3:10 to Yuma, is a western of a new generation

Student______Rosario_______________________ English 1000C Essay Number____3_____


Instructions: For each essay, complete a coversheet after you have written a discovery draft and then submit the coversheet with all subsequent drafts of the essay, revising the coversheet as needed if your approach to the essay changes. You may write on the back of this sheet if you need more room.

1. In a word or phrase, describe your topic. __________Critical Review____________________________

2. In a word or phrase, give your working title. _______3:10 to Yuma_______________________________

3. Complete the following sentence that tells why you are an insider on this subject; that is, what qualifies you to write on this subject.?

I am an insider on this subject because I watched he movie, and I am familiar with theses types of movies.

4. In two to four sentences complete the following, which should describe your target audience in specific terms: class, gender, race, age, educational level, geographical location and the like.

My target readers are anyone who enjoys a good film, and like to read a review of what they saw.

However, adults are the primary target.

I have chosen this specific audience because this is the group that watches the movie.

5. Complete the following statements that indicate (a) the purpose that you want to achieve in writing this essay for this specific audience and (b) the response you expect from this audience.

My purpose in writing this essay is to review the movie “310 to Yuma”

Rosario DiGangi

April 23, 2008

English 1000C

Professor Leston

Discovery Draft


“3:10 to Yuma”

3:10 to Yuma is a western of a new generation. Its modernized picture, with classic character motif and attitudes took a film with great potential and shot it strait to the top. 3:10 to Yuma is a film that anyone can enjoy. It is the epitome of entertainment, wither a family, a couple, or a notorious group of friends going to catch a matinee, any and all can sit down with a giant tub of hot popcorn, and a tall icy cup of coke and become mesmerized. The constant suspense, action, meaningful dialogues, and passionate tones keep viewers anxious for more. I feel that this cowboy movie is good enough to fall into the same category with some of the 20th century classics. 3:10 to Yuma should be held in the highest regards. Put this DVD right next to “Hang em High,” and “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly,” films that stared Clint Eastwood, probably the most accomplished western star of all time, soon the actors of 3:10 to Yuma will be granted equal respect.

Although cowboy movies are not commonly known to be works of art, 3:10 to Yuma is an absolute masterpiece, fives stars, and two thumbs up. The detail and pure excellence in every scene only supported its award-winning title. 3:10 to Yuma is a 2007 Academy Award nominated film that is a remake of the original which debuted in1957. Thus making it the second film based on Elmore Leonard’s short story. The film is directed by James Mangold and stars Russell Crowe and Christian Bale... the flawless acting in conjunction with the plot twists, and deep meaning of ever scene truly forced me to realize it’s potential.


The Plot is great, yet there are still some flaws. In my opinion, one of the biggest issues with this film is the angle some of the action scenes were shot. The plot is very different from most other westerns, but there were still those classis battles. The fresh characters, that were jaded in the 1957 film, were are greatly needed improvement. Yes, it does include an outlaw, a bounty, and various monetary issues, but the charismatic, charming ways of our villain surprisingly moves viewers to fall for him. Dan Evans (Christian Bale) is a hardworking man, but he has bad luck, and no money. His family is ashamed of their farm, his wife is loosing her love for him, and only one of his sons respect him. However he is a Civil War veteran, and has a great shot! Don’t worry gun fans, there a plenty of quickly drawled revolvers. Dan Evans runs into the railroad owner in a bar after being equated with Ben Wade (Russell Crowe). He is offered $200, which at the time was a rather large sum of money, just for aiding in the successful transport of this murderous thief. He sees transporting the prisoner as a chance to make money, and make a name for himself, and gain some respect for his family. During the journey to the train, which is where our title comes from, (3:10 pm train to Yuma Prison) Ben Wade kills his captors one by one. There are struggles, fights, bullets zooming, and a very emotional death at the end. But our tragic hero succeeds. It is a fantastic move that keep its viewers on the edge of his or her seat.


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