Life Skill Area:

[pic] |Health:



How do I call for help?

Is this an emergency? | |Lesson 1: Vocabulary


fire choking weather emergency robbery

injury car accident unconscious

poison fighting chest pain

Technology Vocabulary:

click on the arrow/ the picture/ the button

check answers

choose the word

click and move (click and drag)

listen to the word

repeat the word/ the activity

say the word


|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|[pic] |[pic] |fire |choking |

|weather emergency |chest pain |robbery |injury |

|car accident |unconscious |poison |fighting |

Lesson 2: How do I call for help?


“Sometimes we have emergencies and we need to call 9-1-1. The operator will ask you: “What’s the emergency?”; “What’s the address?”; “What is the call back number?” Here, you will listen to three conversations with a 9-1-1 operator.”


O: 9-1-1. What's your emergency?

C: I see a house fire!

O: Where is the fire?

C: 325 North Columbus Road.

O: 325 North Columbus Road?

C: Yes. It's a big fire!

O: Is your call back number 517-332-8970?

C: Yes, it is. Please hurry!

O: Stay on the line. Don’t hang up.


O: 9-1-1. What’s your emergency?

C: My son is vomiting! It's poison! He drank bleach!

O: Do you have the bottle?

C: Yes, I do.

O: Very good. Now, what's your address?

C: 772 South 14th Street.

O: 772 South 14th Street?

C: Yes. Help me!

O: Is your call back number 665-245-7890?

C: Yes!

O: Stay on the line. Don’t hang up.


O: 9-1-1. What’s your emergency?

C: My mother is on the floor in the bedroom. She's unconscious. She's 80 years old.

O: Is she breathing?

C: Yes.

O: Don't move her. Do you understand?

C: Yes, I do.

O: Now, what's your address?

C: 9134 April Street. Apartment 6A.

O: 9134 April Street. Apartment 6A?

C: Yes.

O: Is your call back number 987-332-6858?

C: Yes, it is. Please come quickly!

O: Stay on the line. Don’t hang up.

Lesson 3: Is this an emergency?

[pic] 1. My brother has a little headache today.

[pic] 2. There is a big fire in the apartment.

[pic] 3. There was a car accident. A man is hurt.

[pic] 4. My uncle is overweight.

[pic] 5. He has a little cough today.

[pic] 6. My daughter broke her leg playing soccer.

|[pic] |[pic] |"I have a headache." |

| | |"I have a fever." |

|[pic] |[pic] | |

| | |"Yes. I'm taking aspirin." |

| | |"No, I'm not." |

|[pic] |[pic] |"Ten days." |

| | |"One week." |

|[pic] |[pic] |"No, I don't." |

| | |"Yes. I'm allergic to penicillin." |

|[pic] |[pic] |"No, I don't." |

| | |"Yes, I do." |

| | |"I smoked for many years, but I don't smoke |

| | |now." |

Comprehension & Listening:


D : What's the matter?

P : I have a headache.

D : How long have you had the headache?

P : Three days.

D : Do you have an allergy to any medicine?

P : No.


D : What's the matter?

P : I have a bad cough.

D : How long have you had the cough?

P : One week.

D : Do you smoke?

P : No.


D : What's the matter?

P : I have a toothache.

D : How long have you had the toothache?

P : Four days.

D : Are you taking any medicine?

P : Yes. I am taking aspirin.


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