CT Train / COCOMPEUR projects | Sharing knowledge, skills ...




Verbs/ Verbid

to strip – triibutama to plaster – krohvima

to fill – täitma (pragusid, vuuke jne) to hang- üles riputama (tapeeti nt)

to sand – lihvima to tile – plaatima

to paint – värvima to wallpaper – tapetseerima

to cut – lõikama, saagima to saw- saagima

to drill – puurima to hammer – naelutama

to whitewash – lupjama to fit in – paigale sobitama

to paste over – ülevärvima to prime – kruntima

to varnish – lakkima to build – ehitama

Nouns/ Nimisõnad

|scissors – käärid |Respirato- respiraator |

|craft knife – kipsinuga |Filler- pahtel, täitesegu |

|scraper – kaabits |tile – plaat |

|wallpaper brush – tapedipintsel |brick tellis |

|pasting table – tapeetimislaud |stone – kivi |

|pasting brush –liimipintsel |san liiv |

|wallpaper paste – tapeediliim |glass – klaas |

|bucket – ämber |timber – puit |

|roller – värvirull |board –plaat |

|brush – pintsel |tin – tina |

|sandpaper - liivapaber |steel – teras |

|paint tray -värvialus |concrete – betoon |

|paint tin - tinavärv |clay – savi |

|dustsheet - tolmulapp |gravel – kruus |

|overalls - tunked | |

|safety goggles –kaitseprillid | |

|electric drill - elektridrell |cement – tsement |

|spirit level - lood |plastics – plastik |

|hawk – nokad |lime – lubi |

|trowel – kellu |gypsum – kips |

|joint filler – vuugitäide |chalk – kriit |

|caulking gun – pahtlilabidas |artificial stone – tehiskivi |

|wallpaper – tapeet |log - palk |

|varnish – lakk | |

|plaster – krohv |Professions and trades |

|emulsion – emulsioon |plumber – torumees |

|sieve - sõel |fitter – paigaldaja |

|plasterboard – kipsplaat |plasterer – krohvija |

|scaffolding – tellingud |carpenter – puusepp |

|wheelbarrow – käru |joiner – tisler |

|cutting nippers - lõiketangid |bricklayer – müürimees |

|crowbar - sõrgkang |painter – maaler |

|screwdriver – kruvikeeraja |foreman – töödejuhataja |

|patterned roller – mustriga värvirull |builder / construction worker – ehitaja. |

|masking tape – peiteteip | |

|stepladder – redel | |

|chisel- peitel | |

|hacksaw – rauasaag | |

|hammer – haamer | |

Task 1

Name these tools and supplies


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Materials that are used for structural purposes should meet several requirements. In most cases it is important that they should be hard, durable, fire-resistant and easily fastened together.

The most commonly used materials are steel, concrete, stone, wood and brick. They differ in hardness, durability and fire-resistance.

Wood is the most ancient structural material. It is light, cheap and easy to work. But wood has disadvantages, too: it burns and decays.

Stone belongs to one of the oldest building materials used by man. It is characteristic of many properties. They are mechanically strength, compactness, porosity, sound and heat insulation and fire-resistance.

Bricks were known many thousands of years ago. They are the examples of artificial building materials.

Concrete is referred to as one of the most important building materials. Concrete is a mixture of cement, sand, crushed stone and water.

Steel has come into general use with the development of industry. Its manufacture requires special equipment and skilled labour.

Plastics combine all the fine characteristics of a building material with good insulating properties. It is no wondered that the architects and engineers have turned to them to add beauty to modern homes and offices.

All building materials are divided into three main groups:

1) main building materials such as rocks and artificial stones, timber and metals;

2) binding materials such as lime, gypsum and cement;

3) secondary or auxiliary materials that are used for the interior parts of the buildings.

We use many building materials for bearing structures. Binding materials are used for making artificial stones and for joining different planes. We use secondary materials for the interior finish of the building.

Task 1

Read and translate the text.

A building is a construction that is raised on a foundation (vundament) and is generally made of stone, concrete blocks (betoonplokid), bricks and mortar or cement. Bricks and concrete blocks are held together by mortar (segu). Walls are made of bricks and those that are built of concrete blocks are suitable both for small buildings and multistory structures. Nowadays houses are often built of complete concrete structural units which are factory-made and assembled on the spot (kohapeal kokku pandud).

