Vol. 29, No. 12 December 2020FROM THE PASTORAdvent is a time of waiting. And this year, in particular, we all must wait. We don’t know what will be happening by Christmas with the coronavirus. We are sick and tired of waiting and yet if we do not wait, we may become sick and tired. Here at the Church we are preparing for Advent and Christmas with a three pronged approach. Plan A is that we will hold a Christmas Eve Service socially distanced in person and live streamed with members of the congregation and their families who feel comfortable in attendance. And yet, we know that, as COVID numbers spike, we may not be able to hold in person worship.If it is not safe to have in person services during Advent and/or Christmas Eve, we will continue to live stream the services. Plan B includes all musicians, lay readers, candle lighters and angels being in the sanctuary for the services, but having no in person congregation. This would enable the live stream to capture a service that is as close to familiar and traditional as we can. If it is not safe to have all the usual participants gather, plan C is to have Denise play organ, Dawn lead the service, and one of our trustees run the live stream camera. We can and will bring you a Christmas Eve service even if there are only three people in the sanctuary! There will be Christmas Eve worship, but we will have to wait to see what it will look like this year. Advent reminds us that something is coming and we won’t know its meaning until it arrives. Advent reminds us to listen for angels’ voices and to look for the presence of God in the unexpected. Advent reminds us to watch and wait and to be prepared for something new and miraculous. If ever there was a year we needed the message of Advent, it is 2020! We thank you for your willingness to go with the flow as the ever-changing plans for worship morph and adapt to the situation in the world. The Christmas Eve offering this year will be used to buy food cards to distribute to those who are food insecure. Our Church has people coming to the door regularly who are hungry and in need of support. Your church council voted to use donations to the Christmas Eve offering to buy food cards to help those in need during this difficult time. Thank you for your generous donations. You can send a check into the office (please write “food cards” in the memo line), or you can make a donation on the website. Again, please indicate that your gift is to buy food cards! Thank you so very much! There are other Advent traditions that we will do our best to continue virtually. Since we are not singing in the sanctuary, we clearly will not be hosting a Messiah Sing on the first weekend in December, but you can tune in to see last year’s Messiah Sing at: HYPERLINK "" (Please right click with your mouse and click “Open Hyperlink” or copy and paste into your browser) Our children’s Christmas pageant will be virtual this year. Each family has filmed a small portion of the Christmas story at their homes or here at the church and the videos will be strung together to tell the story of Jesus’ birth. This will be shown directly after church on Sunday December 13. It will be live streamed on that day as well for those who are choosing to worship at home. Kim Tenreiro’s Christmas Carol will be recorded and you can “buy a ticket” by following a link on the website and making a donation to see the show. Kim has raised incredible sums of money for good causes and we hope you’ll support this ministry. This year proceeds from the Christmas Carol will help to buy food cards to feed those who are hungry this winter. We are also offering something NEW! Since we will not be seeing one another at many of these events, Denise and Dawn will be leading a Tuesday afternoon Advent celebration of “Carols and Candles.” At 3:00 via live stream. Get ready to sing along to Christmas Carols and to learn about each of the Advent candles! Congregational Life is sponsoring a virtual Christmas Party on Thursday Dec. 17 from 7 – 8 via zoom! Dress up in your favorite holiday clothes, ugly sweater, Santa hat or whatever makes you feel in the holiday spirit and join us for fellowship, fun and festivities! We will have a visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus, games, singing, storytelling and a chance to see your church family. Come join us! Here is the zoom link: (Please right click with your mouse and click “Open Hyperlink” or copy and paste into your browser to join the party)And finally, during the