Companies that have provided responses to the Business ...

Weekly Updates: Companies we have invited to respond to concerns

Section 2: Companies beginning with C-F

(10 Feb 2005 – 9 Dec 2009)

The following chart lists companies we invited to respond to concerns raised by civil society and highlighted in our Weekly Updates – indicating the country, issue, and whether or not the company has sent us a response – with a link to the allegations and any response. Any company that has not yet responded is welcome to do so at any time.

This section of the chart covers companies with names beginning C-F; the other five alphabetical sections are here:

Our free Weekly Updates include the latest news and reports on companies’ human rights impacts: positive steps they are taking, and alleged abuses. Over 7500 opinion leaders worldwide have registered for the Updates. You can sign up to receive the Updates at: Updates

When we plan to include allegations of misconduct in a Weekly Update, we invite the named company to respond, and any response appears in the Update. This helps ensure balance and encourages companies to address concerns raised by civil society. Since we launched the Updates in February 2005, over 75% of companies have responded. In some cases this has led to further comments, and then a further response by the company. In this way the Updates can help to keep issues alive until they have been addressed on the ground.

A list of the positive steps by companies that have been featured in our Weekly Updates is available here: Documents/Update-Charts

|Company |Country |Date of our |Issue |Resp- |

|(C-F) | |Update | |onse? |

|Calyon |Angola |12 Oct, 16 |Global Witness report & Financial Times article raise concerns that loan to Angola’s |Yes |

|(France) | |Nov 2005 |state oil company Sonangol will perpetuate corruption & poverty. Click here | |

|Carlsberg (Denmark) |Cambodia |7 June 2006 |Australian Council of Trade Unions campaign raises concerns about health & working |Yes |

| | | |conditions of "beer promotion women". Click here | |

|Carlsberg (Denmark) |China |18 Apr 2007 |CCTV footage shows joint-venture involving Carlsberg polluting local water supplies. |Yes |

| | | |Click here | |

|Carrefour (France) |Bangladesh |11 May 2005 |Factory of supplier Spectrum Sweater in Dhaka, Bangladesh, collapses, killing 64 workers|Yes |

| | | |– Global textiles union (ITGLWF) and Clean Clothes Campaign raise concerns about working| |

| | | |conditions prior to collapse. Click here | |

|Carrefour (France) |Bangladesh |12 Oct, 19 |Clean Clothes Campaign update on Spectrum-Shahriyar factory collapse in which 64 workers|Yes |

| | |Oct 2005 |died (April 05): lists companies allegedly supplying from the factory that have not yet | |

| | | |pledged to contribute to compensation fund (including Carrefour). Click here | |

|Carrefour (France) |China |17 Jan 2007 |Labor groups raise concerns about positions of multinational & their business |No |

| | | |organizations regarding China’s proposed labour law reform. Click here | |

|Carrefour (France) |Asia |18 Mar, 22 |Clean Clothes Campaign report "Cashing in" says discount model leads to labour abuses at|Yes |

| | |Jul 2009 |factories in Asia supplying Aldi, Carrefour, Lidl, Tesco, Wal-Mart. Click here | |

|Carrefour |Turkey |3 Jun 2009 |Menderes Textil factory, Turkey: Clean Clothes Campaign raises concerns of anti-union |Yes |

|(France) | | |activity, other labour abuses. Click here | |

|Caterpillar (USA) |Israel/ Occupied|23 Mar 2005 |Bulldozers used by Israeli army for destroying homes & trees, causing homelessness & |Yes |

| |Territories | |poverty, according to report by War on Want & letter from UN Special Rapporteur on the | |

| | | |right to food. Click here | |

|Catlin |Burma |20 Aug 2008 |Burma Campaign UK says firms providing insurance to companies operating in Burma |No |

|(Bermuda) | | |"support dictators". Click here | |

|Cermaq (Norway) |Chile |12 Jul 2006 |Serious concerns about working conditions in salmon industry, including workplace |Yes |

| | | |deaths. Click here | |

|Charming Shoppes |Guatemala |18 Mar 2009 |Natl. Labor Committee (US) alleges women workers' rights abused at Nicotex factory, |Yes |

|(USA) | | |supplying Lane Bryant (part of Charming Shoppes), Briggs New York (part of Kellwood). | |

