Background - The MIMU

Joint WASH field visit monitoring tripHpakantWASH cluster / Shalom / DRD1st-7th April 2015Jade Mining site near AG Maw Si Sar CampTable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1Background PAGEREF _Toc417211274 \h 41.1Rationale PAGEREF _Toc417211275 \h 41.2Timeframe PAGEREF _Toc417211276 \h 41.3Objectives PAGEREF _Toc417211277 \h 41.4Participants PAGEREF _Toc417211278 \h 41.5Methodology PAGEREF _Toc417211279 \h 41.6Scope PAGEREF _Toc417211280 \h 52Main findings on WASH situation PAGEREF _Toc417211281 \h 62.1Impact of population increase on existing WASH infrastructures PAGEREF _Toc417211282 \h 62.2Water shortage issues PAGEREF _Toc417211283 \h 92.3Needed interventions for water access PAGEREF _Toc417211284 \h 92.4Needed interventions for sanitation PAGEREF _Toc417211285 \h 112.4.1Latrines PAGEREF _Toc417211286 \h 112.4.2Desludging Issue in Hpakant Area PAGEREF _Toc417211287 \h 122.4.3Solid waste management PAGEREF _Toc417211288 \h 122.4.4Bathing Spaces PAGEREF _Toc417211289 \h 122.4.5Hand Washing Stations PAGEREF _Toc417211290 \h 142.5Needed interventions for Hygiene PAGEREF _Toc417211291 \h 152.5.1Hygiene promotion PAGEREF _Toc417211292 \h 152.5.2WASH NFI PAGEREF _Toc417211293 \h 162.6Operation and maintenance PAGEREF _Toc417211294 \h 18 TOC \h \z \c "Annex" Annex 1: Agenda PAGEREF _Toc417203462 \h 19Annex 2: Detail of WASH situation per IDP camp PAGEREF _Toc417203463 \h 20Annex 3: Pictures PAGEREF _Toc417203464 \h 42BackgroundRationaleOn 14 January, fighting broke out in the Hpakan area of Kachin State between the Government of Myanmar Army and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA). This fighting led to the arrival of about 660 individuals in four existing IDPs camps and one new camp. An inter UN agency scoping mission including WASH staff has been deployed from 22 – 24 January to conduct a quick overview of needs and the humanitarian situation.On 30 January, local NGOs could distribute - through ERF mechanism support (consortium of three INGOs) - 200 HKs to IDPs affected by the conflict. Training of WASH NGOs staff on emergency WASH assessment has also been carried on through this ERF mechanisms.The limited operational capacity of WASH focal agencies in Hpakant prevented from carrying out a robust WASH assessment at a later stage to assess the eventual impact of new IDPs on existing WASH facilities. Besides, the chronic water shortage issue in Hpakant area requires to follow up closely the situation in this area.Time FrameThe field visit monitoring trip has been carried out from 1st to 7th April 2015See agenda in Annex IObjectivesThis joint field trip monitoring trip aimed at :Assessing the impact on existing WASH infrastructures following the recent arrival of new IDPs in the existing IDPs camps of HapakantFollowing up chronic water shortage issue in HpakantMonitoring overall WASH situation & Update WASH data (4W) in existing IDPs locations of HpakantAssessing WASH NFI situationBetter understanding desludging issues in Hpakant areaParticipants2 WASH monitors form the WASH Cluster Kachin and NSS1 staff from Nyein (Shalom) FoundationUp to two Hpakant Township DRD staffMethodologyPreparation of Field monitoring trip with Hpakant Township DRD authorities who liaise with GAD.Focus groups discussion with IDPs communityMeeting with Camp committee leadersField observationsTownship DRD will inform to the Local Administration Committee of IDP camp areaTwo staffs from Township DRD will accompany in this joint AssessmentIn addition, Township DRD will assist to meet with local authority of Seik Mu village to inquiry about the impact of land slideTownship DRD will help in WASH in school activities that will implement from ADRAScopeThis assessment has been carried out in 20 camps of Hpakant area. KMMS is the WASH focal agency in 2 camps while Shalom is the WASH focal agency in the other 18 camps. Due to funding gaps there is currently no WASH project in these 20 camps. There is a total of 22 IDPs camps in Hpakant area. The two camps that were not visited were located in remote area not accessible within the frame of this assessment.The 20 assessed camps host a total of 3442 IDP camp of Hpakant area18 FGD (Focus Groups Discussion) about WASH NFI and Hygiene were held during the assessment in 18 camps. There was no FGD in the new open camp named Baptist Church Gaday villageMain findings on WASH situationImpact of population increase on existing WASH infrastructuresThe table blow shows the impact of new IDPs arrival on the population of 6 existing IDPs camps of Hpakant area.Camp NameHousehold(Dec 2014)Population (Dec 2014)New IDPs(HHs)New IDPs(Individual)Total current IDPs(HHs)Total current IDPs(Individual)% of increaseHpakant Baptist Church Nant Ma Hpit6529757228122525177%5 Ward RC Church (Lon Khin)593212410483425132%Nant Ma Hpit Catholic Church5326121155272104%Hmaw Wan Anglican10573181375132%Ward 2 Sai Tawng Baptist Church Seik Mu3217361738190110%Yu Mar Baptist Church126610142280121%Total23111751023923331567133%The table provides the WASH needs coverage in these 6 IDPs locations and is extracted from the WASH 4W matrix updated from the assessment carried out in Hpakant:?Extract 4W March 2015 for these IDP locationsSiteNb of affected householdIDPs PopFocal point AgencyEnding date funds/project coverageWater coverage% Latrine needs coverage# Semi permanent latrines missingCoverage Bathing %Nb of missing bathing spaceCoverage hand wash station %Nb of missing hand washing stationHKsNext distribution to be doneRatio between population and nb of community HPCommunity management organise and efficient in campsHpakant Baptist Church, Nam Ma Hpit118519ShalomGap100%62%1058%258%2To be realizedExcellent coverageFunctional and efficient5 Ward RC Church(lon Khin)83425KMSSGap100%89%247%247%227-Jun-15No coverageSet up but low results Nant Ma Hpit Catholic Church55272KMSSGap100%74%474%1100%027-Jun-15No coverageSet up but low results Hmaw Wan, Anglican1375ShalomGap100%100%0100%0100%0To be realizedExcellent coverageFunctional and efficientWard 2 Sai Taung Baptist Church, Seik Mu 40190ShalomGap100%95%6100%0100%0To be realizedExcellent coverageFunctional and efficientYumar Baptist Church2280ShalomGap100%100%3100%0100%0To be realizedExcellent coverageFunctional and efficientTotal3311561????25?5?4???Water Needs within these 6 locationsNoCamp NameWater Coverage (Dec 2014)Water Coverage (Present)Encounter ProblemNeeded Actions1Hpakant Baptist Church, Nam Ma Hpit100%80%Due to increased population , current water pipe line size is not enough to provide the needed yieldTo set up with 2’’pipe size in current GFS25 Ward RC Church(lon Khin)100%100%Seasonal Water ShortageEmergency Water trucking3Nant Ma Hpit Catholic Church100%100%NONO4Hmaw Wan, Anglican100%100%Seasonal water shortageWater distribution from municipal pipe line5Ward 2 Sai Taung Baptist Church, Seik Mu100%100%Although adjacent Mining company shared the water, as they don’t have water storage tank, they are facing with trouble in storing water for daily usageNo6Yumar Baptist Church100%100%Can’t store water for daily water usage- to set up with water storage tankDuring seasonal water shortage time IDPs go to the nearest neighbor houses