Every detail of a house must be carefully planned. The working plan itself is called a blueprint (ehitusprojekt). Without a blueprint the workmen (tööline) would make all sorts of mistakes and waste a lot of time.

Plans for building a house are drawn by an architect. The architect draws a separate plan for each individual floor. He shows all the parts of the house exactly as if the house were already built.

It is from the blueprint of the architect that the workman sees where to place the walls, the windows, the doors, the staircases, etc. The size of the rooms, the width of the doors and windows, the height of the ceilings are also marked on the plan by the architect.

Different workmen are employed in building a house. The stonemason (müürsepp) builds the foundation. The bricklayer builds the walls and other parts made of bricks. He lays the bricks one on the top of another and puts mortar between them with a trowel. The tiler is employed for putting tiles on the roof. The plumber fixes all the baths, water pipes and the sanitary fittings of drains and lavatories in the places marked for them in the plan drawn by the architect. The electrician runs electric wires and makes connections all through the house from the cellars under ground to the attics under the roof. All the doors and window frames are made by the carpenter and put into their places by the joiner. The latter also lays down the floor. Then the plasterer puts plaster or cement over all the walls and ceilings and makes them smooth (tasandama). The walls are then painted, papered or whitewashed as the case may be.

Task 2

Write out the unknown words.



Primary colours/Põhivärvid

Primary colours are red, yellow and blue. We can’t gain (saavuta) primary colours mixing (segades) other colours together.

Colour these circles (värvi ringid)!

If all three of the primary colours were combined together, they would produce black.

Secondary colours/Teised värvid

Secondary colours are produced (toodetakse) by mixing two other primary colours together. [4., 146. – 148.]


Yellow + blue = green


Yellow + red = orange

Red + blue = purple

Opposite or complementary colours are/Vastas- või üksteist täiendavad värvid on:

|-) red | |and |green | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|-) yellow | |and |purple | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|-) blue | |and |orange | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Warm and cool colours /Soojad ja külmad värvid

Colours can be divided into warm colours, such as red and yellow, which are associated with (mida seostatakse) fire, candlelight (küünlavalgus) and sunlight, and cool colours, such as blue and green, which we associate with ice, water, and crisp salads. Warm colours like red, yellow, and orange, make us feel all toasty warm (röstisoe) inside. Cool colours such as blue, green, and violet, make us think of cool things.

Warm colours come forward (edasi) and cool colours recede (kahanevad). A colour that contains one of these hot colours becomes a warm colour, example:

 Kollane roheline     punane purpurne

Yellow green     red purple

 A colour that contains one of these cold colours becomes a cool colour, example:

 Blue green     blue purple

White, black and gray are considered (consider - loetakse) to be neutral or achromatic colours. [4., 167.]



Colours can affect mood (avaldama mõju meeleolule) and emotions. We look at what colours are suitable for different room types. Colour can be created through both paint and furnishing (möbleerimine).

|Violet | |Effects of VIOLET as a colour: |Suggested areas of use: |

| | |calming (rahustav) for body and mind; |places of worship (jumalateenistuse kohtades) |

| | |good for meditation and prayer; |entry areas (sissepääsudes); |

| | |purifying (puhastav). |to clinics and hospitals; |

| | | |festival areas; |

| | | |pale violet (kahvatu violetne) in bedrooms. |

| | | |magamistubades. |

| [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [5] |

|Blue | |Effects of BLUE as a colour: |Suggested areas of use: |

| | |calming, relaxing and healing (tervendav); |any rooms except those used for physical activity |

| | |also the colour of communication. |or play. |

| [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [5] |

|Green | |Effects of GREEN as a colour: |Suggested areas of use: |

| | |balancing (tasakaalustav), harmonising and |depending upon the shade (varjundist), can be used |