| | | |Click here | |

|Chevron |Ecuador |23 Mar 2005 |Shareholder resolution by Amnesty USA & others requests Chevron to prepare report on its|Yes |

|(USA) | | |initiatives to address health & environmental concerns where Texaco operated in Ecuador.| |

| | | |Click here | |

|Chevron |Chad/ |7 Sep & 21 |Chad-Cameroon pipeline: Amnesty International says governments, ExxonMobil, Chevron, |Yes |

|(USA) |Cameroon |Sep 2005 |Petronas are “contracting out” of their human rights obligations. Click here | |

|Chevron |Dem. Rep. of |10 Oct 2007 |Community group concerned about toxic waste that Chevron buried between 1986-1990 & |Yes |

|(USA) |Congo | |recently excavated. Click here | |

|Chevron |Ecuador |6 Aug 2008 |Chevron responds to Newsweek article on lobbying US Govt. to cut Ecuador trade |Yes |

|(USA) | | |preferences over toxic waste lawsuit. Click here | |

|Chevron |Ecuador |10 Sep 2008 |Commentary on Chevron's stance in Ecuador environmental lawsuit, by Daniel Taillant |Yes |

|(USA) | | |(Center for Human Rights & Environment - Argentina). Click here | |

|Chevron |Global |17 Jun 2009 |Joint NGO report “True Cost of Chevron” raises concerns about its social & environmental|Yes |

|(USA) | | |impacts worldwide. Click here. | |

|Chevron |USA / Armenia |24 Jun 2009 |Companies including Chevron "likely lobbied" against US bill to name Turkey's killing of|No |

|(USA) | | |Armenians in early 1900s genocide Click here. | |

|Chevron |Burma |30 Sep, |Two EarthRights reports accuse Chevron & Total's Yadana pipeline of links to forced |Yes |

|(USA) | |4 Nov 2009 |labour & killings, undermining sanctions. Click here | |

|China Power Investment |Burma |20 Feb 2008 |Construction of Myitsone dam (China Power Investment, Burmese Govt.) begins - concerns |No |

|(China) | | |of extortion & abuse of villagers by army. Click here | |

|China Power Investment |Burma |25 Nov 2009 |Kachin Development Networking Group calls for stop to Irrawaddy dam project (joint |No |

|(China) | | |venture between China Power Investment, Asia World Company and the State Peace and | |

| | | |Development Council of the Burmese military government), due to major human rights, | |

| | | |environmental impacts. Click here | |

|China Road & Bridge (CRBC)|Rep. of Congo |22 May 2007 |Congolese workers at Chinese cement factory allege labour abuses including nationality |Yes |

|(China) | | |discrimination, denial of freedom of association. Click here | |

|Chiquita |Colombia |12 Nov 2008 |NGO says Chiquita's political connections in Colombia & USA contribute to stalling of |Yes |

|(USA) | | |case against firm for payments to paramilitaries. Click here | |

|Cicam (Cameroon) |Cameroon |9 Aug 2006 |Residents of Douala accuse Cicam & other firms of chemical pollution of their |No |

| | | |neighbourhood. Click here | |

|Cimpor (Portugal) |Mozambi-que |19 Jul 2006 |Cimpor cement factory says high dust pollution is due to filter damage caused by local |No |

| | | |electricity company - environmentalists say factory could do more. Click here | |

|Cintas |Global |9, 23 Jul |"Subsidizing Sweatshops" report says companies supplying US state uniforms source from |Yes |

|(USA) | |2008 |firms "engaged in serious human rights & labor violations". Companies mentioned include | |

| | | |Cintas. Click here | |

|Clarks |China |31 Aug, |Global textiles union (ITGLWF) accuses Kingmaker Footwear of labour abuses & cover-up to|Yes |

|(UK) | |7 Sep 2005 |mislead workplace monitors – supplies Clarks & Skechers. Click here | |

|CMT-Windfield (France) |Bangladesh |12 Oct, 19 |Clean Clothes Campaign update on Spectrum-Shahriyar factory collapse in which 64 workers|No |

| | |Oct 2005 |died (April 05): lists companies allegedly supplying from the factory that have not yet | |

| | | |pledged to contribute to compensation fund (including CMT-Windfield). Click here | |

|Coal India |India |28 Jan, 11 |Coal India allegedly failing to address dangerous subsidence, & using mining techniques |Yes |