season of Christmas (the twelve days of Christmas) we will be holding our service on the 27th in the sanctuary rather than around tables in the social rooms because of a need for social distancing. We hope that those of you who are comfortable coming to worship in person will join us at 10:30 for worship to hear the Christmas story told in a completely new way! Peace,DawnCHRISTMAS EVE RESERVATIONS REQUIRED23336254699000During this pandemic seats at the Christmas Eve Service will be limited. Our hope is that we will be able to have a reduced number of people socially distanced and masked in attendance at the Christmas Eve service this year. In order to facilitate this we are asking that members and families who would like to attend this service at 5:00 on December 24th make a reservation at the church. This will enable us to make sure that we have seats for everyone which are appropriately distanced. Reservation forms are due by December 15. If we are unable to hold in person worship, those who have made reservations will be notified via email. We are planning with hopes that in person worship will be possible!Christmas Eve Reservation FormI would like to make a reservation to attend the Christmas Eve service in person on Thursday December 24th at 5pm. Name _______________________ Phone Number__________________Email_________________________There will be ____ people in my party ______ adults and ___childrenAccess & Seating:We volunteer to sit in the balcony ___We need to sit on the ground level____ Will use back door & elevator___We will sit wherever you need us to, either in the balcony or ground level ____Every person attending the Christmas Eve Service must answer “no” to the following questions: Have you been exposed to anyone that has been diagnosed with COVID- 19??Do you have any COVID-19 symptoms???Fever, loss of taste and smell, strange rashes, cough, sore throat!?When in the church, please:Use masks covering nose and mouth and social distancing.?Use hand sanitizer prior to entering the church and when you leave your pew Follow ushers to be seated according to social distance guidelines.?Other questions or concerns? Let us know. What is next?You will receive confirmation of your reservation as well as a form that you and your family are invited to fill out and bring to the service. This form will provide contact tracing information for each person in your party as well as confirmation you agree to the above protocols. We do this in order to keep everyone who attends as safe as possible. Please return this form by mail (58 North Main Street, Canandaigua, NY 14424) or email (office@) by DECEMBER 15th to assure seats at this service. Thank you for your reservation! FROM OUR MODERATORUncertainty and InstabilityI don’t do well with uncertainty. It makes my heart race and I begin to pant like a dog on a hot day. As you might imagine, for the past few months, I haven’t been at my best. I also can’t seem to focus or concentrate for very long, making it impossible to complete projects, let alone start one. I am tired, mentally exhausted and often times feel like I’m on the brink of tears. I share this with you, not because I need your help or support (really, I’m fine). But to help those that may be feeling some of the same things or just don’t feel normal. By the way, what we are experiencing isn’t normal. In fact, 2020 has not been normal and 2021 isn’t going to flip back to normal either. Realizing that uncertainty and instability will be with us longer than we want, I wanted to first share how I am feeling but also perhaps validate what others are feeling too. There, in our mutual unease, is our community. That is now a unifier. And while so many of your holiday traditions (and the church’s) will look different this year, we must find ways to unite and share our mutual love. Under the best of circumstances we often have difficulty coping with stress and anxiety. But as we enter into the long winter days and isolation caused by this pandemic, it becomes even more challenging to find ways to cope. Let’s find other unifying interests and ways to support one another. Your solution may be writing letters, celebrating with drive-through events, or even enduring the cold to be united. Zoom book clubs, Zoom cooking classes or wine tastings, Zoom painting lessons or crafts, Zoom bedtime stories, almost anything we do in person can be done on Zoom and while it doesn’t replace the human touch, it does help unite us! If you have creative ideas or a passion you