| | |encourages tolerance (tolerantsusele õhutav) |for most areas; |

| | |and understanding; |use with other colours. |

| | |colour as well to avoid the balance and harmony| |

| | |becoming more like total inactivity | |

| | |(tegevusetus) indecision (otsustusvõimetus). | |

| [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [5] |

|Yellow | |Effects of YELLOW as a colour: |Suggested areas of use: |

| | |stimulates mental activity (vaimset aktiivsust)|activity rooms; |

| | |; |entrance halls; |

| | |promotes (loob) feeling of confidence |not for bedrooms as yellow can interfere with |

| | |(enesekindlus); |(häirida) sleep since it tends to keep our minds |

| | |helpful for study as it helps us to stay alert |"switched on"; |

| | |(ergas). |not ideal for areas of possible (võimalik) stress. |

| [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [5] |

|ORANZ | |Effects of ORANGE as a colour: |Suggested areas of use: |

| | |warming and energizing (ergutav); |any activity area and creative areas; |

| | |can stimulate creativity (loovus); |not ideal for bedrooms or areas of possible stress.|

| | |orange is the colour of fun and sociability | |

| | |(sotsiaalsus). | |

| [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [5] |

| | |Effects of RED as a colour: |Suggested areas of use: |

| | |energizing, exciting (põnev) the emotions; |any activity area but red needs careful choice of |

| | |stimulates appetite. |tone (toon) and depth (sügavus) and the space |

| | | |(koht) in which it is to be used as it can make a |

| | | |space look smaller and can be claustrophobic |

| | | |(klaustrofoobia) or oppressive (ärevus). However, |

| | | |used well, red and its variations can make a space |

| | | |feel warm and cosy (mõnus) Often used in |

|Red | | |restaurants. |

| [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [5] |

|Pink | |Effects of PINK as a colour: |Suggested areas of use: |

| | |this colour is sooth (mahe) and nurture |ideal for a baby's or child's bedroom. |

| | |(hoitus); | |

| | |it helps to dissolve (lahustada) anger and | |

| | |encourages | |

| [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [5] |

|Black | |Effects of BLACK as a colour: |Suggested areas of use: |

| | |black used with another colour enhances |not ideal as a single colour, but when used with |

| | |(võimendab) the energy of that second colour; |care, can enhance (võimendada) and complement |

| | |black gives us the space for reflection |(täiendada) other colours in almost any situation. |

| | |(peegeldus) and inner searching (sisemised |[7 |

| | |otsingud) | |

| [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [5] | | [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [5] |

|White | |Effects of WHITE as a colour: |Suggested areas of use: |

| | |white contains all the colours. It emphasizes |any room, but it can be a little intimidating |

| | |(rõhutama) purity (puhtus/rikkumatus) and |(hirmutav) to some. Needs to be broken up with |

| | |illuminates (valgustab) our thoughts, giving us|another colour or with plants / ornaments / |

| | |clarity (selgus). |pictures etc. |

| [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [5] |

| | |Effects of GREY as a colour: |Suggested areas of use: |

|Gray; grey | |• this magnificent shade of nature looks really|• all shades of gray can be good, neutral |

| | |cosy and soothing (rahustav) when used in home |background colors. Use lighter grays in place of |

| | |interiors; |white and darker gray in place of black. |

| | |• gray is a neutral, balanced color. It is a | |

| | |cool, conservative color that seldom evokes | |

| | |strong emotion although it can be seen as a | |

| | |cloudy or moody color. | |

| [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic][pic] [5] |

| | |Effects of BROWN as a colour: | Suggested areas of use: |

|Brown | |• this colour gives rooms a casual (tavalise), |• feature wall in living area. |

| | |natural feel; brown is a down-to-earth neutral |• use brown to convey a feeling of warmth, honesty,|

| | |color. It is found in earth, wood, and stone. |and |

| | |• it is warming. It works well as a feature |wholesomeness. [7] |

| | |wall (põhisein), but will make a room look drab| |

| | |(igav) and dull (loid) if overdone. | |

| [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [5] |


There are different types of houses:

-) detached house – eramaja

-) two / three storey house – kahe/kolmekordne elamu

-) dormer house – mansardkorrusega maja)

-) bungalow – bangalo

-) cottage – suvila

-) semi-detached house – kahepereelamu

-) terraced house – ridaelamu

-) log house / log building -palkmaja

-) block of flats / apartment block – korterelamu

There are often other buildings, called outhouses, besides or around the main building:

-) garage – garaaz

-) shed – varjualune

-) barn – ait

-) workshop – töökoda

-) greenhouse – kasvuhoone

The bigger the house, the more rooms there are in it. We know most of them, for example, kitchen, bedroom, living room, dining room, sitting room, bathroom and etc. But there are some other rooms:

-) open plan kitchen – avatud köök

-) study – kabinet

-) hall – koridor, hall

-) nursery – lastetuba

-) utility room – majapidamisruum

-) attic / loft – pööning

-) loft room – pööningutuba

-) conservatory – talveaed

-) porch –veranda

-) cellar – kelder

-) basement – keldrikorrus

-) stairs – trepid

Some people own a house or an apartment, so it is their property – their private house or apartment. It costs a lot of money to buy a house and maybe even more to build one because you also have to buy a site (krunt). Most people, who want to do it, get a mortgage (laen) from the bank which they often pay back over a period of 20 – 25 years. They pay back more than they actually borrow because they also pay interest (intress) to the bank. Sometimes people also get a loan from the bank if they need a bigger sum of money to renovate (renoveerima) the house or build an extension (juurdeehitis). [2., 7. lpp.]

Task 1

Do you know these types of houses?

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|1. …………………………………………… |2. …………………………………………… |3. …………………………………………… |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|4. …………………………………………… |5. …………………………………………… |6. ………………………………….………… |

|[pic] | | |

| | | |

|7. ……………………………………...... [5] | | |

Task 2

Translate the sentences into Estonian .

1. I live in a block of flats.………………………...………………………………………………………………………………………

2. We live in a small bungalow very near the centre of the village.……………………….………………………...


3. Now our home is a four room flat on the ground floor in a nine storey building. ……………………….


4. The rent and the house prices are definitely higher in the city. ……………………………………………………


5. We live in a small detached house. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

6. I live on the third floor of a big block of apartments. …………………………………………………………………..

.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7. My wife wants to build an extension and a conservatory and convert a garden shed into a garage. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


8. Ann has a three room apartment. …………………………………………………………………………………………………

9. We lived in a private house in the countryside. ……………………..…………………………………………….………


10. Now we have a modern kitchen with a dining area. …………………………………………………………………..




Its strength and compactness combined with excellent performance of thermal and acoustic insulation, its durability and the comfort of living in it have undoubtedly facilitated dissemination of this type of construction system, especially in countries with cold climate.

A wooden house built with log house system has always been popular in large parts of Northern Europe as well as along the Alps looking harmoniously up with the local landscape. [6]

The log house system allows construction in a simple and neat way. All pieces of the house stuck to each other making the building compact and resistant.

 An interlocking system of the walls makes up the structure of the house using beams carved along their perimeter with angles treated for perfect insertion. This structure is solid and completely self-supporting. [6]

Clear assembling instructions to complete the work with all pieces rigorously numbered for their easy identification and assembling - this solution offers the opportunity to build the structure on your own.

The log house construction system uses hardwood logs in Nordic spruce, squared and polished, with double or triple connections 'male & female' which are vertically stacked together to form a main supporting wall or an internal partition.

A wooden building with log house system lasts for years, as it's demonstrated by many buildings existing for more than 200 years. [6]

Main features of the log house system:

• solid construction: acoustic insulation, high fire safety, load bearing, mass with accumulation capacity;

• one material: use of a single material and one constructive system to realize bearing walls, floors, roof and internal partitions;

• reduced construction time: fast and dry assembling, immediately loaded;

• living comfort: the surface temperature is close to the room temperature;

• visual quality: spruce & pine can be planed, sanded  depending on the degree of finish you want to achieve;

• gaining space: gaining space thanks to the reduced thickness of the structure for eco-houses;

• prefabrication: economic construction thanks to the prefabrication of the entire building at the factory, without a need for assembling by a specialized company;

• antiseismic construction:  construction of elements,  "dovetail" joints of elements allow to absorb and compensate vibrations;

• disk effect: load reduction, reinforced floor, cross-laminated structure;

• thermal insulation: excellent characteristics of accumulation and insulation protect the premises from overheating in summer;

• resistant to bad weather conditions.