|(India) | |Feb 2009 |that encourage increased hazardous illegal mining. Click here | |

|Coca-Cola (USA) |India |24 Aug 2005 |India Resource Center says over 1500 people from communities in Tamil Nadu hold a |Yes |

| | | |protest against proposed plant of Coca-Cola franchisee, over concerns it will further | |

| | | |exacerbate water scarcity in Gangaikondan village. Click here | |

|Coca-Cola (USA) |India, Colomba, |26 July, 2 |TIAA-CREF divests from Coca-Cola after its removal from KLD Broad Market Social Index |Yes |

| |USA |Aug 2006 |over worker rights in Colombia, water issues in India, health issues. Click here | |

|Coca-Cola (USA) |Sudan |12 Dec 2007 |Olympic Dream for Darfur calls on Olympic corporate sponsors, including Coca-Cola, to |Yes |

| | | |raise Sudan concerns with Chinese Govt. Click here | |

|Coca-Cola (USA) |Colombia |8 Oct 2008 |Excerpt of new book alleging bottling plants supplying Coca-Cola are linked with |Yes |

| | | |killings of trade unionists. Click here | |

|Coca-Cola (USA) |China |30 Sep 2009 |Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior demands improved conditions for |Yes |

| | | |contract workers at Coca-Cola bottlers Swire Beverages. Click here | |

|Coca-Cola FEMSA |Mexico |7 Sep 2005 |Roberto Mendoza, senior manager at Coca-Cola’s Mexican bottler, accuses the company of |Yes |

|(Mexico) | | |firing him because he is gay. Click here. | |

|Coca-Cola FEMSA |Mexico |1 Feb 2006 |Rejoinder by Roberto Mendoza to Coca-Cola’s first response regarding alleged sexual |Yes |

|(Mexico) | | |orientation discrimination. Click here | |

|Commerzbank (Germany) |Angola |12 Oct, 16 & |Global Witness report & Financial Times article raise concerns that loan to Angola's |No |

| | |23 Nov 2005 |state oil company Sonangol will perpetuate corruption & poverty. Click here | |

|ConocoPhillips (USA) |USA |24 May 2005 |"Toxic 100" list of corporate air polluters, prepared by Univ. of Massachusetts research|No |

| | | |institute (PERI): ConocoPhillips in top 10. Click here | |

|ConocoPhillips (USA) |USA |15 & 22 Aug |Mossville, Louisiana residents have high levels of toxic chemicals in their blood & |No |

| | |2007 |environment, according to US Govt. data - NGO report says nearby factories, including a | |

| | | |ConocoPhillips oil refinery, are responsible. Click here | |

|ConocoPhillips |Peru |27 May 2009 |Amazon Watch & Save America's Forests report urges ConocoPhillips to withdraw from |Yes |

|(USA) | | |Peruvian Amazon concession, citing human rights, environmental concerns. Click here | |

|Continental Minerals |Tibet |29 Jul 2009 |Tibetans-in-exile protest Continental Minerals' Tibet project - concerns over |Yes |

|(Canada) | | |environmental damage, lack of consultation. Click here | |

|Coop |China |15 Jun 2005 |Swedwatch/Fair Trade Center report alleges poor working conditions at toy factories. |Yes |

|(Sweden) | | |Click here | |

|Corus |UK |17 May 2006 |EU figures show 5 companies lead in carbon pollution, including Corus. Click here |No |

|(UK) | | | | |

|Costain |UK |18 Mar 2009 |More than 40 construction firms allegedly bought personal data on workers to blacklist |No |

|(UK) | | |job applicants, including details of trade union activities. Click here | |

|Cotton Group (Belgium) |Bangladesh |11 May 2005 |Factory of supplier Spectrum Sweater in Dhaka, Bangladesh, collapses, killing 64 workers|Yes |

| | | |- Global textiles union (ITGLWF) and Clean Clothes Campaign raise concerns about working| |

| | | |conditions prior to collapse. Click here | |

|Crédit Agricole |Global |30 Jan 2008 |Amnesty Intl. calls on French banks to strengthen policies on anti-personnel mines & |Yes |

|(France) | | |cluster munitions. Click here | |

|Credit Suisse |Indonesia |11 Jul 2007 |Friends of the Earth calls on major banks, including Credit Suisse, to withhold further |Yes |

