T/TA Needs Assessment Process - …

Insert StateTraining and Technical Assistance PlanProgram PeriodDateOverview and PurposeThe purpose of the State T/TA Plan Template is to provide a tool that can assist in the development of a comprehensive summary of the collective T/TA resources and activities in a particular state that includes:T/TA needs of local Community Action Agencies in the state;T/TA resources available from key partners: the State CSBG Lead Agency, State Association, and Regional Performance and Innovation Consortium (RPIC); andT/TA strategies to be implemented in the upcoming year and the associated outcomes.This template is provided as one of the Human Capacity & Community Transformation (HCCT) Center of Excellence’s (COE) key T/TA goals: Facilitate the development of state T/TA plan templates to support communication and collaboration by developing a new model of engagement with diverse CSBG partners in service delivery. All State CSBG Lead Agencies report their T/TA activities in their CSBG State Plans. State Associations also report on their T/TA activities, but often use different reporting formats for various funding sources (e.g. State CSBG Lead Agencies, RPICs). The purpose of the State T/TA Plan Template is to support regionally-focused T/TA and collect this critical information into a single document to:Support communication and collaboration at the state level on the planning and use of T/TA resources;Enhance the capacity of regional cooperation on T/TA by providing a uniform method for state CSBG networks to share information;Strengthen the ability of the CSBG Network’s national partners to provide targeted T/TA on high-priority issues at the national, regional, and state levels; andProvide a comprehensive picture of the CSBG Network’s T/TA investments and activities.Most of the information requested in this template is available in other reporting documents. Information on State CSBG Lead Agency T/TA investments and activities can be found in the CSBG State Plan. Similar State Association information can be found in subcontract work plans or related documents submitted to RPICs, State CSBG Lead Agencies, and other funders who support T/TA activities. It is recommended that state CSBG networks (specifically the CSBG Lead Agency and the State Association) use this template as a way to combine information on T/TA needs, resources, and activities into a single document.InstructionsA State T/TA Plan should be coordinated by the RPIC lead and developed collaboratively by the State Association and State CSBG Lead Agency. If the state does not have a State Association, the State CSBG Lead Agency should work with its network of local CAAs and the RPIC to complete the template. The State T/TA Plan is not intended to be a binding document, but instead a living document as T/TA needs often change over the course of a year. The State CSBG Lead Agency and State Association may revise the State T/TA Plan as necessary during the year if they so choose.The RPIC will use the State T/TA Plans from their region to support regional collaboration that improves the consistency, effectiveness and efficiency of T/TA resources. The Center of Excellence will aggregate the data from all State T/TA Plans in cooperation with its national partners, including the Office of Community Services (OCS), the National Association for State Community Services Programs (NASCSP), CAPLAW, and the Association for Nationally Certified ROMA Trainers (ANCRT). The national partners will use the data to develop a comprehensive picture of the CSBG Network’s overall investment in T/TA, prioritize the development of T/TA resources, and support T/TA efforts at the national, regional, and state level. Additional guidance on completing the template is included in each section below.Respondents can attach additional documentation of T/TA activities as available and necessary. Examples of such documents could include:Sections of the State CSBG Lead Agency’s State Plan related to T/TA;State Association work plans related to T/TA;Summary results of T/TA needs assessments;Planning documents describing T/TA strategies and activities; andEvaluation plans for T/TAI. Training and Technical Assistance NeedsThis section summarizes: (1) the T/TA needs assessment process conducted by the State Association and State CSBG Lead Agency and (2) the main T/TA needs to be addressed by the plan.T/TA Needs Assessment ProcessBriefly describe (in one or two paragraphs) the process used by the State CSBG Lead Agency and State Association to assess the T/TA needs of the state’s CSBG Network. Include any promising practices used to determine T/TA needs or lessons learned that would benefit other state CSBG networks. Attach any documents summarizing the results of T/TA needs assessment that will provide additional detail about the state’s T/TA needs.Briefly describe the needs assessment process in your state.High Priority T/TA NeedsUse the section below to list up to ten high priority T/TA needs as identified by the State CSBG Lead Agency and State Association. Use the “Additional Comments” section to add any narrative necessary to explain the state’s T/TA needs. Because T/TA plans for FY21 should anticipate capacity-building to support the potential