
5984240-29908500Name:Block:World Population WebQuestDirections: Click on the links below (CTRL & left click). Search the website to answer the corresponding questions. When you are finished print this page. To conserve paper print two pages per sheet (Print Properties). 1.What is the exact time right now? (under U.S. Population in blue)2.What is the U.S. population right now?3.How often does the U.S. gain one person?4. What is the most populous state? 5.What is the most dense (highest population per square mile) state in the U.S.? - Enter your birthday and gender. Scroll down and answer the corresponding questions. 6. What percent of the world population are you older than?7.What percent of the U.S. population are you older than?8.What year is your projected life expectancy?9. What age will you be when you reach the year of your projected life expectancy?10. In which three countries do you share your birthday with the most amount of people?11. What is your projected life expectancy if you lived in Japan?12. What is your projected life expectancy if you lived in Afghanistan? 1990 & 2000, what U.S. state experienced the greatest increase in population? 14.What percentage did that state increase by?15.Where did Ohio rank in 2000?16. By what percentage did Ohio grow from 1990 to 2000?. Name the top 5 populated countries in 2017? #1#2#3#4#518. Name the projected top 5 populated countries in 2050?#1#2#3#4#519.Of the countries with the youngest population, which continent are most of them from?20. Which country has the oldest population?21.Do countries that are more developed or less developed have older populations? Why do you think that is?(People and Society)22. Worldwide, how many births are there per minute?23.Worldwide, how many deaths are there per minute?24. Worldwide, what is the population growth rate? was the U.S. population in 1950?26.What was the U.S. population in 1980?27.What is the projection for 2020? continent has the largest % of the world population in 2017?29.What is the percentage to the answer of the previous question? 30. According to Joel Cohen, could the Earth support all humans if every human lived by American standards? Explain. ................

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