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You choose the news

You choose

Students choose one of the following investigations:

Investigation One

Students will investigate how an episode of BtN is made then create their own run down for a kids’ news program. Watch Behind, Behind the News on the BtN website Ask students to record different parts of the production week on BtN.

Discuss with students who they think make the decisions about what stories will be included on the program (Producer, Executive Producer, Journalist) and what things might influence their decisions about what should be included.

Students then create their own run down for BtN. The transcripts in the teachers section of the website and viewing previous episodes of BtN, will give students a sense of how the show is structured. Discuss with students the different types of stories covered in each show. Working in small groups, students choose five news stories to include in their run down. The first two or three stories should be `harder stories’ and the others are usually softer, human interest stories. Other information that students will need to include in their run down includes:

• A brief summary of each story (2 or 3 sentences)

• 2 or 3 quiz questions and answers

• Information that will be covered in The Wire and The Score

• An online poll question that is linked to a story

Present your run down to the class giving reasons for your choices.

Investigation two

Choose your five favourite stories from this term. The stories (episodes 19-27) are in the archives section of the website . The stories will make up their top five for this term. To ensure there are a variety of stories, students choose one from each of the following categories:

• Global issue

• Environment

• Sport

• Animal

• Other

Students answer the following questions:

• Why did you choose the stories?

• Describe the main issue/message in each story.

• Why do you think children would be interested in the stories?

• Why do you think the stories were chosen to be on BtN?

• What would you change about the stories? Why?

Present your `Top five’ to the class. Include information about why you chose the stories and why you think the stories were chosen to be on BtN.

( Related Research Links

ABC Behind the News - Transcript


Episode 27



Society and Environment

Key learning

Students will reflect on their favourite BtN stories this term or create their own run down for a children’s news program.




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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