would like to share with others, please reach out to me and let’s see if we can unite you with others. Hannah MorganChurch ModeratorPrayer ListMuriel Allemand (Jim & Connie Malone’s friend); Steve Beck (Heidi Schwarz’s brother); Keith, Emily, Hannah, Bill and Sue Blaker; Brad Bliss; Marjorie Case; Cheryl (Jennifer Maxfield’s sister-in-law); Cathy Coots; Charley (brother of Marilyn DeSmith); Peggy & Bob DeSantis (Dorice & Don Raw, Sr.’s friends); Julie English (Janet & Kim Tenreiro’s friend); Brian Fuscaldo (Mara Huberlie’s nephew); Jerry Gomez (Kathi Nacca’s friend); Tom Hermenet and Family; Carin Herren; Jim and Carolyn (Amy Ogden’s friends); Jim Kolesar (George & Carin Herren’s friend); Sue Kotalik;?Michelle List (JoAnn Reed’s friend); Loren (Meg & Jack Radley’s friend); Lynn (Joan Ryan’s friend); Eileen McCarthy (Carla DeMeco & Betsy Dresser’s friend); Sally Mueller; Liz Nelson (Kathy Ward’s friend); Chris Pritchard (Rick, Cindy Mullen & George Herren’s friend); Jack and Meg Radley; Sara (Meg & Jack Radley’s granddaughter); Smith/Dworetsky Family (Okke & Kathy Postma’s friends); Sally Stowell (Alice Berry’s mother); Walker (Don & Dorice Raw’s friend); Tom Wallace (Jackie Lowe’s significant other); Kathy Ward; Gordon Wenner (George & Carin Herren’s friend); Merle Winn (Amy Ogden’s friend); Josh Yeo (Barb Stahl’s friend); Jason Zeller (Kathy Ward’s son); Linda Zeller (Kathy Ward’s daughter in law) Happy Birthday!Dec 1–Jillaine NewmanDec 2- Chris Ieda Dec 8- Jim Ziegler Dec 9- Hannah WeedenDec 22- Debbie JacksonDec 25 –Mark DavisonDec 2- Jean Logan Dec 12- Gwen McCauslandDec 25 –Stu GillimDec 3– Judi Stewart Dec 13- Sue BlakerDec 25- Jean IngallsDec 4- Myron Beal Dec 15 – Patrick McAlpinDec 27- Alan LuptonDec 4- Don Crowe Dec 18– Elliott MorganDec 30- Rich MorganDec 4- Alison Boldt Dec 18- Judy WhiteDec 31- Helen EllisDec 4- Betty Lyon Dec 19- Nancy ParsonsDec 31 -Michelle NevinDec 4- Marty Muehe Dec 20- Thomas RiceDec 6- Holly Bond Dec 20– Jim DeMay Dec 7 –Brian Beiner Dec 21- Alice Berry Alicia Francis’ 10th Anniversary Celebration December 6, 2020Update: We had to reschedule, due to the pandemic and will give thanks for Alicia and her ministry among us on December 6, 2020. We have been blessed to have Alicia on staff at the First Congregational Church for ten years. The first two years Alicia was the Christian Ed director, and for the past eight, she has been the Church Office Manager. Brought to you in support of First Congregational ChurchIn support of feeding the hungry in our communityon YouTube through 12/31/20Donations can be made on our websiteAll proceeds will be used to buy food cards for the hungry.Thank you for your generosity!(Please right click with your mouse and click “Open Hyperlink” or copy and paste into your browser)Spotlight: Jennifer BrownellJennifer Brownell was the youngest of three children.? She grew up in Geneva and had a wonderful childhood and adolescence, much of it anchored in the community and traditions of North Presbyterian Church. Her family was very active.? The Sunday school, the youth group, and the inspiring leadership of Reverend Jim Gerling played a defining role in her social and spiritual development, from her earliest years all the way through high school. You could say that Church informed her calling to make a contribution to the world.At age ten, she told her parents that she wanted to help abused kids and become a lawyer when she grew up. Her dad, an attorney himself, suggested that there was an awful lot of pain in that career path, and for a long time she pursued other ways helping the world. She dated a great guy named Roger in high school, and though college sent them in different directions they kept in touch as they became young adults.During Jennifer’s freshman year at Hartwick College, North Presbyterian merged with the other Presbyterian church in Geneva. Church lost its place in her life, and she drifted away as young adults often do. She finished college in 1992 with a degree in Sociology, and instead of coming home to Geneva she joined the Peace Corps.?Jennifer was posted to Cameroon, West Africa, where she served as a maternal and child health volunteer.? Her job was to promote good nutrition and to encourage vaccinations against diseases like Measles, Mumps and Tetanus.? “In the cluster of small villages where I lived and worked,” she said, “many people believed that white foreigners were coming to inject their children with viruses, to kill them rather than to protect them. I spent most of my first year building trust before I could return for the vaccinations.”