Mother/Daughter Events - OoCities

Mother/Daughter Events

A big hit at our Leader Daughter (and our school's Girl's Night Out) is Bingo. Since we have smaller numbers at Leader Daughter, we make sure every girl goes home with a prize. At Girl's Night Out, we just try to spread the prizes around. One way to do this is: If you have already had Bingo, someone else from your table who hasn't won gets "your" 2nd or 3rd or whatever prize. And no the girls don't mind not getting more than one prize. And if everyone at your table has won, you let someone from another table get that prize. Because we are in a big room, without a microphone, Moms usually end up repeating the number for the girls. Pretty soon everyone is echoing the number (and having a great time doing it!)

We also get blank Bingo cards and either have GIRLS (for Girls Night Out) or SCOUT (Leader/Daughter) as the letters across the top (instead of BINGO). Then the players write numbers on their cards (before the game of course!). The caller reminds everyone which range of numbers go in which column. We use beans or smarties or M&M's for markers. Prizes don't have to be big, check out Dollar stores, Oriental Traders, etc for trinkets. Girls just love to "win" something. Sally Garnaat

Great ideas, Lynn. You're right on the money. You want to have some sharing time - maybe an ice-breaker so that everyone will get to meet some new people..... else they tend to stay in small groups. Maybe some songs

that the girls, leaders, moms can take back to the troops - these won't cost anything. :) You might ask a couple of questions: How many moms were GS as children? Share something wonderful you remember from your youth. Girls, what would you like to do.... be..... learn..... earn..... somthing like that to get

everyone sharing. "Nana Bev"

Another thing to add - when we do our mother / daughter tea events - we have the girls make up a small 'memory card' - (basically any color construction paper folded in half) - let them draw themselves and mom on the front – and with moms help - put Mom and Me - Tea Party -or- Mother Daughter Tea

Party.... for the inside - we have a Polaroid camera available and take a picture of both together (and charge $1 - for each photo) for them to glue inside the card. We also have had stickers and some stamps available (donated) – if they wish to 'spice' the cards up more. Also - since you are trying to get events going - do not be shy in asking any local company (craft/ food/ supply shop...) for help - you can give them an in-kind sheet available for your local council I just held Daisy Days for our SU we had 30 (10 pages each ) coloring books of the GS law (copied and donated by Mail Box Express) sit - upons - the stuffing (newspaper) from the newspaper co - the outer cover (Wall Paper booklets)donated by Sherwin Williams Paint Centers - first aid kits - the film canisters -( from click camera )- the Band-Aids - (from Rite -Aid) planting 'Daisy Seeds' - soil and seeds donated from Wal-mart as you can see - beyond the trial mix (which was my most expensive item) -

this event cost little - but offered alot ---this was for 26 Daisy's - you would be surprised by how much help I get just by saying "Im with Girl Scouts and I am looking for..” "Thomas Contento"

Do you have anyone who knows about "Tea Etiquette"? If not maybe someone does who will be willing to come and share, or someone else will know and tell you so you can share. You may be able to find some gloves, hats, etc. that the girls could "try on" and have pictures made in!! We have a tearoom here that does this. I

may try to get some info if I can and send you. I'm just over surgery and not moving fast. Maybe you could search the net for teas and their origins to share with the ladies. I've thought of having a "Woman of Distinction" Tea and have ladies in various fields come and talk about their professions. Or have an

international talk about their country. "Donne Tuttle"

The last mother/daughter SU event we had was a dinner several years ago. The sponsoring troop arranged for a demonstration of girls sports featuring girls from a local karate school. The girls liked it a lot. We have also had demonstrations and speakers from the local police department speak about safety-walking home from school, bike riding, walking after dark, etc. I hope these spark some ideas for your tea. JudiBackof@

How about having a decorate your spring hat contest??? Kind of like an Easter Bonnet Parade...

Girls and Moms come dressed and wear their decorated hats... You could have categories for

Most Outrageous Most Spring-like Funniest etc. Kathy jartskyd@

An ice breaker would be great. How about a people scavenger hunt?