to fetch drinking water and domestic usage. Some adult people go to the stream to take a bath. Latrines Needs within these 6 locationsNoCamp NameLatrine Coverage (Dec 2014)Latrine Coverage (Present)Missing SP LatrinesEncounter ProblemNeeded ActionsComments1Hpakant Baptist Church, Nam Ma Hpit98%61%10Need to build up 10 more Semi permanent latrines25 Ward RC Church(lon Khin)81%89%2Not have land space but Church committee let IDPs to use 6 Church owned LatrinesNO3Nant Ma Hpit Catholic Church87%74%4Need to build 4 more semi permanent latrines4Hmaw Wan, Anglican71%100%0sChurch committee let them to use Church owned 2 Latrine5Ward 2 Sai Taung Baptist Church, Seik Mu94%95%6Church constructed 5 emergency latrines for IDP use6Yumar Baptist Church100%100%3Church committee don’t let to use to construct more latrinesBathing Spaces Needs within these 6 locationsNoCamp NameBathing Coverage (Dec 2015)Bathing Coverage (Present)Missing Bathing SpacesEncounter ProblemNeeded Actions1Hpakant Baptist Church, Nam Ma Hpit62%58%1Need to build up 1 bathing space 25 Ward RC Church(lon Khin)62%47%2Need to build up 2 bathing spaces3Nant Ma Hpit Catholic Church87%74%1Need to build up 1 bathing space4Hmaw Wan, Anglican100%100%05Ward 2 Sai Taung Baptist Church, Seik Mu100%100%0Current bathing spaces need to renovate for privacy6Yumar Baptist Church100%100%0Current bathing space need to renovateHand Washing Stations within these 6 locationsNoCamp NameBathing Coverage (Dec 2015)Bathing Coverage (Present)Missing Bathing SpacesEncounter ProblemNeeded Actions1Hpakant Baptist Church, Nam Ma Hpit100%57%2Need to build up 2 hand washing stations25 Ward RC Church(lon Khin)62%47%2Need to build up 2 hand washing stations3Nant Ma Hpit Catholic Church100%74%1Need to build up 1 hand washing station4Hmaw Wan, Anglican100%100%05Ward 2 Sai Taung Baptist Church, Seik Mu100%100%06Yumar Baptist Church100%100%0New IDP camp1 new camp was opened in Gaday village in January 2015 because of intense fighting at their village. WASH facilities existing in this camp and needed action are mentioned are as followed. Camp NameHHPopWater supplyNeeded ActionsLatrinesNeeded ActionsBSNeeded ActionsHand Washing StationsNeeded ActionsBaptist Church Gaday village58244GFS (shared by village water supply line) and 1 emergency water storage tank- 1 water storage tank(minimum 750 Gallon) to cover for all 1 day usage 67 semi permanent latrines need to build1 (temporary Bathing space with tarpaulin sheet)2 bathing spaces need to set up0 (now they wash their hand with the water from the tank attached in the latrines)3 hand washing station need to set up)Hygiene Promotion and WASH NFI for increased population and new campThere was no any hygiene promotion session for these new IDP people in these camps after they arrived to these camps. Sanitation facilities are used (using latrines, disposing solid waste, water usage, etc.,) based on the camp management advise to the new IDPs. The camp management committee request the hygiene promotion like last year because the latrines were blocked with sanitary pads and some open defecation occurs near latrines following new IDPs arrivalWASH NFI is also needed for new IDPs. There is no enough water storage and carrying buckets. The IDP people complaint that although they bought the required WASH items at the start camp arriving, it is start to lack of money that was brought from their home. In Baptist Church Gaday village, soap was received by the donation of particular donation from the ChurchWater shortage issues Seasonal water shortage has been identified in 5 IDPs camps:AG Church Maw Si SarMaw Wan Anglican5 Ward Baptist Church Lon Khin5 Ward RC Church Lon Khin andRawan Baptist Churh Maw Shan village Seik MuThe main water facilities prone to seasonal water shortage are hand dug wellsNeeded interventions for water access in 20 campsNoCamp NameWater SourceEncounter ProblemPriority to RepairNeeded Actions1Baptist Church Sai Ra village1 HDW25 Ward RC Church Lon Khin1 HDWShortage1- need temporary water storage tarpaulin tank - need emergency water distribution 35 Ward Baptist Church Lon Khin2 HDWShortage1- need temporary water storage tarpaulin tank - need emergency water distribution4Baptist Church Maw Si Sar (Lon Khin)2 HDWLoose cooperation for operating the water supply system2- Need Coordination among CCCM, IDP and Church to maintain the water supply system5DhamaRakhitaNyein Chan TharYar Ward (Lon Khin)1 HDWFrequently damage pumping machine. Sometime camp running cost is not cover to repair it.2- Need Coordination among CCCM, IDP and Church to maintain the water supply system6Baptist Church Gaday villages1 HDW+1GFS7Sai Nai Baptist Church Maw Shan village, Seik Mu1 HDWTemporary water storage tank tear2 HDW is owned by Company, even if they pump up, they get water. Need tarpaulin sheet to repair temporary storage tank8Lisu Baptist Church Maw Shan village, Seik Mu1 HDW+1GFSNow they are repairing pump motor by themselves9Rawan Baptist Church, Maw Shan village, Seik Mu1 GFSShortage1- need temporary water storage tarpaulin tank - need emergency water distribution10Chin Church Seik Mu1 HDWHigh Price for water2- Need Coordination among CCCM, IDP and Church11Ward 2, Sai Tawng Baptist Church, Seik Mu1 GFS12Yumar Baptist Church1 HDWNo storage tank1- Need water storage tank (but need to discuss with land owner Church committee before build up)13Maw Wan Mu Yin Baptist Church1 HDW + 1 GFS14AG Church Maw Si Sar1 HDWShortage1- need temporary water storage tarpaulin tank - need emergency water distribution15Lisu Baptist Church Maw Wan Ward1 HDWdesign of HDW2But need to add parapet and lining in the hand dug well16Hpakant Baptist Church Nant Ma Hpit1 GFSDesign of GFS2- Need to change from 1 inch pipe line to 1.5 inches or 2 inches pipe line17Nant Ma Hpit COC1 HDW + 1 GFS18AG Church Maw Wan1 HDWStorage tank 2- Need IDP use engine and dynamo to pump up the water19Nant Ma Hpit Catholic Church 1 HDW20Hmaw Wan Anglican1 HDWShortage1- need emergency water distribution (can get water from company pipe line)*HDW = Hand Dug Well, GFS= Gravity flow System*For Priority 1 = require immediate or urgent action, 2= require short term actionEncounter Problems in Water Supply System of Hpakant AreaIn 20 camps opened in Hpakant township area, 13 camps (65%) get water mainly from Hand Dug Well, 5 camps (25%) from Gravity flow system and 2 camps get from both hand dug well and gravity flow system. Among them, 4 camps used water from hand dug well faced with water shortage problem during in summer season and 1 camp from gravity flow system. Needed interventions for sanitationLatrinesNoCamp NamePopulationFunctioning LatrineMissing Semi permanent latrineAvailable land space Remarks1Baptist Church Sai Ra village43025 Ward RC Church Lon Khin425 193NoChurch committee feel that current latrine amount is enough35 Ward Baptist Church Lon Khin360513NoChurch committee feel that current latrine amount is enough4Baptist Church Maw Si Sar (Lon Khin)1131005DhamaRakhitaNyein Chan TharYar Ward (Lon Khin)3351706Baptist Church Gaday villages24467YesNew opened camp in Jan 20157Sai Nai Baptist Church Maw Shan village, Seik Mu43808Lisu Baptist Church Maw Shan village, Seik Mu137809Rawan Baptist Church, Maw