implementation of HCCT highlighted initiatives, it is important to be mindful of HCCT’s Core Values and HCCT’s Operating Principles. Core valuesOperating principlesDignitySustainable IndependenceIndividual-/Family-Centric DesignSocietyCommunity MattersGovernment as CatalystWorkSupport EmploymentResponsibilityIndividual EmpowermentImpactEvidence-Based PolicyPlease note with * if a T/TA need is a specific result of the COVID-19 pandemic or other recent crisis/natural disaster/ emergency event. List the top T/TA needs (up to 10) identified in your state with a brief description of each need. Comments:Identifying T/TA Needs Related to Human Capacity and Community Transformation (HCCT) InitiativesCapacity building has always been an integral part of maintaining the strength of the CSBG Network. The HCCT Initiative complements existing capacity-building efforts by highlighting transformative practices (at the family and/or community level) and promoting capacity building across the Network to more broadly implement those transformative practices. Some of those transformative practices may be ones recently developed/implemented in response to the unprecedented impacts associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. This T/TA Plan is intended to be a living document and process that can continue to evolve as the needs and activities of the states and regions do. Adaptations due to COVID-19 and the unique agility of the CSBG Network are central to the CSBG Network’s practice of continuous review and thoughtful strategic approaches based on local and/or state-specific needs. Please complete the following sections related to the national HCCT Initiative and how your state’s CSBG Network will use T/TA resources to support capacity building associated with the transformative practices that will be highlighted by HCCT during FFY 2021.Briefly describe the process the State Association and State CSBG Lead Agency are using to select the initiatives/CAAs to participate in the state’s HCCT Initiative.What do you anticipate will be the high priority T/TA needs of CAAs in your state related to planning, implementing, and sustaining HCCT-highlighted transformative initiatives? Please also include in this list emerging highly-prioritized TTA needs related to effective emergency/crisis (COVID) response - list up to five T/TA needsConsider this example: Suppose you anticipate that one of your state’s highlighted HCCT initiatives will involve promoting integrated services to promote more effective re-entry by those exiting the criminal justice system. This initiative might inspire CAA’s who wish to replicate it to consider their own capacity issues that might then lead to statewide TTA in areas such as: - Sustaining Community Partnerships- Providing integrated services- Community Assessment support (to better gauge the challenges of re-entering populations in the community)- Strategic Planning (to better integrate the unique needs of the re-entry population into agencies’ strategic direction) have the State Association and State CSBG Lead Agency collaborated with each other and the RPIC in Year One of the HCCT Initiative (October 2019 – September 2020)? How will that collaboration be sustained in the future? (Be sure to address and specifically identify collaborative activities that are the result of, or response to, the COVID-19 pandemic.)II. Training and Technical Assistance PlanThe section describes the primary activities that comprise the state’s T/TA Plan. It should be completed collaboratively by the State Association and the State CSBG Lead Agency and RPIC, as necessary. This section is divided into two parts: Section II A lists the broader T/TA Strategies and Outcomes for both the State CSBG Lead Agency and the State Association. Section II B lists specific T/TA Activities to be conducted, and the specific Providers and Delivery Methods for those T/TA Activities.Section II AThe T/TA Strategies column should include a brief narrative description (3-5 sentences) of the T/TA strategies that will be used by the State CSBG Lead Agency and State Association.The following are examples of the type of description that is required:“Plan a state conference for local CAAs. Tracks will include ROMA Next Gen, Organizational Standards, finance, human resources, advocacy, and innovative programs. Trainers will include State Association and State CSBG Lead Agency staff and local and national consultants.”“Fund a cohort of ten ROMA implementers. Develop a ROMA Implementers network to support ongoing professional development and peer learning opportunities.”