?When she came home to New York in 1995, Jennifer and Roger rekindled their romance. They married in 1997, and after a challenging year in Utica, Jennifer moved to Buffalo where Roger was and where she worked for the March of Dimes. Grad school took them to Washington, DC five years later. She pursued a degree in International Sustainable Development through Tulane University, and worked with AOL Time Warner. In 2002 they had their son Zach, and their daughter Samaya came along three years later.?The young family came back home in 2005. Jennifer’s job with the American Society for Addiction Medicine allowed her to work remotely. Roger returned to work with Red Jacket Orchards in Geneva, where he had worked prior to moving to Washington, DC. “We wanted to move someplace close to our childhood home, but far enough away that we could carve out adult lives where everybody didn’t know everything about us. Canandaigua’s schools had a great reputation, so we settled here.” Fifteen years later, Jennifer still misses the diversity that Geneva offered, but hopes that she and Roger have at least given Zach and Samaya an inclusive and loving perspective on race and racism. “I’m proud that Samaya has become our family’s representative in the church’s ‘sacred conversation on race,’” she said, “and I’m happy to see that Zach’s two closest friends at college are people of color.”One thing that she does love about Canandaigua is her family’s connection to First Congregational Church. “I really believe that it takes a village to raise a child,” she said. “I wanted my kids to have the kind of church community that I had growing up. When Roger and I came here after visiting a few other churches, we didn’t feel judged, we felt like part of the community, we felt like we could make a contribution, and we felt like our children could have strong mentors.”Jennifer has indeed made a contribution. Siu Schroeter recruited her onto the Christian Ed committee, which she later chaired for many years. Chairing the CE committee put her on Council, which was probably her favorite post at church.? She took on the youth leadership role as well when nobody else was available.? “I’d had a wonderful time as a teen in youth group,” she remembered, “and the kids deserved to have their own great experience.” Now she has stepped down from her formal roles, having passed the CE torch to Ann Schwab and the Youth Leadership torch to John Schwab, but she promised that she would still help out with the youth group’s events, including Shantytown.Jennifer has continued to make a contribution in her professional life too. In 2008 she became the executive director of The Partnership for Ontario County, an umbrella group of several social service organizations, headquartered in Canandaigua. She served in that position until 2013. One of the organizations under the Partnership umbrella, The Child Advocacy Center, had a special place in her heart. When the CAC’s director left in 2013, Jennifer did a lot of soul searching. She thought back to her declaration at age 10 that she wanted to help abused kids when she grew up. “I always tell kids that they should listen to their gut,” she said. “I had to listen to my own. I approached the board, and they agreed to hire me as their new director.” Now CAC is separate from The Partnership, and Jennifer feels like she spends more time being “chief money-beggar” than coordinating child sexual abuse investigations between the police, the social workers, the schools and the courts. “I don’t love worrying about the bottom line,” she mused, “but I love the reason that our bottom line matters.”The pandemic has put a crimp in the Brownell family’s life, but they’re doing okay. Like many of us, they miss traveling, visiting different cultures, and camping. “Last spring was a tough time to graduate from high school for Zach,” Jen said, “but he’s having a great freshman year of college. Samaya, a sophomore at CA, is doing okay with the whole hybrid thing.”Jennifer Brownell has a few hopes and dreams. “I hope we can find some peace in our town and in our country,” she says. “I hope we can find ways in our own hearts to support and learn from one another. I feel like we were on that path but we’ve gotten lost. And I feel like our church is on the right track in this regard.”She cites one small change that contributes to her hopefulness. “I’m not a particularly prayerful person,” she reflected, “but