Shan village, Seik Mu434010Chin Church Seik Mu252011Ward 2, Sai Tawng Baptist Church, SeikMu19091YesAccording to the increased population 12Yumar Baptist Church8031No1 frame already existed only need to dig up the pit 13Maw Wan Mu Yin Baptist Church253014AG Church Maw Si Sar338152Yes15Lisu Baptist Church Maw Wan Ward714016Hpakant Baptist Church Nant Ma Hpit519188YesAccording to the increased population17Nant Ma Hpit COC635018AG Church Maw Wan80 4019Nant Ma Hpit Catholic Church 272104YesAccording to increased population20Hmaw Wan Anglican7550Desludging Issue in Hpakant AreaIn Hpakant area, generally, the most of camps are opened on the filling land. This land can absorb the liquid easily. So, desludging is not the main problem in this area. During observing to 20 camps, only two latrines in one camp, Nant Ma Hpit Catholic Church were full at the time of assessment.There is no desluding experience in IDP camps in the past. DRD and 1 camp committee share the information that there was 1 desludging truck in Township Municipal (Township Development Committee). Desludging price is50000 kyats for 1 pit. Solid waste managementFor solid waste disposal, they collect solid wastes by buckets and plastic bags at the household level. In all camps garbage collecting plastic bucket was supported by focal agencies. There are 3 types of disposing solid waste in the camps after collecting in the plastic buckets. They are 1. Dumping near the camp and burning 2. Disposing to the stream bank and 3. Disposing to the municipal dumping sites.Dumping near the camp before burning can affect their health status because of no fencing that can be entered by the animals. And there is no specific place to dispose for female sanitary pad in this site (female sanitary pad burning place). And disposing to the stream bank is also a problem for the environmental sanitation. Operating on Solid Waste Management by disposing on the Municipal recommended places was done in 9 camps. Bathing SpacesBathing Spaces Situation in Hpakant AreaNoCamp NamePopulationBathing SpacesMissing Bathing SpacesAvailable land space Remarks1Baptist Church Sai Ra village41025 Ward RC Church Lon Khin42522YesNeed to renovate to the current Bathing spaces and need 2 more Bathing spaces to cover for all35 Ward Baptist Church Lon Khin36022NoMost of them bath near Hand Dug well and in their house4Baptist Church Maw Si Sar (Lon Khin)113205DhamaRakhitaNyein Chan TharYar Ward (Lon Khin)335306Baptist Church Gaday villages24412YesNeed to renovate to the current temporary Bathing spaces and need 2 more Bathing spaces to cover for all7Sai Nai Baptist Church Maw Shan village, Seik Mu43208Lisu Baptist Church Maw Shan village, Seik Mu137209Rawan Baptist Church, Maw Shan village, Seik Mu432010Chin Church Seik Mu251011Ward 2, Sai Tawng Baptist Church, Seik Mu19030YesNeed to renovate to the existing bathing spaces (no privacy for girl)12Yumar Baptist Church8020NoAlready set with Permanent Bathing spaces, now use in Temporary Bathing spaces13Maw Wan Mu Yin Baptist Church252014AG Church Maw Si Sar33821NoThey have a plan to move current Bathing Space bcoz of raising surrounded lands15Lisu Baptist Church Maw Wan Ward712016Hpakant Baptist Church Nant Ma Hpit51932YesAccording to increased population17Nant Ma Hpit COC632018AG Church Maw Wan802019Nant Ma Hpit Catholic Church 27221YesNeed to renovate to the current temporary Bathing spaces and need 1 more Bathing space to cover for all20Hmaw Wan Anglican7510Hand Washing Stations16 camps have already full coverage for Hand Washing Stations. Only 2 camps need to build hand washing stations for the new arrived IDP peoples.NoCamp NamePopulationHand Washing StationsMissing Hand Washing StationsAvailable land space Remarks1Baptist Church Sai Ra village43025 Ward RC Church Lon Khin42522NoThey wash in the nearest bathing space35 Ward Baptist Church Lon Khin360604Baptist Church Maw Si Sar (Lon Khin)113405DhamaRakhitaNyein Chan TharYar Ward (Lon Khin)335406Baptist Church Gaday villages24433YesNew camp7Sai Nai Baptist Church Maw Shan village, Seik Mu43208Lisu Baptist Church Maw Shan village, Seik Mu137209Rawan Baptist Church, Maw Shan village, Seik Mu436010Chin Church Seik Mu253011Ward 2, Sai Tawng Baptist Church, Seik Mu1903012Yumar Baptist Church802013Maw Wan Mu Yin Baptist Church252014AG Church Maw Si Sar3384015Lisu Baptist Church Maw Wan Ward713016Hpakant Baptist Church Nant Ma Hpit51932YesAccording to the increased Population17Nant Ma Hpit COC633018AG Church Maw Wan803019Nant Ma Hpit Catholic Church 27221YesOnly Need if new latrines build20Hmaw Wan Anglican7510Overall Needed WASH Facilities in Hpakant areaThe cost mentioned below are purely estimated and are given for information only. A more robust cost estimation is needed and is not part of this ponentActivitiesNo of CampNeeded ActionsEstimated budget (USD)Water SupplyEmergency Water supply during water shortage51241 people x15 liter= 18615 Lit/day X30 days (water trucking) for May 20153000Deepening of hand dug Well115 ft deepening in the current hand dug well1000Upgrading the current GFS1To get water from spring source 6000’ with 2’’ pipe size (1 geophysic surveyX1000+1water point upgrading)1300Water Storage tank construction33 ground water storage tankX300900SanitationSemi Permanent Latrine522 semi permanent latrineX3507700Bathing Space57 Bathing need to build upX4002800Renovation of Bathing Sapce48 Bathing space need to renovate (now not privacy)X4003200Hand Washing Stations36 hand washing stationsX100600Desludging12 latrines need to desludgeX50100HygieneFull Hygiene Kit20734HHX3525690Refill Hygiene items20734 HHX12monthX544040Hygiene Promotion201241beneficiariesX2531025Community MobilizationWASH committee set up2020campX1503000Maintenance Kit2020campX1503000Training for committee2060sessionsX1509000Total Estimated Budget136355Needed interventions for HygieneHygiene promotionIn IDPs camps where Shalom is the WASH focal agency, Hygiene Promotion is carried out by hygiene promoters volunteers. They have to do in the dissemination of hygiene education, distribution of hygiene Kits, mobilizing IDPs for cleaning campaigns, and monitoring in every month. For IDP camps with smaller population (<10 Households) one hygiene volunteers were assigned; whereas, for IDP camps with larger population (>10 Households), two volunteers are assigned. Hygiene volunteers were first trained on Hygiene promotion: F-diagram, 4 clean techniques, how to use ORS, WASH related diseases and how to promote the environmental sanitation of the camps. Refresher training was also provided to the volunteers after two months of the 1st training. Hygiene volunteers mobilize IDPs every month to attend Health Education sessions and Sanitation campaign. Poster, demonstration, arts, role play, singing and drama competition held during the project period. Shalom hygiene promotion staff monitors regularly the activities of the volunteers. Monthly meeting is organized by Shalom Hygiene promotion staff whereby all volunteers share information, challenges, lesson learned and constraints. Exchange visit was arranged between different camps to increase learning between volunteers.In KMSS focal camps, Hygiene Promotion activities were done