“Between the Wars”: World History Newspaper Assignment

“Between the Wars”: World History Newspaper Assignment

Your assignment: You and a partner are going to create a newspaper from one of the following locations: USSR, United States, China, Japan, Italy, Germany, or India from within the interwar time period (1919-1939). You are to use information from the textbook (reference chapters 14 and 15). Your newspaper must include the following:

1) A top story about a key event that occurred in your country. Be sure to include significant personalities, causes of the event, effects of the event, and quotations (fictitious but historically accurate).

2) A letter to the editor discussing one of the following topics in which you express and defend an opinion (choose the topic that best applies to your country):

a. Impact of new technology

b. Inflation

c. The Great Depression

d. The Stock Market Crash

e. Fascism

f. Nazism

g. Imperialism in Asia

h. Nationalism

3) A provocative original political cartoon. The topic of this political cartoon can be on one of the aforementioned topics, or any other topic that is covered in the chapters and you believe is applicable. Include an explanation of the political cartoon to ensure the readers understand your message as all political cartoons convey a message or opinion. Explain the artist’s choice in terms of visuals, symbols, text, and so on.

As this is a collaborative assignment, it is up to the editorial staff to fairly distribute the assignment. You will have a limited time to complete this assignment. Quality and efficiency are essential to running a successful newspaper and succeeding on this assignment. The stories should be thorough, well written, and factually correct as well as interesting and informative to read.

Assignment Summary: This is worth two homework grades; each element is worth 10 points.

1) Top Story

2) Letter to the Editor

3) Political Cartoon


1) One page in newspaper format with unique name for your paper.

2) Correct grammar, usage, and spelling

3) Factually correct information


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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