most important, they make it possible to answer key questions: Is the drug getting to where it needs to go, is it having a protective effect, is it improving quality of life? He closed by recommending that NIH play a lead role in funding the development and validation of digital biomarkers in AD, and said new funding opportunities are needed that combine initiatives in digital technology with AD clinical trials.6.2 Managing Neurovascular Risk Factors to Decrease Burden of Dementia in Aging MingMing Ning, M.D., M.Sc., of Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, said neurovascular risk is highly relevant in AD/ADRD because multiple studies have shown the two to be closely linked in many ways. Vascular lesions are prevalent in AD/ADRD, especially white matter lesions and lacunes; strokes and cardiovascular disease augment the expression of AD; vascular risk factors such as high blood pressure and smoking are risk factors not just for clinical AD but also for AD pathology; and AD pathology affects vascular and endothelial function and active inflammatory response. Dr. Ning said she and her colleagues have found, from hospital admissions of stroke patients, that a heavy burden of ischemic lesions can prospectively predict later cognitive impairment and AD diagnosis as patients age. Studies have shown that even in middle age, higher vascular risk factor burdens are associated with AD pathology such as elevated brain amyloid later in life. The findings, in total, show that there’s a wide range of vascular risk factors over a lifetime that could, if modified early on, lower the risk of AD/ADRD later. Biomarkers already exist for capturing aspects of neurovascular and related AD risk factors, many of them simple tests like those for elevated systolic blood pressure, which has been associated with AD pathology. Yet the greatest challenge for caregivers, Dr. Ning said, is changing people’s behavior and getting them to comply with medical recommendations without incentives. Failure to take prescribed medications accounts for 80% of recurrent strokes, leading to disability in the aging, and evidence indicates that wearable digital technologies that provide no feedback or clinician supervision may have no advantage over standard approaches to health interventions. Dr. Ning said the situation points to the need for prospective tracking and behavior-modification digital technology, which she and her team are working on, that works in a continuous cycle to provide behavior analysis for recommendations, immediate and frequent feedback to patients, and diagnostic data for clinicians. Digital technologies designed to improve patient outcomes must be tailored to each patient and their disease state, to discover individualized incentives to effectively modify AD/ADRD related vascular risk factors. 6.3 Real-Time Online Assessment and Mobility Monitoring (ROAMM) Todd Manini, Ph.D., of the University of Florida’s Institute on Aging, said that while wearable devices such as smartwatches, heart monitors, and accelerometers are useful in health monitoring and interventions, there’s a need for something more dynamic and interactive. He described the development of the software ROAMM, for Real-Time Online Assessment and Mobility Monitoring. The system is built for the Samsung Gear S3 watch, is integrated with Amazon’s cloud-computing services, and circumvents Wi-Fi. The captured data, which is reported back in real time, includes sensor monitoring of daily activity, mobility within life space (ecological momentary assessment), and patient-reported outcomes. The watch processes the data and transfers it to the server for storage, management, and analysis. The watch can be controlled remotely and the settings customized. Prompts for symptoms and patient-reported outcomes may include, for example, levels of severe pain, sleep quality, feeling down, and fatigue. A focus group of people ranging in age from 65 to 89, almost none of them tech savvy, offered insight on interface design, acceptability, and compliance. The project is now moving into R21 phase to test the device in a large cohort of elderly adults at different levels of health and cognition. Ongoing development of the system is being done to incorporate more data and tests in areas such as cognition, motor reaction, working memory, walk speed, and falls. Future research directions, Dr. Manini said, include monitoring and alert triggering of mobility and cognitive issues after hospital discharges, integrated with physician interface for clinical guidance. 6.4 Use of iPad and Digital Technology in Clinical Research Dorene Rentz, Psy.D, of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, presented examples of the use of computerized cognitive tests in a range of applications in clinical medicine and biomedical research. A decade ago she helped design a computerized test for cognition, the Face Name Associative Memory Exam (FNAME) that showed an ability to detect subtle memory changes that were associated with amyloid deposits on Positron Emission Tomography using Pittsburgh Compound B (PiB PET). The FNAME was then developed on an iPad to include the Pattern Separation Test developed by Dr. Craig Stark and the Brief Battery by Cogstate. This battery of cognitive tests was implemented for use in the Anti-Amyloid Treatment in Asymptomatic Alzheimer’s Disease (A4) Prevention Trial as a secondary outcome measure. To determine if cognitive tests could be done in the home environment, the iPad battery was sent home and showed a strong compliance among the elderly. The work led to a validated platform for home-based cognitive tests and was also showed a high reliability compared with the NIH Toolbox. Dr. Rentz said computerized cognitive