by Project staffs directly. Project staffs arrive to the focal camp approximately 1 time per 3 month. But this time is not defined as routinely. Daily supervision and mobilizing activities were mainly done by the Camp Management staffs who are assigned by the CCCM committee. They mobilize for sanitation campaign to conduct in every week and they assisted in Hygiene kits distribution and also in the other items such as food and NFI distribution process. Following FGD, it appears that:Most of the IDPs mentioned having changed their behavior since they receive HP training and notably in terms of hand washing. IDPs in 5 camps said they shift from using sticks or paper after defecation to water cleansing method.Latrines surrounding are cleaner than before and no more cleansing material are visible (Toilet paper, Sticks..)Increased bath frequency.Use of soap for clothes washing unlike arriving to the campBetter disposal of solid waste management in one campBesides FGD, field observations highlighted:Feces near the latrines in 2 campsSolid waste was disposed in the stream bank near the camps in 6 campsNo soap in the hand washing station in most of the camps. But they said that so as the soaps frequently lost in the hand washing station, in later, they do not put the soaps in washing stations. They wash in their home or by bringing and wash in the hand washing stations.WASH NFIOutputs from FGD were:1. Current Situation of Hygiene KitsMain issue is the refill items. Although some household still have in some items in low family members, some households start to buy the hygiene items (mainly on soaps and tooth paste). In 2 camps, they use body soap in washing because body soaps still have and washing soap is empty. For the new arrived IDPs, they have not received soaps from any agencies; soaps are donated only by Church. Now they are using cautiously soaps and tooth pastes.2. What is the problem of Hygiene Kits?Financial problem is the main challenges in their household (not have daily income), to get daily income to buy hygiene items daily is very difficult because Hpakant is a very risky area for life threaten in working in Mining sites. . In camps there are so many additionnal things with regard to their original village (for education of our children). Among the all hygiene items, washing soap is main problem than other items. They (in some camps) wash the clothes with only water and sand, while they arrive to the camps, the hygiene promoter promoted to use the soaps for washing, now they are in practices. At that time, if the agencies stop the distribution of soaps and tooth pastes; they will be stay back to the original states. It will effect to the personal hygiene of the camp people because of economical usage in hygiene items.3. Can you buy it around your camps?They can buy all hygiene items around their camps.4. Can you afford to get it?They faced with trouble while there is no casual jobs. And ther are so many risk to work in the mining area. (1 person from Sai Taung was died from hitting the large stones while working in the jade mine at Feb 2015). Some Mine Comapany don’t want to give the job, because they (some owner of jade mine)assume that the IDP are the unlucky men. Their works is based on fate. So, the unlucky fates will dissiminate to them if they give the job in their company for IDP. Sometiems they go to our plot field of our original village to get income. But one people (from Li Su Church Maw Wan) was demaged and cut the leb by mine. So, to go to the original place’ plot field is also danagerous. 5.Copying mechanismsThey solve the hygiene gap:1. by borrowing money from Church2. by borrow money from our relatives residing in the Hpakant3. by selling the ration rice to buy the hygiene refill items4. by reducing other expenses (eating eggs instead of eating meats)Operation and maintenanceOperation and Maintenance on WASH facilities was mainly done by Camp Management Committee. Camp management committee was formed with the representatives of IDP and Church committee. Under the management of camp management committee, the sub-committee operated on their assigned works such as CCCM, Shelter, Solid Waste Disposal, food distribution, health. So, most of the decision to use the budget in O&M for WASH facilities came from the output of internal advocacy meeting of camp management committee. To operate for water pumping up to the camp, camp management committee assigned one focal person or appointed one staffs from external by paying salary. If the machine was broken/damage, the mechanic outside the camps repaired it. There is no skillful person in the camps mostly. And the IDP people understand that the pumping or to get water in the camps is only responsible in the camp management committee. In Chin Church Seik Mu, water supply system is set up with metering system. And the IDP people need to pay for the charges according to their usage. The camp management committee assigned 1 staff for pumping up the water from the source to the using point. Latrines were defined with household numbers to clean and for maintenance. Small scale repairing in latrine was responsible to these assigned households. Solid waste management was supervised by the camp management committee. To dig up the burying pit and hire the vehicle to dispose the solid waste is taken by Camp Management Committee. Annex SEQ Annex \* ARABIC 1: AgendaActivitiesComment1st AprilTrip Myitkyina / Hpakant from 9h00 to 15h00Meeting with Deputy Director of Township Department of Rural Development and Shalom Hpakant team to prepare the joint field assessmentimplement in the budget year 2015-2016 in Hpakant concerned with building with latrine2nd AprilWASH field assessment in Baptist Church Sai Ra village5 Ward RC Church Lon Khin5 Ward Baptist Church Lon KhinDhamaRakhitaNyein Chan TharYar Ward (Lon Khin)Baptist Church Maw Si Sar (Lon Khin)WASH Emergency Assessment in Gaday Baptist Church3rd AprilSai Nai Baptist Church Maw Shan village, Seik MuLisu Baptist Church Maw Shan village, Seik MuRawan Baptist Church, Maw Shan village, Seik MuChin Church Seik MuWard 2, Sai Tawng Baptist Church, Seik MuYumar Baptist ChurchSai Wan Baptist Church (Branch of Nant Ma Hpit Baptist Church)4th AprilMaw Wan Mu Yin Baptist ChurchAG Church Maw Si SarLisu Baptist Church Maw Wan WardHpakantBaptist Church Nant Ma HpitNant Ma Hpit COCAG Church Maw Wan5th AprilData Entry and Report Writing (not taken field visit to the camps because of religious day6th AprilNant Ma Hpit Catholic ChurchHmaw Wan Anglicanwent to the Seik Mu village Administrator to discussed with Village administrator about the last even of land slide occurred in Seik Mu village Mining site7th AprilReturn back from Hpakant to Myitkyina, departed from Hpakant at 9:00 am and arrived to Myitkyina 15:00Annex SEQ Annex \* ARABIC 2: Detail of WASH situation per IDP campBaptist Church Sai Ra villageSiteNb of affected householdIDPs PopFocal point AgencyEnding date funds/project coverageWater coverage% Latrine needs coverage# Semi permanent latrines missingCoverage Bathing %Nb of missing bathing spaceCoverage hand wash station %Nb of missing hand washing stationNext distribution to be doneRatio between population and nb of community HPCommunity management organise and efficient in campsBaptist Church, Sai Ra village14ShalomGap100%100%0100%0100%0To be realizedNo coverageNot yet set upFindingOnly 1 Household 4 people live in this camp. They don’t want to move to another camp. They want to live in this church compound because of many reasons. One of all is there is no water shortage in this camp. They can get the water throughout the whole year while the most of Hpakant area faced with water shortage. Another reason is personal good relationship with the Church religious leaders. And as one family member is suffering from chronic disease, they don’t want to live as IDP compound. 