Detox Spa Party Set-up & Script: - Haler

Detox Spa Party Set-up & Script:

• Preparation:

o Prepare Foot Spas & Towels

▪ Plastic Liners (optional) - (I use plastic kitty litter box liners - they’re perfect and cheap!)

▪ Couple handfuls of marbles (optional)

▪ ½ pump of Stimulate - Detoxifying Rescue Wash

▪ Hot water

▪ Place hand towels by each spa on the floor in front of the seats

▪ Put damp wash cloths in small crock pot on medium/high

o Set a simple display table: (all of this fits in a “carry-on” size suitcase)

▪ Lay SeaSource Spa Robe as your table cloth

▪ Place on top a simple setting of the SeaSource Detox Set

• Foaming Sea Salt Scrub

• 5-in-1 Massage Oil

• Detoxifying Rescue Wash

• Sea Mud Face & Body Mask

• Purifying Sea Soak packet

• Fortifying Hair Mask

• Re-Mineralizing Body Lotion 24H

• Renewing Body Gelèe

• Dry Body Brush

▪ SeaSource Detox Spa Brochure

▪ Catalogs & pens

▪ Product Line Overview Sheet

▪ Host “token of appreciation” Gift - (Sea Salt Scrub or Sugar Slush)

▪ Host “w/3 parties booked” Gift wrapped - SeaSource Spa Soak Set

▪ Q & A Game candies

▪ Q & A Game Prize

▪ Deal or No Deal Game prize tins

▪ NutriMinC RE9 Set - (optional for Detox party)

o Set up your Ordering Station

▪ Before & After Photos

▪ Host Packets

▪ Prospecting Packets

▪ Order form Binder (A 3 ring binder with folders in it containing Retail Order Worksheets #6336, Autoship Program Agreements #2556, Start Now Independent Consultant Applications #9076, Consultant Product Order Forms #9034)

▪ Wish List notepad for your list of skincare recommendations

▪ Calculator

o On a side table/by snack area (optional)

▪ Empowering Women Magazine (suggestion: laminated & spiral bound)

▪ Eye on Arbonne Stories (suggestion: laminated)

▪ A variety of body butters/betters for people to smell/test

• Introduction:

o Thank you for coming - My name is ______________

o I’d like to thank ____(host)____ for bringing us all together for an evening of total relaxation - Give host a “token of appreciation” gift (I like to give Sugar Slush/Sea Salt Scrub)

o Simply for bringing your friends together for a night of R&R you get this gift, an 80% discount of product of YOUR choice based on party and outside sales, and when 3 of your friends at your party host their own spa night you will get the SeaSource Detox Spa Set Free - a $115 value!

o What you are soaking in is some of our Stimulating Detoxifying Rescue Wash, and while I add to your foot spas a dash of our Strengthening Purifying Sea Soak -doesn’t it smell wonderful!? (add Sea Soak to the spas) Imagine what this would be like if you could slip into an entire bath filled with these therapeutic aromas! I know you’re aching to know more… but you’re just going to have to wait a little bit longer to hear how much your body is loving you right now. __ (host) __ will you share with your friends why you are so excited to share Arbonne? (Have host share what her favorite product is/why she loves Arbonne Spa Parties)

o Thank you for sharing!

o I am here to share with you a little bit about:

▪ …myself and why I have chosen Arbonne

▪ …the Arbonne Difference - what sets us apart from the rest

▪ …the new SeaSource Detox Spa™ products

o Before I get started I am going to give you a dollop of our Stimulating Foaming Detox Spa Sea Salt Scrub in your hand for you to scrub your feet while share with you. Rinse, then push your spas forward and let your feet air dry while the minerals soak into your skin. (Give “penny sized” amount of scrub while sharing Eye Story)

• Eye Story:

o Take some time to fill in this part yourself!!!

o See attached “Checklist for Creating Your Powerful Eye Story”

o Listen to Learn N’ Burn Archive training on 4.20.06 Basic Consultant Training - “How to Turn Your Story into a Powerful Why Story” by Deana Wilkinson found at

o I have seen first hand what this business has done for me, my close friends, and now even more so with the commotion that is already happening with the introduction of this new Detox line!

o Let begin by learning what sets Arbonne apart from the rest…

• Business Growth:

o With the release of the line we are featuring today my business is booming! Arbonne was already experiencing incredible growth. (See growth chart from Arbonne=Results Presentation)

• Pass out Catalogs & do Catalog Oath:

o My goal tonight is for you to relax, forget about the stresses of today, and have fun!

o Here are your catalogs. They are yours to keep! But before you open it I want you to place your left hand on the catalog, right hand in the air, and repeat after me…

o “I promise… I will not look through the catalog… browse through the catalog… sneak a peek in the catalog… until (your name here) says. I promise to stay on the pages she is talking about… no flipping through other pages… I WILL however… look at every page, read every item description, and study all before and after pictures when I get home tonight… (laugh) …and lastly… I promise I will LOVE my Arbonne Spa Party.