Log buildings /Palkmajad

[pic] [pic]

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Location /Asukoht:

-) the house is situated / located… – maja asub….

-) in the centre of the town – linna keskel

-) in a housing estate – elamurajoonis

-) on the ground / first / second floor – esimesel/teasel korrusel

-) in a house overlooking a park – majas vaatega pargile

-) in a house with a view of a mountain – majas vaatega mägedele

-) the front windows overlook the main street / a busy street – esiakenast avaneb vaad peatänavale

-) the house is surrounded by trees – maja ümbritsevad puud

-) the location is very convenient / inconvenient because… – asukoht on väga mugav/ebamugav sellepärast,et

-) the house is within walking distance of the town – maja on jalutuskäigu kaugusel linnast

-) in the neighbourhood = in the vicinity – naabruses

-) in a small / big town – väikeses/ suures linnas

-) in the country-side – maal

-) on the river Daugava – Daugava jõe ääres

Size of a house /Majade suurus:

-) big / huge / massive – suur/hiiglasuur/ massiivne

-) small / tiny – väike /imetilluke

-) there is / isn’t enough room for all of us – siin on piisavalt/ei ole piisavalt ruumi meile kõigile

-) there is very little room for all of us – meile kõigile on siin vähe ruumi

-) too small – liiga väike

-) spacious – avar

-) three bedroom apartment – kolme magamistoaga korter

Age of a house /maja vanus:

-) a new / old / modern house – uus/vana/moderne maja

-) newly constructed – vastvalminud

Renovating a house /Maja renoveerimine:

-) renovate a house = reconstruct a house – maja renoveerimine- ümberehitus

-) refurbish a house – renoveerimiseks

-) decorate a house = do up a house – maja dekoreerimine, sanitaarremont

-) modernize a house = upgrade a house – maja moderniseerimine

-) repair = fix – parandamine, remont

-) the house is in good condition = in a good state of repair – maja on heas seisukorras

-) in bad condition – halvas seisukorras

-) derelict house – mahajäetud maja

-) in need of refurbishment / reconstruction – vajab renoveerimist

-) pull down – lammutama

-) build an extension – juurdeehitis

-) extension – laiendamine

-) convert something into something – teisaldama midagi kuhugi

-) separate –eraldi

-) partition – vahesein

-) install – paigaldama

-) replace –asendama

-) leak – lekkima

-) rotten – mäda

-) blocked – ummistunud

-) damp – niiske

-) insulate – soojustama

-) strip the wallpaper – tapeediribad

Heating a house/ maja kütmine

-) central heating – keskküte

-) fireplace – kamin

-) radiator – radiaator

-) liquid fuel / solid fuel / natural gas stove – vedelküte/ tahkeküte/maagaasi ahi

-) wood – puit

-) coal – süsi

-) peat – turvas

-) peat briquettes – turba brikett

Garden and yard /Aiad ja hoovid:

-) brick paved yard – kivisillutisega õu

-) asphalted yard – asfalteeritud õu

-) drive – sõitma

-) path – rada

-) patio – siseõu

-) terrace –terrass

-) front / back garden – eesõu/tagahoov

-) lawn –muru

-) hedge – hekk

-) fence – tara

-) gate – värav

-) flower-bed – lille peenar

-) vegetable garden – köögivilja aed

-) decorative plants and shrubs – dekoratiivtaimed ja põõsad

-) well – kaev

-) pond – tiik

-) pool – bassein

Task 2

Match a word or a phrase from the left with a word or a phrase from the right. Several options are possible in some cases.

A 1. mature a. floor

2. blocked b. pipes

3. tiled c. bedroom

4. rotten d. garden

5. huge e. walls

6. leaking f. house

7. damp g. window frames

8. derelict h. roof

B I’m going to 1. install a. the old central heating system

2. pull down b. the sitting room

3. convert c. an extension

4. varnish d. the washing machine

5. build e. money

6. fix f. the utility room into a shower room

7. upgrade g. the floor

8. decorate h. a gas meter

9. borrow i. an old garden shed

C 1. comfortable a. sofa

2. convenient b. location

c. sitting room [2]

Task 3

Use the suitable linking words and phrases:

We went to look at this house that is for sale in Madona yesterday. ( …………………………………………… it is a nice house and it is in very good condition. It has just been redecorated. ( ……………………………………………, there is a conservatory and a lovely garden, too.

