Essay Writing Services

Essay Writing Services

The reasons for group mobility can be social upheavals, wars, natural disasters. Individual mobility can depend on education, abilities, change of place of residence, changes in marital status. Distinguish vertical mobility - when a person moves up and down the strata and horizontal - when the movement occurs within the same stratum. The indicators of mobility are the speed of movement and intensity. As a result of the movement, a person may lose his former status and be unable to adapt to the new stratum within which he has turned out. Such people are called marginals.

Depending on mobility, open societies, closed societies and mixed societies are distinguished when the stratum is legally prohibited, but in practice it is possible. Throughout life, a person can improve their education, repeatedly change their place of residence (migration and emigration), change their marital status, do business, make a career. Moving up the social ladder to the individual, as a rule, help other people, not just his personal abilities. But many, having reached the heights, forget about those who once helped them, begin to look down on their friends who are lower in social status. I believe that the behavior of a person who has achieved some heights in life largely depends on his upbringing and on the life principles he adheres to. Being at the top, you must always remember that life is unpredictable, and one day you may find yourself in the place of those on which you are now laughing and despising. Real Essay Writing Services in New York

In real life, there are many examples where a person from a simple family reaches great heights. Nikita Khrushchev was born in a simple peasant family and became the general secretary of the CPSU and the leader of the Soviet state.

Bill Geytts, born in a lawyer's family and distinguished by bad behavior at school, became one of the richest people in the world. As many examples, when a person during the financial crisis suddenly loses everything.

My position in society will undoubtedly change over the course of my life. But I will try, not looking at any changes, to remain, above all, a person. There are things that are much more important than social status or material prosperity - love, friendship, respect.

Rules to be followed when writing an essay:

? The introductory part should be concise, but expressive and contain a central metaphorical image.

? The last sentence of the entry and the first sentence of the main part must be organically linked. Essence of connection: explanation of the legality of the metaphor.

? The volume of the main part is not regulated, but it is necessary to remember: with increasing volume of essay loses the ease of the genre.

? The main part is connected with the conclusion, not only in the mind, but also in the way of linguistic design (through the central image).

? Essay must contain a sounded limb. At the same time, it does not matter at all, the end is the affirmation of anything, a question or a completely unfinished reflection. A successful option for completing an essay is the use of aphorisms and citations.


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