Internet Marketing Strategy for Namshi

Bahrain Polytechnic14Internet Marketing Strategy for NamshiBSB6102 – Digital MarketingDone by: Eyad Alansari 201100251 Submitted to: Darren MorrisTable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc403608144 \h 2Company Background PAGEREF _Toc403608145 \h 3Business model PAGEREF _Toc403608146 \h 3Profile of Target Market PAGEREF _Toc403608147 \h 3Acquisition Strategy PAGEREF _Toc403608148 \h 5Search Engine Optimization (SEO) PAGEREF _Toc403608149 \h 5Retention Strategies PAGEREF _Toc403608150 \h 10Website Performance PAGEREF _Toc403608151 \h 10Email Marketing PAGEREF _Toc403608152 \h 19Social Media PAGEREF _Toc403608153 \h 23References PAGEREF _Toc403608154 \h 25Executive Summary Namshi is one of the leading e-commerce sites and online shopping destinations in the Middle-East. Throughout the 3 years journey of Namshi since 2011, it has developed a strong position in the market. Online shopping has increased hugely, especially in the Middle-East, which represented a strong factor of the success of the company. Namshi targets-the Middle-East, especially-the-GCC. Approximately 50% of Namshi’s potential customers are-from-Saudi-Arabia. Moreover, Namshi has succeeded-to-build-an-effective-Online Marketing-Strategy-by-applying-many-Acquisition-and-Retention Strategies-effectively. Search Engine Optimization is a vital Acquisition strategy that Namshi applies effectively. But Namshi can decrease the cost of advertisement by removing the Paid Search link on Google.Another recommendation-for-Namsh-to-continue-being-a-successful-online-shopping-site-is by changing/adding-some-elements in-the-retention-strategies-that-it applies. Some minor change- to-the-Website,-Emails-and-Twitter-account-would-increase-the-effectiveness-of-such-elements. This report is an analyses that included the Company’s Background, Business Model, Target Market, Acquisition and Retention Strategies with Commendations and RecommendationsCompany Background Namshi is an online-business e-commerce site based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The co-founders of Namshi are Husam Arab ,Faraz Khalid, Hisham Zarka. Rocket Internet, an internet firm based in Berlin is the first funder of Namshi. Namshi focuses on fashion and footwear and is considered one of the top online clothing and footwear destinations in the middle-east. The company does not own any tangible retail shops; they offer brands which are only provided through their website. (Curley, 2013) Business modelA business model is the actual structure and the foundation of the business. Moreover, it is how the company generates and delivers their products/services. Business model is a mechanism of business revenue and how the business actually makes money. Namshi is a company that applies several business models through its website, which are Broker(B2C) and Subscription. But-the-main-applied-business-model-by-Namshi-on-the-website is “Broker(B2C)”.The-main-aim-of-the-website-is-to-make-the-customer-order-to-generate revenue, and at the same time another type-of-business-model-is-applied-which-is signing up/subscribing to receive emails regarding the alerts about the latest sales and discounts, this other type of business model is called “Subscription”. ("Business Model Definition | Investopedia," n.d.)Profile of Target MarketBased on the statistics found, the main target markets of Namshi are the Middle East and North African region. The rapid increase in the number of customers ordering clothes and footwear online in those regions has motivated the co-founders of Namshi to establish such business and target these specific markets. To be precise, the GCC and other countries like Egypt and India are the main targets of Namshi. Based on the statistics shown in appendix 1; Saudi Arabia is the most profitable target as the number of visitors of Namshi’s website from Saudi Arabia is approximately 50% of the total number of visitors. ("Marketing Grader by HubSpot," 2014)There are many competitors in the market like “Sukar” and “Marka VIP” , but the only competitor that could be considered strong enough is MarkaVIP. The Jordanian company is considered the main competitor of Namshi in the region it targets. ("Google," 2014)Another competitor that has rapidly expanded after the recent multi million dollars invested in it, is a website called “” that sells Muslims fashion. It is a competitor to be considered due to the amount of muslims in the region and the uniqueness of their products that might attract the current customers of