Things like:

someone who was a GS for 5 or more years

Someone who shares the same birth month

Someone with a dog

Someone who can recite the GS Law and the GS promise

Someone who is a stay- at-home mom


This gets people up and out of their seats mingling while the late comers are arriving. Little effort and no expense on your part. Also, songs I think are always great. "Sue Willming"

How about a craft? Something simple that the girls can take home? Maybe they can make their Moms a tissue paper carnation, or something with a small paper doily? Kermit

The program sounds great but if you feel you need alittle more how about a flag Ceremony or other GS Ceremony to open the event. Just a thought, sounds great!! Have fun!! Kelly Ricker

Bring a tape player, hook into a sound system if possible, and put on Melinda Carroll's "Girl Scouts Greatest Hits". Maybe circulate the list of titles, and ask the moms to circle the ones they remember from their GS

days. And then have a sing-along. Or maybe every 20-30 mins get up and lead them in a song. I think it might be fun, and certainly would add "something" to your plan. Lela earnes@

Aren't you the ambitious one! I'm in my second year as SUM, and I've only done day events at our local council camp - girls and leaders, no Mom's! Anyway, you might select a troop to do an opening ceremony, and another to do the closing ceremony. This would give your event a Girl Scout "tone", and give the girls a chance to shine in front of their moms. Would also use up some of your time! Another idea would be to have a troop lead everyone in some GS songs. This could be done after your fashion show to use up any "extra" time. Another thing they might enjoy would be if you could get up with some local Mary Kay, Merle Norman, or Avon folks who could set up a table and do "make-overs" for Moms and daughters (if that wouldn't be

construed as supporting a commercial endeavor - I wouldn't see it that way, but I know there have been some rather starched posts on the lists, so you might check that with your council people first). Our local rec dept. does a Father/Daughter thing, and they have a local photographer who comes and sets up, and you can pay him to have a photo done. He does a backdrop and everything - very nice (just framed ours). That would be a nice special thing, and wouldn't cost you anything - you would just need to contact the right photographer.

Beth Wicker Walters Leader, Brownie Troop 419 Girl Scouts of the Pee Dee Area, SC

I am also hostng our mother daughter tea su event. I asked a local photography studio to come and take photos. they are doing it free for the service unit. the girls and mom can purchase photo packages for them to have. i dont know if this idea can be helpful. my tea's theme is japan. im doing a japanese tea ceremony and renting the kimonos for there photos. we also are aving a raffle with items donated by the community. your tea sounds like it wll be fun what you are offering. Jackie Ruiz Brownie leader in Ohio

How about having them decorate hats together and then the girls can have their own fashion parade? I found the hats through KIPS for about $1.50 each. Liz Fox South Beach, Oregon keokuk@

We had a Junior lock in last year and we had a fashion show late that night. Our fashions were unique because the girls made theirs out of white trash bags and markers and stickers. They cut the bags for hair accessories

and belts. These girls looked good. Each group come and made theirs and then they had their fashion show after all were made. The imaginations were great! We had some that even made basketball uniforms and put their school on them. They were cute. Faith Hale Cadette & Brownie Leader Tennessee

We did a Mother/Daughter party in our troop last year. I'm not sure if all would work in a SU setting, but some might be adaptable: Girls polish Mom's nails (fingers or toes!). Girls brought the polish. Girls make and serve ice cream sundae for Mom. Each girl and Mom brought a baby picture and we guessed who was who (no prizes, just for fun). Each Mom wrote down something her daughter didn't know about her and we guessed who it was (Leader read the papers to the group--again, no prizes). We took a picture of each pair with the gift girls had made earlier and gave it to them after film was developed. You could use instant film, but much more expensive. Gift was a small flower seedling planted in a cute metal watering can from the dollar store, put into a decorated pastel lunch bag, top of bag folded over, 2 holes punched, threaded with ribbon and tied in a bow. Some of the seedlings were too tall to fold bag over--they just left those open. Laura Cadette Leader, NJ

We decorate straw hats each year when I teach an American Girl (Felicity- the Colonial character) class.