for some reason I felt compelled to sign up for the email prayer chain, and I do pray now. I stop and pray. I feel like I’m contributing in a small way. And I hope we can continue down this path.” ~ Submitted by Jay Garrett-LarsenJennifer, Zach, Roger and Samaya369570015367000CHRISTIAN ED CALENDAR:December 6: Hybrid Sunday School; Zoom YouthAdvent Workshop craft pick-upDecember 12: Youth ring Salvation Army Bell Bell ringing at Runnings from 11 to noon; activity after TBADecember 13: Hybrid Sunday School; Zoom Youth; Christmas Pageant will be shown online and in the sanctuary after the serviceDecember 20: Hybrid Sunday School; Zoom YouthDecember 27: no Youth or Sunday School 465772517335500Christmas Pageant – December 131905010604500Our annual Christmas Pageant will take place on Sunday, December 13. This year, it will be pre-recorded, and shown after the church service in the sanctuary and online. We hope you will join us for this variation on the traditional celebration of the Christmas story!-8572550673000The Advent Workshop will also take a different form this year. Packets of craft projects will be prepared for each of the Sunday School kids. Special packages will be prepared for the youth also. Pick-up of these packets can happen on Dec 6, or during the week following. If you would like to have your packet delivered, please contact Debbie at ce@ 183896036258500Our Youth will ring the bell for Salvation Army on Saturday, Dec 12, from 11 a.m. to noon at Runnings. There will be an activity afterwards (TBA) for the youth that are involved. See Jon Schwab to sign up.Church Zoom Christmas PartyMark your calendars for the Church’s Zoom Christmas Party: a party for all ages. There will be games, music, laughter & joy and much more. Dress in your festive holiday clothes and bring your own holiday snacks for a fun filled festive occasion.The Congregational Life Committee is throwing at Christmas Party! Time: Dec 17, 2020 07:00 PM. We hope you’ll join us! ? You Very Much…? The front entrance wreaths were given by D. Guy Burns and family in memory of Nancy Burns and other members of our congregation who passed away this year.? To all the folks and youth who will ring the bell to support the Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Campaign this year.? Your generosity in providing coats to provide warmth this winter is much appreciated. They will be donated to the Salvation Army.?? The turkey tree was also "stuffed" with hats, gloves, scarves and mittens for Salvation Army families. Thank you! Messiah Sing A-long: On Sunday, Dec. 6th the Messiah will be a virtual re-broadcast from the performance in 2019, available with the following link: HYPERLINK "" (Please right click with your mouse and click “Open Hyperlink” or copy and paste into your browser) Please join us!Save the dates! Bell Ringers Needed! The Salvation Army Red Kettle Drive is scheduled for December 11 from 3-7 pm and December 12 from 10-7 in Runnings store Lobby. There are two slots left on the afternoon of December 12.Email: mdaniel3@rochester.Phone: 585-394-9274Masks are required and gloves will be provided. Contact Marty Daniels with any questions or concerns and THANK YOU for supporting this annual event!Carols and CandlesCome celebrate Advent with us on Tuesday afternoons from 3 – 3:30! You don’t even have to leave the comfort of your own home. We will be live streaming this Advent devotional time. During the first half of our time together you will hear our fabulous organ playing Christmas favorites. The second half will focus on the ancient tradition of lighting candles in the Advent wreath. You are invited to create an advent wreath at your home. You can go out and cut some greens to make into a wreath or you can simply connect four candlesticks with garland or anything that makes a circle with four candles. You don’t have to have three purple and one pink candle, but it is traditional and if you’d like to order some for your home advent wreath you can find them on Amazon or a number of different sites online. I look forward to exploring with you Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. You can access the life stream from our website or go directly to our YouTube channel. Thanks for tuning in! Salvation Army Christmas Families ?It is that time of the year and the need seems to be greater than ever in the midst of the chaos of the world. This year we will be supporting four families that are in need at Christmas. The safety of everyone is our top priority so we