
GENERAL Introduction................................................. 2 Key quality elements...................................5 Implant system............................................7 Surface treatment.......................................8 R&D............................................................10 IMPLANTS UltimateTM precision implant

key features.......................................14 implants matrix ...............................16 drill sequence matrix .......................17 MPITM Key features.......................................18 Implants matrix.................................20 Drill sequence matrix........................21 Narrow implant..................................22 Short implant.....................................23 OPITM Key features.......................................24 Implants matrix.................................26 Drill sequence matrix........................27

PROSTHETICS Introduction............................................... 30 Healing cap.................................................32 Impression coping.....................................33 Abutments..................................................34 Multi-unit...................................................40 LOCATOR? .................................................43 SURGICAL KITS Ditron full surgical kit...............................48 Mini surgical kit.........................................50 Surgical tubeTM ..........................................52 Integral stopper kit....................................53 Tools and drills...........................................54 PACKAGING Packaging, symbols & explanations.........60 INDEX .......................................................66

Ditron Dental. Precision, built in. 1

make our precision yours.

Ditron Dental is a biomedical company devoted to the research, development and production of high end components for implant-based dental restorations.

Ditron Dental was founded on the basis of 47 years of experience in the design, production and JIT (Just-in-Time) delivery of ultra precise mission critical parts for some of the most demanding applications. Outstanding precision and exceptional quality are an essential part of our corporate D.N.A.

We focus on providing you with high end implantology solutions which are intuitively simple, safe and reliable, combined with around the clock service and support.

Our in-house team of leading clinicians, micromachining experts and quality process engineers enables us to provide you with a state-of-the-art, reliable and dependable implant system.

All our products are predesigned to surpass the most stringent quality requirements. The Ditron Dental components are manufactured in our state of the art production facility where each and every step is controlled to ensure product safety and reliability.

We hope you find this catalog informative and useful.

Product Guarantee

Ditron Dental guarantees all its products for a period of 15 years when used in accordance with the supplied Instructions for Use (IFU) and the company's protocols.


Ditron Dental. Precision, built in.

precision, built in.

For over 45 years Ditron has been one of the leading companies in the design, production and JIT delivery of ultra precise mission critical parts. Our parts have been installed in the most extreme and challenging environments in which failure is unaccepted. With state-of-the-art technology and in-depth process control we attain production in single micron level accuracies within a zero PPM (zero defects per million parts) recorded performance. We have always strived for the highest quality in all our accomplishments.

We encourage professionalism, expertise and dedication. These fundamental capabilities coupled with an exceptional clinical team are the basis of Ditron Dental's foundation.

development of high-end implant based solutions. Our goal is to allow reconstruction as close as possible to natural dentition and optimize the long term success of the dental implant system. Ditron Dental provides patients with a safe and reliable solution to improve their well-being in both esthetical and functional terms.

We offer our customers a comprehensive portfolio of implants and prosthetic components dedicated to implant dentistry. Ditron Dental's Molecular Precision Implant System TM offers outstanding simplicity, reliable function and exceptional flexibility for high-quality and esthetic restorations.

We believe that a multi-discipline approach is the best catalyst for innovation. We have teamed engineers, micromachining specialists and top notch clinicians to drive our research and

Ditron Dental. Precision, built in. 3


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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