Scope Of Green Energy in India - Kalyankaari

A PRoject report onScope Of Green Energy in India23018755549900Submitted By:Anirudh Pai 11-735Swapnil Rane 11-742Manal Salgaonkar11-744Jayesh Sangale 11-745Bhushan Tayade 11-752Rohan Vaidya 11-75500Submitted By:Anirudh Pai 11-735Swapnil Rane 11-742Manal Salgaonkar11-744Jayesh Sangale 11-745Bhushan Tayade 11-752Rohan Vaidya 11-755 IntroductionRenewable energy?is?energy?which comes from?natural resources?such as?sunlight,?wind,?rain,?tides, and?geothermal heat, which are?renewable?(naturally replenished). About 16% of global final energy consumption comes from renewables, with 10% coming from traditional?biomass, which is mainly used for?heating, and 3.4% from?hydroelectricity. New renewables (small hydro, modern biomass, wind, solar, geothermal, and biofuels) accounted for another 3% and are growing very rapidly.?The share of renewables in?electricity generation?is around 19%, with 16% of global electricity coming from hydroelectricity and 3% from new renewables. The share of RE in the energy sector is 10.63%Renewable energy?in?India?Renewable energy?in?India?is a sector that is still underdeveloped. India was the first country in the world to set up a ministry of?non-conventional energy?resources, in early 1980s. However its success has been very spotty. In recent years India has been lagging behind other nations in the use of renewable energy (RE). The share of RE in the energy sector, as on March 2011, is 10.63% of total generation capacity of India. Renewable energy in India comes under the purview of the?Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.ObjectivesGlobal Warming: - Global warming has become the major threat in front of the entire world & hence all countries, government, corporates are finding the solutions to face the global warming.The solution is the use of the alternative resources. The alternative resources should be such that it should be available in huge quantity & the most imp thing is that it should be clean. Limited natural resources & to mitigate energy resources:- AS the natural resources like petrol, diesel available in a limited quantity & also the pollution created by these resources is polluting the environment. As the India is an emerging economy, it has become very important to make available the energy to the corporates as many of the foreign investors are hesitating to invest in India due the energy problems for the industries.Hence to mitigate all these problems Green Energy has a huge scope in India. FutureBy just looking at the figures of the investment done by the companies we will come to know the future of the green energy in India. The articles of economic times & also the table shown below give the clear picture of the future of Green Energy in India.668655640715MUMBAI: Mahindra Solar One, a joint venture between the?Mahindra Group?and Kiran Energy, plans to invest 1,000 crore in?solar power?generation to build a capacity of 100 megawatts over the next two years"Our target is to be among the top three players in the solar industry in the next five years,"? HYPERLINK "" Anand Mahindra, vice-chairman and managing director, Mahindra & Mahindra, told ET.00MUMBAI: Mahindra Solar One, a joint venture between the?Mahindra Group?and Kiran Energy, plans to invest 1,000 crore in?solar power?generation to build a capacity of 100 megawatts over the next two years"Our target is to be among the top three players in the solar industry in the next five years,"? HYPERLINK "" Anand Mahindra, vice-chairman and managing director, Mahindra & Mahindra, told ET.Private Sector Development7200904155440Tata Power to invest Rs 1,300 crore in wind, solar energyTata Power Company (TPC) will invest Rs 1,300 crore in 2011-12 to add 185 Mw generation capacity from wind and solar energyThe company, which commissioned a 3-Mw solar power in Maharashtra’s Mulshi last month, is targeting to add 35 Mw from solar in FY12 that will entail investing Rs 550 crore, TPC Executive Director S Ramakrishnan said00Tata Power to invest Rs 1,300 crore in wind, solar energyTata Power Company (TPC) will invest Rs 1,300 crore in 2011-12 to add 185 Mw generation capacity from wind and solar energyThe company, which commissioned a 3-Mw solar power in Maharashtra’s Mulshi last month, is targeting to add 35 Mw from solar in FY12 that will entail investing Rs 550 crore, TPC Executive Director S Ramakrishnan saidAdvantages & LimitationsIndia is emerging as a strong global force. So to sustain its development India must have energy resources which would be sufficient as well as renewable.Thus the advantages which green energy would give India are;AdvantagesClean- recent survey of 2011 shows 2 cities of India, Ludhiana and Kanpur are among most polluted cities in the world. So green energy would help India get less polluted. Cities would be clean.Almost unlimited- with India’s growing population in mind, it needs energy resources which would be capable of sustaining this growth. Green enrgy being unlimited would definitely serve this purpose.Self sufficiency- about 70% India’s energy generation capacity is fulfilled by fossil fuels, coal -40%. India’s dependency on imports is expected to rise above 53% in 2030. Nuclear treaty is signed for that purpose. So Green enrgy projects if undertaken in India would make it self dependent.Cheaper than fossil fuel- once capital cost is incurred India would get energy at lesser cost than fossil fuels, keeping in mind the inflating costs of fossil fuels.Low maintenance and operating cost- no labour as such is required to work continuously. Also maintenance is minimal for machinery used in trapping renewable sources.Energy storage- All this green energy can be stored. Thus it is not necessary to keep the process ongoing especially in small scale. thus availability of energy is very good.Reduce illness- lung or cardiac illnesses which are seen in polluted cities would be reduced due to this green and clean energy.Availability in various sizes- Solar energy can be made available from 100 Watt to even 1000 Watt or more so it is not limited in quantity as such. Thus green energy can be utilised on large as well as small scale.Limitations or Constraints of Green Energy in IndiaLarge use of space- wind energy, tidal energy requires large space for plant. So that may prove as a constraint in India due to population growth and land constraint.Location suitability- Solar cannot be in hilly regions where as tidal energy can be utilised only in coastal areas.Time consuming- recharging the appliances or machinery requires lots of time if it runs out of stored energy and storage of all the energy in turn is time consuming.Limited potential: Limited potential of tidal and wind energy shows that not much can be obtained from the vast coastal area of IndiaCapital cost high- Procurement and Installation cost of equipments is very high.No immediate returns- The companies undertaking green energy projects won’t get quick returns on their investment so not many of them would be interested in these projects.Technical difficulties- due to less wind or too much wind propellers on wind mills may do not move or fall apart. Similarly in rainy seasons due to clouding solar panels won’t charge.Trend AnalysisSurveyPrimary Survey:Through Facebook: Green Energy pageAround 50 people answered survey questions.Secondary Survey:We have taken reference of survey conducted by-86169533401000A total of 509 respondents were interviewed for this survey.Findings:Overall, we found a general lack of education and understanding about renewable energy, though the people surveyed were very enthusiastic about renewable energy concepts. Survey respondents were more aware of Solar than other renewable energy technologies, though this was primarily due to awareness of solar water heaters. Awareness of wind energy was surprisingly low. Awareness of energy efficiency and the BEE Star label was especially low. Governments have a responsibility to communicate and educate their constituents about subsidy programs and policies, while renewable energy ind ustry participants need to educ ate communities before and during project development, in order to achieve community “buy - in” and avoid poten tial backlash. Conclusion India is a nation in transition.Coal fired generation currently provides two thirds of the generation capacity, and hydropower supplies the other third. Yet, India is blessed with vast resources of renewable energy in solar, wind, biomass and small hydro. In fact, the technical potential of these renewables exceeds the present installed generation capacity.?Unique in the world, India has the only Ministry that is dedicated to the development of renewable energies: the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.?Renewable energy remains a small fraction of installed capacity, yet India is blessed with over 150,000MW of exploitable renewables.?We hope that it will encourage even more rapid and extensive development of the renewable energy resources on the Indian subcontinent ................

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