tests are now being used in the A4 Prevention Trial, at 62 sites in the U.S., Japan and Australia. The trial is investigating performance differences in people with and without amyloid deposits, with the aim of determining whether drug treatment for amyloid plaques could prevent the onset of AD symptoms. Dr. Rentz said the digital data has been valuable both for composite analysis and in allowing researchers to drill down and look at narrower associations for possible biomarker evidence of disease. She mentioned a novel method for mobile monitoring of cognitive change, now under development, that delivers “burst” cognitive assessments via a smartphone. She offered an example of how digital cognitive testing using the DCT Clock drawing test could help reduce lengthy trials, as subtle more nuanced changes in cognition could be detected in as little as four months. The Boston Remote Assessment for Neurocognitive Health being designed by Drs. Kate Papp and Rebecca Amariglio at Massachusetts General Hospital, is a novel measure under development that is trying to capitalize on the interdependence of episodic and semantic memory that’s particularly vulnerable in AD populations. She identified areas for future development around: a) digital tests, honed for early detection of cognitive decline, that are simple to use and provide quick diagnostic information; b) creation of digital apps that can capture change that is clinically meaningful; and c) assurance that the tests are psychometrically sound and demonstrate reliability. Dr. Rentz noted that digital applications are highly useful to reduce cost, error, and patient burden, but their greatest value may come in empowering people to manage their own health risks. The bottom line must always be: Does it positively affect somebody’s life? 6.5 The Lure of Digital Biomarkers: Observations and Lessons from Real-World Evidence Larsson Omberg, Ph.D., of Sage Bionetworks, said digital biomedicine is at a very promising stage today, but it’s important to understand the limitations and pitfalls, such as flaws in study design that may lead to unreliable results. Drawing on the “hype cycle,” he noted that any time a new technology is introduced there’s a peak of inflated expectations; that’s followed by a trough of disillusionment, until “enlightenment” comes and the path moves upward again toward a “plateau of productivity.” Right now, he said, the field of digital health is full of optimism and success claims, but also disappointing results and unproven outcomes. He walked the group through examples of observational and other digitally-based studies to illustrate how they don’t always measure what researchers want or think they’re getting. A major challenge of capturing a great deal of data about human behavior “in the wild,” rather than the clinic, is its huge variability; is the variation “noise” or some kind of meaningful signal, such as signs of disease? Large amounts of longitudinal data help by allowing models to better predict fluctuations, such as short-time effects of a drug. Studies that use mobile technologies to gather information in the real world are also complicated by confounding problems of context and other factors, Dr. Omberg noted. Multiple methods may be needed to address the always-critical issue of validation. He stressed the need to incorporate patient attitudes and routines into study design; to keep in mind that retention is hard with the use of technologies like smartphones; and to recognize that just because something works in the lab doesn’t mean it will work in other settings. Dr. Omberg said the future of digital health is bright if the field takes advantage of opportunities presented by the unique nature of data and innovative analytical approaches that weren’t available in the past. He closed by calling for greater cooperation across the field, to “do better together.” 7. Session 4: Innovative Data Analysis7.1 Inadvertent Interfaces: Technology Informing What We Think We Already Know Randall Davis, Ph.D., of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Dana Penney, Ph.D., of Lahey Hospital & Medical Center, described their work using machine-learning science to develop better methods of assessing cognitive function. People suspected of having AD/ADRD are asked to complete tests involving tasks like drawing a clock, completing a maze, and matching shapes and numbers. The researchers and their colleagues are redesigning such tests to capture more complex information by exposing the subjects to higher levels of cognitive challenge. Patients complete the tasks using a digitizing pen that records the data and a software system analyzes it. Adding eye-tracking techniques has made it possible to show not just how well people perform on the tests but their decision-making process as it occurs in real time. The software analysis has the ability to extract information about cognitive state that may be indicative of pre-Alzheimer’s disease. The researchers found some of their new models as sensitive and reliable as “gold standard” tests, and even more accurate in detecting signs of cognitive impairment. The tools should give doctors a powerful and more precise tool for AD prediction and treatment at early stages of the disease. The researchers are beginning a new project to apply the same machine-learning techniques to assessments for Parkinson’s disease. Dr. Davis said the group’s work using machine-learning techniques to improve assessment offers lessons that include: a) the need for an enormous volume of data and “data cleaning” is paramount; b) a multimedia modal (e.g., pen plus eye) is more revealing; c) approaches should be informed and guided by domain expertise; and d) computational modeling forces precision. There’s nothing special about a digitized pen and paper, the researchers said in response to a question, and the tests can be administered with other digital devices (i.e., Apple pencil, iPad, etc.), but the main point is to capture the graphic process of writing and drawing. Although correlations have not been explored between the machine-learning results and imaging data for conditions like dementia-related atrophy, early work on modified clock and maze tests has shown them to be better at assessing executive function than existing tests. 