I thought the rooms upstairs were a bit damp. ( …………………………………………… they were not properly insulated. But maybe there is something wrong with the central heating. The agent said the system was perfect. Well, ( ……………………………………………, that didn’t convince me. I would like an independent expert to look at it.

( ……………………………………………, I really liked the house. ( ……………………………………………, it is quite far from the town and all the amenities. I would like to live a bit closer to the town.

( …………………………………………… the price is a bit higher than we expected. So I don’t know what to do. ( …………………………………………… there is something else that worries me – a motorway is going to be built in the area next year. The agent didn’t say a word about it. ( …………………………………………… we started talking to the neighbours. They mentioned it. ( …………………………………………… I don’t want to live right beside a motorway. But if it is not too near, it could be an advantage.

Well, what do you think? Should I buy the house or look for something else? [2., 21.]

4. 3. 4. 3. BIO RESORTS


"Lebbiano Residence" is a sustainable resort located in the Scandicci hills only a few minutes away from Florence (Italy). The entire resort from the planning and location of the construction to the photovoltaic panels enables this structure to be 100% sustainable. [11]

The structure was designed considering the following guidelines: caring for the environmental setting, exploitation of climatic conditions for resource saving cooling and heating, use of natural recyclable and low energy materials, interaction between buildings and environment and maximum attention to thermal comfort and indoor humidity.

[pic] [pic]

The most significant technological element is the roof that is made of a wooden frame covered with boron salts and natural wax and clay tiles with the roof covering made of clay tiles. [11]

The insulation is made from natural materials, panels, and wood fiber with added latex emulsion for thermal and acoustic insulation.

The waterproofing sheath is made of breathable Tyvek fleece or similar eco-sustainable types.

Other sustainable ideas the resort uses are: storage tanks to collect rain water for non-potable usage (WC, washing machines, irrigation); organic herbal water purification; natural air conditioning supplemented by radiant type cooling system; radiant heating to reduce energy requirements; maximum use of daylight in the winter months; installation of large wooden pergolas to reduce direct sunlight in the summer months. [11]



Paint is a very inexpensive and easy way to spruce up (värskendada) the interior of any room, very quickly but you must know the condition of the wall, how to paint and the amount of paint needed.

The choice of the paints: paint is available in thousands of colors and a variety of different textures (tekstuur), sheens (läige) and coats. There are so many changing choices in the trend but one must be clear what the paint will look like. [8]

• The shine determines the brightness the paint will exhibit on your walls or ceiling.

• The less the shine of the paint, the minimum is the glare (silmipimestav) or the reflection (peegeldus).

• The shine of the coat (kiht) hides the small imperfection (ebatäiused) but are difficult to clean and maintain.

• Paints also come in mat finish (mattviimistlus) which is easier to clean and reflection is not there.

• Semi gloss paint (poolmatt) is the perfect paint for children's rooms, kitchens and bathrooms because of their durability (kestvus).

• The enamels (email) are used for painting wooden surfaces. [8]

The condition of the walls determines (määrama) the amount of colour needed and the finish. Here are some points to take care of:

• If the walls are never painted before, they will soak up (niisutama) a large amount of paint if applied directly, thus a coat of primer should always be used as the base coat. It also gives you a smoother finish.

• If your walls have already been painted, use a paint scraper to remove any loose or chipped old paint. [8]

• Fill any drywall holes with spackling compound too. Clean dirt off your painting surface.

• Hardware and paint stores carry stain blocking products you can spray or brush on.

How to determine the quantity of the paint needed: the right amount of paint needed requires a skill and should be purchased carefully.

• To estimate your ceiling paint multiply the length of the ceiling times the width. This will give you the area. [8]


Next, divide the area by 350 to determine how many gallons of paint you will need. Where did we come up with the number 350? Most gallons of paint will cover 350 square feet! To estimate the wall paint needed, add together the length of each wall then multiply the sum by the wall height.