• Q & A Game: (Show “Arbonne Difference” from Arbonne=Results)

o We’re going to start it with a game. I am going to give you a pump of massage oil so you can be massaging your feet while I am reading. The smell reminds me of a day spa! (give ½ pump of massage oil)

o How many have heard of Arbonne? Let’s find out more… Please pay close attention to our story because you will have a chance to win a prize!

o The story goes like this… The vision to provide skin care products unparalleled in quality and effectiveness developed in Switzerland in 1975. Arbonne’s products, based on botanical principles, are now shared throughout the world - The United States, Canada, Australia, and the UK, through our network of independent consultants began in the U.S. in 1980.

Our proprietary formulas (proprietary meaning we own our formulations) are:

• Botanically based - A proprietary blending of science and nature, based on herbal and botanical principles.

• pH correct to ensure maximum benefits

• Hypoallergenic

• Dermatologist-tested: Voluntary human tests done under the watchful eye of an independent dermatologist

• Never tested on animals

• Formulated without animal products or by-products

• Formulated without mineral oil: Occlusive oil can interfere with skin functions as well as advanced delivery systems

• Formulated without dyes or chemical fragrances: Dyes and fragrances are know irritants and can cause allergic reactions. * See Catalog pg. 4 for more information

• The Arbonne weight loss and nutrition products are backed by the latest scientific research and contain:

o Standardized botanicals and herbs

o Proprietary herbal blends that work synergistically with active components for optimal results


• All of Arbonne’s dietary supplements are formulated:

o To meet U.S. Pharmacopoeia (USP) disintegration time standards

o Without colors, starch, preservatives, or salt

o To provide maximum absorption with highly bio-available ingredients

• Our Slogan is “Pure, Safe, & Beneficial”

• We SO stand behind our products that we give you a full 45 day money back guarantee! - Your skin cell turnover takes more than 28 days so to see results of a new product you need to be using it exclusively for at least 28 days.

o Questions: Okay - Now I’m going to ask you questions! If you know the right answer I want you to shout it out. If you raise your hand you’re going to lose! The first person to get it right is going to get a candy. The person at the end with the most candies, or wrappers, wins a prize! Ready?

▪ What is our slogan? Pure, Safe, and Beneficial

▪ How long has Arbonne been in the United States? 1980

▪ What animal by-product do we use? None!

▪ What oil DON’T we use? Mineral Oil

▪ What are the two most common irritants to the skin? Dyes & chemical fragrances

▪ Arbonne’s dietary supplements are without what 4 things? Colors, starch, preservatives, or salt

▪ How many days is the money back guarantee? 45

▪ What is one of the Hostess Benefits? Host “token of appreciation” Gift, 80% off, RE9 Body Lotion & Serum Set

▪ What is my first and last name? ____________

o Give prize to the winner

o Finish Foot Spas (by giving ½ pump of Strengthen Re-Mineralizing Body Lotion 24H)

• Begin SeaSource Detox Presentation: Turn to page 8.

o You will notice this line is the first thing shown in the Product Catalogue. This is the foundation to optimal health and beauty.

o Using SeaSource Detox Spa will enhance the results you get when using the skin care, color, nutritional products, etc.

o This line was created to help our bodies work at their best.

o Why SeaSource Detox Spa? These days we are exposed to so many toxins through the air we breathe, the food we eat and even our water … not to mention the stress of everyday life.

o What is a toxin?

▪ A substance that can create an irritating or harmful effect on our body. It becomes toxic when our body can’t effectively eliminate this toxin and it causes a negative effect.

▪ If they build up, toxins can contribute to:

• Weight gain

• Fatigue - Stress

• Skin disorders/breakouts & premature aging

• A weakened immune system

• Poor digestion

• Stiffness, aches & pains

▪ Because of this, more and more people are turning to detox spas for help.

o What Sea Source Detox Spa™ does:

▪ A complete line of cleansing and purifying spa products that support the organs of elimination, including the:

• Skin

• Kidneys

• Liver

• Lungs

• Digestive tract

• Supports the body’s own ability to eliminate and remove toxins.

• What you were soaking in…. (pick up each item to refresh their memory)

o Stimulate - Detoxifying Rescue Wash - Pg.10

• Washes away impurities and potentially harmful surface toxins on the face, body, and hair.

• Toxins aren’t washed away by soap and water, just like dirt isn’t washed away by just water. This wash traps heavy metals and washes them away.

• Use especially if working out or have been in chlorine

• Two places you sweat most: Underarms and feet. Toxins come out through our sweat.

• Can also be used as a bubble bath (use 1–2 capfuls)

o Strengthen - Purifying Sea Soak - Pg. 13

• Seawater is full of life and is extremely therapeutic

• It has stress-relieving benefits

• You’ll be glowing!

• Tip: Let dry on skin so minerals can soak in

• Tip: If you don’t have time for full soak, just soak your feet

o Stimulate - 5-in-1 Essential Massage Oil - Pg. 10

• Love the smell - like a day spa!

• Helps to remove toxins, soothes skin & delivers nourishing minerals resulting in deep relaxation

• Preps skin for further detox treatments

• Can be used for body massage, a facial massage, as a bath oil soak (dissolves in water), as a purifying facial steam bath, and for aromatherapy and air purification.

