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Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Careers

What comes to mind when you think of transportation? Trains, planes and automobiles, of course! But there is so much more to the world of transportation than just moving people and materials from one location to another. Someone has to decide how products are distributed and logistics worked out as to how to make this happen. Distribution is the business of planning and implementing how goods are moved around, usually from the producer to the consumer – by air, rail, water, pipeline, cable or space. Logistics has more to do with managing the flow of goods, supplies, resources, information, people and energy from the source to the user.

Transportation, distribution and logistics careers involve planning, building, operating and maintaining such things as roads, ports, pipelines, airports, bus terminals, warehouses, canals and train stations, as well as operating buses, trains, spacecraft, cars, trucks, planes, boats and helicopters. Transportation also includes inventory control, warehousing, material-handling and packaging.

Occupations in the transportation, distribution, and logistics career cluster include pilots, truck drivers, and various types of mechanics, engineers and drivers. Given the wide variety of job opportunities, it is no surprise that approximately 228,000 people in the upper Texas Gulf Coast region (which includes Austin, Brazoria, Chambers, Colorado, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Matagorda, Montgomery, Wharton, Walker, and Waller counties) make a living this way. You can find jobs at one-person shops and at large international corporations in both rural and urban settings. If you have an interest in keeping things moving, there is probably a job and an environment for you.

As in many fields, the top-paying jobs in transportation, distribution and logistics tend to require the most education. It is possible, however, to earn a decent wage without obtaining a four-year degree. These jobs include truck drivers, mechanics, and heavy equipment operators.

You can begin to prepare for your future in transportation, distribution, and logistics now. Many high schools offer career and technology courses related to this cluster and some have programs that will help you earn a certificate in the field while you are in school. In transportation, distribution, and logistics, possible certifications include Advanced Engine Performance Specialist, HazMatU, NATE Certification for Automotive Technician, and Public Safety Telecommunicator I.

So where do you go to learn more about specific occupations in this cluster? Try the internet. You can find lots of good information there. Also, the Gulf Coast Workforce Board has developed a couple of resources for career planning. One is a “Focus On” series of short profiles of high growth industries and occupations in demand in the Gulf Coast region. They are designed to help students and parents plan for the future, . Also check out the Texas Education Agency’s Achieve Texas site, , which provides information and suggested courses of study for specific occupations. Finally, know that the U.S. Department of Labor has lots of great career information, including short videos illustrating what different jobs are really like, .

For more specific information on the local transportation, distribution, and logistics market, check out the following chart. It will tell you how many people are employed in different jobs and the wages people can expect to earn in these jobs.

In the chart below, highlighted occupations are considered High-Skill/High-Growth Occupations – those that pay well and have considerable opportunities for employment now and in the future.



Sources: U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics and Texas Workforce Commission

1 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Codes refer to a standardized coding system to categorize occupations. To find out more about an occupation, you can go to , enter the SOC code, and look at a complete description of an occupation.

2 Total average openings include total job openings due to both growth and replacements. Job openings due to growth are created by increases in the total number of people employed in an occupation. Job openings due to net replacement estimate the need in existing jobs as workers vacate, change jobs, or leave the labor force.

3 Wage data for this occupation are not available.

| |9th Grade |10th Grade |11th Grade |12th Grade |

| |English I |English II |English III |English IV |

| |Algebra I |Geometry |Algebra II |Math Elective |

| |Biology I |IPC or Chemistry |Chemistry or Physics |Science Elective - Lab-based |

| |World Geography |World History |US History |Economics/Government |

| |Required Electives |Required Electives |Required Electives |Required Electives |

| |PE, Health, Fine Arts, Foreign Language, |PE, Health, Fine Arts, Foreign Language, |PE, Health, Fine Arts, Foreign Language, |PE, Health, Fine Arts, Foreign Language, Communication|

| |Communication Application, or Technology |Communication Application, or Technology |Communication Application, or Technology |Application, or Technology Applications |

| |Applications |Applications |Applications | |

| | | | | |

| |____________________ | | |____________________ |

| | |____________________ |____________________ | |

| |Required Electives |Required Electives |Career Electives |Career Electives |

| |PE, Health, Fine Arts, Foreign Language, |PE, Health, Fine Arts, Foreign Language, |Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Career |Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Career |

| |Communication Application, or Technology |Communication Application, or Technology |Elective or Language (distinguished) |Elective or Language (distinguished) |

| |Applications |Applications | | |

| | | | | |

| |____________________ | | | |

| | |____________________ |______________________ |____________________ |

| |Required Electives |Career Electives |Career Electives |Career Electives |

| |PE, Health, Fine Arts, Foreign Language, |Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Career |Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Career |Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Career |

| |Communication Application, or Technology |Elective |Elective |Elective |

| |Applications | | | |

| | | | | |

| |____________________ | | | |

| | |_____________________ |______________________ |____________________ |

|Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Career Cluster Elective Courses approved by the Texas Education Agency are Listed on Page 6. |

Learner Name ______________________________________ Date _____________________________________

Learner Signature __________________________________ Advisor Signature _________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature _________________________

Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Career Cluster Career Elective Courses

Aerospace Aviation Technology I

Aerospace Aviation Technology II

Aircraft Mechanics I

Aircraft Mechanics II

Aircraft Mechanics III

Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology I

Automotive .Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology II

Automotive .Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology III

Automotive Specialization

Automotive Technician I

Automotive Technician II

Automotive Technician III

Diesel Mechanics I

Diesel Mechanics II

Diesel Mechanics III

Energy, Power, and Transportation Systems

Hydraulics and Pneumatics

Intro. To Transportation. Services Careers

Marine Engine Repair I

Marine Engine Repair II

Marine Related Occupations

Small Engine Repair I

Small Engine Repair II

Transportation Service Technician


Recommended Plan _____

Distinguished Achievement Plan ____


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