|(Switzerland) | | |loans from Lapindo Brantas gas project until it compensates people displaced by Sidoarjo| |

| | | |mud volcano disaster. Click here | |

|Crescent Security |Global |30 Jan 2008 |"Private Security Contractors at War: Ending the Culture of Impunity", report by Human |Yes |

|(Kuwait) | | |Rights First. Click here | |

|Crew Gold |Philippines |7 & 14 Feb |Report by coalition of indigenous, environmental, human rights & religious groups finds |Yes |

|(UK) | |2007 |mining in Philippines is “destructive” of environment & livelihoods. Click here | |

|Cummins |USA |22 Aug 2007 |Union report accuses Cummins of violating workers' basic labour rights. Click here |Yes |

|(USA) | | | | |

|Custer Battles |Global |30 Jan 2008 |"Private Security Contractors at War: Ending the Culture of Impunity", report by Human |No |

|(USA) | | |Rights First. Click here | |

|CWE (China International |Sudan |26 Apr, 17 |3 civilians killed during protests over Merowe dam. Click here |Yes |

|Water & Electric) | |May 2006 | | |

|(China) | | | | |

|Daewoo International |Burma |13 Dec 2006 |Earthrights Intl. calls on sponsors of Shwe gas pipeline to conduct environmental & |No |

|(Korea) | | |human rights impact assessments; 15 Korean NGOs raise concerns about project. Click here| |

|De Beers |Botswana |30 Sep 2009 |Bench Marks Foundation report says De Beers has not benefited communities in which it |Yes |

|(So. Africa) | | |operates. Click here | |

|De Beers |Botswana |29 Oct 2008 |Survival Intl. says De Beers returns to mine Central Kalahari Game Reserve while Bushmen|Yes |

|(So. Africa) | | |are still displaced. Click here | |

|Dell |China |10 Jan, 21 |Students and Scholars against Corporate Misbehaviour (SACOM) report alleges widespread |Yes |

|(USA) | |Mar 2007 |labour abuses among suppliers of major technology & electronics brands including Dell. | |

| | | |Click here | |

|Dell |China |11 Feb 2009 |"High Tech Misery in China": Natl. Labor Committee (US) alleges labour abuses at Mae Tay|Yes |

|(USA) | | |keyboard factory supplying Dell, HP, IBM, Lenovo, Microsoft. Click here | |

|Delta Electronics (Taiwan)|China |10 & 17 Jan |Students and Scholars against Corporate Misbehaviour (SACOM) report alleges widespread |Yes |

| | |2007 |labour abuses among suppliers of major multinational technology & electronics brands. | |

| | | |Click here | |

|Deutsche Bank (Germany) |China |24 Aug 2005 |South China Morning Post article alleges wig manufacturer Henan Rebecca uses forced |Yes |

| | | |prison labour – says major banks, including Deutsche Bank, among its top shareholders. | |

| | | |Click here | |

|Deutsche Bank (Germany) |Angola |12 Oct, 16 |Global Witness report & Financial Times article raise concerns that loan to Angola's |Yes |

| | |Nov, 14 Dec |state oil company Sonangol will perpetuate corruption & poverty. Click here | |

| | |2005 | | |

|Dexia |Global |18 Jan, 1 Feb|Major European banks have invested over $8 billion in “companies that abuse human |Yes |

|(Belgium) | |2006 |rights”, according to NGO report. Click here | |

|Diageo/ Guinness |Cameroon |2 & 23 Aug |Residents of Douala accuse Guinness & other firms of chemical pollution of their |Yes |

|(UK) | |2006 |neighbourhood. Click here | |

|Disney |China |28 Feb 2007 |800 lose jobs after Disney licensee ends contract with factory, following allegations of|Yes |

|(USA) | | |labour abuses. Click here | |

|Disney |China |22 Oct 2008 |Investigative report into working conditions in factories manufacturing products for |Yes |

|(USA) | | |Disney reveals numerous abuses. Click here [French only] | |

|Djoser Reisen |Burma |21 Jan 2009 |Burma Campaign UK adds 30 firms to "Dirty List", including Djoser Reisen. Click here |Yes |

|(Germany) | | | | |

|DSM (Netherlands) |India |4 Jan 2006 |Times of India article says pharmaceutical plants poison ground water in Punjab village.|Yes |