We purchase the wide brimmed straw hats at the craft store (AC Moore, Michaels or Rag Shop) for about $.99. The cost killer is the ribbon and silk flowers...but sometimes we get donations from parents craft closets


Our troop would like to do a "mad-hatter's tea party" for our mother-daughter event. We hope to find a source of cheap, garden-style straw or felt hats that the moms and girls can decorate. I've checked Oriental Trading Co. and couldn't find the style we need, only beachcombers and pith helmets. Does anyone have any suggestions for another source? (Yes, I've checked Salvation Army, too) We need around 30 hats... Liz -

...using resources wisely...use brown grocery bags. I do this with Daisies every year the first day of daycamp. Take a brown shopping bag and roll it up tight a few times in different directions. This will 'loosen' the paper up a bit. Then turn it inside out (not easy but it can be done). This gets rid of any store printing and makes the

bottom (which will become the inside-top of the hat) a bit rounder. Roll the edge of the bag up a few times to form a cuff. Every roll will shrink the opening which will need to be done for smaller heads. You should get a

true, Mad Hatter-type shape. Use colored paper hat bands and glitter, paint, markers, crayons, feathers, or confetti to decorate. If you really want to stick to an Alice in Wonderland theme. Ask the girls to bring old playing cards they don't want, pictures of white rabbits, stop watches and such. They can use or share whatever they bring to help decorate their hats. Some stores carry the 'Hearts' card game with the white rabbit dressed as a hearts card on each card. We've used these for name tags by adding a file folder label to the front of each card and adding yarn for the girls to wear as necklaces. If you do door prizes, have a matching set of cards and draw from a 'Mad Hatters' hat. Who ever's necklace/nametag matches wins a prize...flavored teas and unique teacups for the adults, small bags of shortbread tea cookies for the girls, flowers or whatever.

Karen McNaughton, GSC of Greater St. Louis - Troop 250

When we did an Easter bonnet making session a few years back we used catering hats. The ones used by people who work in delicatessens and butchers etc. We went to a shop that we knew that sold uniforms for those in the hotel and catering trade and they had several types. We chose a trilby style which had a solid brim and a mesh crown (some girls were creative enough to weave coloured threads through the mesh!)

These hats were fairly cheap as they were pretty flimsy and designed to be thrown away fairly frequently.

Jane Yeadon 4th Gipsy Hill Brownies London, UK

.Just last week, 2 moms in my troop made fancy hats for a tea party to be held next week. This is what they did.

At a cake store, they bought large round cardboard cakeboards. They drew a circle in middle big enough to sit on the crown of a girl's head and cut it out with an exacto knife. Slits were made on opposite sides of hole.

The girls painted the underside (brown). Then they fed 2 yards of nylon net through two slits. This formed the

"top" of the hat and the lengths were tied for a big bow effect under the chin.

They decorated top and net with glitter glue and rhinestones and any other left over materials like rickrack and artificial flower.Jean

You might ask around and see if any of the girls play instruments. We had a girl play the violin for our mother/daughter tea. You could also ask the troops to put on a small variety show. The girls around here are always excited when it comes to putting on a short skit. Debbie

Just a suggestion if you wanted something else to do. We had a very successful "facial" session. We had everyone bring in wash cloths, towels and something to keep the hair off their faces. We made recipes with natural ingredients for a facial mask, cleanser, toner, etc. They weren't real cheap, but I think they could be adapted for the event. For example, an oatmeal and milk facial mask, cleanser was egg whites and honey, toner was sliced cucumbers rubbed on the face. They really enjoyed it. It was a nice "bonding" experience. There were some more expensive ingredients added like rosewater, but I don't think they were absolutely necessary. Lynn Chaput Leicester, Mass Br & Jr Leader & SUM Montachusett GSC

Lynn, We have a father-daughter event every year. One thing that we do that is very successful is a "post office." You just need to make post card size cards out of cardstock. The girls write a message to their parent on the card and post it on a bulletin board. The parent then has to purchase the card for 25 cents. It can happen vice versa. They usually write little love notes. I never thought this would work. Girls of all ages loved it. It ran through out the whole event. You could use the money for next year's event. How about the Girl Scouts performing a Girl Scout song for the moms? Our Girl Scouts did "G for Generosity" it has lots of fun actions and the parents loved it. A slide show is always nice but you probably don't have time for that. Could your leaders perform "Glory, Glory I'm a Leader..." That is easy and entertaining for parents and girls. I found it on the internet somewhere. Elizabeth Schwerm Jr GS Leader & SUM St. Paul, Minnesota

