By the guys at Zero Down Car Millionaire and Success Media Group

The Alchemy Technique - Zero Down Car Millionaire

By the guys at Zero Down Car Millionaire and Success Media Group

? Copyright 2013 Success Media Group

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The Alchemy Technique - Zero Down Car Millionaire


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The Alchemy Technique - Zero Down Car Millionaire


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The Alchemy Technique - Zero Down Car Millionaire

The Alchemy Technique

How to Turn Trash To Cash

Can you talk?

Can you ride a bike?

If so, you can make $500 to thousands of dollars per day by turning trash to cash.

There are two reasons that this system is called Zero Down Car Millionaire.

One reason is because it describes what I did...I became a millionaire by ipping cars and I started with no money, no credit, no skills, no contacts, no education, and no mentor in the car business.

But the primary reason that this system is called Zero Down Car Millionaire is because that name should motivate and inform you that you too can become a millionaire by ipping cars no matter how small your current bank account is.

The Zero Down Car Millionaire system is designed to get you results whether you choose to use your own money or whether you don't have a single truly does not matter. You can get huge results either way.

Remember, I started with no money and no credit, so you are likely in a far better situation than I was.

Why do I think its so important for you to have the belief that you can start with nothing?

Because most people give up prior to even trying. They erect too many selfimposed obstacles in their path that defeat them before they ever even get started.

? Copyright 2013 Success Media Group

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The Alchemy Technique - Zero Down Car Millionaire

Most self-limiting people say or believe FALSE information like:

"This will never work for me, I'd have to be rich to do that"

"That requires too much money"

"Sounds great but I don't have any money to use so it will never work"

The point here is that most people immediately think that starting a business or investing in cars is impossible for them because they have no money.

Sadly, instead of learning how to get out of their situation they instead choose to go on living paycheck to paycheck and are resigned to the fact that they will struggle forever.


Instead, use the knowledge in the Zero Down Car Millionaire system to leverage only what you have right now (no matter how little) and turn it into however much you want. I became a Zero Down Car Millionaire starting with nothing. Now my passion is teaching you to do the same. All you have to do is learn the system and then apply it. It really is that simple.

To get you going, the Zero Down Car Millionaire system gives you tons of Zero Down techniques that you can use immediately to make your deals.

As a free bonus and token of my appreciation for your interest in the Zero Down Car Millionaire system, I'd like to provide you with another Zero Down technique to add to your toolbox. I call it the Alchemy Technique because it allows you to turn trash to cash.

What I really like about this technique is that absolutely anyone can do it.

You can even have your 10 year old do it.

The alchemy technique requires only two skills:

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The Alchemy Technique - Zero Down Car Millionaire

1. Being able to talk 2. Being able to ride a bike

With the Alchemy Technique, you can turn those two simple skills into $500 to thousands of dollars per day. Skeptical? Let me explain....

Do you ride bikes through neighborhoods?

Do you walk through neighborhoods?

Do you drive through neighborhoods?

Of course you do, everyone does. You are about to learn how to get paid while doing just that.

There is a house in every neighborhood that has one (sometimes several) junk cars. They are ugly, take up space, piss off neighbors etc. No one wants to look at them, yet every neighborhood has one or two houses littered with junk cars. While other people see this as an eyesore, you should see it as an opportunity.

Did you know that those junk cars that don't even run or seem to have any usable parts are very valuable to numerous businesses? There are tons of businesses including auto recycling centers, junk yards, metal salvaging companies etc. that pay top dollar for junk cars. Just google "junk cars to cash," "cash for junk cars," or something similar and tons of companies in your region will pop up.

These businesses will pick up those junk cars and pay you a minimum of $500 per car. Again, they will come to where the car is, pick it up, and pay $500 or more for each car. Call some local companies in your area and familiarize yourself with their terms. You have found the right company when they commit to at least $500 per car and they will come and pick it up.

You have to do nothing except spot the car, and work out a deal with the owner to sell it to you for less than $500. Many people will gladly give you their junk

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car for free in exchange for relieving them of the junk sitting in their yard. That equals a $500 pro t for you!

The Alchemy Technique is a great way to build capital, make extra money, or even turn it into a full-time larger scale business.

So, what's the best way to capitalize on your new knowledge? By using the Alchemy Technique and "cycling for dollars."

I recommend riding around neighborhoods that you know to have plenty of junk cars on a bicycle. You can drive to the area, park, unload your bicycle, and then ride a bike through the neighborhood you are targeting. When you get to a house that has one or more junk cars, knock on their door. Make sure they notice that you rode up on the bicycle (it makes them think that you don't have a car and that their car may help you).

When they answer their door say something like, "I'm sorry to bother you but I couldn't help but notice your car sitting out in the yard, it doesn't look like its currently being used...what are your plans for it?"

Listen to their answer. Some people will tell you that its their project car and they will restore it one day (yeah right). These people may be hoarders and unwilling to part with it. You will need to use your judgement and develop a feel for their needs. Other people will tell you that their car is junk and that they wish they could get rid of it but don't want to deal with the hassle and expense of doing so. This is where you have an opportunity because you know something they do not. You know that you can get at least $500 for their car no matter what condition its in, and that your salvage company will come and retrieve the car. This eliminates all of the car owner's problems and generates a $500 pro t for you...that's a win win. Your goal should be to acquire their car for as small an amount as possible (preferably nothing). You'll be surprised how many people will gladly give you their car for free if you promise to provide a hassle free and prompt removal of it.

After you've listened to them say, "Would you like to get rid of the car?" Then shut up and let them talk. If they are interested in getting rid of it, your

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objective is to get the price down as low as possible with $0 being the goal. Use the negotiation techniques in the Zero Down Car Millionaire system to close the deal.

Then all you need to do is ll out the state title transfer documents and take the title for the car. The nal step is to call up your metal salvaging company, give them the paperwork for the car, and collect your $500.

Its that easy.

Can you talk? Can you ride a bike? If so, you can and should do this.

Why stop with cars? There is plenty of other metal that is quite valuable. Why not also salvage farm equipment, construction debris, lawn mowers, irrigation tubes, copper, brass, aluminum, or bronze? Many of these metals can be sold for upwards of $1 per pound. Finding junk cars is lucrative, but don't overlook other metals that can be lucrative too.

The Alchemy Technique can grow into a full-blown business that involves going for scenic drives, bike rides, or walks. Then when you nd a subject house, knock on the door and make your deal. Want to make even more? Why not hire some high school graduates to spot cars and make deals for you? Pay them $100 per car and don't pay them until after you received the $500 on the car they found. This will allow you to nd tons more cars and will free up your own time. Plus the teenagers can make $100 for very easy work. It will make sense for them and even more sense for you.

The alchemy technique requires no money...only a little time and a little effort. Your time and effort is rewarded at the rate of $500 per car. Can you nd more than one car per day? I think you can, and if you do you'll be making $1000 plus per day. Not a bad income considering it costs you nothing to get started.

Still think it takes money to make money?

It does not. I am living proof and so is the Alchemy Technique.

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