| | | |Click here | |

|Doe Run |Peru |2 Mar 2005 |Production at La Oroya mine pollutes local area, provides few benefits to local |Yes |

|(USA) | | |residents, says Christian Aid report, “Unearthing the truth”. Click here | |

|Doe Run |Peru |15 Feb 2006 |Peruvian congressman accuses Doe Run of using townspeople of La Oroya to pressure |Yes |

|(USA) | | |government to approve delays in environmental protection measures. Click here | |

|Doe Run |Peru |25 Oct 2006 |Blacksmith Institute lists La Oroya (site of Doe Run smelter) as one of 10 “World’s |Yes |

|(USA) | | |Worst Polluted Places”. Click here | |

|Dole |Colombia |7 Mar 2007 |NGOs & unions allege widespread labour rights abuses at Dole flower plantations, |Yes |

|(USA) | | |including compulsory pregnancy tests, exposure to pesticides, excessive hours. Click | |

| | | |here | |

|Dole |Latin America |11 Nov 2009 |Labour coalition says abuses of workers' rights persist on Dole's plantations & those of|Yes |

|(USA) | | |its suppliers. Click here [also available in Spanish] | |

|Dow Chemical (USA) |USA, India |2 May 2007 |Amnesty USA calls for Securities & Exchange Commission to investigate Dow Chemical's |Yes |

| | | |disclosures to shareholders regarding Bhopal disaster & aftermath. Click here | |

|Dow Chemical (USA) |USA |30 April 2008|"Toxic 100" list of top air polluters, by Political Economy Research Institute, Univ. of|Yes |

| | | |Massachusetts - we invited top 10 to respond, including Dow. Click here | |

|Drax |UK |17 May 2006 |EU figures show 5 companies lead in carbon pollution, including Drax. Click here |No |

|(UK) | | | | |

|Drummond (USA) |Colombia |8 Nov 2006 |Colombia Journal alleges continued paramilitary presence around Drummond mine & says the|No |

| | | |mine's social programmes do not offset its negative social and health impacts. Click | |

| | | |here | |

|DuPont |USA |24, 31 May |"Toxic 100" list of corporate air polluters, prepared by Univ. of Massachusetts research|Yes |

|(USA) | |2006 |institute (PERI): DuPont in top 10. Click here | |

|DuPont |China |17 Jan 2007 |Labor groups raise concerns about positions of multinational & their business |No |

|(USA) | | |organizations regarding China’s proposed labour law reform. Click here | |

|DuPont |USA |30 April 2008|"Toxic 100" list of top air polluters, by Political Economy Research Institute, Univ. of|Yes |

|(USA) | | |Massachusetts - we invited top 10 to respond, including DuPont. Click here | |

|Eagle Industries (USA) |Global |9, 16 Jul |"Subsidizing Sweatshops" report says companies supplying US state uniforms source from |Yes |

| | |2008 |firms "engaged in serious human rights & labor violations". Companies mentioned include | |

| | | |Eagle Industries. Click here | |

|Ecuavital Biox (Ecuador) |Ecuador |4 Jul 2007 |Ecuatival Biox security guards accused of intimidating human rights officals. Click here|Yes |

|Ecopetrol |Colombia |5 Nov 2008 |Amazon Watch urges US investors not to buy Ecopetrol shares due to concerns over impacts|No |

|(Colombia) | | |on Colombian indigenous community. Click here | |

|EDF |Laos |23 Feb & 2 |EDF did not conduct detailed enough environmental impact assessment for Nam Theun 2 dam |Yes |

|(France) | |Mar 2005 |project, says OECD Guidelines complaint by Proyecto Gato & Amis de la Terre. Click here | |

|EDF Energy (UK) |UK |17 May |EU figures show 5 companies lead in carbon pollution, including EDF Energy. Click here |Yes |

| | |2006 | | |

|Electric Power Development|Burma |21 Jan 2009 |Burma Campaign UK adds 30 firms to "Dirty List", including Electric Power Development |Yes |

|Company | | |Company. Click here | |

|(Japan) | | | | |

|Eli Lilly |Global |23 Aug, 6 |Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility rates 15 pharmaceutical firms on HIV/AIDS,|No |