What we did at our recent M/D tea was have a "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" game. The daughters came up to the mike one by one and were asked a question with four possible answers. They were allowed one "phone

a friend" who was their mom. But they had to say "mommy please help me". It sounds silly and it was-but even the Cadettes & Seniors were into it. They tried to outdo each other with their plaintive cries. The question

was usually something from before their time-TV shows, music etc of the 60's & 70's. Something the mom would know but not necessarily the daughter. I was surprised at how much some of the girls did know. It must

be Nick at Night that did it. Anyway it was a lot of fun.

Another year mothers and daughters each had a questionnaire to fill out about the other. Moms had to answer questions about their daughter's favorite singing group or the boy she likes etc while the daughters had to

answer questions about their mom's favorite subject in school, the names of her pet(s) when she was young, her first date etc. We found out a lot about each other. Winners were given a small prize-it doesn't have to be

anything expensive. Pat DeNatale

If you know someone who does magic tricks, you could have him/her go from table to table entertaining everyone. This was done at a similar event in our SU several years ago and most of moms and daughters were very pleased. Along the same lines you could have someone go around painting small face

designs on the girls. Alisanne

We had a mother/daughter tea at the Ritz years ago. One girl brought hats donated by a grandma and each girl wore one. Eating and chatting happily filled two hours. BE sure you have plenty--even if the finger sandwiches

are pimento cheese, cucumber with cream cheese, and peanut butter with raisin bread! We had finger sandwiches, cookies, and tea. However, if you think you must fill the time, why not have the moms share in small groups their favorite memory from Girl Scouts (if they were Scouts), or of sharing something special with their moms, or of their happiest or funniest childhood memory, or of time they got into mischief. You could also come up with a challenge of some sort or mental problem to work out, or ask things like "Are you a rose or a lily? Why". You could prepare questions on cards in advance--even use them as place cards. Then, if there is time, ask if there is anyone who wants to share a story with the whole group. You could have some "tea type" music--simple songs that are easy to teach or you can figure most know--either girls or adults. Maybe "Tea for Two", "Daisy (Bicycle Built for Two)", etc. I guess what you want is to overplan so no one is bored. 8-)

Deborah Gaudier Houston TX

I was involved in a Mother/Daughter Tea several years ago and the hit of the event was that we took photos of each mother/daughter that attended. When the photos were printed we gave them to the leaders to give to the parents. What a nice way to remember the event! Becky

Do you do Origami? I know you said it had to be "self-directed" but Origami is cheap, requires only paper, and there are many simple things to make. Check out the internet for some simple patterns. I can't tell you

how in a post and it is often better to see pictures as you go. I'll bet you have some moms who can even help with this if you ask.

Barring that what about finding or borrowing some cool rubber stamps, cut paper in half and let the moms and daughters make "stationary", now after they have stamped that, take a piece of card stock and fold it in half,

fold over one corner and tape the two sides together to make a pocket to put the stationary in, this can be decorated as well with stamps, stickers etc. You can get inexpensive paper and card stock at most office

supply stores or if your lucky at a paper store. If you don't think you can find someone with rubber stamps, see if you can find a Dots or Stampin' Up representative to come and share her stamps with you. I would

let her hand out business cards to each family. You would of course provide the paper and maybe the stamp pads. Brenda V. (vogs@) Leader GSUSA Cadette Troop 5100 Chaparral Council, NM says,

Have you thought about having someone from your area sing or play (piano or some other instrument) we are having one and that is part of our entertainment. also it was suggested by one of our moms that everybody fill

out a name tag when they come in but not put it on--then you give out the name tags and everybody has to find their name--a good ice breaker. our girls are painting flower pots and planting flowers to give to their moms.

we will use the flowers and plants as our decorations. rcokat@. tell me if you get any more good ideas--ours is may RCOKAT@