Namshi. (Alexa, n.d.)SegmentationThe-segmentation-type-that-Namshi-applies-is-Demographic-Segmentation. It-is-noticeable-that-Nmashi-is-applying-this-strategy-to-segment-its-target-audience-because-it-seperates-the clothing-and-footwear-range-of-products-in-its-website-based-on-Gender-and-Age-mostly. ("4 Types of Market Segmentation | Marketing Flexibility," n.d.)Acquisition StrategySearch Engine Optimization (SEO)Search Engine Optimization is the method of acquisition regarding making a website or web page visible on the search engines. There are many famous search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. (Search Engine Land, n.d.)SEO is another naming for an Organic,Natural or Un-paid search. Organic Search ResultPaid Search Result (PPC)User’s KeywordResults when typing “Namshi” in Google, the Organic search link lays directly under the Paid Search Link. Which means that Namshi’s organic search ranks first in the Organic search category. ("Google," 2014)Keywords:-The Number One typed Keyword to find Namshi on the search Engines is ( ???? ), Namshi in Arabic. The percentage of Traffic that those keywords are causing are the highest in comparison with the rest of the keywords. An important reason behind the company name being searched in Arabic language through the search engines is because-approximately-50%-of-the-potential-customers-are-from-Saudi-Arabia. Saudi’s-are well-known-to-have-Arabic-as-their-first-language-through-social-media’s-and-other-technological-platforms. ("SEO," n.d.)Organic Search ResultPaid Search Result (PPC)User’s KeywordAs the statistics articulate that “???? “ (Namshi in Arabic) is the most used keyword to search for Namshi, it is important to note that the company’s Paid Search lays at the top and right below that is the Organic Search. These-factors-indicate-that-both-“Namshi”-(in English)-and” ????”-(in Arabic)-are-the-main Keywords-used-to-search-for-Namshi-through-Google. The Spider:-A-spider-is considered-as the data-collector-of-the search-engines. The-Spider-visits-websites-and gathers relevant-data-based-on-the-keyword searched-for-in-the-search-engines. The Spider does not read images or videos, it only reads data and Meta tags. (Alexander, n.d.)-657225408940Total-Number-of-the-word “Namshi”-included-in-the-homepageNamshi’s website Homepage Meta tags:-Keyword-included-as-Meta-TagThe-screenshot-above-shows-the-number-of-keywords included-as-Meta Tags-in the homepage. The-total-number-of-the-keyword-“Namshi”-included-is-251. Meta-Tags-in-pictures-and-hyperlinks:-“Namshi”, the keyword included as Meta TagTotal-number-of-keyword “Namshi”-included-as-Meta-tags of-the-pictureThese are not only pictures with links, Namshi has included the main keywords as meta tags for each picture which makes the spider directly gather information and link searches on search engines towards Namshi’s website. This illustrates the main reason behind the success of the SEO (Organic Search) results of Namshi in the largest and strongest Search Engine(Google). Keywords are used effectively all around the website which makes the spider read it. Recommendations:- It is recommended that Namshi stops the Paid search method ( Pay-Per-Click ) because the Organic Search is effective enough and only ranks second because the first link is paid. The organic search looks professional enough and includes the right and most suitable keywords. Thus, remove the Paid search and keep on using the appropriate keywords for the stability of the ranking of the organic search link. Retention StrategiesWebsite Performance Value: All the landing pages are relevant to what the customer is asking for, there are no pages that customer click links to land on which include images of products or tasks that are irrelevant to the title of the page. The value to the customer when viewing Namshi’s website is high due to how this website is designed. All the required content and functions related are clearly set in places where customers need them. The most essential contents/functions can be found on Namshi’s homepage which are prioritized/displayed in a way that the viewer will find no difficulties to spot. Thus, all the customer needs can be found on Namshi’s homepage.Recommendation: It is recommended that Namshi involves the customer in a task that might be of their interest. A way of doing that is by making the customer customize their own outfit from the 550 Brands that Namshi provides through their website. The naming could be “Customize Your Outfit”. That would add a sense of Value.Navigation: While browsing through Namshi’s website, the feeling of ease-of-navigation is acquired. This is because of