You can even subtract 20 square feet for each door and 15 square feet for each window in the room. Divide the final figure by 350 as shown above to tell you the number of gallons to purchase. [8]



There are plenty of tricks with colour that can be used to enhance (parandama) the size of rooms in a house. Careful use of colour can offer a simple, but effective way of making a home feel cosier (hubasem). Follow these design rules to transform (muutma) an existing living space into a dream home. [10]

To make a room appear (väljanägema) larger:

• Choose colours from the cool end of the colour wheel (värvikaart).

• Paint all surfaces (pinnad) the same colour.

• Keep flooring dark and walls light, the floor space will appear to expand (laiendama).

• A low ceiling will appear higher if painted a lighter shade (toon) than the walls or put some moldings (borde) up and paint them a darker shade than the ceiling.

• Use the deepest tone (toon) of colour near to the floor and the lightest shade on the ceiling. This will give the illusion of space. Try it the other way around to see how a room can be made to look smaller.

• Large pieces of furniture (mööbel) will appear smaller if they are the same colour as the walls.

• A small room doesn't have to be painted in light colours. Emphasize (rõhutama) its cosiness by painting it a midnight blue or deep red. [10]

To make a room appear cosier:

• Choose colours from the warm side of the colour wheel.

• A sunny yellow will 'heat up' a room, but don't go overboard (“liiale minema”), complement (täienda) it with a white ceiling and woodwork to keep it looking fresh.

• A warmer shade used on the ceiling will bring the height of a room down and make it feel cosier.

• When using bright colours such as orange and red, remember to maintain (hoidma) balance by keeping the floor and carpet neutral. [10]

Other tricks:

• The far end of a long corridor will seem closer if painted in a darker shade.

• In a long corridor-like room, paint the two shorter end walls in a slightly darker (natuke tumedam) shade to make the room appear squarer. [10]

5. 2. 5. 2. NATURAL PAINTS


Imagine a house with colours that are resplendent, warm, intense, pure, tenuous and transparent – a house that breathes and “inspires” its inhabitants. It is easy to create harmonic, homey and lively spaces with natural colours, varnishes and paints.

Colours can be a mirror of the soul. The wise knowledge of their nature can reveal their effect on the human being. [9]

Elicona SAS (Italy) is a commercial company that furnishes natural products for bio-architecture and restoration of historical buildings.

Natural paints offer a vital and valid way of living for the human being in its wholeness, they enhance a healthy ambience and environment for both the building and the inhabitants.

The raw materials are strictly vegetal and mineral, completely petrol-free and without harmful chemicals. [9]

The wall paintings are easy to apply on any kind of background (plasters made of lime or clay, chalk panels, cement, etc.), both indoors and outdoors. There are paintings based on oils and vegetal resins, and others based on lime in addition to fine natural binders such as milk, egg white and yolk, following ancient recipes.

[pic] [pic] [pic]

For wall finishes Elicona SAS also offers several options: stucco, fine plasters, marble-similes, encaustics, matte finishes, etc. [9]

With different natural colours such as coloured earths, mineral and vegetal pigments, prepared on oil or water basis, this company can obtain astonishing chromatic effects.

Even for wood treatments natural varnishes give a wide choice: stains, oils, finishes, waxes and impregnations for any kind of wooden surface, both indoors and outdoors. Products that protect from moulds, woodworms, fluctuations in temperature, rain and sunlight.

Elicona SAS natural waxes, lacquers and enamels are perfect on floors, windows, doors and pieces of furniture made of wood, as well as for cotto floors, stone and metal surfaces. [9]

Did you find any unknown words? Which ones?

How did you understand words cotto floors? Can you explain them to your classmates?


1. Killers V. K. Latviešu-angļu, angļu-latviešu ilustrētā būvniecības terminu vārdnīca. – R.: Avots, 203 lpp.; il.

2. Kremptone Z. TIME TO TALK. – R.: Zvaigzne ABC, 52 lpp.; il.

3. Angļu-latviešu vārdnīca bildēs. – R.: Zvaigzne ABC, 360 lpp.; il.

4. Pipes A. Foundations of Art and Design. – London.: Laurence King Publishing Ltd, 2003, 272 pages.







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