are planning to have donations made to the church and that money will go towards a lump sum gift card for the family. They will receive this by the second week in December so they can purchase whatever is needed for the child or family. You can send a check with “Christmas families” in the note section or drop off a donation to church. We are hoping to give each family $400.00 if possible. Thank you for your generosity and continued support of this special mission.The Christmas Card-95254635500Several years ago, a suggestion was made by a member of the church that has become an annual tradition, one that brings pleasure and greetings to church members. The idea is simple. Instead of spending money on cards and postage to send a greeting to your friends in the church, send your greeting on a church Christmas card. To participate, pick an amount that might represent what you would spend to send your own cards, and donate that amount to the church. The cut off is Sunday, December 13th to have your name included.The invitation is open to everyone! Note on your check or envelope that it is for the Christmas card; be sure to include how you would like your name to read! This year’s donations will be used to provide gift cards for the area families we will be sponsoring for Christmas through the Salvation Army. SACRED CONVERSATION ON RACE UPDATESeveral members of our church family have been engaging in a “Sacred Conversation” regarding the complex and challenging issues surrounding race and racial dynamics in our country as well as in our community. We began our meetings by sharing our personal and professional backgrounds and by talking about our early exposures to what has come to known in our society as BIOPOC populations: Black, Indigenous and People of Color.During subsequent meetings we have interrogated (gently but courageously and without passing judgment) our attitudes, ideas, beliefs and behaviors regarding racial dynamics occurring within our own lived experiences. We have also examined on a more macro level the history and socio-dynamics of race in American society with a view towards challenging some of the myths and inaccurate impressions that frequently emerge from a critically unexamined understanding of history.Our eventual goal is to share with the rest of the church community-at-large some of the more salient outcomes of our discussions and to outline some specific “hard work” we plan to implement through the Social Action committee. We invite you to begin thinking about some of these questions about race and racial dynamics such as:Where and how have your own attitudes/beliefs about race emerged in your personal lived experience?How do you view and feel about some of the difficult, complex and challenging issues regarding the intersection of race with inequality in our society, within your own family and social circle as well as in our own community?We will provide opportunities for any interested congregation members to “join the conversation” at a future date. Thanks for thinking about these important issues and this challenging work.~ Jim MaloneDECORATING THE SANCTUARY FOR CHRISTMAS!Please help us decorate the sanctuary for Christmas on Saturday, December 5th at 9:00AM. If you can help, please contact Jerry Diver, Chair of the Worship Committee. (585-394-5625)A MESSAGE FROM GLEANERS COMMUNITY KITCHEN:The mission of Gleaners Community Kitchen is to feed the hungry??and to help them feed themselves in body mind and spirit.??Dear Friends,??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Thank you for being so generous in supporting our efforts to feed the hungry in our community.??In order to fulfill our mission, we need your help now more than ever. For more than 30 years Gleaners has served hot, healthy meals five days a week, free of charge to those in need, no questions asked.?COVID has caused us to reimagine how we can best serve those in need while maintaining health and safety protocols. Fortunately, we have been able to continue uninterrupted service throughout the pandemic.??For the past eight months we have been providing bag lunches which have been picked up outside Gleaners under a tent every Monday – Friday.??We normally feed an average of 55 people daily when fully open and give out groceries once a week. Currently we are handing out grocery bags of food every day.??Gleaners is also:?transitioning to a winter plan that will allow patrons to enter one door into the dining room to pick up their bag lunch and exit out