|(USA) | |Sep, 8 Nov |including Eli Lilly - finds none has comprehensive approach. Click here | |

| | |2006 | | |

|Eli Lilly |Global |12 Dec 2007 |Oxfam report "Investing for Life" says drug companies not doing enough to provide access|No |

|(USA) | | |to medicines for the poor - makes recommendations for "responsible business practices". | |

| | | |Click here | |

|Emirates |Mexico |15 Oct 2008 |Javier Vázquez alleges he was told not to apply for job at Emirates due to his age. |No |

|(United Arab Emirates) | | |Click here | |

|Endiama (Angola) |Angola |1 Oct 2008 |Report says mining companies' arbitrary seizure & destruction of farmlands causing |No |

| | | |widespread hunger & deepening poverty. Click here | |

|Endiama (Angola) |Angola |13, 20 Sep |Security companies for diamond mining operations in Cuango responsible for killings, |Yes |

| | |2006 |torture, beatings & other abuses, says report. Click here | |

|Energi Mega Persada |Indonesia |11 Jul 2007 |Friends of the Earth calls on major banks to withhold further loans from Lapindo Brantas|No |

|(Indonesia) | | |gas project (owned by companies including Energi Mega Persada) until it compensates | |

| | | |people displaced by Sidoarjo mud volcano disaster. Click here | |

|ENI |Kazakhstan |4 Feb 2009 |Report raises concerns about environmental, social & health effects of Kashagan oil |Yes |

|(Italy) | | |field development. Click here | |

|ENI |Rep. of Congo |29 Jul 2009 |Report by Heinrich Böll Foundation & NGOs raises serious social, environmental concerns |Yes |

|(Italy) | | |over Eni's planned tar sands & agro-fuel projects. Click here | |

|ENI |Rep. of Congo |11 Nov 2009 |Report by Congolese & intl. NGOs says ENI's oil sands & biofuel projects threaten |Yes |

|(Italy) | | |tropical forests, local people & climate. Click here | |

|Entergy |USA |15 Aug 2007 |Mossville, Louisiana residents have high levels of toxic chemicals in their blood & |Yes |

|(USA) | | |environment, according to US Govt. data - NGO report says nearby factories, including an| |

| | | |Entergy power plant, are responsible. Click here | |

|E.ON |UK |17 May 2006 |EU figures show 5 companies lead in carbon pollution, including E.ON. Click here |Yes |

|(UK) | | | | |

|Ericsson (Sweden) |China |17 Jan 2007 |Labor groups raise concerns about positions of multinational & their business |Yes |

| | | |organizations regarding China’s proposed labour law reform. Click here | |

|Erinys |Iraq |16 Apr 2008 |Erinys response to War on Want allegations of abuses in Iraq. Click here |Yes |

|(UK) | | | | |

|Erinys |Iraq |14, 21 Jan |Private security firm Erinys sued in UK over shooting of civilians in Iraq. Click here |Yes |

|(UK) | |2009 | | |

|Excelsior Electronics |China |29 Apr 2009 |NGOs say Excelsior Electronics and buyer Fujitsu Siemens provided weak responses to |Yes |

|(China) | | |report of factory labour abuses. Click here | |

|Exotissimo |Burma |21 Jan 2009 |Burma Campaign UK adds 30 firms to "Dirty List", including Exotissimo. Click here |No |

|(Thailand) | | | | |

|ExxonMobil (USA) |Chad/ |7 Sep & 21 |Chad-Cameroon pipeline: Amnesty International says governments, ExxonMobil, Chevron, |Yes |

| |Cameroon |Sep 2005 |Petronas are “contracting out” of their human rights obligations. Click here | |

|ExxonMobil (USA) |Chad |15 Mar 2006 |Publish What You Pay coalition & Columbia Law School Human Rights Clinic call on |No |

| | | |ExxonMobil to refuse Chad’s request to pay oil revenues directly to government instead | |

| | | |of into escrow account for poverty reduction. Click here | |

|ExxonMobil (USA) |USA |24, 31 May |"Toxic 100" list of corporate air polluters, prepared by Univ. of Massachusetts research|No |

| | |2006 |institute (PERI): ExxonMobil in top 10. Click here | |

|ExxonMobil (USA) |USA |30 April 2008|"Toxic 100" list of top air polluters, by Political Economy Research Institute, Univ. of|Yes |