the method of Categorizing and Sub-categorizing of products products through their website. Categories on Homepage:-Gender All the CategoriesBased on DemandBased-on-DemandWhen clicking on one of these images/hyperlinks, for instance the Adidas shoes, the full collection of Messi’s Adidas shoes are displayed and ready to be reviewed and purchased. Recommendation: As we can see through the categorizing that all the items are logically analyzed at the top of the homepage but when we reach to the group of picture in the middle, it looks somehow illogical as it’s a complex mixture of brands and general naming (Shop COLLECTION, SPORTSWEAR, SWAROVSKI, LATEST, SALE) This might represent a confusion and might need to be displayed with appropriate categorizing based on only Brands (Adidas, Swarovski, etc), or Categories (Sale, Latest). Presentation:-The site could be viewed in English and Arabic.The language used in the website is simple, there are no complex words. Moreover, the site is not flooded with Words or Images, it is clearly designed in a way that makes it easy for the customers to understand and scan. The-Spacing-in-the-website-is-not-too close neither wide. There-is no-difficulty-in-the-process-of-scanning-the-website-due-to-the-legible-and-clear-layout-and-formatting-of-the-content. Interactivity: On-the-top Always-on-the-right-bottom-of-the-page-while-scrollingDirect-Phone-Number-of-Customer-ServiceBottom of the pageDirect-Chat-option-fixedDirect-Phone-Number-and-EmailThe-customer can contact-the customer service-by-Calling, Sending-an Email-or-Direct-Chat. Thus, interactivity-between-the-customer-and Namshi-is regarding inquiries-only. Recommendation: Above/Below the Fold: The scrolling process to view the full homepage is considered moderate. It is suggested to include smaller size of images or use the empty space on the sides to decrease the content below the fold. The-Golden-Triangle-is-not-taken-into-consideration-because-there-is-no-navigation-on-the-top left-of-the-page-of-the-homepage (Only-on-the-other-pages-after-clicking-on-one-of-the-options on top like “New Arrivals”-“Men”-“Women” ). The Breadcrumbs work perfectly and the logo is a link to the homepage on every page of the website. But a mini navigation box on the homepage is a requirement on the top left as customers hand-eye coordination lays directly on the Top left area of a website as soon as it opens. Trust:-Namshi’s website could be 100% trusted due to the factors that support this element. No-fake-items Some-customers-might-feel-uncomfortable-to-buy-from-websites-due-to-branding-dishonesty, but reading these lines would give-a-sense-of-trust-to-the-viewer. Payment-Before-or-AfterA-trustful-relationship-could-be-built-between-the-customer-and-Namshi-as a result of offering this option. A customer feels that Namshi trusts him/her thus resulting in building a trustful relationship.Vital-Privacy/Security-Policies-and Terms-&-ConditionsImportant-Privacy/Security-policies-and-T&C-links-are-available-under-the-customer-service category-at-the-bottom-of-the-homepage. All the relevant details of the customers’ privacy are included in the landing page after clicking on “Privacy”. The returns policy page details, where the customer can know how and the period of time to return any unsatisfactory purchase including the terms and conditions of this process.The official contact details of the Department of Economic Development that are responsible of the consumer rights appear when pointing on the word “Consumer Rights. Verified-Signs-of-official-payments methods/SecurityAs we can see above is a screenshot of the most trusted methods of payment that include highest types of securities. The customer can order anything and pay by any of the methods without having the fear of frauds or other security issues. All the personal information included in the website remains private.The above factors are the elements that give the customer a sense of trust throughout the process of viewing, choosing and purchasing any of the offered items. Shopzilla Quality FactorsThe-Shopzilla-Quality-factors-with-their-ratings-are included in the table above. Note: Ratings are done based on personal experience. Email MarketingNamshi focuses a lot on this Retention strategy. One email is send per day by Namshi to all the subscribers and most of the emails are at either 8am-8.03am or 9am-9.03am. Those statistics are actually from my point of view as this is how frequent based on quantity and timings of email I receive on a daily bases. The choice of timing is perfect because most of the people open their emails