• I know massaging yourself isn’t quite the same as if you were at a day spa, but think of it this way… What you would pay for one day at a spa, you will be able to treat yourself to on a bi-weekly basis for a couple months! You can ask your “significant other” to help you with the massage, and who knows… you may end up getting much more than you paid for!! (

o Stimulate - Foaming Sea Salt Scrub - Pg. 10

• Gentle body butter lathers into a rich foam

• Releases toxins

• Exfoliates the skin

• Increases micro-circulation

• Stimulates skin to promote a natural more healthy-looking radiance

o Support - Renewing Body Gelée - Pg. 14

• Loaded with antioxidant protection

• Cooling gel that nourishes, hydrates, & moisturizes

• Restores skin’s surface ionic balance

• Stress in shoulders and base of neck

• Testimony: Great on sore muscles

• Spa Facials: Give everyone a fresh hand towel on their lap and a hot washcloth from the crock-pot.

o First we’re going to begin with the wash. This is the same wash you used on your feet. Again this wash can be used literally head to toe! - It will remove make-up

o Next massage the Stimulating Sea Mud Face & Body Mask in small circulating motions on your face and neck. Give quarter sized amount of Sea Mud Mask.

o Stimulate - Sea Mud Face & Body Mask - Pg. 10

• Is an enriched sea-derived mud that contains stimulating ingredients and marine botanicals

• Detoxifies and conditions the skin’s surface

• Eliminates surface impurities

• Leaves your skin glowing

• Tip: Layer with the Purifying Sea Soak. For example, use Sea Mud Face & Body Mask, then soak in Purifying Sea Soak. Get a layering effect of the benefits!

o Give warm washcloth to remove mask

o Strengthen - Re-Mineralizing Body Lotion 24H - Pg. 13 (½ pump)

• Mineral-enriched lotion

• Help firm and tone the appearance of tired-looking skin

• Hydro-trap technology in association with hydrating sea botanicals provides skin’s surface with 24 hour moisture replenishment

• Items not used tonight:

o Support - Dry Body Brush pg. 14

▪ Show how to use (small circles towards heart)

▪ Improves circulation

o Strengthen - Fortifying Hair Mask Pg.13

▪ Protects against heavy metals

▪ Love how this feels

▪ Safe for color-treated hair

▪ Especially during pool use

o Support - 7 Day Body Cleanse pg.14:

• improper diet, too much stress and environmental effects, which can produce toxic conditions

• Average person consumes 150 lbs of sugar in a year - 52 teaspoons a day! Adds up & affects our bodies.

• Our “eliminative” organs that help rid toxins are skin, kidney, liver, lungs and GI tract. The problem is, we’ve overloaded them.

• Interesting fact: GI tract is the first contact the body makes with toxins.

o Did you know in our lifetime the GI tract will process 100 tons of food? That’s 20 elephants!

▪ 7-Day Body Cleanse Dietary Supplement

• Way to support detox organs internally

• Giving body optimal environment

• What it does:

o Flushes excess water &Cleanses GI tract

o Has herbs that support liver function

o How to use:

▪ Dilute in 32 oz. of water each day for seven days & add additional 32 oz. — this process draws water to intestines from body, so you want a lot of water in your system: 64 oz. total

▪ Do not miss Arbonne Smart Nutritional Hybrids®

o Autoship this product!

o How it feels:

▪ May have cramping, loose stools, tired day 2

▪ After = Amazing!!!

o Helps body operate optimally

• Why do we do this?

o Detox and purify

o Because toxins are all around us and we’ve overloaded our bodies

o By cleansing internally and externally, we help our bodies work at their optimal level

o SeaSource Detox Spa™ is the foundation. By getting our bodies and skin to function optimally, we’ll see better results from all product lines (skincare, nutrition, color, etc.). Pair with skin care and fight time, environment and toxins!

• Touching on NutriMinCRE9:(Show Arbonne=Results pg.6 on RE9)

o Hint about booking: Say something like, “If you haven’t tried it, one of you is going to want to schedule a NutriMinC RE9 party!”

• Or… Touching on Intelligence:(Show Arbonne=Results pg.7)

• Or…Touching on Hybrids:(Show Arbonne=Results pg.8)

• Or… Touching on Figure 8:(Show Arbonne=Results pg.9)

• Or… Touching on Color: (taken from Arbonne University)

-Micronized mineral-based pigments -Colors stay true

-No flaking or creasing -Certified Vegan

-Customizable -Botanically-enriched

-Talc-free -Anti-aging raw materials and elements

-Antioxidant properties with Vitamins A, C & E

-Technologically advanced formulations

• Closing:

o 3 Ways to Win (Show Arbonne=Results pg.20)

▪ Client - Your own Consultant & Host Benefits

• (Show Arbonne=Results pg.23 & Arbonize Your Home sheet found under “Download Forms” and/or “Essentials Sheet” attached file)

▪ Consultant - 35% off + more benefits!

▪ Business Builder - (talk about Compensation Summary on Arbonne=Results pg.18)

o Deal or No Deal Game!!

▪ Tips: Host within 7 days & upgrade to a prize worth double

▪ Tips: Get 5 new people there & get another free item!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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