1 Protective Hand Dug Well, 1 Bathing Spaces and 3 emergency exist in this campFor hand washing after defecation, they go to the bathing spaces and sometime wash in the campThey disposed the garbages to the nearest tunnel by collecting with the plastic bucket firstHygiene items can be afforded to buy by themselves mostly. But it was very difficult to buy in the rainy seasons because of lack of the manual worksRecommendationNo need to implement in WASH infrastructure such as Water supply, Building up bathing spaces, latrines and hand washing stationsNeed to think about the refill items to distribute or by creating job opportunity to get throughout the whole year5 Ward RC Church Lon KhinSiteNb of affected householdIDPs PopFocal point AgencyEnding date funds/project coverageWater coverage% Latrine needs coverage# Semi permanent latrines missingCoverage Bathing %Nb of missing bathing spaceCoverage hand wash station %Nb of missing hand washing stationNext distribution to be doneRatio between population and nb of community HPCommunity management organise and efficient in camps5 Ward RC Church(lon Khin)83425KMSSGap100%89%247%247%227-Jun-15No coverageSet up but low results FindingsAs new IDP people (25HH and 105 populations) arrived to this camp at 14 Jan 2015 because of the increase tension of border area. So, update current Household is 82 and Population is 425. they have 2 HDW, 10 Permanent latrine, 9 Semi permanent latrines and 2 bathing spaces. There is not hand washing stations separately, they wash their hand in the bathing spaces or when they arrive to their house2 HDW face with water shortage problem water shortage time is 3 month.Now, company support the water for domestic usage and get the water from one Hand Dug Well for drinking purposeExisting bathing tanks included in the bathing spaces is not enough to store for one day use for bathingThe camp committee manager want to do gravity flow system from 4 miles water spring sources for sustainable water supplyIn the Hygiene refill items gap period, if it is needed while lack of manual job, they bought the soaps and other hygiene items by borrowing money from others. To get job daily is many difficult. RecommendationNo need to implement for constructing new water supply, latrines and hand washing stationsNeed to implement 2 bathing spaces to cover for all camp community and also for emergency water storage (for long term) to solve emergency water shortage problem (or)Need to arrange emergency temporary water storage tank with tarpaulin (required water will support by company)Need to think about the refill items to distribute or by creating job opportunity to get throughout the whole year5 Ward Baptist Church Lon KhinSiteNb of affected householdIDPs PopFocal point AgencyEnding date funds/project coverageWater coverage% Latrine needs coverage# Semi permanent latrines missingCoverage Bathing %Nb of missing bathing spaceCoverage hand wash station %Nb of missing hand washing stationNext distribution to be doneRatio between population and nb of community HPCommunity management organise and efficient in camps5 Ward Baptist Church(lon Khin)77360ShalomGap100%28%1356%2100%0To be realisedExcellent coverageFunctional and efficientFindingsThey have 3 HDW and 2 bathing spaces10 Permanent latrines are built as series but the camp committee opened only 5 latrines for them, if needed the camp committee will let them to use these latrinesCurrent problem in the camp is water shortage problem as other most of the HpakantaeraLast year, they are not difficult for water in the water shortage period because Nyein (Shalom) Foundation distribute water by trucking to the temporary water storage tarpaulin tanksDuring water shortage time, they sometime to the stream to bath the water. It is far from camp about to walk about 25 minutesNo water in Bathing spaces No space to construct more latrines They told about they are not difficult to buy hygiene refill items if they have daily manual workRecommendationNo need to do to dig up new water sources, bathing spaces and latrinesNeed to distribute to solve for emergency water shortage problem (they already exist temporary water storage tarpaulin tanks)Need to think about the refill items to distribute or by creating job opportunity to get throughout the whole yearDhammaRakhitaNyein Chan TharYar Ward Lon KhinSiteNb of affected householdIDPs PopFocal point AgencyEnding date funds/project coverageWater coverage% Latrine needs coverage# Semi permanent latrines missingCoverage Bathing %Nb of missing bathing spaceCoverage hand wash station %Nb of missing hand washing stationNext distribution to be doneRatio between population and nb of community HPCommunity management organiseand efficient in campsDhamaRakhita, Nyein Chan Tar Yar Ward(Lon Khin)65335ShalomGap100%100%090%0100%0To be realisedExcellent coverageFunctional and efficientFindingsThe already hand dug well was demaged by the land filling of Mining company as compensation, The company re-build another hand dug well. But this well located near the static stagnant contaminated lake. It can be contaminated from this lake. They use the water from this well for domestic usage. They fetch the water from the near surrounding hand dug well for drinking purposeAs pump to life the water from the hand dug well is now broken, there is no water in the hand washing station and bathing spaces.Some stool was found near the latrines because of open defecation by children (complaint by camp committee)When they are difficult to buy the hygiene refill items, and there is not job on these days, they sell rice got from ration to the nearest shop. RecommendationNeed to install water treatment system form domestic usage get from contaminated hand dug wellNeed to think about the refill items to distribute or by creating job opportunity to get throughout the whole yearBaptist Church Maw Si Sar Lon KhinSiteNb of affected householdIDPs PopFocal point AgencyEnding date funds/project coverageWater coverage n% Latrine needs coverage# Semi permanent latrines missingCoverage Bathing %Nb of missing bathing spaceCoverage hand wash station %Nb of missing hand washing stationNext distribution to be doneRatio between population and nb of community HPCommunity management organise and efficient in campsBaptist Church, Hmaw Si Sar(Lon Khin)35218ShalomGap100%89%189%0100%0To be realisedExcellent coverageFunctional and efficientFindingsThey have 2 hand dug well, 1 water storage overhead tank, 2 bathing spaces and 10 permanent latrines and 3 hand washing concrect tanks and 1 