
RRES Home & School Association Meeting

April 9, 2019 – Minutes

Present: Mary S., Marilyn, Dan, Jodi, Sara, Sheila, Mary B.


Financial Report:

Opening Balance: $9441.00

Deposits: $9730.00 (Java Moose gross sales)

Checks: $6304.25 (Java Moose payment; profit = $3425.75)

$60 (3 top seller prizes, Java Moose campaign)

$3703 (2 water fountains payment, will be installed this summer)

Current balance: $9103.75

Purchase requests:

▪ Replace broken smartboard hood. Approx $2000. Approved.

▪ Purchase stationary bikes, for students needing a movement break, or for indoor recess. 4 bikes @ $595 each = $2380. Approved.

Year-end class events: subsidize at $4 x 342 (all K-5 students) + $5 x 52 (grade 5 students) = $1368 + $260 = $1628. Approved.

Admin Day: Weds, April 24th. Restaurant gift cards: $50 for Tish, $25 for Jenna = $75 total. Approved. Dan will do this.

Available Funds: $3020.75

Year-end Picnic: Date: Thursday June 6th. Decided to Bbq hot dogs. Dan will check with Ed Bud on hot dog purchase. Marilyn will check with John Galbraith on using bbq.

Fundraising ideas: updates on potential items for next year.

▪ school supplies ordered on-line at backtoschoolsolutions.ca – Dan and Sheila tracked down some info. The company charges parents an extra 10% which is donated to the school.

▪ Test driving cars - Dan and Janelle checked with Honda, they are interested. Jodi could check with Ford.

▪ Spellathon - Dan reported that another school made $10,600 this year. Seems pretty simple, using word wall words.

New Treasurer: Marilyn will be leaving. Jodi Vaughan will take on the Treasurer role.


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