I got too happy with the delete key, so hope you don't mind if I answer Lynn (who has a mother-daughter tea planned and would like entertainment ideas) on the list: Our teenage youth group at church recently had a dinner event and unbeknownst to everyone, two sisters and their mom sang a duet (oops, trio-et? :). NO ONE knew that they had this kind of talent. They were wonderful and we loved it! Maybe you have a Girl Scout and/or parent or leader with talent who could perform? Just an idea... Dee Aberdeen, WA

They did a Garden Tea Party theme. They gave out at sign in a plant stake with either daisy, sunflower, rose, tulip etc written on 2x3 piece of paper then glued to it. This was to organize in different groups for wider games. The moms and daughters went around to each station to make a craft. The coordinators even had each craft prepackaged so everyone got the same amount. If you've seen Oriental Trading catalog lately, we did the

butterfly wreath made out of fun foam. It came out great. I was certainly impressed by the different crafts. One had wooden head doll ( that the girls made) and a stuffed gardening glove , some raffia and and a wire to hang it all up with. Early in the planning I was making sure they were on target when we realized they had pretty well spent every single dime coming in and did not have a snack. After brainstorming they came up with a decorated cake or dessert contest. We ended up with 27 very creative cakes, cookies, ice cream. One put ice cream in taco shells and had cherries and chocolate syrup for toppings. Two little girls spent all week working on a cookie basket with strawberry cake, coconut grass, and tulip cookies on sticks, unfortunately they didn't win :o( Voting was done by putting a bead in a cup next to your favorite dessert. Each couple got 6 beads to vote with. Every entry got a prize ( a flower in a pot candle), the ones with the most beads got an additional prize ( a picture frame.) Then near the end of the night we ate them. My troop did a fundraiser also. We took pictures of the mom/daughter. I used the clear cellophane Easter wrapping paper as a back drop. I found some with butterflies on it. We took ivy garland to line the sides and each couple held several bouquets of pink and yellow flowers. I spent 3 hours yesterday cutting out card stock frames. I cut a piece of 8x10 paper in half horizontally. Then I folded that in half and cut a 3x3 square out of the center to frame the polaroid picture. We even put a couple of butterfly stickers in the corner. I stole the whole idea for the frames from the troop that did the pictures

for our Father/Daughter event. Thanks Brenda! If you ever get a chance at a fundraiser like that , jump at it. We probably will clear $60-$80. Joy in NM GS Leader Junior Troop #3354 Chaparral GSC Albuquerque, NM

Are the girls registering as individuals with their mothers or in troops? You could have the troops put on skits or sing a song. You could consider also adding a piece that traces the history of Girl Scouts through clothing.

Your council may be able to help you with uniforms to lend. The other option might be games or an art project. Hope this helps. Judy Kessler Leader, Jr. Troop 1555 San Fernando Valley Girl Scout Council, LA, CA, USA

How about some of the girls volunteering to perform - play piano, sing, lead some singing, do a skit, whatever? Or have a group of leaders do a skit?

One year we asked for donations of door prizes from a variety of businesses and had so many that every girl got one and about a third of the moms got something. And it took up most of our time to draw names and give them the door prizes!

I also attended a tea at our church where a lady brought in her ceramics (it was a Christmas tea, so they were Christmas items). She also sold them, but for a Girl Scout event, you could just have them displayed.

Actually, after I helped with one, the feedback I got from my troop was that they really would have preferred to have had time to visit - that we didn't need to have some program type of thing going on the whole time.

Another thing we do - and a troop does this as a fund raiser - is to have a photo booth. The troop takes photos with an instant camera. They also provide the scenery, usually some type of tea setting.

Another troop does the corsages as a fund raiser - they are hand made. Penny K.

When I need to fill time at a big event, I create a sheet to help people mingle and get to know each other. We usually limit to 1/2 an hour...the girls could go for an hour or more.