basinBut there is no water in bathing spaces, water storage tank, latrines and hand washing station because of lack of running cost to pump up the water to buy fuelThere is no water shortage throughout the whole yearRecommendationNeed to think about the O&M to function on the water supply system because if the water system was broken, other WASH facilities will also automatically be difficult to run.Ku Day Maw KBCSiteNb of affected householdIDPs PopFocal point AgencyEnding date funds/project coverageWater coverage n% Latrine needs coverage# Semi permanent latrines missingCoverage Bathing %Nb of missing bathing spaceCoverage hand wash station %Nb of missing hand washing stationNext distribution to be doneRatio between population and nb of community HPCommunity management organise and efficient in campsKu Day Maw KBC58224NoneGap100%54%50%20%2To be realisedNo coverageSet up but low results FindingsWater source from GFS was shared by the village authority to the camp Church arrange for 6 Permanent latrines, 2 temporary bathing spaces for themThey start arrive to this place at 14 Jan 2015. Now HH is 58 and Pop is 224. There is no any supportive for Hygiene Kit form organization. Soaps are sometime received by private donor The camp committee want to do GFS to get water for long term use by own line (now water is shared by village pipe line). Spring source is far from Camp about 4000 feet. RecommendationNeed 5 more latrines, 2 bathing spaces and 3 hand washing station to build upNeed to distribute full Hygiene Kit as emergencyNeed to give hygiene promotion session to the IDP peopleSai Nai Baptist Church Maw Shan Village, Seik MuSiteNb of affected householdIDPs PopFocal point AgencyEnding date funds/project coverageWater coverage% Latrine needs coverage# Semi permanent latrines missingCoverage Bathing %Nb of missing bathing spaceCoverage hand wash station %Nb of missing hand washing stationNext distribution to be doneRatio between population and nb of community HPCommunity management organise and efficient in campsSai NaiBaptish Church, Maw Shan Vil., Seki Mu840ShalomGap100%100%0100%0100%0To be realisedExcellent coverageFunctional and efficientFindingsThey get the water from the hand dug well that is owned by the mining companyThey felt that this water is not good to use for drinking because this dug well is located beside the stream (stream is contaminated by mining works)Some people suffered irritation and skin diseases if they take a bath with this waterIn the camps water is stored by temporary Tarpaulin tank but now this tarpaulin is start to tearAlthough overhead water storage tank is existed in the camp, there is no water in the tankBathing spaces, Latrine and hand washing stations are enough to use by allRecommendationNeed to take water treatment system in the camp to use for domestic useNeed to change the tarpaulin sheet that is used in the temporary emergency water storage tankLisu Baptist Church Maw Shan village, Seik MuSiteNb of affected householdIDPs PopFocal point AgencyEnding date funds/project coverageWater coverage% Latrine needs coverage# Semi permanent latrines missingCoverage Bathing %Nb of missing bathing spaceCoverage hand wash station %Nb of missing hand washing stationNext distribution to be doneRatio between population and nb of community HPCommunity management organise and efficient in campsLisu Baptist Church, Maw Shan Vil,.Seik Mu26137ShalomGap100%100%1100%0100%0To be realisedExcellent coverageFunctional and efficientFindingsThey have 1 Hand Dug Well and 1 main reservoir get water from Gravity Flow systemGravity flow system was instralled from 2 different spring sources (1 from original one and 1 set up by Nyein (Shalom) FoundationThe water don not flow from GFS installed by Nyein (Shalom) foundation because the company digging the land of this pipe line way (Company temporarily removed pipe while digging the land not to demage)So, camp do not get enough water during this time hand They now trying to set up Hand pump in the existing hand dug wellAccording to focus group discussion with IDP people, they are difficult to get daily income, searching the jade is not familiar with some of them. (Feb 2015, one IDP died from hit of large stones while searching jade in the land mineIf they are in empty of soap on the meanwhile they are in lack of money, they borrow from the relatives to buy soapsThey recognized themselves about their changes in hand washing practices RecommendationNeed more coherence between camp management committee and the IDP people, need to function CCCM meeting and sharing information session among them Need to think about the refill items to distribute or by creating job opportunity to get throughout the whole yearRawan Baptist Church Maw Shan village Seik MuSiteNb of affected householdIDPs PopFocal point AgencyEnding date funds/project coverageWater coverage% Latrine needs coverage# Semi permanent latrines missingCoverage Bathing %Nb of missing bathing spaceCoverage hand wash station %Nb of missing hand washing stationNext distribution to be doneRatio between population and nb of community HPCommunity management organise and efficient in campsRawan Baptist Church, Maw Shan Vil., Seik Mu1142ShalomGap100%100%0100%0100%0To be realisedExcellent coverageFunctional and efficientFindingsThey are now facing with water shortage problem in the campThe existing water source of spring is already out, they will get water from this source only in June (start of rainy season)Now they go to the near houses to fetch the water, sometimes they pump up from the hand dug well apart from camp about 500 near contaminated streamLatrines, Bathing spaces and hand washing stations covered to all populationRecommendationNeed to search for possible water source to solve for the long term use Need to arrange for emergency water trucking or supporting in the water pump up by coordination from adjacent environment houses’ protected wellsChin Church Seik MuSiteNb of affected householdIDPs PopFocal point AgencyEnding date funds/project coverageWater coverage% Latrine needs coverage# Semi permanent latrines missingCoverage Bathing %Nb of missing bathing spaceCoverage hand wash station %Nb of missing hand washing stationNext distribution to be doneRatio between population and nb of community HPCommunity management organise and efficient in campsChin Church, Seik Mu625ShalomGap100%100%0100%0100%0To be realisedExcellent coverageFunctional and efficientFindingsThe Church committee arranged to get water by pumping up Water from the foot of the their hills, so the church committee collect money for water usage 1 unit (220Gallon) for 1500KyatsSo, they have to pay round about 20000Kyats per month that is massive amount for themCurrent this water includes enormous number of iron (can see yellow color storage tank) There is no difficulties in Bathing spaces, latrines, hand washing station and solid waste managementRecommendationNeed more coherence and clear among camp management committee, church and IDP people about the management of operating WASH facilities (difference unit prize for water between Camp committee and IDP people)Need to arrange for household level water treatment systemWard 2 Sai Tawng Baptist Church