NAME__________________________________________________PSYCHOLOGY STUDY GUIDE: UNIT 1

1. Define psychology.

2. What methods do psychologists rely on when they do research?

3. Who established the first psychology lab (in Germany in 1879)?

4. Who is the “father” of psychology?

5. Define introspection.

6. Which school of thought believes psychology should study the component parts of conscious experience?

7. What was Pavlov studying when he discovered the idea of conditioned behavior?

8. Describe Pavlov’s experiment.

9. Give an example of an innate reflex.

10. Give an example of a conditioned reflex.

11. Why is William James significant in the field of psychology?

12. What does the school if functionalism stress?

13. Define psychoanalysis.

14. Who was the “father” of psychoanalysis?

15. Define “Freudian slip.”

16. Why is Freud still important, even though many of his theories have been proven wrong?

17. What is the basic approach of the behaviorist perspective?

18. Who were the two most influential psychologists in the behaviorist perspective?

19. Which philosophy emphasizes individual growth and freedom to change?

20. Who were the two most influential psychologists in the humanistic perspective?

21-25. List the five levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy, from the bottom to the top, and give 2 examples of each.

26. Which perspective studies the thinking and learning process?

27. What do followers of the biological perspective study?

28-35. List the eight subfields in psychology

36-43. Name at least eight careers in psychology.

44. What’s another name for the biological perspective?

45. Who is identified as being a leader in the biological perspective?

46. What is the focus of the psychodynamic perspective?

47. What is the focus of the socio-cultural perspective?

48. What psychologist is associated with the socio-cultural perspective?

49. What psychologists are associated with the cognitive perspective?

50. What is the Zone of Proximal Development?



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