Create a sheet with blanks to fill in, i.e.

find someone who:

has never been to disney world_________

was born in new york_______

has on sneakers________

has on 3 earrings_______

has a red hair decoration_______

has a mother named mary_______

goes to "country day school"________

has graduated college_______

is in 3rd grade________

is a nurse__________

has black shoe laces________

has a mickey mouse watch_______

They fill in the person's name in the blank, you can use a person only once. This helps people get to know each other...gets them to talk to each other...and fills in time. i usually do about 50 blanks to keep them busy.

You need a sheet and a pencil for each person. At the end, you can award a prize for the person who has the most filled in correctly or just read each line and have all the people who fit the description stand up.

Laurie La Scala GS of Rockland Cty, NY

We have done a new activity every year. Sleepovers and camping are not an option as we have nearly 700 girls in our District. We average about 300 girls and 200-250 moms at Me and My gal and guy events.

Me and My Gal ideas in past 2 years:

1.Keepsake Kritter party: prepaid fee paid for kit, District paid for snacks. We had to do this in 2 shifts becuse we had over 300 girls and with mom, it was over 500 people.

2. Share the Harvest Party: $3 per girl paid for large laundry baskets, decorations, turkey gift certificates, a few basket items and a patch for each girl. Each age level brought different non perishable items for the baskets. During the event, the girls and moms decorated the backets, filled them with a variety if foods and them made cheer cards for each one. THey were distributed through a local school and church to needy families. Held in early November

3. THis year we are hosting a "Positive Image" workshop for me and my gal- a morning event focusing on girls health- mind and body and positive image.

Rhonda Lennon

District Manager, Hornet's Nest

Junior Leader

We had our Service Unit event, Mamas in Pajamas. There were 60 girls, with

50 moms. Some moms (myself included) had 2 or more daughters there.

The event was held in the fellowship hall of a local church. It was open to

Daisy, Brownie, Junior, and Cadette and Senior Girl Scouts, but my oldest

was the only Cadette, as we had an older girl only event the same night.

Cost was $5 per person.

We arrived at 6 pm on Friday night. Girls in pajamas greeted us at the

door, and got us signed in. Everyone changed to their pajamas right away.

At 6:30 they had opening ceremonies, with an introduction of the troops

there, and the Promise and Law. We sang a few songs, and played some circle

games, like "A Tisket, a Tasket" and that jig song (lol, I can't explain

that one, but if you've seen it, you know it).

Pizza arrived just after 7, and dinner was served! Pizza, juice box, and


Then at 8 they started stations. There were 4 different stations that we

cycled through. First was a winter craft, then the 'Salon' where we did

each other's hair and nails. LOL, despite what she told me, my 8 yr old can

NOT French braid hair! Next was board games, there was a large variety of

games, my children loved Connect Four, which we had never tried before.

Last was simple beaded bracelets.

At 10:30 they started the movie, "Spirit", and served a snack mix. This

helped everyone wind down before lights out at 1am. We woke back up at 7,

and got dressed and packed up. Then breakfast (breakfast bar and juice box)

and some more games, this time with a large parachute. Then the closing

ceremony, and we headed home around 9.

I hope to do something similar next year, the event was a big hit, one of

the best we've had in the last year in my opinion.

Katy gsmommy1448@

Advisor to Cadette/Senior Troop #1448

Assistant Leader for Brownie Troop 21701 (no webpage YET)

SUD for Spring Peepers Service Unit

Georgia Girl Scouts

Our last SU mom/daughter sleepover was called "Jammin' in Jammies"

> We normally do not use Mama, Mother, Mommy in event names either, but the

> troop chairing this event had strong feelings about this one. And the flyer

> did state it was for registered Girl Scouts and their female adult family

> member. We also explained to those few without a female family member that they were welcome to bring a female family friend.

Our Council is sponsoring an all-day "Leader's Fest" on a Saturday next

month for leaders. We'll have several workshops and roundtable

discussions at a local college campus.

For leaders who need to bring their daughters, some enterprising Senior

Girl Scout will be having a "Leader's Daughters Fest" that will include

workshops and roundtable discussions for the daughters! Funny, the

daughters' event will actually begin about 30 min. earlier and end 30

min. later than the leader one. It will cost $20. Maybe a tad steep...

includes lunch and patch and I assume provides for numerous supplies and

girls will most likely take home some things. (such as clay project they

made) My 3rd grader has said she'd like to attend.