Seik MuSiteNb of affected householdIDPs PopFocal point AgencyEnding date funds/project coverageWater coverage% Latrine needs coverage# Semi permanent latrines missingCoverage Bathing %Nb of missing bathing spaceCoverage hand wash station %Nb of missing hand washing stationNext distribution to be doneRatio between population and nb of community HPCommunity management organise and efficient in campsWard 2 Sai Taung Baptist Church, Seik Mu 40190ShalomGap100%95%6100%0100%0To be realisedExcellent coverageFunctional and efficientFindingsThey get water mainly from Gravity flow system that was managed by ChurchAll of the WASH facilities were built up by camp management committee that was organized by ChurchBathing spaces for female is in no privacy condition because of absent of side wall6 HH of 17 population arrived to this camp after the intense tension in fighting at Jan 2015For these added households, Church constructed 1 latrine and 1 bathing space but they have not received any WASH NFI from any organizationsRecommendationsNeed to distribute full hygiene kit for the new arrived IDP peopleNeed to renovate to the bathing spaces to be privacyNeed to think about the refill items to distribute or by creating job opportunity to get throughout the whole yearYumar Baptist ChurchSiteNb of affected householdIDPs PopFocal point AgencyEnding date funds/project coverageWater coverage% Latrine needs coverage# Semi permanent latrines missingCoverage Bathing %Nb of missing bathing spaceCoverage hand wash station %Nb of missing hand washing stationNext distribution to be doneRatio between population and nb of community HPCommunity management organise and efficient in campsYumar Baptist Church2280ShalomGap100%100%3100%0100%0To be realisedExcellent coverageFunctional and efficientFindings8 HH of 14 population arrived to this camp after increase tension in January 2015Although 4 semi permanent latrines constructed by Shalom, it has damaged by the land fillingNow 3 latrines' infrastructures used by attaching with emergency pit, 1 latrine sill left to use Bathing spaces also damaged by this land filling, so, now they go to the temporary bathing spaces cover by tarpaulin sheetLand spaces is limited to construct more latrines (need good coordination with land owner, Church committee)They get water from company water source of Hand dug well dug near the streamThere is no enough storage water tank in the camp RecommendationNeed one storage tank to store waterNeed more positive coordination between camp management committee, Church committee and IDP peopleNeed to distribute full hygiene kit for the new arrived IDP peopleSai Wan Baptist Church (Branch of Nant Ma Hpit Baptist Church)FindingsThey have a plan to move to the Nant Ma Hpit Baptist Church if that camp constructed shelterSo, permanent structures such as bathing spaces, semi permanent latrines and well were not constructed by Shalom from the previous projectThey are now using the water from hand dug well but now this water source is in shortage situationChurch committee arranged to use in 2 latrines for themRecommendationNeed to arrange for water trucking or water distribution by coordination with water distribution companiesNeed to think about the refill items to distribute or by creating job opportunity to get throughout the whole yearMaw Wan Mu Yin Baptist ChurchSiteNb of affected householdIDPs PopFocal point AgencyEnding date funds/project coverageWater coverage% Latrine needs coverage# Semi permanent latrines missingCoverage Bathing %Nb of missing bathing spaceCoverage hand wash station %Nb of missing hand washing stationNext distribution to be doneRatio between population and nb of community HPCommunity management organise and efficient in campsMaw Wan, Mu-yin Baptist Church525ShalomGap100%100%0100%0100%0To be realisedExcellent coverageFunctional and efficientFindingsThis camp is managed by the Church by forming Camp Management committeeThey use water from 1 Hand Dug Well mainly, but if they have special event at Church, they get the water from Municipal Pipe Line, so, water are available all timeThey use in 2 emergency latrines and 1 semi permanent latrine, 2 bathing spaces and 3 hand washing buckets Their hygiene practices is sharply changed start arriving time to the camp and current time (they said in FGD)RecommendationNeed to think about the refill items to distribute or by creating job opportunity to get throughout the whole yearAG Church Maw Si SarSiteNb of affected householdIDPs PopFocal point AgencyEnding date funds/project coverageWater coverage% Latrine needs coverage# Semi permanent latrines missingCoverage Bathing %Nb of missing bathing spaceCoverage hand wash station %Nb of missing hand washing stationNext distribution to be doneRatio between population and nb of community HPCommunity management organise and efficient in campsAG Church, Hmaw Si Sa67338ShalomGap100%89%259%189%0To be realisedExcellent coverageFunctional and efficientFindings1 Hand Dug Well is start to be water shortage problem because of nearest mining site dug the soil to the deeper hole. So, the underground stream to this well can be interfere by this deepening mining session. They dispose the garbages to the river sides directlyAs the refill items gap in these 3 months, most of the IDP claims to support to the camp management committee. Now, Church leader arranged to get Soaps and hygiene items by cheap pricesThere are some feces around latrines (still have open defecation from the child)RecommendationsNeed to take deepening of the Hand Dug Well (It is possible to get water by discussing with the camp management committee)Still need to take Hygiene Promotion not to have open defecation and to care sanitation practices by community mobilization approachNeed to think about the refill items to distribute or by creating job opportunity to get throughout the whole yearLi su Baptist Church Maw Wan WardSiteNb of affected householdIDPs PopFocal point AgencyEnding date funds/project coverageWater coverage% Latrine needs coverage# Semi permanent latrines missingCoverage Bathing %Nb of missing bathing spaceCoverage hand wash station %Nb of missing hand washing stationNext distribution to be doneRatio between population and nb of community HPCommunity management organise and efficient in campsLisu Baptist Church, Maw Wan Ward1571ShalomGap100%100%0100%0100%0To be realisedExcellent coverageFunctional and efficientFindingsThey get water from 1 un-protected hand dug well, (There is no lining, parapet, and roof)2 Bathing spaces, 4 semipermanent latrines and 3 hand washing buckets are operating very well under the management of Camp Management committee As there is a limited spaces in the original place, they move to the current site RecommendationNeed to change GPS location in the 4W because of changing locationNeed to repair/renovate the existing Hand Dug WellNeed to think about the refill items to distribute or by creating job opportunity to get throughout the whole yearHpakant Baptist Church Nant Ma HpitSiteNb of affected householdIDPs PopFocal point AgencyEnding date funds/project coverageWater coverage% Latrine needs coverage# Semi permanent latrines missingCoverage Bathing %Nb of missing bathing