As a child, I used to see the beautiful, tender and ...

As a child, I used to see the beautiful, tender and delicious slices of Papaya fruit on the dining table as a common entry. As our diet and life styles have changed, like many other nutritious delicacies, Papaya also has pretty much disappeared from our plates.

Many scientific studies, classical medical texts, and traditional healing modalities praise the benefits of Papaya enormously.

Let us review some important aspects of this fruit and the tree, what Christopher Columbus has referred as the “Fruit of the Angels”.

Family: Caricaceae

Latin Name: Carica Papaya L.

Common Names:  Papaya, Papaw or Paw Paw (Australia), Mamao (Brazil), Tree Melon, Lechosa. Related Species: Babaco (Carica pentagona), Mountain Papaya (C. pubescens), Chamburo (C. stipulata).

Sanskrit: ErandaKarkati, Talapatri, Chhatrapatra, Saptangulpatra, Ashakhavriksha, Dugdha, Pachani, MansaPachani, etc.

The plant is a large, single-stemmed herbaceous perennial, to 30 ft, ................

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