Leader's Daughter Fest workshops will include:

Knots for fun and survival

Working with clay


Games and songs


Science and Math

Their roundtable discussions will include:


The Best and Worst of Being a Leader's Daughter

How to handle the pressure when others quit

For any who want to know that the leaders will be doing...

Workshop topics listed for leaders (I don't know if there are any

unlisted ones) include team building, doing science, knots & knives, and

clay projects. Leaders will pick two for the morning sessions.

Roundtable discussions for leaders (also choose two) include

incorporating girls' lives into Girl Scouts, working with multilevel

troops, progressions in outdoor programming (are you really ready to go

camping?), New Directions material from GSUSA, opportunities for

Cadettes/Seniors, family inclusion in Girl Scouting, Junior issues, and

diversity. (religious, cultural, abilities)

I ran across this site that has plenty of info related to planning a

mother/daughter banquet.

(site is Christian-oriented; many of the ideas & links are not)

Planning mom/daughter banquets

Planning a Ladies Tea

Planning the Perfect Tea Party (this ***MUST*** be the ultimate in tea

party web sites!!)

Reflections of a Lovely Lady" Banquet Theme

"Cherished Memories" Mother-Daughter Banquet Theme

Let's Do Brunch!

Theme Index for more themes

Ultimate Survival - Island Theme

Ultimate Survival Quest - Medieval Theme

Let Your Light Shine

Seeds of Kindness

Spring Clean Up for Heart and Soul

Soul Food on My Table

Joybells Ringing In My Heart

Share Your Heart

A Night Under the Stars

A Tisket, A Tasket - God Has Filled My Blessing Basket

Door prizes for ladies' events



Games and ice-breaker ideas

Photos of banquet tables




1.  What is your mother's favorite hobby?


2.  What is your mother's favorite sports game?


3.  What is your mother's favorite room in the house?


4.  What is your mother's favorite color?


5.  What is your mother's favorite food?


6.  If your mother won an all expense paid vacation to anywhere, where would

she go?


7.  What is your mother's favorite spot in Maine (you just substitute your

state here)?


8.  What is your mother's favorite Holiday?


9.  What is your mother's favorite way to relax?


10.  What is the color of your mother's eyes?


11.  What is your mother's favorite movie?


12.  What is your mother's favorite dessert?






1.  What is your daughter's favorite subject in school?


2.  What is your daughter's least favorite subject in school?


3.  What is your daughter's favorite room in the house?


4.  What is your daughter's favorite color?


5.  What is your daughter's favorite food?


6.  If your daughter won an all expense paid vacation to anywhere, where

would she go?


7.  What is your daughter's favorite spot in Maine(substitute your state



8.  What is your daughter's favorite Holiday?


9.  What is your daughter's favorite way to relax?


10.  What is the color of your daughter's eyes?


11.  What is your daughter's favorite TV show?


12.  What is your daughter's favorite snack food?

Subj: Mother/Daughter Tea - Redefined Newlywed game

Date: 4/5/2002

From: Peggy.Rios@

Alicia Hoft was so great to give me the suggestion. I then went to 100 of

my closest buddies (ok 5 or 10)! and came up with the following list of

questions to be used. I hope this will be useful in some way or at least to

help you with your creative juices. Here goes!

Who is your daughter's favorite singer/actress/actor/athlete?

Daughter's favorite CD?

Who would your daughter say is the ultimate boy band? NSYNC or BACKSTREET


Does your daughter prefer chocolate or vanilla ice cream?

What is your daughter's favorite subject in school?

Does your daughter prefer music or art class?

Would your mom rather go to a movie or watch a video?

What is your mom's favorite shade of lipstick?

Who is your mom's favorite singer/acress/actor/athlete?

What is your mom's ring size/shoe size?

What is the name of the parfume your mom wears?

Who is your mom's favorite author?

What is your mom's favorite shade of nail polish?

How much did the tooth fairy bring you for your first tooth?

What about your mom makes you the most proud?

What was your daughter's first word?

Who in your family does your daughter remind you of?

What TV character do you compare your mother to?

