Midvale 6th Ward Christmas Party

Christmas in Nauvoo

Thank you for your help in this ward Christmas celebration.

Please have your areas set up before 6:00. The evening will begin with a short program in the gym. After the program, please have your booth ready and staffed. You could have rotating shifts so that everybody has a chance to eat dinner and see the other booths.

Young Women:

You are in charge of the “Stoddard Tin Shop” booth located in the YW room. The Stoddard Shop was a successful tin shop during the Nauvoo era and made the angel atop the first Nauvoo temple. You will be helping people make tin punch ornaments (directions attached). Mason jar lids, nails, and the ribbon will be provided by the Activities Committee. Hammers will be provided. Please collect and bring old phone books to nail on.

|[pic] |

|Tin Punch Heart |

|Submitted by Kathleen Gordon-Ross, Lawrence 2nd Ward, Topeka Kansas Stake, USA |


|-Wide Mouth Kerr/Mason Jar lids |

|-Small heart template (cut from 3x5 card) |

|-Small roll of Scotch tape or double-sided sticky tape |

|-Medium penny nail - you don’t want anything that’s too fat around. Penny nails tend to be long and skinny, perfect for this |

|project. |

|-Hammer |

|-Old phone book, stack of newspapers or a couple sheets of corrugated board |

|-Red 1/8"craft ribbon |

| |

|1. Secure heart template to the top of jar lid--I tend to center it over the embossed KERR/MASON with a small roll of Scotch tape or|

|a square of double-sided tape. A heart measuring 2" wide and 1-3/4" tall fits perfectly inside the lid. |

|2. Carefully tap the nail through the lid (be sure to do this on top of an old phone book, etc so you don't damage your work |

|surface), spacing your holes evenly around the heart. |

|3. Punch an extra hole to the top of the lid to thread your ribbon through. Tie off the ribbon and hang on the tree. |

Christmas in Nauvoo

Thank you for your help in this ward Christmas celebration.

Please have somebody staffing the booth starting at 5:30 in case people drop off their food as they arrive. At 6:00 there will be a short program in the gym. After the program, please return to the booth. You could have rotating shifts so that everybody has a chance to eat dinner and see the other booths.


You are in charge of the “Red Brick Store” booth located in the room across from the nursery. The Red Brick Store is the store that Joseph and Emma owned in Nauvoo. You will be collecting food donations for the Utah Food Bank in exchange for a Nauvoo-era treat. After the celebration, please take the donations to a food bank donation acceptor. Supplies (treats) will be provided.

Christmas in Nauvoo

Thank you for your help in this ward Christmas celebration.

Please have your areas set up before 6:00. The evening will begin with a short program in the gym. After the program, please have your booth ready and staffed. You could have rotating shifts so that everybody has a chance to eat dinner and see the other booths.

Relief Society:

You are in charge of the “Scovil Bakery” booth located in the kitchen. This was a popular bakery at Nauvoo and currently gives out gingerbread cookies to visitors. You will be serving gingerbread cake for dessert. Plates and cream will be provided.

Please get volunteers or assign sisters to make the gingerbread. They can use the recipe provided or their own. We have been asked to provide dinner for 250. If you cut a 9x13 cake into 12 pieces, we’ll need 21 cakes. I think there will be some, though, who don’t eat it so we’ll be ok with fewer.

Christmas in Nauvoo

We need volunteers to make Gingerbread Cake for dessert. You can use your own recipe or the one provided. Please bring the cake to the kitchen before 6:00. If possible, please bring it hot so that it will still be warm by dessert time.



Christmas in Nauvoo

Thank you for your help in this ward Christmas celebration.

Please have your areas set up before 6:00. The evening will begin with a short program in the gym. After the program, please have your booth ready and staffed. You could have rotating shifts so that everybody has a chance to eat dinner and see the other booths.

High Priests:

You are in charge of the “Nauvoo Brickyard” booth located in the nursery. Please have an informational display about the brickyards. Contact the activities committee for any concerns or needs.

Christmas in Nauvoo

Thank you for your help in this ward Christmas celebration.

Please have your areas set up before 6:00. The evening will begin with a short program in the gym. After the program, please have your booth ready and staffed. You could have rotating shifts so that everybody has a chance to eat dinner and see the other booths.

Young Men:

You are in charge of the “Grove” located in the foyer. You will be showing people how stick-pulling was done, and letting them try. Use broomsticks or portions of pvc pipe as sticks (please provide these). Contact the activities committee with any questions.

Due to a lack of large buildings, the residents of Nauvoo gathered in a grove nearby the city for large meetings. Joseph Smith was a master at stick-pulling and could beat most anybody.

Christmas in Nauvoo

Thank you for your help in this ward Christmas celebration.

Please have somebody staffing the booth starting at 5:30 in case people drop off their items as they arrive. At 6:00 there will be a short program in the gym. After the program, please return to the booth. You could have rotating shifts so that everybody has a chance to eat dinner and see the other booths.


You are in charge of the “Nauvoo Library and Museum” booth located on the stage. The people of Nauvoo felt strongly about education, and townspeople donated books to develop a library. The museum was filled with items brought from missions. Local and visiting artists also displayed their paintings. Our library and museum will consist of books about Nauvoo and items from Nauvoo or the Nauvoo era brought in by our own ward members. Please help people label their items with their name and an explanation and set them out for others to see.

(We do have 3x5 cards in the Activities closet if you would like to use them as labels – just let me know.)

Christmas in Nauvoo

Thank you for your help in this ward Christmas celebration.

The evening will begin with a short program in the gym. After the program, the booths will provide activities and dinner.

Music Committee:

You are in charge of music for the program. In Joseph Smith’s account of Christmas 1843, he talked about being awakened by carolers. The program will consist of a narration and congregation caroling. Please provide a conductor to lead the singing and an accompanist. The narration and songs are attached.

Christmas in Nauvoo

Thank you for your help in this ward Christmas celebration.

Please have your areas set up before 6:00. The evening will begin with a short program in the gym. After the program, please have your booth ready and staffed. You could have rotating shifts so that everybody has a chance to eat dinner and see the other booths.

Missionary Committee:

You are in charge of the “Post Office” booth located in the gym. Please provide materials for ward members to write a note to each of our fulltime missionaries. This can be a large paper for each or small sheets of paper for individual notes to be collected and sent. Also provide pens. This booth could be set up to run itself or to have somebody there; it is up to you. After the celebration, please give the letters to the Activities Chairman to be mailed to the missionaries.

Christmas in Nauvoo

Thank you for your help in this ward Christmas celebration.

We will be setting up for the Christmas party at the following times. Please come when you are able.

* Thursday, December 8th, 5-6:30. (tables and chairs, decorations as

time permits)

* Friday, December 9th, 12:00-3:00 (finish up what we don’t get done on


On Friday night, the Activities Committee is in charge of serving dinner. There will be stew and cornbread at serving tables, and table service on the tables themselves. You will be assigned to serve stew, clean off tables when people are finished eating, or make sure that the water is still full. Please be there at 5:00 so we can get all the last minute things pulled together. The evening will begin with a short program in the gym at 6:00. After the program, the booths will begin and you will be serving dinner and cleaning up as people come in and out.


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