Hermitage Primary school

37221902607700left-2508000040376121479500Climate ChangeEndangered SpeciesThe International Union for?Conservation?of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) researches, records and keeps detailed and up to date lists of endangered species all over the world.?Various factors cause the numbers of a species to decline, such as over-hunting, deforestation, weather changes, loss of habitat as well as climate change. Please watch watch?v=7k8CcAU2Lt0right112807200Your task is to choose an endangered species of your choice to research in detail, identifying and recording key information to then use that information to create a poster, leaflet or fact file to highlight the issues surrounding the endangered species of your choice. How to create your work is your choice too, either on paper or on the computer. Information to include:Name of your chosen species.Geographical location.Number of species left in the wild.Habitat and diet details.Reasons why species is endangered.Explain why your species is important, interesting and worth saving.We are intrigued to discover which species is of particular interest to you and are looking forward to sharing in your learning.-5462641365800Climate ChangeEndangered SpeciesSource: ChangeEndangered SpeciesUseful websites: 4108863216700 ................

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