7.2 Big Data Approaches for Alzheimer’s Disease In a presentation delivered remotely, Eric Perakslis, Ph.D., of Harvard Medical School, argued that it’s time to follow the example of the cancer community and take a “big-data” approach to tackling Alzheimer’s. He and other experts in academia, industry, and the tech field published a paper in Nature recently making the case that a bigger-data approach could spur drug and technology advances in AD research, which has lagged because of disappointing results from clinical trials. Data analysis is getting better all the time, Dr. Perakslis said, but the AD field isn’t reaping the benefits because of a “micro” mentality toward data in biomedical research and constraints across platforms. New tools will help, such as a software system called Platypus, which mines the “muddy waters” of large data to help physicians and researchers find the information they need. Dr. Perakslis urged more big-data sharing and collaboration, citing as one model tranSMART, an open-source, cloud-based system for pre-competitive sharing of clinical data. As the AD field moves toward a larger-data approach, he said, it should push against the norms and not assume all information must be “de-identified.” In the Undiagnosed Diseases Network he helped develop, patients openly share data to help advance the respective fields of research. Among his recommendations to help optimize data for Alzheimer’s research, Dr. Perakslis urged the creation of a global AD data repository and a master bibliometric resource for neurodegenerative disease. One workshop participant wondered whether “dirty data” in repositories would need to be cleaned up to be broadly useful, and Dr. Perakslis said the problem would be solved in part by computing power. Efforts to rebuild the network-sharing platform have shown there’s no one-step solution; the process requires assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the different systems and creating a multi-sector ecosystem. 7.3 Machine Learning and Data Mining Nicole Ng, a research scientist at Lumos Labs in San Francisco, described her company’s work using machine- learning and data mining methods to understand cognitive performance metrics from a massive online dataset. She said Lumos wants to work with academic researchers to mine the company’s data for new insights that may be useful in predicting cognitive changes associated with AD/ADRD. The company created Lumosity, a suite of online brain-training games to help users strengthen their mental skills. The 60-plus games, adapted from standard neuropsychological assessments, measure performance on a wide variety of cognitive tasks. Lumosity has 100 million-plus registered users, representing 182 countries and seven languages, and its games have been played more than 6 billion times. This huge body of data, collected over 10 years, could be a powerful resource for machine-learning and data-mining techniques in AD research, Ms. Ng said, because the information is high-dimensional; is related to outcomes of interest; comes from a large, diverse population that’s motivated to share data; and captures longitudinal measures of cognitive performance. The data includes information on tens of thousands of people who reported having a clinical diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment. Lumos Labs is now collaborating with the Brain Health Registry, a web-based project based at the University of California, San Francisco to collect data for studies of cognitive changes related to brain aging and the progression of neurodegenerative diseases. 7.4 Collecting and Analyzing Smartphone Raw (Passive) Data Jukka-Pekka “J.P.” Onnela, D.Sc., of Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, described his pioneering work to develop “digital phenotyping,” based on data collected from smartphones. Because they capture information about social, behavioral, and cognitive functioning in real-world settings and over time, smartphones could become a very powerful tool in biomedical research and clinical treatment, he noted. Today, 81% of Americans own a smartphone, a fraction of the prevalence of smartphone usage around the world. The wide use around the world offers opportunities to study health patterns at a global scale. Another advantage is that acquiring passive data over long periods allows potentially very long follow-up without a burden on users. He and his colleagues began work in this field nearly two decades ago, starting with studies of cell phone data to understand social networks mediated through calls. Since 2013, the researchers have been involved in an NIH-supported project to develop a customizable, scalable platform for smartphone-based digital phenotyping. The work has been informed by studies across different fields (e.g., psychiatry, neurology, and surgery), and the overall goal is to systemize data collection and data analysis. Related studies are being done to determine, for example, whether physical activity captured from a smartphone accelerometer could be used to describe postoperative recovery among cancer patients who had surgery. Dr. Onnela said current challenges include the highly varied