Would you say she prefers salty or sweet snacks?

If given the choice between a sweet and sour pickle, which would she choose?

What is her favorite picture of you?

How does your mother act like her mother?

What was your biggest birthday surprise?

How would you describe what your mom does for a living?

What animal best describes your mother's boss: a badger, a turtle, or

alion? (or something along these lines)

Would you say more mother is more afraid of spiders, roaches, or mice?

Is she a dog or cat person?

Who is her best friend?

What room of the house has the most special memories for her?

What is your mother's favorite show?

Who is her favorite Movie Star, Singer?

If she were to get a tattoo what would it be and where would she put it?

Who is your mother's best friend?

If your mom had a mystery date and could pick a movie star, who would it be?

What's your favorite color?

What's your favorite movie?

What's are your favorite pizza toppings?

What's your favorite nail polish color?

What's your favorite memory, when you both laughed a lot together?

What's your favorite flower?

What's your favorite candy?

What's your favorite dream that you'd like to see come true? (I love this


20 - With Our Mamas in Pajamas / Leader Daughter 2002 patches. We paid $1.40 a piece. It is a picture of a Mama Bear and Little Bear, dressed in Pajamas (including night hat) both holding their own teddy bears (Adorable patch). Measures 2 ½" x 3". We also planned our event theme around the patch. I think it was the best Leader / Daughter ever.....

Kimberly Thomas at k686st@

Alicia Hoft was so great to give me the suggestion. I then went to 100 of

my closest buddies (ok 5 or 10)! and came up with the following list of

questions to be used. I hope this will be useful in some way or at least to

help you with your creative juices. Here goes!

Who is your daughter's favorite singer/actress/actor/athlete?

Daughter's favorite CD?

Who would your daughter say is the ultimate boy band? NSYNC or BACKSTREET


Does your daughter prefer chocolate or vanilla ice cream?

What is your daughter's favorite subject in school?

Does your daughter prefer music or art class?

Would your mom rather go to a movie or watch a video?

What is your mom's favorite shade of lipstick?

Who is your mom's favorite singer/acress/actor/athlete?

What is your mom's ring size/shoe size?

What is the name of the parfume your mom wears?

Who is your mom's favorite author?

What is your mom's favorite shade of nail polish?

How much did the tooth fairy bring you for your first tooth?

What about your mom makes you the most proud?

What was your daughter's first word?

Who in your family does your daughter remind you of?

What TV character do you compare your mother to?

Would you say she prefers salty or sweet snacks?

If given the choice between a sweet and sour pickle, which would she choose?

What is her favorite picture of you?

How does your mother act like her mother?

What was your biggest birthday surprise?

How would you describe what your mom does for a living?

What animal best describes your mother's boss: a badger, a turtle, or

alion? (or something along these lines)

Would you say more mother is more afraid of spiders, roaches, or mice?

Is she a dog or cat person?

Who is her best friend?

What room of the house has the most special memories for her?

What is your mother's favorite show?

Who is her favorite Movie Star, Singer?

If she were to get a tattoo what would it be and where would she put it?

Who is your mother's best friend?

If your mom had a mystery date and could pick a movie star, who would it be?

What's your favorite color?

What's your favorite movie?

What's are your favorite pizza toppings?

What's your favorite nail polish color?

What's your favorite memory, when you both laughed a lot together?

What's your favorite flower?

What's your favorite candy?

What's your favorite dream that you'd like to see come true? (I love this


All the best


This month we will be doing a candy make-it and take-it for our annual

service unit leader-daughter event. A small local candy store is putting it

on, for $10 a person.

Two years ago we worked with a local greenware ceramics store that came to

our site, brought pre-selected greenware pieces along plus all the brushes

and paint. Everyone painted their own piece, the store people took them back

to fire and glaze, and we picked up our own pieces from the store when they

were ready. Price depended on the piece chosen, with the average being about

$12. Very well received!

Fern Hamlin

Singing Sands

Check out my Troop Beverly Hills website for lots of ideas contributed by many in the past, and

others I have gathered, that could be applied to an event based on the video or use some of the

activities for other girl-night themes.

Good luck!



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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