spaceCoverage hand wash station %Nb of missing hand washing stationNext distribution to be doneRatio between population and nb of community HPCommunity management organise and efficient in campsHpakant Baptist Church, Nam Ma Hpit118519ShalomGap100%62%1058%258%2To be realisedExcellent coverageFunctional and efficientFindingsThey get water mainly from 2 source: 1 from near village hand dug well by pumping 2 from gravity flowAs there is increasing the population from Jan 2015 tension, existing pipe line is not enough to cover for allIncreasing household is 57 and population is 219 so, current Household is 122 and population is 4811 health center and 1 TLS are opened, 1 staff in Health center and 59 students in TLSSome latrines are blocked by the sanitary pad and also current latrine amount can’t cover for all3 Bathing spaces and 3 hand washing tanks are running but not cover to all because of increased householdRecommendationsNeed to set up GF system with the large size pipe line to have sufficient waterNeed to build up 8 semi permanent latrines, 1 bathing space and 1 hand washing station for IDP people and 2 latrines for Health and TLS need to install Need to give full hygiene kit for new arrived IDPs and Need to think about the refill items to distribute or by creating job opportunity to get throughout the whole yearNant Ma Hpit COCSiteNb of affected householdIDPs PopFocal point AgencyEnding date funds/project coverageWater coverage% Latrine needs coverage# Semi permanent latrines missingCoverage Bathing %Nb of missing bathing spaceCoverage hand wash station %Nb of missing hand washing stationNext distribution to be doneRatio between population and nb of community HPCommunity management organise and efficient in campsNam Ma Phyit, COC1763ShalomGap100%100%0100%0100%0To be realisedExcellent coverageFunctional and efficientFindingsThey have 1 overhead water storage tank, 2 bathing spaces, 3 semi permanent latrines and 2 emergency latrines and they operate them very wellThere is no water shortage problem in this campRecommendationNeed to think about the refill items to distribute or by creating job opportunity to get throughout the whole yearAG Church Maw WanSiteNb of affected householdIDPs PopFocal point AgencyEnding date funds/project coverageWater coverage% Latrine needs coverage# Semi permanent latrines missingCoverage Bathing %Nb of missing bathing spaceCoverage hand wash station %Nb of missing hand washing stationNext distribution to be doneRatio between population and nb of community HPCommunity management organise and efficient in campsAG Church, Maw Wan1480ShalomGap100%100%0100%0100%0To be realisedExcellent coverageFunctional and efficientFindingsWater storage tank can store only 500 liter and they pump up water from the foot of the hill. Church committee manages to pump up the water. But there is only one dynamo and engine to all population (Church religious houses and IDP houses). They want to put the engine and dynamo separately from the Church house owned one to pump the water from the well Current Hand Dug well is also need to renovate in the parapet. Current Parapet is to low in height (can be dangerous for the child)Other WASH facilities are operating very wellRecommendationNeed to put additional water storage tank to be more storeNeed to set up with engine and dynamo to pump the water from well to water storage tankNeed to renovate the hand dug well by raising parapetNant Ma Hpit Catholic ChurchSiteNb of affected householdIDPs PopFocal point AgencyEnding date funds/project coverageWater coverage% Latrine needs coverage# Semi permanent latrines missingCoverage Bathing %Nb of missing bathing spaceCoverage hand wash station %Nb of missing hand washing stationNext distribution to be doneRatio between population and nb of community HPCommunity management organise and efficient in campsNant Ma Hpit Catholic Church55272KMSSGap100%74%474%1100%027-Jun-15No coverageSet up but low results FindingsThey use the water from 1 Hand Dug Well by pumping up the water to the water storage tank and there is no water shortage in this dug well2 Bathing spaces, 10 semipermanent latrines and 2 hand washing station are operating well2 Household of 11 population arrived to this camp after Jan increased tension2 Bathing spaces side wall are torn so it is not convenient for privacy5 latrines start to block because of sanitary pad or pit full, They will desludge if it is sure that the latrine pit is full of feces by municipal desludging vehicleThey dispose garbage to the stream side by collection with bagRecommendationNeed to build up 2 latrines to cover current populationNeed to renovate in bathing spaces to be privacyNeed to conduct Hygiene promotion session to have sanitized solid waste disposing methods Need regular hygiene promotion session to all IDP peopleHmaw Wan AnglicanSiteNb of affected householdIDPs PopFocal point AgencyEnding date funds/project coverageWater coverage% Latrine needs coverage# Semi permanent latrines missingCoverage Bathing %Nb of missing bathing spaceCoverage hand wash station %Nb of missing hand washing stationNext distribution to be doneRatio between population and nb of community HPCommunity management organise and efficient in campsHmaw Wan, Anglican1375ShalomGap100%100%0100%0100%0To be realisedExcellent coverageFunctional and efficientFindingsThey are now facing with water shortage problem (1 Hand Dug Well)Other WASH facilities are operating very well and sufficientRecommendationNeed to arrange for water trucking or water distribution by coordination with water distribution companiesGa DaySiteNb of affected householdIDPs PopFocal point AgencyEnding date funds/project coverageWater coverage% Latrine needs coverage# Semi permanent latrines missingCoverage Bathing %Nb of missing bathing spaceCoverage hand wash station %Nb of missing hand washing stationNext distribution to be doneRatio between population and nb of community HPCommunity management organise and efficient in campsGa Day58244None100%50%741%20%3To be realised0Not set up yetFindingsor these new households, WASH full Hygiene kits have not distributed yet. And WASH facilities still need to support for them.RecommendationAnnex SEQ Annex \* ARABIC 3: Pictures6483353810DRD, UNICEF, Focal Agency Nyein (Shalom) Foundation and Camp Management Committee joint Monitoring in Hand Dug Well at 5 Ward Baptist Church Lon KhinStand by water buckets and fetching the water by children because of weakness in water supply system in Baptist Church Maw Si SarDisposing the garbages near the stream bank on AG Maw Si SarDamaged Bathing Space (No Privacy) in 5 Ward RC Church Lon KhinTrying to get water from unprotected tap stand by Children in 5 Ward RC Church Lon KhincentercenterBathing Space installed with water metering in Chin Church Seik Mu (they pay about 15000-20000 Kyats per month1 unit for 1500 kyats)Emergency WASH Assessment in new opened camp Baptist Church Gaday village (with joint assessment team – DRD,UNICEF, Shalom and camp committee)Focus Group Discussion with IDP people in Rawan Baptist Church Maw Shan village Seik MuBathing space for Female in Ward 2 Sai Tawng Baptist Church ................

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