quality of captured data and heavy reliance on active data instead of passive (though active user input could be preferable in some cases, such as for tracking levels of pain in a patient). Future directions include collecting high-quality raw passive data that can be pooled and repurposed, and developing new methods to make sense of the data. 7.5 New Analytical Frameworks Using Digital Biomarkers Hiroko Dodge, Ph.D., of Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) and the University of Michigan, presented a novel application of digital biomarkers that entails using them as trial outcomes. Traditional trials for dementia pose a challenge, she explained, because of wide fluctuations of clinical symptoms within individuals and large variability among different individuals. For this reason, conventional approaches such as comparing average changes in outcomes by trial groups doesn’t work (i.e., the noise is so large that it masks potential efficacy). In the new model she proposes, high-frequency data is collected from a subject through continuous monitoring over a short duration of time (e.g., several months or a year), generating a “subject specific distribution.” This information is, in effect, a “big data” set of that person, who’s considered an individual universe in order to identify subtle changes or deviations from the subject’s pre-morbid stage. Dr. Dodge said the approach could reduce sample size and allow for more precise estimates of the trajectory of change in an individual. Because digital markers are non-invasive, cost-effective, of low burden to patients, and can register a patient’s daily function and well-being, they’re clinically relevant and meaningful. One major limitation in current digital biomarker research is the lack of clinical trials which implement digital biomarkers as outcome measures. More trials need to utilize digital biomarkers as secondary or exploratory outcome measures so that we can accumulate more validation data. As an example, she suggested utilizing a digital biomarker platform such as the NIH-sponsored CART (Collaborative Aging (in place) Research Using Technology) project conducted by Oregon Center for Aging and Technology (ORCATECH) at OHSU. This platform collects multiple digital biomarkers in a synthesized way which allows for cross-validation among the different features and has flexibility to add project-specific new features. The platform is currently deployable. She also introduced one of her NIA-funded studies, I-CONECT (Internet-Based Conversational Engagement Clinical Trial) which aims to enhance cognitive function in socially isolated seniors through social interactions via video chats. This is one in a series of her behavioral intervention studies focusing on social interactions. Exploratory outcomes in the I-CONECT trial include medication adherence monitored by electronic pill boxes and changes in speech characteristics over the course of the trial using recorded daily conversational sessions. These digital biomarkers were shown to be sensitive to changes in cognitive functions in previous studies. Implementing digital biomarkers in clinical trials along with traditional outcomes (e.g., neuropsychological tests and CDR), as is exemplified in the I-CONECT project, can provide opportunities for establishing construct validity of these new metrics and confirm their higher sensitivity to subtle cognitive changes as compared to traditional outcomes. Dr. Dodge suggested creating funding mechanisms to encourage implementation of digital biomarkers in clinical trials to facilitate the accumulation of validation data while regulatory agencies are considering new standards including digital biomarkers as trial outcomes. 8. Discussion Regarding Next Steps 8.1 Definition of Digital BiomarkerIn concluding discussion, the workshop participants turned to the elemental question of ‘what is a digital biomarker(s).’ Dr. Plude, who manages a research portfolio on cognitive aging as Deputy Director of NIA’s Division of Behavioral and Social Research, said at the beginning of the workshop that he was hesitant to use the term “digital biomarkers” in this context because it suggests the use of biological material such as blood serum or other bodily fluids or tissue. He said he hoped the workshop would stimulate ideas on more precise terms for this field of research. Most important, he added, he hoped the workshop discussions would lead to increased opportunities for collaboration.A proposed definition suggested by Dr. Dodge et. al.:High-frequency, time-series digital data from a single subject which capture health-related aspects of our daily lives, ranging from simple steps we take to sleep duration and quality, heart rate, pain level and locations, language, speech patterns, and driving patternsHigh-dimensional and noisy raw data that require processing before they can be used to inform care. The processed form of this data is usually referred to as digital biomarkers.Can be wearable, or monitored by smartphone or infrared sensors (e.g., home monitoring).Examples of applications include self-reporting (such as through touch screens on cell phones and tablets); passive recording of mobility at home; passive recording of mobility outside the home; health-specific wearables; active tasks or testing; and monitored online interactions. Dr. Au said an important distinction needs to be made between digital biomarkers and “digital phenotyping” (equivalent to things like voice and pen recordings acquired in general phenotyping). She noted as well that digital biomarkers in the home are still more concept than reality. Dr. Davis echoed Dr. Plude’s point earlier in the workshop that the term “biomarkers” is awkward because it suggests