“Provide a series of six in-person workshops for CAAs on board development issues. Trainings will be provided by State CSBG Lead Agency staff on topics based on agency feedback over the course of the year.”The Lead column should note whether the State CSBG Lead Agency, State Association, or another provider is the lead on each T/TA strategy.The T/TA Outcomes column should include a brief narrative description (3-5 sentences) of the primary outcomes that each T/TA Strategy aims to achieve. The use of Results Oriented Management Accountability (ROMA) principles is also strongly encouraged and would include outcomes that are:SpecificMeasurableAttainableResults-oriented; andTime trackable.State Training and Technical Assistance PlanSection II A Strategies and OutcomesStrategiesLeadOutcomesEXAMPLE: Consider this sample strategy from above:Fund a cohort of ten ROMA implementers. Develop a ROMA Implementers network to support ongoing professional development and peer learning opportunities.State AssnBy the end of FFY2021 (September 2021), at least ten CAA staff will have completed their ROMA-I and will have begun regular meetings to share ROMA resources among the state’s local CAA’s. State Training and Technical Assistance PlanSection II A Strategies and OutcomesStrategiesLeadOutcomesTraining and Technical Assistance Plan (Continued) Section II B: Survey Monkey InstructionsKey data relating to your State T/TA plan will be collected via SurveyMonkey so it can be more easily aggregated and analyzed within and across regions. It is essential that State Associations and State CSBG Offices collaborate in developing the T/TA Plan; however, please note: each state should complete only one online survey. The following resources to assist in completing the State TTA Plan will be accessible through the HCCT Center of Excellence webpage:State T/TA Plan template (this document)List of T/TA Topics by CategoryPDF document of the SurveyMonkey questions (to be used for internal planning purposes)Link to the SurveyMonkey form to provide T/TA Plan information for Section II BQuestions on Financial Resources Questions three through six of the survey address the financial and other resources available to support T/TA in the state from the State CSBG Lead Agency, State Association, and RPIC. The choices selected are understood to be budgeted and that amounts may change over the course of the year.For total funding budgeted (questions three through five), choose the appropriate response to indicate the total dollar amount available to spend on T/TA (including salaries for staff that provide direct T/TA) for the current fiscal year. This includes all grants and cooperative agreements (federal, state, and philanthropic) and other revenue sources (e.g. State Association member dues dedicated to T/TA). Include all direct and indirect costs as long as they directly support T/TA activities. Do not “double count” sub-contract revenues (e.g. a State Association should not count a sub-contract from a State CSBG Lead Agency to provide T/TA since those dollars will already be included in the Lead Agency’s total).Use the Additional Resources and Notes box (question six) to provide details on other significant T/TA resources (e.g. in-kind support provided by a local university, training staff provided by other units of state government). If necessary, also provide any additional contextual information about funding for T/TA (e.g. percentage of the state’s CSBG allocation provided to the State CSBG Lead Agency, limits on State Association funding given the state’s CSBG allocation and/or the number of agencies in the state, etc.).Questions on T/TA Delivery Methods and TopicsThe remaining questions in the survey are intended to provide additional details on the T/TA delivery methods and T/TA topics planned in each state. There is one question that asks for the top 5 T/TA delivery methods used in each state. While these may vary by topic, the intent is to get a general sense of how T/TA is provided across the Network. All remaining questions ask for the T/TA topics that each state is planning to address in the coming year. Ideally, these will connect back to the T/TA needs identified in Section I. There are 16 categories of T/TA included. Please note that if you respond that your state will provide no T/TA in a particular category, you will skip to the next category on the list. For each category of T/TA, each state is asked to identify the specific topics that will be focused on throughout the year. Multiple topics can be selected and there is a space for “other” topics not included in the list. Please note that the responses are intended to capture information on significant T/TA activities that are being provided through intentional strategy. For example, if a webinar on strategic planning mentions the importance of having a dashboard on one slide, this would not be substantial enough to say T/TA is being provided on the topic of dashboards. In addition, the topics identified through this survey should also align with the strategies and outcomes identified in Section II A. III. Implementation PlanIn two to three paragraphs, describe how the State CSBG Lead Agency, State Association, and RPIC will work together to implement the State T/TA Plan. In addition, please note how the Head Start State Collaboration office will be included to review the State T/TA Plan per the Dear Colleague letter sent on July 3, 2019. In this section, please include: (1) Communication and coordination processes (e.g. regular conference calls, reporting procedures) that will be used to manage the implementation of the Plan, and (2) A brief summary of how the Plan’s outcomes will be evaluated. Attach any additional documents that provide further details on implementation and evaluation plans, if available.Briefly describe the implementation plan in your state. ................

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