| | | |Massachusetts - we invited top 10 to respond, including ExxonMobil. Click here | |

|Fechheimer Brothers |Global |9 Jul 2008 |"Subsidizing Sweatshops" report says companies supplying US state uniforms source from |No |

|(USA) | | |firms "engaged in serious human rights & labor violations". Companies mentioned include | |

| | | |Fechheimer Brothers. Click here | |

|Firestone Natural Rubber |Liberia |30 Jul, 27 |"The Heavy Load" report alleges continuing abuses on Firestone rubber plantation. |Yes |

|(USA) | |Aug 2008 |Includes rejoinder by Save my Future Foundation & further response by Firestone. Click | |

| | | |here | |

|First Cabin |Burma |21 Jan 2009 |Burma Campaign UK adds 30 firms to "Dirty List", including First Cabin. Click here |No |

|(USA) | | | | |

|Fittec |China |10 Jan 2007 |Students and Scholars against Corporate Misbehaviour (SACOM) report alleges widespread |Yes |

|(China) | | |labour abuses among suppliers of major multinational technology & electronics brands. | |

| | | |Click here | |

|Ford |USA |24, 31 May |"Toxic 100" list of corporate air polluters, prepared by Univ. of Massachusetts research|Yes |

|(USA) | |2006 |institute (PERI): Ford in top 10. | |

| | | |Click here | |

|Ford |Argentina |14 Mar 2007 |Ford statement regarding legal claims brought by former employees who say they were |Yes |

|(USA) | | |kidnapped and tortured on Ford Argentina premises during the 1976-83 military | |

| | | |dictatorship. Click here | |

|Fortis (Netherlands/ |Indonesia |11 Jul 2007 |Friends of the Earth calls on major banks, including Fortis, to withhold further loans |Yes |

|Belgium) | | |from Lapindo Brantas gas project until it compensates people displaced by Sidoarjo mud | |

| | | |volcano disaster. Click here | |

|Forza |Peru |17 Jan 2007 |Human rights groups & news articles allege Forza involved in spying operation & |No |

|(Peru) | | |intimidation against local environmentalists opposed to Yanacocha mine. Click here | |

|Foxconn/ |China |30 Aug, 6 Sep|Foxconn lawsuit against two journalists who reported on working conditions at Foxconn |[1] |

|Hon Hai (Taiwan) | |2006 |iPod factory sparks concerns for journalists’ rights among Chinese media. Click here | |

| | | |and here | |

|Fred Meyer (USA) |Global |8 Mar 2006 |No Dirty Gold campaign calls on 8 “laggard” jewellery retailers to sign on to social & |Yes |

| | | |environmental standards on gold sourcing. Click here | |

|Frederick’s of Hollywood |Philippines |27 Apr 2005 |Behind the Label (USA) alleges poor working conditions at Frederick’s supplier Gelmart |No |

|(USA) | | |Industries. Click here | |

|Freeport-McMoRan |West Papua/ |4 Jan 2006 |NY Times front-page report raises concerns about payments to Indonesian military, |Yes |

|(USA) |Indonesia | |environmental impacts of Grasberg mine. Click here | |

|Freeport-McMoRan |Philippines |1 Apr 2009 |NGO report says mining causes "large-scale ruin, particularly undermining food |Yes |

|(USA) | | |production". Click here | |

|Freeport-McMoRan |Philippines |28 Oct 2009 |Working Group on Mining comments on company responses to "Mining or Food?" report – |No |

|(USA) | | |Freeport-McMoRan declined to comment further. Click here | |

|Friosur |Chile |12 Jul 2006 |Serious concerns about working conditions in salmon industry, including workplace |Yes |

|(Chile) | | |deaths. Click here | |

|Fujitsu Technology |China |29 Apr 2009 |NGOs say Excelsior Electronics and buyer Fujitsu Siemens provided weak responses to |Yes |

|Solutions (Netherlands) | | |report of factory labour abuses. Click here | |

|Full Start |China |19 Dec 2007, |Workers in Junxingye factory (owned by Full Start) making crucifixes for religious gift |Yes |

|(China) | |16 Jan 2008 |shops in US work 15-hour days in poor conditions, says Natl. Labor Committee (USA). | |

| | | |Click here | |


[1] Situation resolved before Foxconn responded.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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