another door.??This will help prevent long lines outside in the cold weather.?planning to experiment with a hot soup in a “to go” container a few times per week.?Resuming limited quantities of food pick up at Wegmans two times per week.?Our partnership with FoodLink has been our lifeline through these trying times. They help us obtain food and cleaning supplies at discounted prices. Foodlink also provides us with training and guidance about food safety and sanitation.?The reality is that the number of people needing Gleaners is rising every year, not only individuals but families with children.??We do not receive any funding from government agencies, fewer private grants are available and support agencies have fewer funds to distribute.?We would like to thank you for supporting this important program.??If you would like more information, please go to our website () or give me a call at (585) 394-4818.?Serving our community,?Tom Carter, Culinary Specialist First Class, USN Retired?Kitchen Manager???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community CelebrationThis year, our church will not be hosting the annual MLK Jr. Community Celebration. We will be showing the video of the 2020 fabulous performance by Canandaigua Academy Drama Department students on youtube. They performed a dramatic presentation of Dr. King’s speech “Letter From Birmingham Jail.” Also featured is music by the elementary school chorus.? Please join us online for this amazing and timely community event!? Just go to the Church’s website, and click on the link.Thank you for Your Generosity in the Tuxedo ChallengeThe Tuxedo Challenge was a brilliant success. Here’s hoping for a real Formal Coffee Hour next year. We are always amazed at the generosity of our congregation. It looks like another great year with contributions of over $3,000.00 so far, which will mean a lot of hungry children in Haiti will be fed and a lot of young minds will be educated. With the political turmoil in Haiti and the shortages of food and fuel, exasperated by the COVID pandemic, our contributions come at a critical time for these children.If you have a moment, please visit the "What If” Foundation website to see the up-to date-progress at the Father Jeri School, the new dining area for the food program, the new hand wash stations, and the happy faces of the children that you are supporting at . Thanks again for your many contributions. ~ The Congregational Life CommitteeCalendarDecemberTues. Dec 1 – Men’s Group Gateway 8; Study Group 9 Chapel; Rughooking 10 Dining Room; Carols and Candles 3 Live StreamWed. Dec 2 - Study Group 9 Chapel; TOPS 10 Basement; Study Group 5 Youth RmThurs. Dec 3 – Poinsettia Delivery Sanctuary; Wedding Rehearsal 5; Deacon’s zoom 7Fri. Dec 4 – Wedding 2:00 Sat. Dec 5 – Decorate for Christmas 9 Sun. Dec 6 - Worship & Sunday School; 2nd Sunday of Advent; Alicia’s 10th Anniversary; Messiah – Virtual; Advent Workshop Drive By Pick UpMon. Dec 7 - Study Group 9 ChapelTues. Dec 8 – Men’s Group Gateway 8; Study Group 9 Chapel; Rughooking 10 Dining Room; Carols and Candles 3 Live StreamWed. Dec 9 - Study Group 9 Chapel; TOPS 10 Basement; Study Group 5 Youth RmThurs. Dec 10 – Resource Committee 3 Zoom; Staff 4:30 in personSun. Dec 13 – Worship & Sunday School; 3rd Sunday of Advent; Xmas Pageant 11:45 VirtualMon. Dec 14 – - Study Group 9 Chapel; Trustees 4; Sacred Conversation on Race 7 ZoomTues. Dec 15 – RESERVATIONS FOR CHRISTMAS EVE DUE; Men’s Group Gateway 8; Study Group 9 Chapel; Rughooking 10 Dining Room; Carols and Candles 3 Live Stream; Council 7Wed. Dec 16 - Study Group 9 Chapel; TOPS 10 Basement; Study Group 5 Youth RmThurs. Dec. 17 – Christmas Party 7-8 Congregational Life ZoomSun. Dec 20 - Worship & Sunday School; 4th Sunday of Advent; Rehearsal for Christmas Eve 11:45Mon. Dec 21 – Study Group 9 ChapelTues. Dec 22 – Men’s Group Gateway 8; Study Group 9 Chapel Rughooking 10 Dining Room; Carols and Candles 3 Live StreamWed. Dec 23 - Study Group 9 Chapel; TOPS 10 Basement; Study Group 5 Youth RmThurs. Dec 24 – Xmas Eve Service 5:00 (BY RESERVATION ONLY)Fri. Dec 25 – Merry Christmas! Office ClosedSun. Dec 27 – Worship in the sanctuary 10:30Mon. Dec 28 - Study Group 9 Chapel Tues. Dec 29 – Men’s Group Gateway 8; Study Group 9 Chapel; Rughook 10 Dining RmWed. Dec 30 - Study Group 9 Chapel; TOPS 10 Basement; Study Group 5 Youth RmThurs. Dec 31 – New Year’s EveJanuaryThurs. Jan 1 – Happy New Year! Office Closed ................

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