ASSIGNMENT 8EN360 Technical CommunicationDirections: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the "Assignment Format" page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.Part A: Email/Text ProblemsWhat are some of the problems that you have experienced when writing or receiving poorly, perhaps hastily, written emails/texts? Describe at least five (5) types of issues.In receiving poorly written emails, I have experienced several issues that I feel contribute to an overall sense of carelessness. I recently received an email-letter from a hotel regarding a future visit that had been mismanaged. The letter had three spelling errors (“exited” rather than “excited,” for example), several word choice/spelling errors (“good well” instead of “good will”), a couple of typos (“incase,” rather than “in case”), and pronoun errors (“all you needs” rather than “all your needs”). The fluency was also poor, although this was not as big an issue. One sentence, for example, read, “please let me know if you have an estimated time of arrival and if you will be primary payer for your room charges,” jumping from one thought to another with no sense of transition.Part B: Writing a Process DescriptionSelect a specialized process that you understand well and that has several distinct steps. Using the process description discussed in Chapter 19 of your textbook as a model, write a one page description of this process.One type of specialized process is editing digital photography, a personal hobby. In order to achieve commercial quality prints, one should follow the following procedures carefully. The first step in editing digital photography is to upload the photos from the camera to the computer. This is accomplished through connecting the camera to the computer. Drivers will automate a message prompting the user to click a “get images” command, and images will upload. Save your uploaded images to your desired location.The second step is to open the workspace and organize your images. I prefer Adobe Lightroom, but any photo editing application will work. Open the workspace and navigate to the folder where you have saved your uploaded images. Open the desired number of images you would like to work with; I recommend approximately thirty to fifty at a time.The third step is to conduct a quick sort through these images and immediately discard any poor images. If you are uncertain about the quality or value of an image, keep it. You can always decide later if you should retain it. The fourth step is to edit the remaining images. In Lightroom this is quickly and efficiently accomplished through use of something known as a preset. Presets also assure that all images in a group will maintain a consistent look. The final step is to save your images and all work. This can either be done with a batch process or by individually saving each photo. The process for editing digital photography can be time consuming, but through use of a simple system the photographer can make it much less so. Through routine steps that normalize uploading, processing, and saving photo work, the photographer can accomplish much in a relatively short amount of time. Through use of these steps, the photographer will develop a workflow that will allow her or him to process photos quickly, efficiently, and consistently. Part C: Difficult to Follow InstructionsFind a short set of instructions or some other technical document from work or the Internet that is hard to follow. Replicate or download those instructions at the top of a one-page analysis. Assume that you are the Associate Director of Communications for the company that produced this document and that you are doing a final review before the document is released. Using the “Checklist for Instructions and Procedures” on the following page (also found in Chapter 20 of your textbook), identify what, specifically, makes the document difficult to use, providing a specific reference for each problem area.From a Lutron C-L Dimmer Installation Instruction Manual wallplate and switch mounting screws. Leaving all wires attached, carefully remove switch from wall. 3-Identify switch type. Single pole- The switch will have insulated wires connected to two screws of the same color plus a green ground screw. (See Single Pole Diagrams A1 & A2 ) 3-way- 3-way switches will have insulated wires connected to three screws plus a green ground screw. One of these wires is connected to a screw of a different color (not green) or labeled COMMON. Tag this wire to identify when removing. 4-Disconnect the wires when removing. Your wall switch may have two wires attached to the same screw. Tape these two wires together before disconnecting. For installations involving more than one control in a wallbox. See Multigang and Mixed Bulb Type Installation and Maximum Allowable Wattage (on other side) 5-Prepare wires: Push-In Terminals: Insert wires fully. Note: Backwire holes are for use with 14 AWG (1.5 mm2) solid copper wire only. For aluminum wire, consult an electrician. DO NOT use stranded or twisted wire. Screw Terminals: Tighten securely. Screw terminals are for use with solid copper wire only. For aluminum wire, consult an electrician. DO NOT use stranded or twisted wire. 6A: Replacing a single pole switch. Switch will be replaced with a Dimmer.This is a brief portion of a much more extensive Lutron installation guide for a dimmer. Its intended audience is widely variant; it could be anyone from a layperson-homeowner installing the dimmer in his/her own home or an electrician who probably has no real need of the instructions in order to complete the task. The instructions are fairly difficult to follow, due more to the reader’s lack of knowledge and skill of the involved procedures and Lutron’s failure to take that into consideration. As far as content is concern, Lutron titled the piece appropriately and did well to provide appropriate notes or cautions prior to each step. The text, though, was written more for a person involved in electrical work than it was for the common layperson. If I had attempted to complete this task on my own, simply using the instructions, I do not think I would have been successful. There are very few illustrative examples, and no explanations for the overarching purpose of each step. Additionally, Lutron does not do a very good job of providing cautions where cautions are necessary. It provides a single general caution statement at the forefront of the document, but should probably adjure safety at other critical spaces, as well, such as when the reader is asked to cut the wires. Despite this, Lutron receives an A for organization of its content. Content is clearly labelled with numbers, with instructions following a precise sequence of events. Style-wise, Lutron does well to begin each sentence with an action verb (identify, remove, disconnect, prepare…). This is excellent. It does begin with material that the reader would be more apt to understand before progressing on to more difficult information, conceptually. It needs to define some of this material a bit more expressively. Part of the problem with the Lutron document is its page design. The text is very small, and crushed together in an effort to fit everything together on one small paper. There is very little white space to give the reader’s eyes a rest. This could be changed, and improve the readability vastly. Part D: Ted Talk Lecture EvaluationWatch a 10-20 minute TED Talks lecture online (). There are 27 evaluation criteria on the “Checklist for Oral Presentations” below (also found in Chapter 24 of your textbook). Select 10 among them that you believe are most salient for this speaker. Identify strong areas and areas that could have been better. Provide an example for each. (These are skilled speakers, so you'll probably be highlighting more strengths than weaknesses.) ................

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