in the morning. Effective content of Emails sent:-Opt-outSubject/TitleDate/TimeSourcePersonalization Content of the emailContent Bottom of each email Complete SurveyOpt-outMotives to orderGet/Contact/InteractNamshi has done a great professional job in setting the design and content of the emails it sends its subscribers. The structure, format and design of the email, covers all the important elements as shown above in the screenshots effectively. The title of the email is attractive; the branding and the images, links and landing pages included are clear and relevant to the title of the email. Trust factors such as the source of the email (From/To) are clear. Namshi not only aims to sell through their emails, but also give the customer the options of interactivity in different methods like calling or social media and also the option of Unsubscribing(Opt-out) to avoid receiving emails. Level of permission:Newsletter option box already tickedPermission Based method of sending newsletters or any promotions on your personal email.The box is ticked “Opt-in” which the customer needs to “Opt-out” to avoid receiving email from Namshi. The customer receives a 10% the moment he/she completes the signing-up process through an email. There is no Confirmed/Double Opt-in option in the email sent after signing up.Recommendation: Some subscribers to the newsletter might not feel comfortable with receiving an email on a daily bases. It is recommended that Namshi provides the option of “How Frequent would you like to receive emails?” as it will strengthen the factor of level of permission and limits the percentage of a customer deleting the email without opening it. Social Media Namshi has been active on twitter since November 2011. The total number of Namshi’s followers is 114,546 and it has 25,811 Tweets. ("Namshi ???? ???? | Follower & Following Twitter Statistics & Metrics | Social Bakers," 2014)The screenshot above is of a chart that shows the average increase of Namshi’s followers on Twitter on a daily bases for a specific period of time (2Weeks). It is noticeable that approximately the number of followers is increasing by 2000 weekly. Thus, it is considered a moderate average increase in the number of followers. Effective Engagement and Interaction:- The cancellation process, as soon as Namshi received the order code number from the customer took 27 Minutes only. Namshi is doing a great job in using their Twitter account effectively by serving the customers in many ways like cancelling the orders as shown above, replying on enquiries and tweeting about their products based on trends in Arabic and English. Authentic Language is used, which means that the replies from Namshi to the tweets from the followers that tag Namshi are personalized, it makes the customers comfortable because interactivity is not done with a machine/computer but with an employee. ("Tweets with replies by Namshi ???? ???? (@NamshiDotCom) | Twitter," 2014)Recommendation: The number of the accounts that Namshi is following is low in comparison with the number of Followers. It is recommended that Namshi starts following more accounts as this will lead to reaching more accounts and increase the chances of having more followers. Word Count: 2,247 References4 Types of Market Segmentation | Marketing Flexibility. (n.d.). Retrieved from . (n.d.). Site Overview. Retrieved from . (n.d.). Spider Facts - 6 Tips About How Search Engine Spiders Work. Retrieved from . (2013, January 3). e-Commerce Entrepreneurs in the Middle East - - TFOUR.ME | TFOUR.ME. Retrieved from Model Definition | Investopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from . (2013, May 13). Namshi raises $13m, its third round in 8 months. Is it burning cash or stockpiling? Retrieved from . (2014, November 2). Retrieved from . (2014, February 5). Mideast Fashion Startups in Vogue This Season - Middle East Real Time - WSJ. Retrieved from Grader by HubSpot. (2014, April 11). Retrieved from Shorts - Shorts Online Shopping in Manama, other cities - Bahrain. (n.d.). Retrieved from | CrunchBase. (2014). Retrieved from ???? ???? | Follower & Following Twitter Statistics & Metrics | Social Bakers. (2014). Retrieved from . (2014, October 9). Gmail. Retrieved from Engine Land. (n.d.). What Is SEO / Search Engine Optimization? Retrieved from Keyword Ranking Report. (2012). Retrieved from . (n.d.). Retrieved from with replies by Namshi ???? ???? (@NamshiDotCom) | Twitter. (2014, November 12). Retrieved from of Meta Tags:- view-source: view-source: of Personal Email: ................

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