things like glucose monitors. But others against that blood pressure is not a biological chemistry in the body. In contrast, a lot of what biomedical researchers are looking for today are markers of cognition and behavior. The essential question in a biomarker is always: Is it capturing the measures it’s meant to? The fact the method is digital is secondary. Participants noted that while new digital biomarkers need validation, it’s an ongoing process and “gold standards” are not so fixed. Researchers need to think in a whole new way, one person commented, and to move away from the idea of validating against gold standards; if a digital method is useful as a diagnostic or prognostic tool and provides a reliable measure, it merits being called a biomarker. The reality, however, is that regulatory agencies are not so open to new standards, someone pointed out. At the end of the day, many agreed, the term “digital biomarker” is likely to remain in common use because it’s familiar to people in the field. 8.2. Data Sharing and Security The group also discussed the issue of making data more widely available for shared use. It was suggested that to move the process forward more rapidly, NIH/NIA should take up the cause. The process will require changes in federal policy, new patient protocols, and increased public awareness of the benefits. Earlier in the workshop, participants had raised the issue of privacy in systems that involve constant monitoring. It was agreed that privacy is a challenge across all new technologies, and there’s no clear path. And when it comes to health care for the elderly, a key question is how much people are willing to trade privacy for greater independence. Data sharing is going to be much more complex, recognized by many, both because of the volume of data and the data security/confidentiality concerns.? This needs to be solved at a NIH institutional level and can’t be left in the hands of investigators who have traditionally decided on data sharing policies and procedures at the project level.? There needs to be leadership at the NIH level, or it is going to create even more siloed research than what we have now. Beyond the sharing of data, knowledge sharing needs to be the sharing of analysis methods and tools.? Up front there needs to be a lot of expectation on sharing analysis tools and algorithms so that NIA is not paying to solve the same problems repeatedly (or reinventing the wheel repeatedly). ?GitHub and other crowdsourcing sites might be good examples to consider – where sharing of knowledge, methods, tools are broadly shared but without significantly encroaching on intellectual property considerations.? 8.3. Data AnalysisIt was pointed out that behavioral and cognitive approaches are not new, but the tools are. In developing these tools, Dr. Nilsen said, the following factors must be taken into consideration: i) human-computer interaction (user-centered design); ii) real-time information and flexibility in delivery; iii) centralization of communication and devices (with digital devices serving as a “health hub”); and v) software that allows adaptation for personalized use. It was agreed that there are unique aspects, in the study of aging, to which digital technologies are especially well suited (e.g., in testing, monitoring, and interventions), which provides ripe opportunities for the research and development fields. For example, it is time to think about applications in telemedicine. Most health technologies continue to focus on the concept of a “patient”. A patient is much more incentivized to use a device/application.? Where there are the biggest gaps is figuring out how to move from active engagement technologies to more passive engagement.? This will take different multi-step approaches to be able to link passive monitoring data to “gold standard” health metrics using current clinical research methods, as demonstrated by Dr. Au’s model.Quality data is a frequently discussed concern regarding digital data collection. There are three remedies dealing with the “dirty data”, suggested by Dr. Eric Perakslis: ?i) data of different levels of precision is appropriate for different types of analysis; ii) computing power and modern infrastructure, such as data lakes built for artificial intelligence (AI) and human mining can do some of the work for us; iii) proper statistical treatment can enable utility previously unmapped data domains.8.4. Cross-Discipline CollaborationThis is an emerging field that requires multi-disciplinary as well as multi-sector collaboration. Understanding and fulfilling the disparate requirements of the computer, software, and biomedical engineers with those of clinicians or physician scientists, can sometimes be a challenge, but one that can be navigated and facilitated by NIA. For the NIH scientific review process, it is highly unlikely that the range of competencies that are needed to come together will have a previous history of working together.8.5. The NIH Scientific Review Process Some participants made the point that the type of research being done is precedent setting rather than precedent based.? In a peer-reviewed system, this is a big barrier. There are no reviewers available to determine a “sound approach” because the approach still needs to be determined.? NIA grant reviewers want preliminary data and their bar is generally considered high.? Machine learning, AI, digital technology and wearables are often reviewed unfavorable among established NIH Center for Scientific Review panels. NIA needs to adopt a new peer review approach to be able to facilitate in this space.? Innovation rather than approach should be score driving. ................

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